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Whats it like playing the New content?


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I wouldn't know, as Ive been updating warframe since Fortuna Release. Ive managed to download around 500mb since then...so maybe in another 2 months ill get to see this glorious content.

veiled complaint: my updates are slow, and always have been. different routers, different ISP, different Countries,open ports, zero anti-virus, and my speeds are anywhere from 56b/s to 6 kb.

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If you're not fond of PoE, this will not change your mind, as it is functionally a sequel to PoE - pretty much the same base mechanics, although many of the annoyances are updated (bounties can be taken in the field and some the grind is streamlined so you don't need specific fish to catch other fish etc). If you do like PoE, then you're in for a treat.

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I loved PoE when it came out because it was so new and different from anything in WF.  Unfortunately Fortuna does not have that same initial WHOA factor, since 90% of the systems are carried over and routine by now.  Fortuna even launched without some of the content PoE had, like a killable giant boss and the Operator faction containing new gameplay stuff (not just cosmetics).  The other big new addition, K-drives, also launched unfinished, with the races still not providing standing rewards and therefore not worth doing. 

Certainly Fortuna has had a MUCH better technical launch then PoE.  But other than that I'm pretty lukewarm on it.             

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New objectives, overall quieter experience when just exploring, but random patrols still like to agro a mile away (beyond even their own weapons range) and mess up a hunt. Glows for missions are annoying. Following orange footprints on orange/pink terrain is a headache. Blue fish dye in blue coolent is a headache. Everything is a bit samey. It's pretty, but north west looks the same as south east. Anywhere is as indistinguishable as the next. Need a map to tell you where center is. Even the central tower, while large, is not unique in the map and is not much of a visual waypoint. K-boards while fun is clear terrain came first long before boards. Boarding games environment cater to the act, in WF it even feels obvious it was a later addition. Thought there was going to be a forced reason to use boards over archwing for different parts of the day. Nope. Your good to fly like you have been in PoE.



Edited by Firetempest
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Oof, that sucks man. I know how you feel, my connection at home is terrible (in that there is none, and I instead have to rely tethering to my phone), but I have a friend with really good wifi so I just took my computer over there and downloaded it. 

Do you have anybody like this, any friends or family with wifi who wouldn't mind you coming over? 

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This was the main body of Fortuna and while it does fix a lot of the PoE issues, it is still a bit empty due to the whole "quill" side of it not being implemented yet

Bounties however have a new set of things to do.
K-drives are a blast.
Mining got a got boost to its usability and gain.
(If you like operator looks like me then that is actually quite good as well though you WILL need to get used to the new seams)
And so on really.

Now its just waiting for when part 2 launches and see what the 3 huge spiders are all about and that to me will be the true launch of Fortuna.

I really do wish you the best and hope you will be able to join us soon.

Edited by Airwolfen
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Which launcher are you using? The Steam one, the standalone version, or the default version? The standalone launcher seems to slow things down, but the default version seems to run pretty quickly (this might apply to the Steam launcher as well).


Fortuna and Orb Vallis isn't really easy to enjoy, as the loading speeds are slow, host connection is often lost, and it lags.

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I hope you like Easter egg hunts (and not like the video game hidden treasures kind) like actual Easter egg hunts... on a timer (generous one though).  There are no less than 3 versions of the hidden cache type bounty segments (hidden caches, airdrops, and fallen agents).  The hidden cache one usually is in a cave but can be in two separate caves if the caves are near by.  The air drop is usually outside.  The find agents is mostly just a time waster since they are very far from each other but you can't use a scanner nor do they make any sound.  After you find all 4 agents you you hack a console and wait (I seriously can't see how could possibly fail the second part.  All of these missions are tedious as all get out especially if you get one after the other.

There a spy mission (which pretty much rules me out of ever playing public).  The actual installation one isn't too bad, but the warehouse is literally possible to set off the alarm the moment you finished the last segment and this one starts up (Yup, I had that).

There are a few variations on exterminate (straight kills, 1000 credits or a particular enemy kill) which don't have you go to any particular part of the map to start.  Annoying if you just spent a bit lowering you threat level only to get it back up again to get halfway decent enemy spawns again.

Speaking of enemy spawns, DE actually lower the number for solo against a operative (or drone in this case) Defense mission which seems to take away to finally get 30 kills as they trickle in 3 at time from like 16 miles (more like 150m behind a wall) away where the airdropped/teleported in.

