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On 2018-11-28 at 1:34 PM, Duality52 said:

Several things for Titania:

  • Tribute: Her buffs from Tribute should get changed completely, maybe Dust is okay? Not only that, they still don't scale from mods (don't get started on Octavia).
  • Lantern: Increasing the reliability of "attracting" people rather than them ignoring the Lanterns all of a sudden. Make them run towards the Lantern.
  • Casting Animation in general: They're so slow that it's contradicting Titania's small nimble nature; increase it.
  • Base Energy: Just like Mag back before she got buffed, and low energy is a no-go for a caster frame.

Nyx is interesting for sure, especially about Psychic Bolts.

I know it's early since there's a Part II, but I hope DE considers the parts I find troubling with Titania's kit.

EDIT: While Titania's my "main", I prefer to play a support playstyle with her than to use Razorwing frequently. Razorwing ups her survivability significantly, and surviving on the ground without it is difficult. The changes right now just scratch the surface of how problematic it is to survive as a support Titania rather than a DPS/offensive Titania.

As someone who really would love Titania to recieve a good rework I have devised my own concept here on the forums. I recently polished it up with some help from other users(Thank you to zhellon, _schokolade_, and varja99 for your participation). I would love if you could check it out since you seem like you would have a lot of great ideas and I am always looking to improve my concepts with community feedback.


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  • 4 weeks later...

Please change Nyx:

here is my suggestion:
Mind Control: make the controlled really controllable, just like VENARI ! ( also remove duration and make it a toggle/ basically make Mind control similar to Venari)
Psychic Bolts: Give them Lethal damage, enemies should commit suicide/dmg themselves...
Chaos: remove the S#&$ty "hologram", let enemies hurt themselves, heal Nyx and her allies, scream in agony, kneel before the Goddess!!!
Absorb: Okay to me.

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On 2020-01-05 at 4:47 AM, Vyra said:

Please change Nyx:

here is my suggestion:
Mind Control: make the controlled really controllable, just like VENARI ! ( also remove duration and make it a toggle/ basically make Mind control similar to Venari)
Psychic Bolts: Give them Lethal damage, enemies should commit suicide/dmg themselves...
Chaos: remove the S#&$ty "hologram", let enemies hurt themselves, heal Nyx and her allies, scream in agony, kneel before the Goddess!!!
Absorb: Okay to me.

I'll agree with the mind control bit.

Everything else is... questionable.

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В 1/5/2020 в 11:41 AM, (XB1)Taz Deduction сказал:

We need a way to regenerate razor flies and their health while remaining in razorwing.

We need a normal rework and new mechanics.

You can already restore razorfly with Tribute, and their Hp is automatically restored when you kill an enemy.

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On 2020-01-13 at 12:54 PM, zhellon said:

We need a normal rework and new mechanics.

You can already restore razorfly with Tribute, and their Hp is automatically restored when you kill an enemy.

They get nuked at super low enemy level tho, and they're not even remotely worth the energy cost of replenishing. I stand by what I asserted ages ago; make the Razorflies Exalted Companions, like Venari. That way, they're modular. We can increase their EHP, DPS, and general utility through companion mods. At the same time, we can scrap innate Vacuum on Razorwing, and reintroduce it as an option through Razorfly's Vacuum mod compatibility. That way, Energize users don't have to worry about inadvertently draining their supply of Energy Orbs.

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4 часа назад, (XB1)Vile Slanders сказал:
They get nuked at super low enemy level tho, and they're not even remotely worth the energy cost of replenishing. I stand by what I asserted ages ago; make the Razorflies Exalted Companions, like Venari. That way, they're modular. We can increase their EHP, DPS, and general utility through companion mods. At the same time, we can scrap innate Vacuum on Razorwing, and reintroduce it as an option through Razorfly's Vacuum mod compatibility. That way, Energize users don't have to worry about inadvertently draining their supply of Energy Orbs.

Well, Yes, 4 Titania concepts that can be developed: razorfly, archwing, form swapping mechanics, and the Latern aura buff.

Regarding vacuum-this will not work for arcanes energize users, I 100% guarantee it. The problem is not that we instantly pick up energy orbs. The problem is that energy orbs can drop either in a large number, which is more often expressed when playing in a group, or they may not appear at all for 2 minutes, especially when playing solo. Plus, arcane energize may not work on 50 orbs in a row, this happens to me.

But, razorfly companions will be useful for special companion mods for health orbs + equilibrium. This works much better. But I would prefer that Dex Pixia and the drain mechanics go to a separate button from razorwing.

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On 2020-01-15 at 5:22 AM, zhellon said:

Well, Yes, 4 Titania concepts that can be developed: razorfly, archwing, form swapping mechanics, and the Latern aura buff.

