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Warframe's communal hate against Destiny (and Anthem) should = calm down


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Hate Destiny and Anthem? A majority of region chat across the platforms except Switch are ex PVE Destiny players grousing like they're in a AA Meeting talking about their ex spouse...but seriously I want Anthem to be awesome..I want Destiny to claw it's way back into the hearts of players...WHY? Because when De is faced with competition..we get a ton of cool stuff (It's not Stuff, but I can't curse in here....so oh well... it's stuff now' but not really..because.you know what it really is....it's items...) 

Edited by (PS4)FriendSharkey
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4 hours ago, rune_me said:

You don't get to decide who I think deserves my money, or my respect. That's my decision to make, and mine alone.

I mean if you choose to support a morally bankrupt company who proceeds to show no care for their customers and instead intends to drain money out of them like a pig in a slaughter house, I’d say you derseve sympathy, but showing that level of ignorance in this day and age in unacceptable.

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I guess I live under a rock because I haven't seen anyone talking about either of these games.

On a personal note, I played Destiny and enjoyed it for a while. I have Destiny 2 that I snagged for free but I haven't had any real itch to play it and probably wont until I get burnt out from Warframe. I'll likely check out Anthem, but it honestly depends on how they monetize their game. If I have any apprehension, it's because I don't have much faith in EA or Activision.

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It isnt some WF vs Them hatred. The hatred is rooted far deeper than that, it is in the core hatred towards the publishers. Granted Activi$ion isnt on the same level of douchebaggery as EA, it falls more on Bungy in that case delivering a very underdeveloped game (with pressure from AV very likely) and going with a poor monetary model aswell. Destiny simply didnt justify a AAA price at release nor do the expansions justify the price they get either.

With EA and Anthem it is mostly EA hatred. Very likely I'll never pick up an EA game again, a big reason why I wont play BF5 either and a reason I skipped BFront2 and BF1. EA is the scum of scum when it comes to companies these days and it shows in what people they hire for their different branches.

So they both deserve the hatred.

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There is always some sourfoot in region chat that brings up Destiny by saying "Destiny is better than Warframe" and we naturally tell them to go back to their pocket burner.

I used to play Destiny as much as I play Warframe. Both 1 and 2 are beautiful, the music is great, but the experience was stale. I don't really even think the two games are comparable enough, I just think one overcharges while downgrading its experience and the other seriously undercharges while constantly improving its experience. Can you guess which one is which?

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The only places I see any mentions on Destiny hate are threards where people complain that they've seen this hate somewhere.



One of the main issues there is that there's micro transactions in a premium game that we'll already have to shill out 60-120 dollars for.


EA and Bioware as well as Bungie just cant stop their greed and realize that most players would spend an ungodly amount of money on cosmetics IF they dont feel like they're forced to pay. But when you charge 60$ for a game with like 20 hours of main quest gameplay and 40$ for each expansion and on top of that you have microtransaction well no s***t people are gonna 'complain'. Oh yeah and on top of all of that those games are almost just as grindy. Like you wot mate. You can only have 1 of those things.

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Destiny hate just seems to be a thing. And when you eff up it takes a loooot for the internet to forgive. And they eff up more then once and the player pays for it.

Anthem, the game looks cool. The dev's playing with gameplay and customization looked nice. Bioware is mostly loved. People don't seem to hate it. Most hate tends to be reserved for EA and what they are known for doing.

That and some people are pissed it isn't another dating simulator.


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destiny is bad, and i just play it cuz i got a free copy

i think the best word to describe destiny as a whole, is tedious

the story is cringy and tedious

the maps look beautifull, but they are also tedious cuz you are slow as hell to travel on them, and they are painfully long, just corridors, painfully long corridors with little encounters here and there

the enemies are so damn tedious cuz if they are not unmobile bullet sponges, they hide and you spend the whole time looking for them while they shoot you with their seeking proyectiles (yeah that bad the AI must be if you have to make them shoot seeking proyectiles)

the guns are tedious also, 3-4 types of guns, thats it, same appareance, same sounds, same bs

armors look so common, and minimalistic, booooring, tedious

i dont even know how the hell the matchmaking system works, but the menus are also tedious to move around

its basically halo, but its not halo

destiny is awfull, its beautifull, but is so damn awufull gameplay wise.


anthem on the other hand gets the hate cuz its an EA game, made by bioware, whos devs are horrible human beings (SJW, racists, feminazis)

but the game itself has promise in my personal opinion

the gameplay looks like a combination of a lot of good things from many different games, you could say the combat its really close to the combat system warframe has plus integrated archwing mode, with the quality of a triple AAA game and also things like the combination of powers and damage types bioware is know for

the bosses look really interesting, and dynamic, and damage balance seems to be really on point, a thing warframe really is lacking right now (and i mean both interesting bosses and damage balance)

idk how much content the game has but if its big, with different things to do other than shooting it could rivalize with for example the open world maps warframe has at the moment

in my eyes anthem looks like a potential competition to warframe and thats a good thing





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1 hour ago, -Temp0- said:

EA and Bioware as well as Bungie just cant stop their greed and realize that most players would spend an ungodly amount of money on cosmetics IF they dont feel like they're forced to pay.

