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Improvement to riven mods system


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Iv been playing the game for a long time now and since i had my first riven until now i havent gotten a single goood riven like 25+ all trash some of the weapons i didnt know even existed the rng is so broken i spent 30 min trying to complete a riven mission then i get rewarded with sm so doodoo i cant use or either sell im not being salty this thing didnt happen once or twice every single time from heat daggers to kunais to some weird zaws names . 

Things should be like this the harder the mission u complete the better the reward u get or at least we should be able to rerole 4 stupid rivens into a better one instantly without the need of (i forgot its name) things would good for everyone prices for riven mods wont be crazy "9k lanka riven" everyone have a higher chance to get what he wants and everyone is happy . PLS De take a closer look at how broken the riven system is 

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Crazy prices exist because Riven Mods are monopolies upon themselves and whales are compelled to purchase these rare items for collection and/or performance. The only issue I have with the Riven system is disposition. Riven disposition has no consistency and makes little sense. 

The RNG is fine as it is, but we could use more content that makes these mods appealing. Right now, they are icing on the cake. We should not change Riven Mods to be easier to get good stats, and that request is unimaginable given the income and stimulation produced by these items.

Edited by Voltage
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Most Zaws are pretty good if not great right now, and you probably got rivens for a few other good weapons that you think are trash because you didn't do enough research. Maybe tell us what you got and we can tell you if any are good. Otherwise you can sell them in bulk as trash rivens and make a little bit of plat. 

I agree riven transmutes shouldn't be locked behind Eidolons though. 

Edited by 420-chan
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8 hours ago, iheboiasli707 said:

I didnt say improve the status i dont wanna waste my time trying to complete a riven mission to end up getting an unknown weapon

So in other words, you want to influence or straight up decide what Riven you get. Very unlikely to happen.

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9 minutes ago, iman00700 said:

No one even want my rivens for free and im out of space

Then dissimilate the riven mods for endo, give then to clanmates/new players, or sell them for credits to the in game system. Also, there's riven.market which trades riven mods, and warframe.market will trade vieled riven mods. 

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1 hour ago, Ekemeister said:

Then dissimilate the riven mods for endo, give then to clanmates/new players, or sell them for credits to the in game system. Also, there's riven.market which trades riven mods, and warframe.market will trade vieled riven mods. 

I tried riven market

I told clan/alliance if they want and all said no

All of them are +14mr rank so new players use them

Tnx for info

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You'd be surprised what weapons enter the viable to overpowered ranges from a Riven; you should try them out more instead of dismissing them.

But being able to choose exactly what weapon a Riven is for would just create more issues (unless we get an actively dynamic disposition system, probably) since too many people would farm Rivens for the current "most overpowered" weapons.

Also if you're able to get enough Rivens to be wanting to transmute them then you're more than capable of going through some Tridolons. And once you do a few Hydrolyst captures you'll never want to see a Transmuter again.

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Problem is that the backlash of changing anything about rivens right now would be insane.

The only way I see it is for DE to offer a horrible solution to be implemented in 6 months or so, the community to lash out, on a proposed change, instead of lashing out to a given fact, DE offer progressively better solutions, community calms down and eventually agrees to said changes.


DE: We remove rivens in 6 months

Community slaughters a goat, drains its blood and starts chanting, mentioning the letters  S, t, e, v, e  in that particular order is considered blasphemy

DE: Rivens remain, but all will be with 1 disposition

Community has forgone ancient ritualistic murder and now only burns DE banners, also buys merch to burn it to teach DE a lesson

DE: All rivens will be with 3 disposition and will replace endo in sorties

Community grudgingly sharpens its knife, denying to admit to itself it's not gonna use it, secretly enjoying the idea of Aterax with a disposition of 3

DE: Riven disposition will be reevaluated and will replace endo in sorties

Community puts the knife away, shrugs and accepts it. Except for those that managed to omit the entire ordeal and bought a 1k plat riven the day before.

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23 hours ago, Voltage said:

Riven disposition has no consistency and makes little sense

In some few ocasions, even if does not make sence, for me it does. I allways loved a lot the Shaku Melee and got a enormous luck with a riven mod. This Melee I felt a bit low in damagea dn speed but after got the Riven I've noticed that has a high disposition. That makes this melee almost with a god build, I mean only a zaw is better than this weapon, from my experience. 
comparing with Lanka (high damage weapon) U have 3 dispositions. So for me, maybe a stupid opinion I assume that the dispositions are made to elevante lower weapons with high disposition, and not that great disposition in high DPS weapons.

Maybe I'm wrong but this is what I got in the chaos of the Riven universe. not that easy to understand the whole of Rivens even with tons of posts explaining them.

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the problem is two-fold.  the tiberon and the tiberon Prime both share disposition despite the prime having significantly better stats that combined with buffs and no change to the disposition makes for some weird broken weapons.  the second is the all the layers of rng in the riven and the number of variables associated.  a simplification of the riven system could greatly improve it.  

By tying disposition to the gun and then making the stats on the riven a static value that is multiplied by the disposition multiplier. this would reduce the riven variables to 5 1 for weapon 4 for stats.  the weapons would have a number .5-1.5 attached to them which changes the riven's final stats.  
IE if a riven roles with +90% elemental damage and the gun has a 1 disposition the final stat = .9*.5=.45->+45% elemental damage  but if the same gun also has a 5 disposition variant then 90*1.5=135%  this lets the prime have a lower disposition than the standard or syndicate version without hampering the normal version

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