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Yet Another Volt Speed Post


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So... could we just get some way to completely opt out of receiving Volt's speed buff? I get that people want that sanic look at me I'm super fast sprint speed but for those of us who are comfortable with our own movement speed, backflipping every 6-12 seconds becomes a tedious chore. In any mission with a Volt player, an unacceptable percentage of mission time is just pure backflipping to get rid of speed buffs. I'm sure the greater percentage of players love these buffs and I'm in the poor minority here, but it would make my games so much more pleasant if I didn't have to deal with speed spam.

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Inb4 someone failed English and tells you that the blackflip is an opt out.

I will, as I always do in the hopes DE read it, propose my solution.

"/speed" in chat to toggle whether you want to be affected by it or not. Impossible to do accidentally, easy enough to type if you want the buff, absolutely no detriment to the Volt player or team.

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33 minutes ago, Chewarette said:

I don't think they'll ever add a function to become immune to one Warframe's spell.

I believe this as well. It just avoids fixing the ability.

33 minutes ago, Chewarette said:

The only solution is for you to avoid the said Warframe

Or just make the ally buff portion not benefit from power strength above the default 100% and increase the base duration so that it doesn't have to be spammed as often.

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I support op of the thread. DE could at least put hard cap at volt speed. Bumping into walls because some, let's just say, "airheaded" players put 200+ str into volt is just not comfortable at least. It's good, that backflip feature is here, but backflipping in 95% of all nonendless missions is just bad. Volt either needs fix or just plain rework. Also walking/running animations looks $&*&*#(%&ed under that buff.

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On 2018-11-15 at 10:38 AM, Ecclessia said:

I support op of the thread. DE could at least put hard cap at volt speed. Bumping into walls because some, let's just say, "airheaded" players put 200+ str into volt is just not comfortable at least. It's good, that backflip feature is here, but backflipping in 95% of all nonendless missions is just bad. Volt either needs fix or just plain rework. Also walking/running animations looks $&*&*#(%&ed under that buff.

Honestly, the animation speeds are at least half of my issue with the buff. It looks absolutely, comically, ridiculous. Not in a good way. It just makes the game look stupid. I don't want my warframe to look like a 90s cartoon when it runs, please.

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On 2018-11-15 at 11:38 AM, Ecclessia said:

I support op of the thread. DE could at least put hard cap at volt speed. Bumping into walls because some, let's just say, "airheaded" players put 200+ str into volt is just not comfortable at least.

Instead of you all all sreaming to nerf stuff why dont you all ask for  better options to add a Filter which players i will be put into the mission with? This would solve the Anti limbo, anti this anti that threads all in one go.

Heck i nee this type of filter because as a limbo player i need to not play with garuda and vise versa, i cant be in a party with a limbo on garuda because the 1 and 4 break her 1.2,4


Changing the ready up screen to filter who im pugged with is WAY less work then any code that has to do with abilities while the mission is running.

Edited by Dabnician
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Well, I'm not the one calling to nerf, but I'll give my view. Sometimes I play with a Volt who plays without spamming speed all the time, which is fine. Sometimes they're built around discharge instead. Or sometimes they use speed and it's not run-into-walls mindnumbingly fast. I don't think excluding all Volt squadmates is the answer, but nerfing Speed isn't necessarily, either. I honestly liked when we had that period where Volt dropped a buff coil. You could pick it up, or not. But hyperspeed superfans screamed about this because they did not want to look for a drop on the ground to pick up, so we got the ability reverted.

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Feel like volts gonna get the ember treatment cause people can't just put the small effort into making costum squads. If you're playing pub you get what you get if it bothers you to the point where you're wanting a Nerf based on biased views I do not see why you don't use the already easy methods implemented in the game to solve your problems.

Sure let's delay the highly anticipated updates and new content cause people can't use a recruitment chat. 

Or sure let's Nerf an already not fantastic frame cause people are mildly annoyed that they're affected for at most 1 mission at a time.

Before people burn me at the stake for saying play solo I'm not I'm suggesting use the recruitment channel to avoid the type of frames you don't like playing with. And if that's too much effort for you imagine how much effort it would be to implement the "avoid buffs/some buffs" for DE whose still trying to unbug the current massive update while trying to put out more content that's been highly anticipated.

