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The 9.8. Changes Discussion Thread Merger


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One wise player said that if you think nerfing a single ability on a certain Warframe will destroy his/hers kit completely, you are doing it wrong. Consider re-learning his kit from inside-out and the other way around. Maybe then you would actually start to realize that Vauban will still be absolutely awesome Warframe and so will Ember. Nova i agree with and so do most, the rest are just lying to themselves that she does not need some tweaking.

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If you are worried about a single ability ruining her potential, you are doing it wrong. Yeah, she would benefit from at least one defensive ability to compensate her full DPS build but why on earth would I judge an ability re-work before I see how it plays out. Because that is just silly.

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RIP Ember.

Seriously, I don't get it. Rhino is allowed to have an ability that makes him immune to all damage. He also has a ultimate that does 800 damage in an area that has radius of 20m. And when that damage ''isn't enough'', you can buff it with Roar to deal 1600 damage.

I have no goddamn idea why DE would nerf Trinity and Ember. Overheat and Link were the only useful abilities those frames had.

Edited by GalliumGD
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Link wasnt nerfed, it was simply altered. Given, part of that alteration was a nerf, but part of it was a buff to. Now I dont just link one person, I link multiple.


And Ember wasnt fully nerfed either. She may not have dmg reduction, but now she deals even more dmg. Sounds like a good trade to me.


Vauban on the other hand....had his bastille straight nerfed. No compromises, no trades, just a nerf, period.

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1. NerfKill Bastilie ability (12? what ur smouk? no need to make it infinite, just increase limit)

2. You Kill Overheat ("Fire skin is now an offensive power rather than a defensive power" LOL, are u freaking kidding me? yao.png )

3. Damn u broke a good support warframe (vauban) but still not nerf @(*()$ NOVA!


pass to Steve that it works well!



you'r dumb, from your post. it seems that the maximum amount of enemies being trapped by Bastille is 12 total for the full life.

whats the point of having a number 4 skill for Vauban when his number 3 is almost an ultimate skill with a cost of 75 energy? (if unlimited targets)

12 targets at any moment is GOOD enough if u and your teammate don't go afking! kill any enemies trapped = old version of Bastille.


no comment about OH.


Vauban is a strategic frame... not a support... 1 & 2 are planning/traps. 3 for aoe stun. 4 for aoe Crowd control. 

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 Yerp. The trouble isn't the skills, it is the enemies. The skills are good but not unreasonable - the trouble is DE hasn't taken care to make sure that the enemy factions have tools of their own meant to address the tools players can use.



 Bastille pre-nerf? Pretty damn good. Good enough that DE should have sat down and really considered adding an enemy type that was immune to such a stun field or could save allies from it.


 MPrime? Pretty amazing. Good enough that DE should have sat down and really considered updating the enemy factions to each have at least one enemy type that had the ability to cleanse allies of status effects or render them temporarily immune to status.

incase you haven't noticed they actually have done this those flying death machines that the fusion moa's drop aren't affected by bastile, and they weren't pre-nerf either.



what does that even mean, do you just drop dev derogatory nonsequiturs at the end of your posts


it just feels like we're getting into an arms race with that kind of thinking, like, having Y enemy to counter X ability, like some sort of tower defense game where one large, beefier enemy comes by every so often that happens to be immune to everything and just walks through every attack you have as if it were going on an afternoon walk following a pleasant lunch, which is just a copout


i feel like the sheer enemy spam in of itself sort of counters their shortcomings already, and if we were to get new enemies, they should be things that aren't just created to counter specific warframes, but have their own thing going on, which just happens to present a different kind of challenge, which reduces the effectiveness of certain tactics by its own nature


