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Fortuna - Twitch Drops Campaign!


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About 6.5 days worth of watching and these were my drop rates.
With how rare some of the mid tier stuff seemed to be for me, and with that amount of time watching, I can't imagine what the base drop rate for the high tier (i.e. the Warframes) was set to. Even watched the dev stream this morning and still haven't received the poster 7 hours later 😕

Reward drop                      Received             Drop %                 Earned


Credit Caches                    82                           51.90%                  $615,000

Grand Finale                      30                           18.99% 

Glyph                                 17                           10.76% 

Lith C3 Relic                        5                              3.16%   

Axi C3 Relic                         7                              4.43%   

Neo K2 Relic                       6                              3.80%   

Meso T3 Relic                     1                              0.63%   

Rifle Riven                           0                              0.00%   

Oxium                                  1                              0.63%                    100

Cetus Wisp                          2                              1.27%   

Nitain Extract                       6                              3.80%   

Ambulus Noggle                  0                              0.00%   

Khora Delphi Helmet
Blueprint                             1                              0.63%   

Khora                                  0                              0.00%   

Nidus                                   0                              0.00%   



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Reward drop                      Received             Drop %                 Earned


Credit Caches                    85                           55.92%                  637,500

Grand Finale                      25                           16.44% 

Glyph                                 14                              9.21% 

Lith C3 Relic                        5                              3.29%   

Axi C3 Relic                         2                              1.32%   

Neo K2 Relic                       6                              3.95%   

Meso T3 Relic                     1                              0.66%   

Rifle Riven                           0                              0.00%   

Oxium                                  0                              0.00%                   

Cetus Wisp                          2                              1.32%   

Nitain Extract                       6                              3.95%   

Ambulus Noggle                  3                              1.85%   

Khora Delphi Helmet
Blueprint                             3                              1.97%   

Khora                                  0                              0.00%   

Nidus                                   0                              0.00%   



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My final tally

Drops # %
Credits 95 64.2%
Grand Finale 25 16.9%
Glyph 13 8.8%
Neo K2 5 3.4%
Cetus Wisp 4 2.7%
Axi C3 2 1.4%
Khora Delphi Helmet 1 0.7%
Meso T3 1 0.7%
Nitain 1 0.7%
Oxium 1 0.7%
Ambulas Noggle 0 0.0%
Khora 0 0.0%
Lith C3 0 0.0%
Nidus 0 0.0%
Riven 0 0.0%
Total Drops 148 100.0%
Potential Drops 166  
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Between the lack of drops for many players and the absymal quality of drops for the others I'd say this campaign has been a great damage for the company - next time how many players will even bother with the streams?

I don't agree with many self-entitled players that stomp feet because they didn't receive what they wanted, but the hard data show that really much of the promised drops are so low in chance that they can be safely discarded as "not existing". That is bound to hurt company reputation and the success of subsequent campaigns in the long run.

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Reward drop                      Received             Drop %                 Earned


Credit Caches                    46                           58.97%                  345,000

Grand Finale                      14                           17.95% 

Glyph                                 10                            12.82% 

Lith C3 Relic                        0                             0.00%   

Axi C3 Relic                         1                              1.28%   

Neo K2 Relic                       2                              2.56%   

Meso T3 Relic                     0                              0.00%   

Rifle Riven                           0                              0.00%   

Oxium                                  1                              1.28%                   

Cetus Wisp                          1                              1.28%   

Nitain Extract                       0                              0.00%   

Ambulus Noggle                  1                              1.28%   

Khora Delphi Helmet
Blueprint                             2                              2.56%   

Khora                                  0                              0.00%   

Nidus                                   0                              0.00%   



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Okay, since you guys were so adamant about posting even more data, here are my updated stats:

