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AFK in fortuna


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I think it's due to a lot of new Youtubers covering Warframe who they themselves are completely lost on the process and are being carried by friends who are just winging it also...They are bringing in their audience who see the bright and shiny and want it now...the sad part is this person AFKIng doesn't understand they are going to need every item dropped from credits to materials ...from every mission if they want to avoid the pay 2 skip process...only they are going at this like they are playing COD, Halo, or Battlefield trying to sponge off others...


Vote Kicks though in this community would be a very bad idea...

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That’s why I think DE should make it where you have to engage in the stages of the bounties within a time period or else it counts as AFK and you get none of the rewards, unless those stages get completed too quickly. There is no excuse. 

Question: “What if they’re noobs that aren’t good?”

Answer: “then they need to get better”. 

DE doesn’t pull any punches about inexperienced players dying so why should they for bounties and other missions in open world maps? We should not have to report every dozen players we encounter each day or recruit players for a simple mission. Teralysts are one thing. Bounties are another. If anything, they should be the ones going to the recruit and asking to be carried. Or they get better. 

When I first started, I adapted quickly to this game. By the time I was MR1 with a fully leveled Excalibur and MK1 weapons, I was participating in high level missions. It took enemies as tough as Kela Da Thame or Vay Hek to beat me before I started really farming and collecting resources, weapons, warframes, and mods. By the time I became MR10 I was leading MR20s through missions. Once I learned about their unknown warframes and quickly figured out how they could use them with me to turn any missions into child’s play. No joke, no exaggerations. 

I’m not bragging or showing off. I’m proof that there is no excuse for DE to leave the training wheels on for these kind of mission while chaining them to frozen mountain climbers. These players need to get on those hover boards and learn how to ride themselves and not hold the rest of us back. 

I actually enjoy teamwork. I like discovering new ways to combine warframe abilities to complete missions in some of the most craziest ways with the most efficiency possible. Forcing me to solo play or to spend hours in a recruit chat instead of forcing these players to play during a public game is just wrong and not fair. For anybody. 

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On 2018-11-25 at 12:33 AM, --Raid-Master-Qued said:

Yeah, everyone hates leechers... but a "Kick" button would be broke.

Imagine people kicking low Mr players just for their Mr. 

At some point people have to stop with this non sense. No, a kick vote doesn't turn everyone into a toxic idiot, and no it can't be abused nearly as much as people make it to be.

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On 2018-11-25 at 12:33 AM, --Raid-Master-Qued said:

Imagine people kicking low Mr players just for their Mr.

you do know this could be easily fixable abuse, right? Right?

Why the hell whenever theres any mention of kick there's someone scaring everyone how much evil this option will bring?

I'm starting to think only "copy-what-others-say-without-thinking" gullible guys spread this nonsense or actual afkers who don't want their ezpz standing go away...

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4 hours ago, deothor said:

you do know this could be easily fixable abuse, right? Right?

Why the hell whenever theres any mention of kick there's someone scaring everyone how much evil this option will bring?

I'm starting to think only "copy-what-others-say-without-thinking" gullible guys spread this nonsense or actual afkers who don't want their ezpz standing go away...

umm... i get what you're saying but it is a pretty valid point. If a system like that was implemented, you have to think about the negatives as well as the positives and players abusing their power is a negative. i personally think the option to kick someone who isn't contributing to the battle is useful but again it has (SOME) A****** players in this game that would take advantage of it. so if the "kick" option were to come into play, it needs to me looked over carefully to ensure fairness for everyone. 


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16 hours ago, O2D3nTe said:

At some point people have to stop with this non sense. No, a kick vote doesn't turn everyone into a toxic idiot, and no it can't be abused nearly as much as people make it to be.

I disagree- I've played other games with larger squads that allowed for people to kick others out, and there were numerous situations where groups of people would kick me and/or other solo members out of the squad with no reasons given.

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20 minutes ago, (PS4)warezIbanez said:

I disagree- I've played other games with larger squads that allowed for people to kick others out, and there were numerous situations where groups of people would kick me and/or other solo members out of the squad with no reasons given.

