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Team "un-Friendly" Gameplay


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Hello, I am a relatively new player (a little over two weeks). I am enjoying the game greatly but have seen a couple "flaws" that I feel subtract from the gameplay experience. I would like to see features in the game that promote unsporting gameplay removed. It is far too frequent to be stuck in a party with high level "try hards" as I like to call them who rush ahead of the party often times locking down systems or prematurely activating elevators leaving other party members stuck or unable to contribute (i.e. earn any experience or pick up loot). Furthermore the enemies they leave in their wake either kill or greatly hinder the progression of slower players or those who wish to experience the full immersion of the level. This can also lead to unnecessary deaths and forfeits by players who are simply trying to play. I have heard this is also common during tower mission in which the leader has paid (either with a real money key or one earned through gameplay) to play the mission and is left stranded or on the short end of the earnings because of unsporting players.

Most recently I was in a party of four in which I was the initial member (the other three joined later). Immediately as the second member joined they rushed ahead along with the next player leaving myself and the fourth joiner in the dust. They finished the mission and reached extraction point before we were barely even able to reach the boss location. Because of this the mission was basically pointless and I feel greatly subtracted from the experience and immersion of the game considering the assassination missions are part of the story line.

I would also like to make it clear that these players also are not actually "contributing" to the mission but rather just reaching the objective first. As frequent as I am in these types of situations I also am just as frequently the top producer of damage and kills. This I feel is the intended gameplay method instead of using a glitchy slide maneuver and vastly over-upgraded speed mods to rush past all obstacles.

The main points I would like to make are as follows:

1. The slide maneuver while necessary allows players to rapidly move faster. This needs to be fixed. Not only is it glitchy and allows players to move at faster than normal speeds when used repeatedly it also defies physics. The only fix needed is to not allow the slide to increase your speed. Limiting the number of uses would only hinder gameplay further.

2. I see no reason why there needs to be speed buffs of any kind. While it may come as a disappointment both to others and myself  to lose a speed advantage the only use I have seen of (running) speed increasing mods is to rush ahead of others, especially lower level players who are already struggling to contribute and do not have these mods.

3. Lastly and probably most importantly a feature needs to be added to or "avoid" players. This feature would stop you from unintentionally joining a party with a player you do not wish to party with any further and also prevent that player from joining your party. A simple message may pop up stating "A member of the party you are attempting to join is an "avoided" player, do you wish to proceed?" at this point you may select yes or no depending on your ultimate objective. The second part of the feature would send a message "The host in this party has you listed as an avoided player". This would alert the player that their unsporting conduct (or possibly other reasons) has lead a player to block them. This means that players who promote this unsporting behavior will have difficulty finding parties or at least be unable to join parties with players who they have hindered in the past and deemed them as poor party members. In the same fashion those players may block party members they feel are too slow.

In all I believe the intended style of play should be team oriented. In any fashion if the team wishes to move ahead quickly that is by all means admirable. Every player has different goals and a different play style and features should be active towards helping players find like-minded groups. However, this should never be at the expense of players who are either too low (skill or experience) level to keep up or would rather play the mission thoroughly. A kick system I feel would only promote unfair behavior (i.e. kicking before mission completion or removing players you simply don't like). However these "try hard" players I feel ruin the ultimate game experience I feel that something must be done in order to raise the general quality of experience for those of us who wish to experience the full immersion of the game.

What is everyone elses' thoughts?

Edited by SheLO0ked_Lvl18
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No matter what you do to speed nerfs, rushers will always rush. Matchmaking is our last hope...

Players who rush ahead in missions shouldn't be doing so in missions as early as Mercury. I am appalled at the fact that there are Novas spamming M-Prime in Mercury missions, with the intention of "farming kills".

This is inevitable. Apparently even if you nerf any buffs to speed, you guys will still be affected, and the rushers will find another way to rush. In short, nerfing speed will not work, unfortunately.

P.S. welcome to Warframe. If these instances persist, you can add me up as a friend, or apply into a good clan.

Edited by X3Evanescence
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Don't touch my speed buff. I don't just use slide maneuver to skip ahead but I actually use it while attacking enemies. I'm probably th few that ever main with melees. I need more melee options other then hitting E over and over.


I agree this game needs a block option. Especially since there are people who enter a game and go afk.

