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Chat Moderation Changes and Additions!


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3 hours ago, notlamprey said:

My understanding is that they will still be hand-picking any new moderators from names suggested by current moderators.

But isn't that part of what made this whole issue start in the first place? If they do that then most of the listed measures would end up being pointless anyways.

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8 minutes ago, ----Legacy---- said:

But isn't that part of what made this whole issue start in the first place? If they do that then most of the listed measures would end up being pointless anyways.

I think that's the conclusion many people are reaching, and I'm afraid that's my current position as well - unless further developments change the landscape in some major way.

The community has, here and elsewhere, pointed out several fundamental contradictions. These contradictions exist in DE's policy, their method of drafting that policy, and their enforcement of that policy. Whether they take these contradictions seriously and have the capability to address them in a meaningful way remains to be seen.

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Yeah, this just seems like a pretty weak attempt to placate the community whilst not actually holding the people who caused this mess responsible. This is a damn shame. Say what you will about the game, and the content releases it's put out, but the actual developers behind the game are great (Steve is my spirit animal), but this stuff kinda ruins it. All the hard work that the developers put in to making this game great, the years of garnering community goodwill, shot down by a few awful people with a megaphone (in this case a moderators badge).

I do understand that it's not all moderators, for those good eggs who do good work moderating our chat fairly, thank you. I'm sorry you have to share a stage with the awful ones.

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On 2019-01-19 at 2:45 PM, (PS4)AntiDevZ said:

Well i think all tennos should have a chance at being a mod or gotl.

Nope, sorry, not likely to happen. The only way to become one is for an existing one to vouch for you, and with limited slots each selection who are they going to pick: a random aspiring nobody or one of their friends who they're chummy with?

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On 2019-01-11 at 10:41 PM, (XB1)Erudite God said:

ever hear of voice chat?

The sarcasm is unwarranted and unhelpful.  You're on XB1, which probably has different norms, but practically nobody uses voice chat here on PC.

Clan-mates use Discord or similar.  Randoms using voice chat are extremely rare, and even more rare is for someone else to respond to them in kind.  Usually if there's one person talking, there are at least two who only answer via text... which nobody banned from chat can read.

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