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Is Garuda, insulting to Religion? (closed, questions answered)


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Just now, General_Durandal said:

Like how they changed Vlad's name to Revenant.

That was his "in progress" name, much the same as Octavia's was "bard".

This thread gets worse and worse. :facepalm:

Should we also be insulted that Khora doesn't look like places in Greece? I mean, she's named after territories located just outside of a city, her alt helmet is "Delphi" which is obviously also a place in Greece.

I demand that either Khora be renamed, or turned into an ancient Greek building. It's insulting otherwise. /s

And OP, many of your posts can be directed at multiple people. You don't need a new post for every single response, you've been accused of spam before.

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5 hours ago, Rekkou said:

A Hindu here. There is absolutely nothing insulting about this. 

In fact, i'm more insulted by the fact that you think this is insulting. You made it looks like we're some kind of ignorant & intolerant people who can get easily insulted by something so trivial

You don't find it offensive that Garuda steals souls, drinks blood, and cuts herself?

Thank you.
3 votes for "not insulting" so far.

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5 hours ago, rand0mname said:

I am so confused.

I was thinking being offended is an opposite of Buddhism?

How Garuda myths can be so cherry picked? Look at her claws and her attack animations and tell me they are not birdlike.

Is it wrong to change genders now? Will it mean that certain reboots of the certain franchises are offensive too?

If "you can not have an opinion about something, if you have not leaved it" is correct, how can one be offended on behave of a religion they do not belong too?

Is it a bait post? No one can be so hypocritical.

Just because a Buddhist won't be offended,
doesn't mean you should try and offend them.
That just makes you the meany.

Well, the Garuda frame steals souls, which Garuda and birds don't do.
She also drinks blood, which Garuda and birds don't do.(there is a Vampire Finch that drinks blood)
She also cuts herself to get reinvigorated, (power 3 bloodletting, hurt self to get energy), which i'm sure birds don't do.
I really should have said, "insulting to mythology" instead of religion, but see then as the same thing, so I didn't think it would mater.

I don't care about the gender, Garuda is a shape-shifter, can be male or female, so it doesn't mater.

It's more of a think-tank.
I want to hear/read what others have to say about the mater.

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4 hours ago, MatSK said:

Waframe is game about space ninjas controlled by magical kids set up in nonexistent future fighting gardener robots that went rampant with zero political references

If you find anything it this game offensive you are looking to be offended or offended on someones behalf...

and even if something was offensive to someone.. so what ? dont look at it... im offended by hundreds of things... like you breathing.. stop with it...

Go be SJW somewhere else..

It's own story as far as I know.

I find depicting a heroic figure as someone who steals souls, drinks blood,
and cuts herself as insulting to that character and the myths behind that character.

Ignoring a problem won't make the problem go away, it'll usually make things worse.
Like the dishes, they aren't going to clean themselves. Going to keep piling up.

"Social justice warrior is a pejorative term for an individual who promotes socially progressive views,
including feminism, civil rights, and multiculturalism, as well as identity politics."

So, you are against progression? Okay then.

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3 minutes ago, General_Durandal said:

You don't find it offensive that Garuda steals souls, drinks blood, and cuts herself?

Thank you.
3 votes for "not insulting" so far.

Let me guess, if i don't find it offensive then i'm wrong and evil while you're the right one here for "caring" so much for other people?

Drop the facade, you think nobody has seen this before? none of this matter for you, you don't care at all. You see this as nothing but fuel to your self-righteous ego.

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3 hours ago, SneakyErvin said:

Sadly most of the neo-seid (asatru as people love to call it) people are just another version of new age hippies with little actual roots that date back to the old way and the gods. They dont really have any actual concrete gods either, it is more some form of Lavayan Satanism like thing that the gods are part of you and just symbols. Most if not every god is seen as a peaceloving deity in this new age asatru. These organizations also lack the balls to seek permits for actual blots (sacrifices) and settle with sacrificing food even though muslims have the right to their Halal and hunters can go out and shoot animals when it is season. What would be so wrong with sacrificing 9 chickens 3 times or so a year under humane conditions in connection to a blot?

Many of these hippies also completely ignore the nature of their gods or feel ashamed to admit they follow wargods such as Odin, Try, Freya and Thor, some ecouraging fighting strife and death. Most of these new-agers have this silly romantic vision, it is very noticable with Thor. A god that encourages you to go out and activley fight evil (our giants, these days in the shape of extremist nutjobs) to protect what is ours, which would be this planet, Earth, Jord, Hlodyn etc. Yet none of them would likely pick up arms even if their life depended on it, but somehow they still wear the hammer around their neck.

