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Team "un-Friendly" Gameplay


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A system which would allow the player to form a group with individuals who would want to move at a similar pace...Like partying up with friends, or joinging/starting a clan?


Systems are already in place to offer the player options to "take in the scenery". Could they be better developed to allow for a bit more accessibility is the true question, my answer is yes.


I understand where you're coming from OP, because I fealt the same way when I was brand new. It can be a little daunting when you join a group and they rocket off into the void killing as much stuff as they can while trying to finish the mission in less than 10 minutes. But that is because they are farming and can't "waste time" looking at tile sets they've proably seen one-thousand times already.


With that said, people have already mentioned the fact you can set the mission up for solo-play or private-play and then take all the time you need. Yes Warframe has a multiplayer aspect, but it's been said that most missions are designed with the possibility for a player to be able to solo them.


In conclusion, I feel improving the system by incorperating playstyle matchmaking, or matchmaking of any kind would be great; changing the core gameplay to better suit newer players detracts from the veteran players. That is a theme which is becoming all to prevelant with certain map tile "revamps". The idea is players should have to grow and adapt as they play to better survive Warframe, not complain until the developers neuder the game to make it overly-casual friendly.

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i tend to solo every game i play...because i have that 'everything must die' mentality

'epic gear' has never really impressed me much...so i seldom bother with instances, raids, etc...

LFG and 'dungeon finders' are good when they're made well...some titles take years to get it right...lol

one good solution...especially on static maps...difficulty scales with numbers...


a reasonable alternative is 'Path of Exile' in-game message board...

| map/area | # player/level desired | intended run (fast xp, rush/boss kill, mat run, Kill it All, etc) | by 'name' |


i've only co-op'd once...the loot drops in this game aren't set up for multiplayer runs...and with only one craft mode,

'need/greed' wouldn't work either, cause everybody needs everything...except maybe frame mats


until the developers come up with something that works, you'll just have to solo, or be selective in recruiting

there are probably a lot of things this game could use...depending on who you talk to...

but i do like the gameplay...and i love the npc AI...very few games have npc's that actually switch position in

reaction to your movement...use cover effectively...adjust their line of fire...i just love that!



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Many others have already said this OP, but rushers ruining the game for others is a matchmaking problem, not a problem with movement mechanics and mobility mods.

Rushing isn't an inherently bad playstyle. Even rushers who are being rude and impolite aren't necessarily doing it because they're A******s (though some are), it's often because they have real-life obligations to get back to or because they are trying to farm -- I'll tell you, when I'm farming a node for the 40th time in a row trying to get components or a blueprint, I'm not in the mode to tolerate other people slowing me down, even if I know I'm being discourteous towards others.

Furthermore, for me and my friends, as well as a lot of other players in general, movement is one of the most fun and rewarding things about the game. Sure sliding and slide strike animation cancelling doesn't "make sense", but it's fun.

Echoing other posters again, I think the solution is obvious: improvements to the matchmaking and lobby system. Hosts should be able to create lobbies with a playstyle in its description, such as "no rush", "rush only no fighting", "loot all containers", "kill all enemies", etc. Players who are not hosting should have the option to join and/or view only lobbies that have certain playstyles listed, so they can find a non-rushing game or whichever style suits them.

Such a system benefits everyone involved: rushers can find groups to rush with more easily, players who like to take things slower can find likeminded squadmates, and people in clans can find lobbies that suit them if other clan members are not available.

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As kind of a rusher myself, I'd say the thing making me rush is the fact that I've seen pretty much every tileset in the game at least a hundred-ish times by now, and really can't be bothered to look around too much any more. That said, I am typically considerate, even to the point of excess, waiting at elevators and other such spots for people to arrive before activating and avoiding the evac zone until most of the team has arrived.


It'd probably be good to avoid blindly targeting rushers as a whole without considering that we're a diverse group unto ourselves, who generally have pretty decent reasons for doing things our way. We're players too, and just because we don't feel like playing the game your way doesn't mean we deserve to be demonized for it.

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1. The slide maneuver while necessary allows players to rapidly move faster. This needs to be fixed. Not only is it glitchy and allows players to move at faster than normal speeds when used repeatedly it also defies physics. The only fix needed is to not allow the slide to increase your speed. Limiting the number of uses would only hinder gameplay further.

2. I see no reason why there needs to be speed buffs of any kind. While it may come as a disappointment both to others and myself  to lose a speed advantage the only use I have seen of (running) speed increasing mods is to rush ahead of others, especially lower level players who are already struggling to contribute and do not have these mods.