Regarding vacuum-this will not work for arcanes energize users, I 100% guarantee it. The problem is not that we instantly pick up energy orbs. The problem is that energy orbs can drop either in a large number, which is more often expressed when playing in a group, or they may not appear at all for 2 minutes, especially when playing solo. Plus, arcane energize may not work on 50 orbs in a row, this happens to me.

But, razorfly companions will be useful for special companion mods for health orbs + equilibrium. This works much better. But I would prefer that Dex Pixia and the drain mechanics go to a separate button from razorwing.


The issue with Vacuum negating energy orb efficiency isn't so much Energize (which only serves to exacerbate the problem), it's that Razorwing is a channeled ability. You could be at nigh max energy, and Vacuum will force you to pick up orbs worth 25 energy when you only need 1 energy to achieve max for 1 second. Conserving Orbs for when Titania is properly low on energy boosts the efficiency of Razorwing, even moro so when Energize is factored into the equation. I'd run a rank 1 Vacuum on my Titania, given the option.

I'm not big on Titania's new flight mechanics; having grown quite familiar with the prior system, this new incarnation of flight controls feels even more awkward and clumsy, especially if you play toggle sprint on console to spare your thumbs the agony of clenching down on the left stick constantly. Collisions should automatically cancel sprint and instantly arrest all forward momentum.

Either speed up the casting animation of Razorwing, or add I-frames throughout the animation period. Form swapping nuisances fixed.

I don't know why people gripe about the Dex Pixia, I suspect that they either don't know how to mod, aim, or are establishing a myopic DPS metric based on God-Roll Rivens for God Tier Weapons. At the end of the day, the Dex Pixia are easily one of the most powerful ranged weapons available with the proper mod set (Cratus, Viral, Primed Bane, the Secondary Weapon Multishot/Base Damage Holy Trinity). What they lack in mob control potential (which can be improved via use of Punch Through mods), they make up for in raw firepower. Inflicting Viral status & stacking Bleed procs worth 8K apiece at mach 5 with Razorwing Blitz makes for one hell of a late-game killer.

The Diawatta is junk presently, though an increase to its Crit and a guaranteed Slash Proc on its strong attack could make for a excellent Strong Attack build, giving it an actual use.

As for Lantern? My recommendation is that the "Lantern" (the target of the effect that generates the Lantern Aura) can receive incoming damage and disperse said damage across the entirety of its effective radius. Going further with this concept, making enemies effected by the Lantern Aura attack the Lantern itself could dramatically improve the utility of this skill, making it functionally similar to Mag's Magnetize. It would also allow Titania to convert the Dex Pixia's DPS into CC damage by having Titania specifically targeting the Lantern to disperse the Dex Pixia's damage across Lantern's radius.

One thing you missed: Entangle & Full Moon. Entangle needs to have a buffed effect (Bare min of 40% Slow) and the slow effect NEEDS to be applied to enemy fire rate and action speed, not just movement speed. Full Moon is just gawdawful, and needs a total rethink. Maybe granting free revives to companions, a chance of I-frames for companions when they take fatal damage, or a 90% Damage Resistance to companions would be far more appealing than the current 75% increase to diddly squat "buff" that Full Moon grants now.

Spellbind is too situational to be useful, if you get hit with a status proc, you'd better be close to a surface in order to cast Spellbind on it for the temporary immunity, and the CC ragdoll can easily tank the team's kills per minute by making targets HARDER to focus fire on (Try chaining headshots on an airborne ragdolled target; maintaining consistency becomes a time consuming chore); maybe adding a more "universally applicable" effect to it would make it more appealing, such as increasing the amount of damage that enemies receive while under the effects of Spellbind (say enemies receive 50% more damage while under the effects of Spellbind; Damage Bonus is unaffected by Power Strength mods). This should allow the team to maintain their KPM even with the floating ragdolled enemies handicap. Finally, make the status immunity effect separate from the ragdoll effect. The ragdoll effect remains projectile in function (aim and click), while the status immunity effect becomes an AoE radial effect with Titania at its center (Click for Buff); finally, remove the target requirement for the ability so that it can be cast freely, without a designated target so that Titania can acquire the status immunity buff regardless of combat or Titania's proximity to a surface.

Finally, Tie Razorflies into Titania's Passive Ability; make it so Titania can generate (and maintain) Razorflies outside of Razorwing; maybe add a fancy Butterfly stencil meter that counts how many times Titania has cast her abilities, which resets and grants a single Razorfly once an established quota of casts has been met (Every 5 casts, Titania generates a Razorfly in and out of Razorwing; up to a cap of 10 Razorflies total; I.E. use Abilities 50 separate instances, receive 10 Razorflies.).