It is all so watered down these days and their sacrifical ceremonies are mostly like some amateur theatre act in pre-school with costumes that makes the KKK casper suits look well designed. Even though I love the gods of my north I would never want to be associated with these hippies nor the Odinists.

And as for the OP. I dont think it is insulting, just poorly thought through design and likely not based on the Garuda of myth. Final Fantasy did the same poor portrayal of the same mythological creature with few actual connections. Being insulted over these types of things is something that belongs to the monotheists and in some cases extreme Hindu-American individuals. 


Your words are both heartening and saddening.

Thank you for your impute, it is appreciated.

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2 hours ago, (PS4)guzmantt1977 said:

Uh... I think that you confused Halal for something else there mate. 

Halal covers alot of things and part of it (even though not a sacrifice straight up) is the way you slaughter an animal for religious reasons and through religious guidelines/rules. Slaughtering 9 chickens during a sacrifical ceremony wouldnt be all different, especially not if those 9 chickens also turns into the feast of the ceremony.

1 hour ago, Yrkul said:

Thank you for that Reddit-quality opinion piece. It is, however, drivel. Where do you get that bucket of misinformation? The Onion? The local new age convention? The empty air?

In any case, thank you for demonstrating, that the swing goes both ways. Sheesh! I think a facepalm pic is WAY overdue now.

What I described is exactly what is going on in Sweden and most of scandinavia when it comes to the majority of "asatru" people. It has been like that for a long time. It doesnt matter if it is Nordiska Ringen, Asatru Samfundet or whatever they call themselves, it is all the same. When you go to their gatherings it is like ending up at a LARP where people dress up as cheap viking age lookalikes for the most part. Sure the northmen dressed that way but they didnt dress like that for religious reasons so it has nothing to do with the ancient ways.

I've been around them since I was 16 and up until I was 25 or something, so it isnt something pulled out of nowhere. I was never a member of any of the communities, I simply had friends and friends+ that were part of this or had relatives that were part of it. So I tagged along on several occasions. I've had plenty of conversations with them on their views of the gods and the majority of them always answer the same thing "they are more symbols than actual gods". 

But please do point out what you think is flawed in my reasoning.


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I'm insulted that we have yet another thread full of nothing but grandstanding for fake internet points, filled with the same people who always grandstand for fake internet points.

Now all we need is for someone to be insulted that I'm insulted that they're insulted that OP made reference to yet other people potentially being insulted, and we'll have at least finally accomplished something in this dung heap of a thread.


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2 hours ago, (PS4)RhinoCharging00 said:

I'm sure someone, somewhere, if prompted by a rabid, irrational "progressive", could claim to be insulted and "deeply traumatised by the insensitive and, frankly, racist..." blah blah blah...and cry out for an apology. 

I'm sure DE would immediately apologise and release a sickening, grovelling, press release about not wanting to cause offence and how they have a multicultural staff and are commited to equality etc...

We all know the way it works in this day and age...and in a way, when genuine, vicious, unnecessary behaviour is seen, it isn't always a bad thing.

Still, the OP felt like it might, possibly, potentially, be considered insulting.

That's often enough to signal to a certain kind of person that this is something that can be exploited.

Personally, in my opinion, all it does is backfire and create a less tolerant society which has less patience or interest...the classic "boy who cried wolf" scenario.

So no, my feeling is the name isn't insulting, was never intended to be insulting, and would likely never have been seen as insulting until someone suggested it was...and then, invariably, you get a victim demanding an apology.

That's how I feel anyway.



Thank you.

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30 minutes ago, General_Durandal said:

If someone made a character in a game after a god you worship, (or respect)

 YOU don't worship that god, You have already stated you are not religious


14 minutes ago, General_Durandal said:

I want to hear/read what others have to say about the mater.

Okay sure we can play this game OP has the name  "Durandal", Durandal is the sword of Roland, who was a paladin of Charlemagne. Roland was part of the Saxon Wars where Charlemagne returned in 782 to Saxony to instituted a code of law that was severe on religious issues, namely the native paganism of the Saxons. They ended with 4500 saxons being executed and 3000-4000 killed around 796... Since i was raised catholic should i be offended by OPs name since Charlemagne was the emperor of the first holy roman emperor? What about anyone with heritage from Saxony?

You could have called your self "General Triclaviani" and that would be the same significance that not too many people would pick up.


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1 hour ago, rune_me said:

Can I just point out that there's two "Garuda's" in mythology. In Hinduism it's a single mythological bird-deity, the mount of Vishnu. In Buddhism it's a race of giant birds that kills nagas.