Same, f.ex. if you queue up with two or more people from the same clan in games like Warface, there is a 99% chance you or someone in the team will get votekicked or they try to get someone votekicked so you better have a good reflex and hug the esc button while being matched. (part of the truth though, there is no custom matchmaking in that game, so toxic behavior is even incentivised there, but i have seen this quite a lot in less toxic titles also)

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16 hours ago, O2D3nTe said:

At some point people have to stop with this non sense. No, a kick vote doesn't turn everyone into a toxic idiot, and no it can't be abused nearly as much as people make it to be.

You REALLY haven't played much online gaming through the years, have you?   

Every game out there that has a vote/kick system is abused to hell, so much that playing pub is a highly ill-advised high risk not-worth-it endeavor, way much more so than people already say about playing spy pub in Warframe.  I've seen people being kicked for no reason, for being too good, for not bringing the right gear, for insane reasons, etc etc.

Left4dead..... Payday..... 


Vietnam flashbacks I tell ya!  They're gonna kick me!  They're gonna kick you!  They're going to kick us aaallllllll!!! The horror!  The horrooooor..........!!! :vomit:

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1 minute ago, (XB1)Cubic Clem said:

DE and watching over something they released, nope doesn't work that way. lol

It doesn't have to be them to watch over everyones hands.

For example:

How I see this system could work:

Vote-kick option shows ONLY if certain conditions would be met:

1. [mandatory] Score (damage) disparency is too big between him and other players after certain amount of time - In this case even if The score (in %) looks like this 5, 5, 1, 89 it means that the 1% guy did nothing to even try. Doesn't mean players HAVE to report him. It's just them getting the option

2. [optional] Player is not in range of mission/affinity (all those k-boards/mining farmers in bounties)

3. [optional] Player has not done any action within X minutes

4. [optional] Ping of the player goes and stays beyond acceptable levels 300-400+ (this is controversial I know, but with this ping you simply cannot play with others and god forbids you are the host. It literally screws other players)


ONLY when those conditions are met you get an option to vote to kick player from the squad. Okay BUT, it doesn't mean kicking someone ruins their day or life. They just get moved to exactly the same map/instance, but alone. Exactly like when you leave squad in Open World.


It probably could still be abused somehow, but there is enough safety switches to block most of trolls.

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13 minutes ago, (XB1)Cubic Clem said:

1. I use my saryn and get 100% kill & DMG, opens them up to being kicked

2. I use my itzal, be there first, opens them up to being kicked 

3. I pop spores once, and keep an eye on them, while I don't have to do much, opens me up for a kick.. (I got spores working one time for like half an hour without any input from me)

4.just stupid and full bred racism against other players without Google fiber.. >_> 

(If I can't kick alone, others will sure follow.. especially if other players are slower at no. 2)

Meh, if the player is new it can literally mean the death of him, causing his mission to fail.. (not to mention that host migration bugs out 90% of the time)

And to be honest: I don't even care about vote kick blah blah, I just want an ingame option to report leechers, that's it.. 

No mate no..

1. It's impossible to get 100% damage score unless noone damaged anything even once. No matter how low your score is, if you did at least 1 damage it'll make your score as 1%. But still. vote mean players have to vote. You being sole damage dealer won't make you kick someone out. In this case you'd have to leave the match. No point carrying 3 leechers, right?

2.I'm not perfect. This could be tweaked into something that they don't get to: [optional] Player is not in range of mission/affinity after 1-2 minutes. That plus, as I wrote it's optional, which means you being first is only part of what's needed to activate kick option. But then again. You cannot vote and kick someone alone. That's not how voting works.

3. Using a spore is action, but even if the spore does something and spreads or deals damage doesnt mean YOU had taken action in meantime. Sure you could cheese it and walk in wall/spin/shoot with intervals. But again. I just threw the basic concept that could be patched even more.

4. racism seriously lol. With 300-400 ping you pretty much play this game turnbased. And if YOUR connection screw others then well... They shouldn't be forced to play with you. In this case it's easier to kick 1 players than regroup for 3.