so, like, instead of say, an enemy that just randomly throws off debuffs or breaks stuns, maybe a heavier shielded unit which projects a frontal half dome kind of like frost that walls most things towards the player that it considers the largest threat (which makes double damage debuff pointless since he's just in the damn way, but gives high powered, single target stealh attackers something to chew on from behind) or an infested enemy that hangs back and fires poison gas projectiles so that vauban can't just camp a spot indefinitely, or alternatively, an infested unit that burrows and randomly bursts through the ground underneath a player, but these are actual units that have legitimate tactics that apply to most situations, and aren't like, nerfs for frames disguised as new content

the fact is lore wise it makes sense for there to be an arms race, we the tenno are decimating three factions forces, they of course should be trying to come up with new technologies and weapons to counter us, and specific warframes so as to fight us better that is what happens in war. and i wouldn't be surprise to see the infected adapt to certain abilities seeing as that is what they do; mutate.

Edited by Sir_Millsalot
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I played as ember, potatoed her and put two formas into her. I really loved overheat, but the thing is that now she is rather useless. I need to find another frame to use. Here I am hoping that necro will be good.


Although I will wait and see until the armour rework of U10 comes along. BTW, when is the release of that scheduled for?

Edited by Atham
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I liked that they nerfed Bastille for "the long term health of the game" But snowglobe (which nullifies two factions instead of one) is untouched and has been for longer than vauban's even been around.


Snowglobe does not nullify 2 factions.


Both Grineer and Corpus have melee units, the Railgun MOA and Grineer Napalm can both shoot into a snowglobe (I think the Scorch may be able to do so as well but am not sure) and the Bombard's shells exploding on the outside do damage to those in the AOE. Ranged units do run into the snowglobe sometimes and it does not hang mobs in the air unable to do anything. Step outside a snowglobe and there is lots of stuff able to shoot at you unlike Bastille where everything caught could not do anything when you ran out.


Snowglobe could probably do with reducing the magnitude of the slow slightly, even better would be for snowglobe to slow down melee attacks and movement to a degree but not significantly slow weapon fire.

Edited by Silvershadow66
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Snowglobe does not nullify 2 factions.


Both Grineer and Corpus have melee units, the Railgun MOA and Grineer Napalm can both shoot into a snowglobe and the Bombard's shells exploding on the outside do damage to those in the AOE. Ranged units do run into the snowglobe sometimes and it does not hang them in the air unable to do anything.

Anything that runs into a snowglobe gets slowed down making them easy prey. And if you're too slow to shoot down the bright blue moa before it's insanely slow rate of fire can pick you off I don't know what to tell you.


Bastille is pretty much only good against infested and melee attacks since ranged dudes can freely stand outside its range and still shoot you. It doesn't slow down bullets at all. Unlike snowglobe which you know, also slows melee units as well as stopping all bullets.

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Terrible changes, idk what the f**k they were thinking when they decided to f**k up a great frame, now i have even less abilities to use, so its now another press 4 frame and repeat, pisses me off so badly, why the f**ck are they doing this?


this is not balancing, no one ever used overheat and ult and just stood there, second of all why the hell are you going to use overheat now if you can just use freaking WoF, like wtf DE, do you have fun just f*****ng every frame thats out there?


ember was fine the way it was, fireball and the fire ring were S#&$ but those could be fixed, but now this? like wtf

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Terrible changes, idk what the f**k they were thinking when they decided to f**k up a great frame, now i have even less abilities to use, so its now another press 4 frame and repeat, &!$$es me off so badly, why the f**ck are they doing this?


this is not balancing, no one ever used overheat and ult and just stood there, second of all why the hell are you going to use overheat now if you can just use freaking WoF, like wtf DE, do you have fun just f*****ng every frame thats out there?


ember was fine the way it was, fireball and the fire ring were S#&$ but those could be fixed, but now this? like wtf


Pressing 4 doesn't even "win" for Ember past Kappa.

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Over react much?


The change is fine, they made her less tank, more dps, as she should be.


How is she more DPS?


Fireball still does godawful damage due to armor. "Fire Skin" is suicide now...and still does awful damage.


Ember literally has nothing going for her besides being an absolute boss in Kappa.

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