  • 7500 Credits - 1679 (56.23%)
  • Grand Finale - 540 (18.08%)
  • Display Glyph - 325 (10.88%)
  • Lith C3 - 51 (1.71%)
  • Meso T3 - 42 (1.41%)
  • Neo K2 - 66 (2.21%)
  • Axi C3 - 53 (1.77%)
  • Nitain - 69 (2.31%)
  • Oxium - 31 (1.04%)
  • Cetus Wisp - 66 (2.21%)
  • Ambulas Noggle - 23 (0.77%)
  • Khora Delphi Helmet Blueprint - 35 (1.17%)
  • Khora Warframe - 2 (0.07%)
  • Nidus Warframe - 2 (0.07%)
  • Rifle Riven - 2 (0.07%)

Total: 2986


Only miniscule changes after all. I guess the actal droprates for the warframes are closer to ~ 0.05%, which would only measure up to < 8% chance of getting either of them (or the riven), if you hit 160 drops - which was roughly the maximum number you could in theory achieve?. That means that in average (and keep in mind, this is just statistics), there's a 92% of NOT receiving one of them.


Additional stats on drop chances of warframes and rivens. This displays the chance of NOT getting one of them after X drops:

160  -  92,31%
140  -  93,24%
120  -  94,18%
100  -  95,12%
  80  -  96,08%

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Reward drop                      Received             Drop %                 Earned


Credit Caches                    53                           53.54%                  397,500 credits

Grand Finale                      16                           16.16% 

Glyph                                 19                              19.19% 

Lith C3 Relic                        1                              1.01%   

Axi C3 Relic                         1                              1.01%   

Neo K2 Relic                       0                              0%   

Meso T3 Relic                     2                             2.02%   

Rifle Riven                           0                              0.00%   

Oxium                                  2                              2.02%              200 oxium total     

Cetus Wisp                          3                              3.03%   

Nitain Extract                       2                              2.02%   

Ambulus Noggle                  0                              0.00%   

Khora Delphi Helmet
Blueprint                             0                             0.00%   

Khora                                  0                              0.00%   

Nidus                                   0                              0.00%   



1 hour ago, den2k said:


Between the lack of drops for many players and the abysmal quality of drops for the others I'd say this campaign has been a great damage for the company - next time how many players will even bother with the streams?

I don't agree with many self-entitled players that stomp feet because they didn't receive what they wanted, but the hard data show that really much of the promised drops are so low in chance that they can be safely discarded as "not existing". That is bound to hurt company reputation and the success of subsequent campaigns in the long run.

I don't see much value. They should've taken the opportunity to have streamers discuss topics of interest for improvement while people play and explore content.
The issue is they used bait again and the hopes that a new system of delivery would be reliable but they put rng on our time.
Reinforces the tone that time limited events should be ignored.

Almost everything that was event driven and limited then was re-released for the community so apparently complaining does result in getting what you want.
In this case what people want are better designed events.

The idea in today's primetime of a drop monster is okay but streamers are concerned about being pigeon-holed to one activity over enjoying the game as a whole.
That's a valid concern.
Warframe twitch partners and viewers are getting burned.


Giving streamers exclusive content, leaks, and limited stream only content/deals would help their streamers and open up variety.

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12 minutes ago, (XB1)SumoDoenertier said:

Okay, since you guys were so adamant about posting even more data, here are my updated stats:

  • 7500 Credits - 1679 (56.23%)
  • Grand Finale - 540 (18.08%)
  • Display Glyph - 325 (10.88%)
  • Lith C3 - 51 (1.71%)
  • Meso T3 - 42 (1.41%)
  • Neo K2 - 66 (2.21%)
  • Axi C3 - 53 (1.77%)
  • Nitain - 69 (2.31%)
  • Oxium - 31 (1.04%)
  • Cetus Wisp - 66 (2.21%)
  • Ambulas Noggle - 23 (0.77%)
  • Khora Delphi Helmet Blueprint - 35 (1.17%)
  • Khora Warframe - 2 (0.07%)
  • Nidus Warframe - 2 (0.07%)
  • Rifle Riven - 2 (0.07%)

Total: 2986


Only miniscule changes after all. I guess the actal droprates for the warframes are closer to ~ 0.05%, which would only measure up to < 8% chance of getting either of them (or the riven), if you hit 160 drops - which was roughly the maximum number you could in theory achieve?. That means that in average (and keep in mind, this is just statistics), there's a 92% of NOT receiving one of them.