Still can't find anything on stealing souls, drinking blood, or cutting/himself though.

But thank you anyway.

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1 hour ago, DeMonkey said:

You keep saying this.

They should have changed the name, they should change the kit etc. Why do you get to decide what DE "should" do?

The only one bothered by this is you, the only thing DE "should" do is not listen to a random opinion that goes against their frame design philosophy and inspiration. The argument that you've provided here can 100% be used against other frames and their inspirations, the most obvious example being Loki, in that he's based more on the Marvel version than the actual mythological version.

Isn't that insulting? No. It's artistic/dramatic licence, that's literally it. That is the explanation of why she has the powers that she does.

How is Loki frame based on Marvel Loki more the myth Loki?

He is referred to as "the trickster god", and Loki can be pretty tricky.
Could be more tricky if the powers where a bit more creative though.
Like, instead of invis, he could change into an enemy unit.
Or be able to cast decoy on an enemy to make other enemies see that one enemy as him.
(like a single target version of Nyx's Chaos)

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1 hour ago, Lucifer490 said:

Well I'm an Indian and a Hindu and tbh I couldn't care less,  it isn't an insult to any culture or religion.  There may be people who might not like it but in the end,  it's not like DE is trying to bash a religion. The name sounds cool and is kinda suited to the frame.  Basically,  people who want to be offended will always will be.

Very true, and thank you.

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Just now, General_Durandal said:

How is Loki frame based on Marvel Loki more the myth Loki?

Warframe Loki has decoys/clones, invisibility and teleporting.

In the link that you have provided, do you see any mention of decoys/clones, invisibility or teleporting?

Does the Marvel Loki have any of the following, decoys/clones, invisibility and teleporting?

Ergo, Warframe Loki is based on the Marvel Loki, not the Norse Loki.

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1 hour ago, BahamutKaiser said:

Your a little late, Final Fantasy has been depicting Garuda as a female harpy for years, which is probably what inspired DE, just like FF took inspiration from D&D for Bahamut the dragon, when it's some galactic whale in Islam.

Art transforms many things, if it was literal, we'd have very little creativity. 

Excalibur uses a single edge blade rather than a double edge, Valkyr is a claw berserker rather than a Norse maiden, and Garuda is a clawed impaler. 

I know, it's terrible that it's not called Camilla, but Garuda is a perfectly serviceable name.

Since it's the internet in 2018, this subject was guaranteed to arise, and it's guaranteed to be meaningless too. 

Yeah, probably.
I mean, big scary bird Garuda is more commonly known about then Bird God-King Garuda.

I actually didn't know Bahamut was a Islamic galactic whale.
That's very interesting, thanks for sharing.

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13 minutes ago, General_Durandal said:
2 hours ago, Lucifer490 said:

Well I'm an Indian and a Hindu and tbh I couldn't care less,  it isn't an insult to any culture or religion.  There may be people who might not like it but in the end,  it's not like DE is trying to bash a religion. The name sounds cool and is kinda suited to the frame.  Basically,  people who want to be offended will always will be.

Very true, and thank you.

With this response and the context of your original post, this makes me think you're just intentionally trying to start drama on the forums.

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19 minutes ago, SneakyErvin said:

Halal covers alot of things and part of it (even though not a sacrifice straight up) is the way you slaughter an animal for religious reasons and through religious guidelines/rules. 

Yes. That's correct. And also the rules apply to every stage of the preparation of the foods that you get from the animals. Inclusive of the numerous regular and unscheduled inspections that are performed, to ensure that at all steps the food is handled in hygienic ways. 

It also includes not having the animals to be slaughtered, witness others being slaughtered. It also includes ensuring that the slaughter is done in a manner to minimise the suffering of the animal. 

It's generally not done for the sake of saying "hey look we killed a bunch of chickens for you". 

Personally I don't care if you want to sacrifice chickens or goats or sheep or bullocks. Heck I know people who have been in actual voodoo ceremonies and it's not going to bother me when they talk about the goats. As long as you want to do it in a humane fashion, have at, I won't bat an eye. But try to not include comparing it to rules regarding what is permissible according to other religions, unless you truly do want to be subject to the same sort of rules and regulations that come with it. 

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49 minutes ago, General_Durandal said:

I find depicting a heroic figure as someone who steals souls, drinks blood,
and cuts herself as insulting to that character and the myths behind that character.

...I don't recall our Loki giving birth to an Eight legged horse in-game either.

Perhaps the names are just names and should be subject to only the most loosely related equivalents?


Otherwise, Garuda can get in line behind the string of other frames who's names aren't completely accurate depictions of them in game.


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