Those, combined with the modular Razorfly suggestion listed above, comprise my recommendations for a Titania Rework; adjusting her present kit to accommodate performance expectations. Wukong & Nezha have received jaw droppingly well conceived Reworks that have elevated them from Bottom Tier to Top Tier. Adopting the adjustments listed above should achieve a similar result for Titania, by making every single skill of hers more valuable and less situational/hindering.

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While you are reworking the most elegant gals, could you also give a look into giving a new passive to banshee?
Something like:
Echo: Casting an ability will cause silence and sonar to "pulse" (as per the augment Resonance).

That would seriously fix her silence ability not being great at high range/high duration

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@(XB1)Vile Slanders I'm not going to explain anything. Everything is already written in this topic. 

47 минут назад, (XB1)Vile Slanders сказал:

I don't know why people gripe about the Dex Pixia, I suspect that they either don't know how to mod, aim, or are establishing a myopic DPS metric based on God-Roll Rivens for God Tier Weapons. At the end of the day, the Dex Pixia are easily one of the most powerful ranged weapons available with the proper mod set (Cratus, Viral, Primed Bane, the Secondary Weapon Multishot/Base Damage Holy Trinity). What they lack in mob control potential (which can be improved via use of Punch Through mods), they make up for in raw firepower. Inflicting Viral status & stacking Bleed procs worth 8K apiece at mach 5 with Razorwing Blitz makes for one hell of a late-game killer.

Because Dex Pixia limits the gameplay. This is literally the only complaint. Dex Pixia is only effective against Lefantis, but my kuva brakk without the warframe build is just as effective. In other cases, Dex Pixia is just a boring conventional weapon. It can be in the set as an emergency measure or as a means of circumventing restrictions, such as weapon restrictions on a sortie or a rift limbo. But using it all the time is simply the most boring and inefficient activity. And this is literally the only reason why razorwing has an energy drain.

Just split razorwing into different abilities. This is really all that is needed to make Titania better.



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4 minutes ago, zhellon said:

@(XB1)Vile Slanders I'm not going to explain anything. Everything is already written in this topic. 

Because Dex Pixia limits the gameplay. This is literally the only complaint. Dex Pixia is only effective against Levantis, but my kuva brakk without the warframe build is just as effective. In other cases, Dex Pixia is just a boring conventional weapon. It can be in the set as an emergency measure or as a means of circumventing restrictions, such as weapon restrictions on a sortie or a rift limbo. But using it all the time is simply the most boring and inefficient activity. And this is literally the only reason why razorwing has an energy drain.



Limits gameplay? Like, to what? Shooting? How is that any different from flying around with another gun?

I don't care what weapon is in the slot, so long as it is effective. This is really down to individual opinion. I do not have an issue with Exalted Weapons, because regardless of whether I'm wielding them or not, I'm still performing the same actions with the same intents. As for Lephantis being the "only" use for Dex Pixia, sure: if you consider farming a milestone, and those milestones are the metric you use to establish success. I don't. I consider what kills the highest level non-boss enemies fastest the metric to go by, because I enjoy the combat found in Endurance runs far more entertaining than farming bosses. Again, its all subjective.

Razorwing also grants Razorflies, Evasion Buffs, and Flight. Putting some OP weapons in your hands is a bonus, as far as I'm concerned. How have you determined/established that the Weapons are the "Only" reason Razorwing has energy drain? I can't quite fathom how you arrived to this maxim. Is there Developer Dialogue explaining why Razorwing has a energy drain? If so, please, direct me to it.

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Только что, (XB1)Vile Slanders сказал:
Razorwing also grants Razorflies, Evasion Buffs, and Flight. Putting some OP weapons in your hands is a bonus, as far as I'm concerned. How have you determined/established that the Weapons are the "Only" reason Razorwing has energy drain? I can't quite fathom how you arrived to this maxim. Is there Developer Dialogue explaining why Razorwing has a energy drain? If so, please, direct me to it.

Dex Pixia is far from an OP weapon. In small levels, you can use any weapon with the same effectiveness. On larger levels, you can use strong conventional weapons with the same effectiveness. On endurance, Dex Pixia loses against 300 levels, but the pox + ferrox bundle is still relevant.

Evasion? Titania suffers most from AOE attacks that evasion does not protect against. This is a fact that I personally checked with the help of adaptation.

Razorfly? But you want it separately, and I agree that it's better this way.

Reducing the size and fly? Wukong has his clone for 25 energy. Why can't Titania get this for 25 energy as a mechanic? 

I only said that because Dex Pixia is the only thing worth the energy drain. 

