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Some Weapon Suggestion Needed



Ok so iv been playing warframe for like over a month now and i must say im pretty addictict to it

i lvled up 4 warframes alrdy (nova being the fourth only lvl 14 atm) and i rly had fun playing warframe 

but something that troubles me is choosing the right weapon.....

i had a boltor for a long time but now it seems un effective 

so now i have a lvl 10ish dread and i seem to like it (tho im pretty concerned about it being effective at end game qq)

but the main problem i have is that i cant choose a side arm weapon for me

i had akbolto (30 played for a long time) lex (didnt like it much) and now i got twin gremlins (i like its gameplay) it seems good but i heard somewhr its not that effective end game

sooo i was looking for someone who could suggest me a gun which was automatic (not completely necessary tho i can live without it :p .... tho it makes it abit hard to concentrate without the guns being automatic) and had some (normal/high) capacity 

and is good for end game

and also if dread is good for me or i should try to get paris prime?

i was looking for a bow/range primary and a close weapon for my nova 


also can anyone suggest me some good weapons (that seem to match my preferences) for my frost prime? :o 

(i got orthos as a melee weapon and i love it :3 just fyi)

your help will be appreciated :D

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