Edited by NBlitZ
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1) De did this and it was just no

2) Some frames are much faster than others, these mods are needed in order for them to keep up, other wise they'd be "left in the dust and miss out on the game experience"

3) There's this thing called private, invite only, solo. Also, while I'm not sure, I believe that ignoring players will keep them from joining your games

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Don't touch my speed buff. I don't just use slide maneuver to skip ahead but I actually use it while attacking enemies.


I agree this game needs a block option. Especially since there are people who enter a game and go afk.

I said in the initial post that limiting or removing the slide would only hinder gameplay. My only issue with it is it's ability to momentarily increase your speed. I feel the speed buff is a GOOD thing but unfortunately is being used more maliciously than tactically.

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1) De did this and it was just no

2) Some frames are much faster than others, these mods are needed in order for them to keep up, other wise they'd be "left in the dust and miss out on the game experience"

3) There's this thing called private, invite only, solo. Also, while I'm not sure, I believe that ignoring players will keep them from joining your games

1) That is good information that I was not aware of. EDIT: I can also see how removing this feature would make it difficult to make some of the larger leaps required to get past some obstacles.

2) Indeed but the speed buffs exacerbate this issue and I feel the speed buff is rarely (if ever) used to help players keep up with others. Without knowing what specific players have equipped I cannot say for certain I've only seen it used to rush ahead but I can definiately tell the difference between a player who is using it that way and a player who doesn't have it

3) I don't feel any player should be forced or intimidate into soloing a mission or be limited to a select few friends that they've made (or haven't made because they can't find team-friendly players.

I suppose again my main point is that a multiplayer/cooperative game shoudl be focused on team oriented gameplay. This is obviously my own opinion but when you're trying to form a healthy community I feel that accomadating different playstyles must be pushed more towards limiting unfriendly gameplay in any respect. By other standards the players rushing ahead probably feel we are just noobish and should keep up but the possibilty of a low level being able to keep up is much less likely than a higher level player being courteous and friendly.

Edited by SheLO0ked_Lvl18
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Rushers are a big problem with new players. Unfortunately this ties into our generally bad matchmaking system (if you can call it that).

To avoid the rushers at this time you have to put in a little effort. Either play solo or private, find a clan to join, or ask in chat for players to help and ask them not to rush.

I know, these options are annoying and this shouldn't be a problem in the first place, but I have faith DE will fix it... Sometime.. =/

I am sorry for your poor experience though. Hopefully you can find many more good times though, and find the good things in this game that make it an unpolished gem.

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1) That is good information that I was not aware of. EDIT: I can also see how removing this feature would make it difficult to make some of the larger leaps required to get past some obstacles.

2) Indeed but the speed buffs exacerbate this issue and I feel the speed buff is rarely (if ever) used to help players keep up with others. Without knowing what specific players have equipped I cannot say for certain I've only seen it used to rush ahead but I can definiately tell the difference between a player who is using it that way and a player who doesn't have it

3) I don't feel any player should be forced or intimidate into soloing a mission or be limited to a select few friends that they've made (or haven't made because they can't find team-friendly players.

I suppose again my main point is that a multiplayer/cooperative game shoudl be focused on team oriented gameplay. This is obviously my own opinion but when you're trying to form a healthy community I feel that accomadating different playstyles must be pushed more towards limiting unfriendly gameplay in any respect. By other standards the players rushing ahead probably feel we are just noobish and should keep up but the possibilty of a low level being able to keep up is much less likely than a higher level player being courteous and friendly.

I will not argue that rushing is a problem, but at the same time when over half the team is ahead and there's one person's behind dying or just can not keep up is also a problem to the team. 

It all depends on play style. Like someone here said, match making will hopefully fix the rusher/explorer gap, yet until that happens, your best bet is to ether make friends here that you can explore with, or ask in the beginning of every mission "are y'all rushers or explorers?"

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1) That is good information that I was not aware of. EDIT: I can also see how removing this feature would make it difficult to make some of the larger leaps required to get past some obstacles.

2) Indeed but the speed buffs exacerbate this issue and I feel the speed buff is rarely (if ever) used to help players keep up with others. Without knowing what specific players have equipped I cannot say for certain I've only seen it used to rush ahead but I can definiately tell the difference between a player who is using it that way and a player who doesn't have it

3) I don't feel any player should be forced or intimidate into soloing a mission or be limited to a select few friends that they've made (or haven't made because they can't find team-friendly players.