It won't ruin newbies experience at all. It won't ruin veterans experience at all. It surely will make afk/leechers life alot more difficult though. And whatever troll will slip past.. Well, hopefully there's a way to patch abuses.


Tbh I believe all you are trying to do is discredit the vote kick. That's lame. 

Edited by deothor
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4 minutes ago, (XB1)Cubic Clem said:

This still disgusts me in any way and was the whole reason I even responded.. stop it

I think you have sniffed too much SJW pixie dust mate... You do know game automatically kicks you out when your ping is too high either way, right?

Having a guy that pretty much teleports and can't do anything isn't going to make everyones life merrier. And by NO DAMN WAY is this being racist (lol). 

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Reporting is the way to, OBVIOUSLY do try to use common sense, you don't want newbies to receive a warn right off the bat when they barely started playing warframe, if "veterans" often quit after the 1st afk warn (to avoid account suspension since the leeching urge is high), imagine new players that have no attachment to the game, it is wise to take screens like in a normal report and then endure the bounties like you normally do, then proceed to explain the player where he should be starting, like easier bounties, solo or even content outside fortuna, after all you do Fortuna to get fortuna stuff, guide the player into doing more profitable stuff.

In the situation where the new player decided to intentionally leech and afk (for example receiving "I don't care" as a reply after your help), then procced to support to set the player straight or out of the game (they usually quit warframe on their own foot, very few actually risk the account)

Edited by KIREEK
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well when you do same 5 bounties 5 times everyday afcourse leechers will be in 😄
its totaly boring and not challenging (exept excavaction there)
what do we expect ? well when people craft all from fortuna leechers will go down down worry
( thats why im doin my bounty with clan or solo or public and i even dont pay attention no other ppl if they are fishing mining or just flying around)

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8 hours ago, MystMan said:

You REALLY haven't played much online gaming through the years, have you?   

Every game out there that has a vote/kick system is abused to hell, so much that playing pub is a highly ill-advised high risk not-worth-it endeavor, way much more so than people already say about playing spy pub in WarframeI've seen people being kicked for no reason, for being too good, for not bringing the right gear, for insane reasons, etc etc. 

Left4dead..... Payday.....  


Vietnam flashbacks I tell ya!  They're gonna kick me!  They're gonna kick you!  They're going to kick us aaallllllll!!! The horror!  The horrooooor..........!!! :vomit:

I'm 30, I've been playing way too much games since I was 15. I play almost exclusively multiplayer games. I can't count but it's safe to say I've played way more than 10000h online.

FPS, ARPG, MOBA, Co-Op or PvP, you name it. 500h for the 2 Killing Floor, around 200h on L4D2, 100h on Payday to name a few of the Co-Op ones that come to mind. Being kicked has never been an issue, I think it happened once.

No sorry, if you're not insulting/trolling/afk you don't get kicked. Why on earth would people kick someone that's playing properly when there is a huge chance he'll get replaced with someone much worse ? If you're always getting kicked, maybe you should look at what you're doing.


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Hell, even the game kicks me fo saying "Taxi" in region, no matter the context. The bot is neither good nor evil, but people can be anything. Vote kick would simply give other people more ways of being backholes. 

And about what you suggested to make people susceptible to kicks...

1- People can be afk and deal damage at the same time. One click from time to time and you can reach over 20% dmg/kills, depends on many things. And if the dmg share of teammates is 5/5/1/89 as you said, how can you blame the 1% guy and not the 89% one who basicaly cheesed through the mission, leaving almost nothing for the 3 other players to kill? It's like saying that a Trin was leeching a Tridolon if the player only focused on healing the Lures since the rest of the team was one shotting the limbs. 

I've seen dozens of players cheesing missions before I could do anything, while leeches were somehow extremely rare and most cases I encountered were caused by the Cheese-user convincing others that it was better for their xp grind to let him do the job alone while they sit there looking at numbers pop in the background. Much gameplay, so teamwork. 

2- Somebody who's far isn't always leeching. most of the time, they simply don't give a crap about other's affinity grind or enemy spawn, so they go solo in a pub (and sometimes they expect others to help them if they get downed). They might be the ones doing all the work while the other 2-3 are doing nothing, who knows? In this case, who would be right to vote kick the one who's far? The one doing everything or the one doing nothing? What if they're doing 50/50? What if they're 4 and it's 40/40/10/10 and both 40s are on their own side of the map? 