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51 minutes ago, Batwing said:

Feel like volts gonna get the ember treatment cause people can't just put the small effort into making costum squads. If you're playing pub you get what you get if it bothers you to the point where you're wanting a Nerf based on biased views I do not see why you don't use the already easy methods implemented in the game to solve your problems.

Sure let's delay the highly anticipated updates and new content cause people can't use a recruitment chat. 

Or sure let's Nerf an already not fantastic frame cause people are mildly annoyed that they're affected for at most 1 mission at a time.

Before people burn me at the stake for saying play solo I'm not I'm suggesting use the recruitment channel to avoid the type of frames you don't like playing with. And if that's too much effort for you imagine how much effort it would be to implement the "avoid buffs/some buffs" for DE whose still trying to unbug the current massive update while trying to put out more content that's been highly anticipated.

its funny how people say ember got nerfed and in the same breath say nothing changed. you clearly have no idea how ember is played to use her as a bad example.

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1 minute ago, EinheriarJudith said:

its funny how people say ember got nerfed and in the same breath say nothing changed. you clearly have no idea how ember is played to use her as a bad example.

I was more trying to point out the part where a seemingly small part of the community didn't like how she could walk through lower lvl missions and things die around here so they made a change a seemingly large portion of the player base didn't like. When the people who didn't like playing with her could have easily avoided it instead of giving feedback that affected more then just them in a negative way.

Tbh I haven't played her in awhile since before that change. What I use to do was mostly use her for cc and damage with her second ability with high power strength and augment to buff explosive weapons.

The tldr I was trying to get at is I don't want Warframe changes or DE to have another task on their ever growing list of stuff to do cause people are a bit annoyed that they get a buff that they can already roll out of or avoid all together by playing with like minded players 

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1 minute ago, Batwing said:

I was more trying to point out the part where a seemingly small part of the community didn't like how she could walk through lower lvl missions and things die around here so they made a change a seemingly large portion of the player base didn't like. When the people who didn't like playing with her could have easily avoided it instead of giving feedback that affected more then just them in a negative way.

Tbh I haven't played her in awhile since before that change. What I use to do was mostly use her for cc and damage with her second ability with high power strength and augment to buff explosive weapons.

The tldr I was trying to get at is I don't want Warframe changes or DE to have another task on their ever growing list of stuff to do cause people are a bit annoyed that they get a buff that they can already roll out of or avoid all together by playing with like minded players 

it is an issue that comes up repeatedly because it is a problem. DE has not yet learned that people play differently, and that if a power disrupts how that player interacts with the game negatively its going to cause problems. its the whole issue with limbo and the rift, people have already made a suggestion to not even touch the power its self as @DeMonkey has said a few times in a few of these threads. just because you like speed doesnt mean everyone has to like it. some of the more considerate volts dont run pwr str that breaks sprinting animation which is why @DeMonkey suggestion only effects people who either dont want to be affected by speed or dont want to be affected by max str volt's speed.

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3 minutes ago, EinheriarJudith said:

it is an issue that comes up repeatedly because it is a problem. DE has not yet learned that people play differently, and that if a power disrupts how that player interacts with the game negatively its going to cause problems. its the whole issue with limbo and the rift, people have already made a suggestion to not even touch the power its self as @DeMonkey has said a few times in a few of these threads. just because you like speed doesnt mean everyone has to like it. some of the more considerate volts dont run pwr str that breaks sprinting animation which is why @DeMonkey suggestion only effects people who either dont want to be affected by speed or dont want to be affected by max str volt's speed.

Cept they do know that Wich is why we have many ways to join and play with like minded players. The effecting people point i was trying yo make was more on the suggestions that it have a hard cap.

And the suggestion would work for what you guys want but I just don't see the point in adding and working and fixing a new feature to fix a problem that already has a fix the amount of effort it would take for you guys to avoid people playing max speed volts is way less then the effort DE would need to make to inplimenting that kind of feature.

I rather them work and fix greater issues that have no fix or way of avoiding them.

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1 minute ago, Batwing said:

Cept they do know that Wich is why we have many ways to join and play with like minded players. The effecting people point i was trying yo make was more on the suggestions that it have a hard cap.

And the suggestion would work for what you guys want but I just don't see the point in adding and working and fixing a new feature to fix a problem that already has a fix the amount of effort it would take for you guys to avoid people playing max speed volts is way less then the effort DE would need to make to inplimenting that kind of feature.