Additional stats on drop chances of warframes and rivens. This displays the chance of NOT getting one of them after X drops:

160  -  92,31%
140  -  93,24%
120  -  94,18%
100  -  95,12%
  80  -  96,08%

Assuming this was a 7 day event (168 hours).
One drop represents 1 hour of viewing.

2986 drops i.e. 2986 hours in one week.
You had 18 streams simultaneously?

I had three to four open and they didnt get that count.

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vor 7 Minuten schrieb DUSTCLOUD:

You had 18 streams simultaneously?

You only could get drops for one stream at a time. If you had either looked at a few of the past pages or read my post entirely or thought about it for a little bit longer, you might have come to the conclusion that I compiled data of various users posting their data in this thread. In fact it was data from about 30 people at various stages during the campaign.

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1 hour ago, (XB1)SumoDoenertier said:

Okay, since you guys were so adamant about posting even more data, here are my updated stats:


1 hour ago, (XB1)SumoDoenertier said:

If you had either looked at a few of the past pages or read my post entirely or thought about it for a little bit longer, you might have come to the conclusion that I compiled data of various users posting their data in this thread. 


1 hour ago, (XB1)SumoDoenertier said:

it was data from about 30 people at various stages during the campaign.

An unlabelled tally.

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Well, I'm so sorry for providing some voluntary community service as I collected and calculated the numbers myself (thus "my stats") with a limited amount of data provided. That's what I would call both ungrateful and lacking common sense (yeah, because I got 3000 drops all by myself, while no one else got such numbers and I just post it several times for fun).

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  • Credits                        59
  • Grand Final                19
  • Khora Helm                  2
  • Display                        13
  • Relics                          11
  • Ambulas Noggle          1
  • Nitain                            1
  • Wisp                              2

Total drops = 108


Sadly didn get a Khora... =(

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304.5 GB of bandwidth used from my data cap of 1024 over the course of 6 days.  At $10 per 50gb of data used exceeding my cap (which is likely, i run just below my cap monthly) I will have to pay about $60 for this campaign.  At the most expensive rate you can buy plat at (not waiting for discounts) that is 1170 plat.

1170 plat

3 x noggle @35 plat each = 105 plat

555,000 credits = 288 plat (at cost of high roller credit bundle)

11 relics = 200 plat (relic pack cost, though I am cheating myself on relic on the cost)

Khora helmet = 75 plat (only once, the rest go to credits as the werent usable) (also I am giving the benefit of the doubt here, as I already have this helmet, so i couldnt buy it if i wanted to at the 75 plat rate)

Khora helmet credit overflow = 10 plat (4x 2500 credits = 10,000 credits at credit bundle rate)

Grand finale = 185 plat

Display = 195 plat

oxium = 60 plat

Nitain and Cetus wisps are not purchasable, and therefore difficult to quantify.  However, the closest item would be a forma for rarity and need.  I am quantifying that at the forma bundle rate, so we can add 94 plat for those that I received.

Total = 924

That's right.  I could have bought plat at the highest rate, sat my 7 year old in front of warframe in the marketplace browser and let him pick items at random, and still got 246 plat MORE in value for this campaign.  And the odds of me getting a warframe out of it would have been higher too.

Anyone who thinks "oh its a free campaign and you are getting S#&amp;&#036; for free" is not only wrong, they are deluded.  We got absolutely cheated, and not just ethically by DE, Monetarily too.  

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Yeah, the whole event is misleading to all of us. Displaying nidus and khora as a drop gave us some hope since last year's plains drop was great and gave many new players such as myself (since you get more stuff + multi stream drops) a really nice start but as a previous comment said nearly 92% of us never received even one. Why display nidus and khora as a drop when its more like a giveaway for a selected few people. I wasted a lot of bandwidth for this but I was lucky enough to catch on early before I wasted more. 


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