3. Lastly and probably most importantly a feature needs to be added to or "avoid" players. This feature would stop you from unintentionally joining a party with a player you do not wish to party with any further and also prevent that player from joining your party. A simple message may pop up stating "A member of the party you are attempting to join is an "avoided" player, do you wish to proceed?" at this point you may select yes or no depending on your ultimate objective. The second part of the feature would send a message "The host in this party has you listed as an avoided player". This would alert the player that their unsporting conduct (or possibly other reasons) has lead a player to block them. This means that players who promote this unsporting behavior will have difficulty finding parties or at least be unable to join parties with players who they have hindered in the past and deemed them as poor party members. In the same fashion those players may block party members they feel are too slow.

to point 1. it was nerfed then repatched in again because it was fun now it's intended


2. making the game slower doesn't promote teamplay a #$&(% will always be a #$&(% and think for him/herself


3. that might come



and now to the overall thing try hards etc, some people prefer that way, some love to rush and challenge themself to have higher speeds and to the fastest runs, let them be, it's not your decision how the team has to play, it's the teams decision.


and about rushing and slowpokes, high ranked vs low ranked DE is fixing the mmr and is trying to make that similar ranked players will be matched together, so low don't get into high and vice versa, but the problem is,(well at least for me)


missions are rarely done. almost 80% of the missions are empty 

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I don't think that they are by default against rushing a mission. Since there is so little etiquette in online gaming there is usually a match making system in place. DE for whatever reason has not put it up very high on the must have list before being a released game despite it being in obvious need for one.

Nobody is against rushing a mission. If they are then they likely haven't been playing very long.


What people are against is griefing in a game and squads made of of a mix of people rushing and people looking to explore and resource collect.


The clear solution would be to finally make a match making system and give players an option to block or avoid other players whom they have had a bad experience.

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Well, how about that?

A lockdown triggered by enemies will lock down every door in the whole level at once.

Doors will only open to enemy assault teams once they are in position to charge.

Every door will have to be hacked to be opened and can be locked down again by enemy troops.

Hacking puzzles will be more challenging, so they take twice as much time and give more experience.

This will give all Tenno the time to catch up to the rusher.

The Rusher will have a hard time hacking alone unless he has Invisibility or a massive level benefit.

Optionally, there will be enemy assault teams or heavies in lifts, so the team can catch up while the rusher has to empty the lift first.


All this can be avoided by preventing the lockdown in the usual manner.



Hacking becomes more important and rewarding.

Lockdowns get more threatening as the rusher gets isolated easily.

Enemies can't be ignored because they trigger the lockdown.

Rusher never gets very far because once lockdown is active he has to hack every door on the way to the objective.

Rusher can only rush one room at a time.

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Well, how about that?

A lockdown triggered by enemies will lock down every door in the whole level at once.

Doors will only open to enemy assault teams once they are in position to charge.

Every door will have to be hacked to be opened and can be locked down again by enemy troops.

Hacking puzzles will be more challenging, so they take twice as much time and give more experience.

This will give all Tenno the time to catch up to the rusher.

The Rusher will have a hard time hacking alone unless he has Invisibility or a massive level benefit.

Optionally, there will be enemy assault teams or heavies in lifts, so the team can catch up while the rusher has to empty the lift first.


All this can be avoided by preventing the lockdown in the usual manner.



Hacking becomes more important and rewarding.

Lockdowns get more threatening as the rusher gets isolated easily.

Enemies can't be ignored because they trigger the lockdown.

Rusher never gets very far because once lockdown is active he has to hack every door on the way to the objective.

Rusher can only rush one room at a time.


Repeat after me "my way of playing the game isn't the right way of playing the game." Stop trying to ruin other peoples fun just because you disapprove. These ideas are terrible. Might as well add some horrible cover mechanic while your at it, and remove all powers. Get rid of sprinting and parkour too. If you want to kill this game with slowness, you might as well go all out.

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I have to admit that a lockdown system could be useful if DE made missions that encouraged stealth. Like moving from air vent to air vent across open areas or sneaking up and killing enemies without being noticed. If discovered then it could trigger an event like what was mentioned.


Perhaps as though the Corpus or Grineer called in for reinforcements.

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I find it interesting how quickly rushing is seen as something despicable, with those who do so being marked as miscreants and reprobates. There needs to be a distinction drawn between uncourteous players and those who prefer to complete their missions faster rather than slower.


Taking the above example of someone hiding in a corner of the map with the datamass isn't something that is inexorably inherent to rushers. I have a maxed Rush mod equipped to every frame I have, so do my friends. We slice, shoot and blast our way past the NPCs with as much speed and violence as we can manage. If the majority of the group is opting for a faster playstyle, we match them. Vice versa is true as well. Does this make us bad players, bad people?


I absolutely agree that we need more matchmaking functionality. If I'm farming (and thus dashing through the mission), I'd like to let players know this up front.


There is a reason me and my buddies own a ghost clan named "Half Minute Ninja".

We like to rush maps. Doesn't mean we always rush, and for sure doesn't mean we don't teamplay when in a PUG.

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I don't mean to necro (no pun intended)


But after some thought, I must say you are not wrong.


their should be, at the very least, a way to separate people who are new, and people just trying to farm for parts. despite a lack of story, it does not mean you cant take in what you are doing, which is hard to do when every one has rushed ahead and already killed the boss.


I wonder how many new people i left to die because I was on my 10th Jackal run that day and just didn't care about them, how many where new players who were turned off by the crappy team mates who left them to die on their first run on a boss?

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