Oh, and you know that if a teammate is too far from you, you're also too far from him, right? Who's guilty? Who deserves the kick?

3- People are already penalised for that by the AFK countdown and death status. Somebody could say "brb" and as soon as he's eligible to the Vote Kick, people could decide whether or not they want to kick him, even if he's actualy dealing with something important. Just this week, I met a guy, MR 6, who needed Nano Spores. I brought him to Helene since he was a nice guy and I had nothing else to do, and he had to afk after 9-10 waves. Turns out his wife, who's pregnant, was having a panic attack. The mission ended before he could return, but while he was afk, he wasn't leeching. He wasn't getting anything and even died at some point without resing. He even apologized to me, who taxi'd him, for leaving his computer to take care of his wife. 

Imagine now that the same thing happen, but it's Hydron, all 4 players are strangers who don't communicate (which happens extremely often) therefore have no bounding with the player at all and the Vote Kick choice pops up. You really think they'll have pity? No. They'll kick him. MR6, went afk, ony that would matter. 

4- If the player isn't the host, it should affect you that much. I played Warframe solo for a very long time because I had a ping over 800-1100. Then my internet got upgraded and the ping went down to ~500-650ish, which was sometimes enough to play with other people in premade groups (no pug). Yes, it was buggy, but still playable. Hell, I even did a full 20 waves of Derelict Defense at 4-6 fps about 2 years ago and somehow got second most damage (not kill tho, maybe 3rd iirc). Oh, and btw, none of my teammates lagged. Weird how somebody who isn't the host doesn't hurt the others that much sometimes, eh? But according to your statement, I would deserve a kick for that, right? I was totaly leeching because my ping and PC where bad, right? Right??

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What do you want to do when you're only joining hosts with awfully bad connections or massive lags. I don't mind trying a team or two but this is no loading screen simulator. I have a really decent connection myself and my ping rarely goes above 80ms but DE should do something about this lags some are experiencing, it makes the game barely playable.

Edited by 000l000
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Why so many players are afk?


Because they can.


Missions are so easy that even if only 1 player actually does them, he has to try to fail them.

You still get rewarded even if you are semi-afk or move your frame 1 step forward every minute.

We have a passive XP-system that rewards doing nothing.

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3 hours ago, O2D3nTe said:

No sorry, if you're not insulting/trolling/afk you don't get kicked. Why on earth would people kick someone that's playing properly when there is a huge chance he'll get replaced with someone much worse ? If you're always getting kicked, maybe you should look at what you're doing.


I'm older and have way more hours than you in some of those games  (thousands in l4d).  People who are against kicking mechanisms don't need to be kicked to see the problem it brings. And I didn't get kicked, I saw others get kicked regularly and that affected everybody involved (especially in versus modes) who stay behind. People getting kicked just breaks up the teamplay and usually leaves only 1-2 people behind with bots since excessive kicking was usually followed with angry ragequits or people just leaving because who wants to hang around with unstable kick-happy people who might turn on you at any moment for no reason? It's worse when it happens midway a campaign after ~15+ minutes of playing, wasting everybody's time in the end with the game shutting down.

Starting and finishing a game with the same people became an uncommon occurrence.

And I suspect you're going to use the ol' "play with friends" excuse. That terrible line is a transparent mask for a big problem. If my friends aren't online or don't want to play the game that day, does that mean I should just not play the game at all then?

Remember, Warframe is populated by a lot of stupid immature kids with no sense of humor who get chat-banned daily by "Nezha traps" nonsense.
You want to give that crowd the power to kick??  Oh yeah, that will work out greeeeaaat. 


Edited by MystMan
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Of course a kick button will be abuse but you don't need it for group people to troll on solo pub players. On a defense for example, i've saw groups of 3 quitting all together at 1 leaving the weakest one alone for the next 5 waves. I've saw group people leaving in the middle of a mission together for no reason etc. 


Toxic players are toxic and will always find a way to be toxic.

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