And, many conventional weapons have their own mechanics. And a lot of conventional weapons will be released in the future. Razorwing with conventional weapons gives room for experimentation (and, I mean, melee, too, because Titania can use air attack and heavy attacks while in razorwing, which can have a very interesting effect). We also have arbitrages where Dex Pixia deals 0 damage, which provokes you to use the operator. (And now the operator breaks the razorwing flight animation). The worst thing is that there may be more content in which damage abilities may not work, and Dex Pixia is considered an ability.

It's simple, Dex Pixia / Divata just needs to be as separate from razorwing mode. It doesn't matter if they are just different keys of the same ability slot, or if they occupy 2 ability slots. These two things will only benefit from being separated.

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57 minutes ago, zhellon said:

We also have arbitrages where Dex Pixia deals 0 damage, which provokes you to use the operator.

This just needs to be reworked by DE. Exalted Weapons SHOULD deal damage to Arbitration Drones, ESPECIALLY in Titania's case, given how she's locked into a specific weapon set, and the Operator isn't exactly buff enough to tackle Arbitration drones surrounded by an invincible mob.

As for enemy level? That could very well change here in the future, given how DE is (say it with me) FINALLY...


...FINALLY addressing enemy EHP scaling. The Dex Pixia could remain relevant for a far longer span than their current status. With Primed Expel mods, I have managed to to do okay up until enemy level 370ish; going further requires very specific Warframes and Loadouts, and I'm afraid Titania will never be one of those.

At this point, my main concern is DE just doing SOMETHING MEANINGFUL for Titania soon, because if expanding the potential profits reaped from the next Prime Access isn't enough incentive for them to do something, then Titania may well end up like Atlas: DE made a half-hearted attempt, it failed, and as far as they're concerned there's no reason to ever try again.

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13 минут назад, (XB1)Vile Slanders сказал:

This just needs to be reworked by DE. Exalted Weapons SHOULD deal damage to Arbitration Drones, ESPECIALLY in Titania's case, given how she's locked into a specific weapon set, and the Operator isn't exactly buff enough to tackle Arbitration drones surrounded by an invincible mob.

As for enemy level? That could very well change here in the future, given how DE is (say it with me) FINALLY...


...FINALLY addressing enemy EHP scaling. The Dex Pixia could remain relevant for a far longer span than their current status. With Primed Expel mods, I have managed to to do okay up until enemy level 370ish; going further requires very specific Warframes and Loadouts, and I'm afraid Titania will never be one of those.

At this point, my main concern is DE just doing SOMETHING MEANINGFUL for Titania soon, because if expanding the potential profits reaped from the next Prime Access isn't enough incentive for them to do something, then Titania may well end up like Atlas: DE made a half-hearted attempt, it failed, and as far as they're concerned there's no reason to ever try again.

Well, Yes, it will help. But I would still like Dex Pixia to be a situational ability, so that Titania can have a large number of builds that will allow, for example, to give up energy efficiency.

My concern is only about free archwing mode. Dex Pixia-Yes, this is a good weapon, but I have a lot of weapons that I would like to try in flight. I believe that Titania only needs razorfly, razorwing, a separate Dex Pixia / Divata, and support mechanics like Wisp, and Titania will be good at everything. That's why I'm thinking of a Latern object with a buffs aura that resembles the Latern we used against invulnerable infected on survival. I'll attach a video to avoid misunderstandings:



I really think it might be a good support mechanic that suits Titania.

DE can't do the same with Atlas for one simple reason, they'll have to give Titania a lot of armor in this case.

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Long overdue, but we are working on more Titania items! Short gif of one of the more major changes: choose-your-Tribute. This will allow you to get the Auras you want, when you want them. We will have more details to share soon - expect a batch of changes that aim to make Titania more responsive and usable!


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4 minutes ago, [DE]Rebecca said:

Long overdue, but we are working on more Titania items! Short gif of one of the more major changes: choose-your-Tribute. This will allow you to get the Auras you want, when you want them. We will have more details to share soon - expect a batch of changes that aim to make Titania more responsive and usable!


Definitely a welcome change as I always found her Tributes to be unreliable while being based on enemy type. Would it be possible to also reduce energy cost of her other powers when they are used while Razorwing is active to make her less energy hungry and/or make it so picking up Tributes heal Titania and any affected allies by an amount that is perhaps based on Power Strength?

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Hey Reb,

12 minutes ago, [DE]Rebecca said:


As a side note - would you guys be willing to look into abilities like Radial Javelin  that don't scale in terms of damage?

Perhaps RJ damage could scale based on equipped Exalted Blade mods + Combo counter.

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34 minutes ago, [DE]Rebecca said:

We will have more details to share soon - expect a batch of changes that aim to make Titania more responsive and usable!

❤️ I hope this will include updating her to the current archwing controls.

This made my day. Our little fairy is getting some love. 

Also, thanks for letting us know. 🙂

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