I suppose again my main point is that a multiplayer/cooperative game shoudl be focused on team oriented gameplay. This is obviously my own opinion but when you're trying to form a healthy community I feel that accomadating different playstyles must be pushed more towards limiting unfriendly gameplay in any respect. By other standards the players rushing ahead probably feel we are just noobish and should keep up but the possibilty of a low level being able to keep up is much less likely than a higher level player being courteous and friendly.

It is the unfortunate truth. Rushers tend to value their time, and rush ahead. The ones who are truly trying to immerse themselves into team oriented gameplay, have time on their side, and they seek fun.

In my opinion, I feel that if the players feel that their playstyle gets the most fun out of the game, be it rush or explore, we have to respect their choice. You cannot force rushers to not rush, you cannot force explorers to not explore. What I feel is the best solution is to tweak the matchmaking to identify these players, the players can set their playstyle to rush. Then the game will automatically matchmake the players to "rush" squads only. By identifying these, players are matchmaked into the team they desire and have the most out of their teamplay.

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It is the unfortunate truth. Rushers tend to value their time, and rush ahead. The ones who are truly trying to immerse themselves into team oriented gameplay, have time on their side, and they seek fun.

In my opinion, I feel that if the players feel that their playstyle gets the most fun out of the game, be it rush or explore, we have to respect their choice. You cannot force rushers to not rush, you cannot force explorers to not explore. What I feel is the best solution is to tweak the matchmaking to identify these players, the players can set their playstyle to rush. Then the game will automatically matchmake the players to "rush" squads only. By identifying these, players are matchmaked into the team they desire and have the most out of their teamplay.

This is why we need a "Game List". If we could see the host name, number of players in squad, map, and a little comment or playstyle preference, everything would be much better.
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A possibility would simply be to have a two button party search on the screen. My main point isn't to "Force" players into a playstyle but rather to level the playing field a little and prevent an overbearing high level from ruining the advancement of an already much weaker/slower/lower level player. I digress to the song "Trees" by Rush (no pun intended with the band name...okay maybe a little).

My only problem with that is that there is still a definite difference in how some players will define "team oriented gameplay" as you have selfish players who only want the game played their way. That is not my point but rather that players not be able to completely eliminate the possibility of another player progressing during the mission.

Furthermore a player could easily join a party marked as an "explorer" mission as you put it knowing that these players will more than likely be slower. This would make it even easier for them to selectively pick parties for their OWN advancement rather than team gameplay. Like a big flashing sign saying "these players will be easily taken advantage of".

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I'd also like to state that one of the largest disappointments I've faced in this game (and probably the only real DISAPPOINTMENT) is that this game has peer to peer connection. I've gotten stuck in many-a-party with someone who has clearly fashioned their router out of sand and toenail clippings. Unfortunately my ISP is not that great either (as with about 85% of the population) so I cannot limit my ping settings if I ever hope to find a party. I would also like to see forced area settings. I can't tell you how much I hate a host who lives in Asia hosting a Western US game. I for one am fascinated at just how long of a response time the fastest moving entity (being light/information) can take when tossed back and forth across the globe.

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I'd also like to state that one of the largest disappointments I've faced in this game (and probably the only real DISAPPOINTMENT) is that this game has peer to peer connection. I've gotten stuck in many-a-party with someone who has clearly fashioned their router out of sand and toenail clippings. Unfortunately my ISP is not that great either (as with about 85% of the population) so I cannot limit my ping settings if I ever hope to find a party. I would also like to see forced area settings. I can't tell you how much I hate a host who lives in Asia hosting a Western US game. I for one am fascinated at just how long of a response time the fastest moving entity (being light/information) can take when tossed back and forth across the globe.

They've been working on it, all in due time. To be able to omit oneself from host shall (or should) be a thing. 

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Kick button, F*** it.


And no i won't get trolled cuz i'll host my own games. If someone rushes/camps, out they go. Also no i don't feel like asking guild or friends. We need kick button, nothing else to it.

Problem with a kick button is people kicking players just simply for not liking them. I dislike players but overall I'm more concerned with a healthy game and community so I deal with them for the sake of the greater goal of progression for both of us. Furthermore you could get kicked just for fun by the host or group when the boss is nearly dead or upon entering the boss room. Goodbye last undetermined time of my life and goodbye decent rewards for your time wasted.

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if you don't want people to rush or to explore just play solo other people doesn't have to change the way they play for you no matter what play style it is if im farming a boss im not gonna go slow and kill everything just because someone else wants i just rush to the boss kill it and leave the one complaining is the one that should go solo or with friends 

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