There are a couple of missions that drop in two of something like an Excavation segment that starts two drills at the same time with the usually low solo battery spawns.  There is another that has two crates appear and has you stand near then to teleport them away so long as there isn't an enemy close.  Usually fairly easy, but sometimes you get hit by an enemy that launches you into orbit and resets the timer.

Finally, there is a segment where you have to stop and hack a big wheel (think Spiderman villain).  On solo, I bring Revenant and thrall any enemies that get close and just wait out the timer so I can complain too much as I am CC the crap out of it making it another waiting game.

So all and all, I find the new bounty missions to be boring to to exceeding tedious.  I straight up quit playing Warframe (like just now) mid-bounty because they range 3 out 10 for fun at best and often are plain anti-fun much of the time.  Not to mention, do enough bounties, and you will have to travel the length of the Plains of Eidolon to get to it.  And unlike PoE, Vallis is fairly mountainous.  So I hope you have an Itzal or want to play Zephyr.  Otherwise you are going to spend a lot of time just traversing from one segment to the next which is another reason why I am not leaving solo play.

As for difficulty, honesty, with Revenant the bounty tiers all feel the same.  Mostly because I can CC many of them and quite of few segment types don't even have you engage any enemies anyways.  The biggest annoyance with enemies is low spawns due to solo when you need them, the enemy inserting the area way too far away and the enemy type that bounces you way too far.



Pointless because archwings exist, although; it seems DE (hopefully inadvertently) is doing there best to make archwing a pain to use too.  I sure they could be fun, but I don't really care to dink around on Vallis yet anyways (too much standing/new resources).  Still feels super stiff compare to any actual skateboard game I played.  I don't really plan on using K-drives since my Itzal is better for long distances and my operator is better for shorter distances.


Time Gating/Grind

Almost everything feels super front loaded with Fortuna.  You pretty much have to max out you Solaris United Standing before bothering to spend it on anything.  The is a NPC that allows you to spend out resources to avoid actually doing bounties by buying debt tokens, but the sheer resource to standing isn't really worth it unless you have crazy amounts of non-open world junk/credits laying around. The Garuda farm is mostly annoying and basically non-repeatable.  What I mean is a player is going to pretty much finish their Solaris United standing and many of the items purchased with that standing just to be able to get Garuda.  Afterward, the player will pretty much be done with Solaris United all together.  Especially a player like me who is doesn't like the Vallis bounty missions at all.  Even if new stuff comes out, that player has already maxed out their standing making it much, much faster to get anything.  So like I said, Fortuna is very front loaded.


Ultimately, I haven't found anything fun about Fortuna and Vallis save maybe flying around in my archwing for a bit.  I can tell you when it comes to farming the new prime release, I am going to stick to PoE as I think it has better missions that support PUG play better with far less down time.



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3 hours ago, Miser_able said:

Oof, that sucks man. I know how you feel, my connection at home is terrible (in that there is none, and I instead have to rely tethering to my phone), but I have a friend with really good wifi so I just took my computer over there and downloaded it. 

Do you have anybody like this, any friends or family with wifi who wouldn't mind you coming over? 

My internet is fast here.. i moved from Texas to South Korea..so its not My ISP. Ive also swapped routers.. only thing that is still the same is my PC..which i cannot figure out why it will not download this game using the launcher in a timely manner.. it also feels like it downloads for a few seconds, stops, starts and stops. My updater doesnt have like real time downloads..just the     Checking for new content        3358mb (81b/s)

since my made this post i have downloaded 4mb. over 4 hours ago.

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fishing is nicer and more simple

mining minigame is much much better

bounties and enemies are challenging and I feel like if I don't try I will fail

K drive is.... the animations are nice, but they disabled earning reputation for it by doing legimitate races so most my k drive experience is grinding in a circle for 15 minutes per day.

the npcs are all cool. I think the only ones I ended up being more bored with were the business (fish guy) and smokefinger (rock guy). Everyone else has great quips and personality.

the map itself is nice, the inside-bases are large and fun to explore/fight in.

the hunting I've had bad experiences with but that has supposedly changed with the most recent hotfix

the kitguns are fun exciting and they all have beautiful gun flash/projectiles. Really love how the beam gun looks.

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4 hours ago, Kyronz said:

Extremely repetitive...they have the grind so locked down you can't even choose the bounties but have to do the ones with the bonds you need.

Yea. It's like that everywhere. Sure wish I could farm Vor for Equinox parts, but nooooooo, DEvil decided that if I want a specific item, I have to do a specific task associated with that item. Imagine that. 

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