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Huh. You know, I'm glad DE keeps a tab on all its Warframe Partners, and doesn't allow Clearly Click-Baiting Con-Artists with exclusively 10+ Minute Videos, who's Topic points in said video only actually take a minute and a half or two to cover yet are someone dragged out unnaturally with long periods of "Fluff", rambling Stories with high level Sound FX-ing, and Oddly Violent Behavior Towards Straw-Men, and who's video Titles and Thumbnails alone would immediately trigger a response from Moderators if they were posted on the Forums, to slip through the cracks...








PS: Yes, I do enjoy the points they bring up (WHEN THEY ACTUALLY GET TO THE POINT, DEAR GOD!!!), and I watch them because they give me insight on what the Endurance Community is Thinking and how they Feel over certain updates and changes......but come on. They're a Youtube Con-Artist at this point, and making Warframe just look bad with their posting styles.
Also, for those of you who are going to claim: "But he's so Nice all the time and Friendly"

Mm. Yeah. And I fully expect the Salesman to smile too as he's handing me the Snake Oil.

(Pro-Tip on watching his videos: Skip the first 30-40 seconds to start the actual Video, if you can call most of them that, and skip the Fortune Cookie)



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my 2 cents... there was a very very short period where i enjoyed watching his videos, but that time is over again.

His titles can be called clickbait, but the actual points he brings up in the Videos are at least worth talking about.


I do not like the way his videos are set up with all the weird talking in between.

I hate it that at some day he thought that he has to add this stupid positive speech in the first 40 seconds because people actually like to hear "i hope you are doing well"

i pretty much stopped watching his videos really fast because i just cant get through those videos.


But well, at least he talks about some stuff that probably all other WarframePartners completly ignore.

Edit: Even if his titles are clickbait, there are other youtubers that rant a lot more than rio (about completly unimportant stuff for the game) in the video itself.

You can hate his style, but i think its good that there is at least 1 Youtuber that speaks for a different part of the community which is usually not covered.

Edited by DreisterDino
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tbh i find vast majority of youtubers to be trash anyway. some is just completely oblivious to how some mechanics can be used together, some are straight up "this doesnt oneshot a level 500 bombard so its trash" mentality, and some just cant come up with ideas without their viewerbase telling them or just pull that clickbait garbage and/or crappy low effort memes without any real meaningful discussion/comedic value. and some got all of these or some of these. honestly you are better off ignoring them after playing for a while. 

and im not even getting into how much free passes de gives them sometimes into being total drama addict asshats. 

Edited by Zeclem
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8 hours ago, Zeclem said:

and im not even getting into how much free passes de gives them sometimes into being total drama addict asshats. 

This is something that bothers me as well. Why do DE willingly associate themselves with toxic drama-queens like AGGP?


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1 hour ago, Pr1A said:

This is something that bothers me as well. Why does DE willingly associate themselves with toxic drama-queens like AGGP?


As much as I'd like that, I've got to wonder.

What if DE are afraid of the drama that would come about if they did stop associating with them? How long before DE are decryed for being homophobic, and dismissing him on said grounds.

That's a pretty major crime in Canada so far as I know.

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3 minutes ago, DeMonkey said:

As much as I'd like that, I've got to wonder.

What if DE are afraid of the drama that would come about if they did stop associating with them? How long before DE are decryed for being homophobic, and dismissing him on said grounds.

That's a pretty major crime in Canada so far as I know.

i doubt any logical court would get de into trouble for that over one dumbass. especially when considering this dude isnt even a de employee, i dont think its that big of a problem. i just dont think de doesnt care that much. 

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Most of the youtubers a trash, there are a couple of "content creators" or what ever stupid name for "i make videos and dont work" is that are okay.

The rest need to click bait people into coming on to their video for a specific amount of time before youtube awards them monetization from that video.

Most of the views come from randos, playlists and kids. My 12 year old watches videos on warframe and the more idiotic the video sounds the more likely he is to garner something from it to repeat to me at a later time.

So on top of that the streamers on twitch during the drop event were running their own campaigns, You get twitch drops by watching their stream if they properly linked their warframe account to their twitch account and are using both said accounts to stream to you.

but if you were in one stream you could win a chroma prime.

Another streamer gave out 1000 plat for ever 250 subs.. which i have to say 50.00 is pretty cheap to purchase subs on twitch.

Honestly anyone can be a twitch partner during twitch drops because its active for all channels, Heck next time they have a prime drop ill pull out the CC buy some twitch subs

You have to roll it all together too, you stream to twitch, then you highlight to youtube, have some random crap in patreon and get a discord channel that people have to sub to join.

Edited by Dabnician
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7 hours ago, Pr1A said:

Why do DE willingly associate themselves with toxic drama-queens like AGGP? 

Personally, I like him.....as, like, a general Warframe video postings. But there's a saying: "If you love the Art, don't study the Artist" (Paraphrasing, of course). It means more or less not to look into the Artist behind the Art, because doing so could very well ruin the Art for you. *Cough Cough Love Craft Cough*


I like his "Reads you Sh*t you don't wanna Read yourself" videos for my drive home from work, as well as his new weapon Opinions/Testings, as it gives me an idea what I might be in for when I get home and launch Warframe. But his Streams sometimes....and that time he set aside his Youtube Cheer and brought himself out for the Daily Log-in Reward Changes rants...just....geeeeeez...

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11 hours ago, DreisterDino said:

His titles can be called clickbait, but the actual points he brings up in the Videos are at least worth talking about.

This is pretty much solely my problem with them.
The points they bring up are AMAZING sometimes, and I've had my own opinion on things vastly changed after listening to their run-downs and explanations/discussions.

And that's why it hurts so much seeing them stoop to such.....just, garbage. Like watching a prodigy Doctor going out and selling Snake Oil on the Streets. Like....come on, you're so much better than this.

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3 hours ago, Loza03 said:

They've said in Devstream 119 they're going to take steps to try reinstate the difficulty, so they've evidently heard the cries of the vets to try and reinstate difficulty.

This isn't about what they say (Which is honestly, again, amazing points), this is about HOW they say it......or rather, how they don't ever get to the point of it that we're all waiting for and giving them Youtube Monetization as we do.

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11 hours ago, Tangent-Valley said:

This isn't about what they say (Which is honestly, again, amazing points), this is about HOW they say it......or rather, how they don't ever get to the point of it that we're all waiting for and giving them Youtube Monetization as we do.

Uh, I was referring to the Devstream, not Youtubers, I'm afraid.

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3 minutes ago, Loza03 said:

Uh, I was referring to the Devstream, not Youtubers, I'm afraid.

Ah, sorry. I thought you were referring to the fact that this particular 'Tuber (along with others) was bringing up the "WTF! They NERFED Fortuna?!" dealio, and that DE eventually listened to them and others like them complaining about the Enemy down-sizing in the Orb Valis.

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