To be fair bioware kept most of their microtransactions to superfluous extra stuff. They did full games, then optional DLC, then multiplayer stuff you could pay or play for. Even Andromeda's microtransactions were limited to multiplayer following the pay or play style.

If they hold up to their word they might be following that pay or play model.


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4 hours ago, Viges said:

Thx EA for killing Dead Space and Mass Effect.


Sure can't wait for Anthem to be the best game ever created Kappa

I am sure the first one will be really good to be honest.

The second one will feel lack-luster but still enjoyable.

The third one will be done by a B-rated studio and the ending will be $50 DLC with a cliff-hanger of additional DLC that we can get through a comic book.

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Eh Destiny earned my ire because their release cycle has been and is currently total butts. 

  1. Release paid super meh state sprinkled generously with microtransactions
  2. Release paid expansion that fix problems with the base game that never should have been problems in this day and age.
  3. Repeate stept 2 until the game is in a good place 
  4. Ditch game and launch it's replacement at step 1 proving you learned NOTHING. 

In short Destiny will eventually be a blast, right before they put it out to pasture and it's gonna cost you an arm and a leg to get to that point. I was super salty when D1 launched as a console exclusive and by the end of that I felt like I dodged a bullet and when they pushed D2... they had clearly learned nothing from D1. Well I take that back maybe they learned that people are simple and easily strung along. 



EA is a pox on the industry and I don't care how good/bad the game is I refuse to play it. They have absorbed and destroyed so many great studios and franchises.  As far as I'm concerned the sooner EA crumbles in on itself the better.


That said as far as I'm personally concerned it's too much of a bother to go out of my way (into to other games forums/twitch streams) and play the "you should be playing Warframe instead" card. Plus such an action would just reflect poorly on myself. 

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16 hours ago, RealHeftyTrout said:

As I've indulged into the community more and more I've noticed that the players have a huge hatred towards Destiny and even Anthem which is a game that hasn't even released.  I can easily understand just simply not liking the game and preferring Warframe, but what the Warframe community does just adds more toxicity and makes us all seem like hateful fanboys who bash any game slightly similar.  A lot of the hate seems incredibly shoehorned, regardless of what the original thread is, someone will find a way to randomly incorporate Destiny into the discussion just to hate it.  It's essentially everywhere, YouTube, forums, official WF media, in-game chat, and some even go as far as to go onto Destiny's media to hate and that makes our community seem childish and toxic.  I think we need to cool it with the desire to feel superior, I have almost never run into a Destiny player who openly despises Warframe with a passion.  The oddest thing is, aside from being Sci-Fi looter shooters, all 3 of these games are structured completely differently.

i never played D2 and will never play it or anthem and i don't need to to know that first i would need to destroy my wallet on the game before i could start destroying my eyes on it

i will never say warframe is better than any game i can say only that warframe handle few things better or worse than other games

but do you refuse me the right to hate other games? i hate pokemon games since for me they are stupid wash down versions of complex RPG games
amy i right or am i wrong? i don't care and you should not either but do i refuse you right to be in favor of it? well answer is no
so why you come here and refuse me right to hate something?

and i believe you miss the point here

let me give you example

lets say you buy a cake which taste very good but i trow old rotten egg into your cake which destroys your cake
but not all of your cake is damaged you could remove damaged part and eat untouched one but nah you already lost all appetite in that cake the moment that egg touched it
and pretty much same thing is with d2 or anthem

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Anthem's world design does look amazing though - especially the underwater areas. And I hope for at least average Bioware story/characters which would make it worth playing.


But combat there looks boring if it's only 4 suits, all of which look like some Iron Man knock off... I'd hope for at least the amount of skill customisation to give gameplay variety on par with mass effect multiplayer classes, otherwise this is going to be a fail. Ie, is it possible to customise the "mage's" abilities for elementalist, illusionist, telekinetic, etc? So far it looks too one-dimensional but I'll reserve judgement until seeing the full skill trees and abilities.

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With threads like this, it will never die :facepalm:

that said, I don't see much destiny or anthem talk  - hate or otherwise.

I don't hate anthem- never played it.

I don't hate D2 - I own it, played it for ~100 hrs - haven't played it for what feels like a year. In my opinion, anyone who seriously  compares D2 & Warframe hasn't played either.

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22 hours ago, (XB1)GearsMatrix301 said:

I mean if you choose to support a morally bankrupt company who proceeds to show no care for their customers and instead intends to drain money out of them like a pig in a slaughter house, I’d say you derseve sympathy, but showing that level of ignorance in this day and age in unacceptable.

All companies are out to make money. If their products are good, I'll buy them. Not buying a product because the company behind them is "morally bankrupt" is not an option in this day and age, unless you are living in a wooden shack, growing your own food and reading by candle light. If you think otherwise, you are the one showing unacceptable levels of ignorance, I'm sorry to say.

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23 hours ago, (XB1)GearsMatrix301 said:

I mean if you choose to support a morally bankrupt company who proceeds to show no care for their customers and instead intends to drain money out of them like a pig in a slaughter house, I’d say you derseve sympathy, but showing that level of ignorance in this day and age in unacceptable.

All companies are out to make money. That's just business. Aside from that, that's not the point. You do not sign their pay check. You do not have the right to try to tell someone what they spend their money on. Your values are not my values. A product you may find great, I may find worthless. Their money is their business, not yours. Your opinion about that is entirely irrelevant. 

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