I rather them work and fix greater issues that have no fix or way of avoiding them.

requirment is not a way resolve the problem. no one should ever have to make a squad everytime they run any mission simply to avoid the problem. again its the same situation with limbo. you go to recruit you tell people you are setting up a mission and that you dont want volt or limbo, you will get people asking why, you will get people trying to tell you what you are supposed to like, you will get people who will say yes and do the opposite, and ive experienced all of these things.

solutions consist of a chat commmand, a ui check box, an option to set what frames you dont want to get matched with. recruitment is not a solution, and you cant backflip out of spam.

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1 minute ago, EinheriarJudith said:

requirment is not a way resolve the problem. no one should ever have to make a squad everytime they run any mission simply to avoid the problem. again its the same situation with limbo. you go to recruit you tell people you are setting up a mission and that you dont want volt or limbo, you will get people asking why, you will get people trying to tell you what you are supposed to like, you will get people who will say yes and do the opposite, and ive experienced all of these things.

solutions consist of a chat commmand, a ui check box, an option to set what frames you dont want to get matched with. recruitment is not a solution, and you cant backflip out of spam.

In the daily missions I run all pub the only time I have run into a speed volt was when cracking open relics. I really can't believe you when you say it's such a problem that you are or need to go to recruitment for every mission. I have run into many people mildly annoying me with what they do and I just deal with it and move on.

I wasn't trying to to say go to recruitment for every mission I assumed you guys were running a special missions or running constant missions and would go pub and get someone you didn't like in your squad. At that point once it was done or you left you could make your own squad. Could even make your own anti limbo/volt clan if there's enough of you.

I'm starting to think you guys are just a bit up tight if it's such a horror to play with frames that you don't like cause they alter your game a bit sometimes that you would go this far to avoid them.

Now you say that you want a way to avoid the entire frame all together seems kind of anti community and don't think (from what I've seen/heard from DE) is what de would want.

I would actually be surprised id there already wasn't an anti limbo clan already.

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53 minutes ago, Batwing said:

effort DE would need to make to inplimenting that kind of feature.


I'm not going to pretend to understand coding, but if adding an additional criteria to an abilities activation is "effort" then DE are pretty poor Developers who should probably own up to who they've stolen the game from. Because obviously they couldn't have created Warframe.

Look at it like this, there is already a yes/no criteria to the abilities activation. Range. If you are outside of the the abilities range you don't get the ability.

I would presume that on cast it would behave something along the lines of "is player within x metres of Volt, (where x is the modded range of the ability)." with only a "yes" response leading to ability activation on that player. I also presume that, if an additional criteria similar to that one is somehow too much effort, that it might be possible to have the toggle set the value of the abilities modded range to '0' or '1' for that player. That way you wouldn't receive the buff unless your character were literally inside of the Volt, which is realistically not going to happen.

And no, spending the rest of my Warframe sessions keeping an eye on my fellow players, switching lobbies around, wasting time, causing frustration etc is all a lot more effort than a bit of coding, even if I completely butchered my above presumption. Changing the code is a one off thing for DE to do, dealing with Volts as it currently stands is something players will have to do an infinite number of times. That makes it objectively more effort.

Edited by DeMonkey
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8 minutes ago, DeMonkey said:


I'm not going to pretend to understand coding,

You kinda did tho in that entire reply.

Coding is something I am not too familiar with myself but from what I have seen is you try to do one thing it can effect many things. Trying to edit or add one thing isn't just do and it works we've seen that time and time again with each update made to the game. Things will break and have to be fixed 9 times out of 10 that they are touched.

It's not actually a one off thing. You relaxing could be though cause you guys again seem to let this get to you way too much.


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Just now, Batwing said:

You kinda did tho in that entire reply.

Not when I prefaced with "presume", aka "suppose that something is the case on the basis of probability."

That would be a logical way for the code to work, therefore I presume it works like that, despite not actually having an understanding of it. 

3 minutes ago, Batwing said:

Coding is something I am not too familiar with myself but from what I have seen is you try to do one thing it can effect many things. Trying to edit or add one thing isn't just do and it works we've seen that time and time again with each update made to the game. Things will break and have to be fixed 9 times out of 10 that they are touched.

So how is this any more relevant than what I said? At least I prefaced with "presume". Claiming that things break 9 times out of 10 is a pretty big claim to make, I'd love to see you back it up with something, especially for a bit of code as minor as this.

4 minutes ago, Batwing said:

It's not actually a one off thing. You relaxing could be though cause you guys again seem to let this get to you way too much.

Do you have any idea just how not helpful you are with comments like these?

You're effectively saying that the problem is our fault, which puts us on the defensive and is hardly constructive. Stick to actually arguing against the proposition instead of providing some fake solutions that merely antagonise, if you have a counter to a "/speed" command that isn't "effort" then I'd like to hear it, because at the end of the day you don't decide what DE dedicates "effort" towards.

This solution would be nothing but beneficial, no one would lose anything, Speed doesn't get nerfed, Speed doesn't get capped, this makes the game better for everyone by putting the choice in our hands. What rational argument do you have against it?

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9 minutes ago, DeMonkey said:

Not when I prefaced with "presume", aka "suppose that something is the case on the basis of probability."

That would be a logical way for the code to work, therefore I presume it works like that, despite not actually having an understanding of it. 

So how is this any more relevant than what I said? At least I prefaced with "presume". Claiming that things break 9 times out of 10 is a pretty big claim to make, I'd love to see you back it up with something, especially for a bit of code as minor as this.

Do you have any idea just how not helpful you are with comments like these?

You're effectively saying that the problem is our fault, which puts us on the defensive and is hardly constructive. Stick to actually arguing against the proposition instead of providing some fake solutions that merely antagonise, if you have a counter to a "/speed" command that isn't "effort" then I'd like to hear it, because at the end of the day you don't decide what DE dedicates "effort" towards.

This solution would be nothing but beneficial, no one would lose anything, Speed doesn't get nerfed, Speed doesn't get capped, this makes the game better for everyone by putting the choice in our hands. What rational argument do you have against it?

The rational argument I've been trying to have was that it's an unneeded thing when you already have ways around it. The coding point was from friends experiences and from what I've seen happen in patches and fixes in most games warframe being a big example.If me suggesting you just let things slide and try to enjoy the game antagnised you I'm sorry but it really is as easy as just moving on least to most of us.

It isn't a big enough deal to where DE needs to take time out of making new content and fixing already currently flawed systems is what I'm saying. None of you want to even hear that marking it as fake along with any already present solutions in game. Is also what im saying now from the responses I keep getting.

You're saying it won't take DE that much effort to make a setting or feature whether in game options, or chat command. And that by doing so will fix a problem you and others find very frustration atm.You're seeing players altering your play style is a hindrance and should be solved by giving people a choice. And that the current system of squads and clans isn't a good enough work around for it.

I think we should just agree to disagree cause we are not seeing it the same and don't think we will, made my point you've made yours I'm not gonna flip a table if anything like a command to disable accepting buffs from other frames gets implemented. I would have just rather seen those resourced put somewhere else.


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On 2018-11-21 at 10:16 PM, (PS4)haphazardlynamed said:


add a Duration Timer to it,

so you Stay Opted Out for 30secs,

not the useless 3 secs till Volt decides to Spam Speed again

Yes. Something like this, I could absolutely get behind. It doesn't step on the toes of Volt players, and makes everyone who doesn't want it happy, and keeps people who want it happy, too. I approve.

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On 2018-11-14 at 4:24 PM, Chewarette said:

I don't think they'll ever add a function to become immune to one Warframe's spell.

The only solution is for you to avoid the said Warframe, if you really can't stand playing with a Volt around.

Actually that´s what I´m doing most of the time. But it´s as annoying as playing with them because you can´t see what Warframe someone is using until you are in the mission. And sometimes it´s nearly impossible to avoid Volt. In relic capture and extermination missions they are everywhere. I don´t get why they removed the pick up version it work just fine with Limbo.

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Should just be changed to layers instead while reworking Hasten Coil.

First layer comes from cast and adds reload speed and maybe a baseline speed boost, while giving Volt the speed built for. Second layer comes from picking up Hasten Coil (use key, no animation) and further enhanced speed boost to what the volt modded speed for.

This allows Volt to buff other players while allowing them to opt in for more speed (which seems to be the biggest problem).

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On 2018-11-21 at 11:16 PM, (PS4)haphazardlynamed said:


add a Duration Timer to it,

so you Stay Opted Out for 30secs,

not the useless 3 secs till Volt decides to Spam Speed again

That could work as long as the opt out didn't become roll forward, since that's gonna directly interfere with the movements of Speed enthusiasts.

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