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Very dissapointed by the mainline.


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I'm not happy, I'm just one player- but perhaps 6509 hours on the clock counts for something? I'll let you decide that. Time and attention spans are short so I'll try to keep it to the point:


Problem: Limited access to heavy weapons.

Explanation: As a heavy weapon enthusiast I was thrilled when I saw we can use them- then horrified when you said "We don't want them to replace primary / secondaries" because that's the opposite of what I want. You've backed this up in their implementation, and I find myself in the weird position of being able to call in big guns but actually *not* wanting to in-case I may want to later (which invariably I never do because to every problem I have more sustainable solutions- like running away / calling in a spectre). 

Possible solution: Return ammo regen to Arch-guns, have them as persistent pickup/put down artifacts in-game, restrict movement to just walking / running with them while equipped and have them as deployable gear items (because obviously players will loose them / need to abandon them). Or just have them replace primaries / primaries AND secondaries (i.e. draw melee if you want to bounce around freely).

Reason: All enemies spawn infinitely and do so relatively consistently. All bosses that are typically immortal (like Ruk / Kril) have regular vulnerability phases- hence a worthwhile "heavy weapon experience" in such a consistent environment is one that delivers solutions consistently. The drawback of such taking firepower should be related to the "heavy" part of "heavy weapon"- not the availability of the weapon itself.


Problem: Selective invulnerability is breaking my immersion badly.

Explanation: During the big spider Eidolon fight, it finally all hit me- It has a giant hologram telling me how to kill it, it has an "everything-but-one-proof-shield" and had an "everything-proof-shield" until someone DIDNT properly knock out a satellite. I started asking questions: "Why couldn't I just fly up and destroy the satellite earlier?" "Why does void damage hurt the sentients but not the spider?" "Why can I harm the spider with my weaker non-rivened heavy weapons, but not my more powerful Rivened weaponry?" "Why will my Zenith, something with "infinite puncthrough", not harm the spider when it can shoot clean through it?" "How are Lech Kril / Sargas Ruk / Kuva siphons normally immune to all forms of damage, and why don't the Grineer use their staggering industrial might to reproduce this technology en masse?" "Why am I still putting up with this crap when I have a huge laser cannon which can do about 200k damage per shot on the orange crit?" "What IS an orange crit anyway? How does it actually differ to a red or yellow one? Are there secret softer spots on targets that crit bullets home in on, and if so how come I can get an orange crit shooting someones hand / foot?"

Possible solution: Sort out how physics in Warframe works then stick to it. Try to answer the following questions: "Why does a critical hit differ from a locational damage multiplier?". "If you have enough puncthrough on a gun to go clean through a target, and you shoot its vital spot (like its throat or its spine)- why would that ever not crit / instantly incapacitate?". "Does sentient adaptation confer resistance or true invincibility?". "Can sentient adaptation adapt to everything, 4 things, or everything except one thing - and why?". "Are heavy weapons like big primary weapons or do they have some magic inbuilt strength that modded primaries cannot achieve- and if so- why is this not reflected in stats beyond base damage?". Get all of that sorted, rewrite half the games damage mechanics, rebalance most of the mods, whether the storm of upset players -and you'll be there. Easy, right?

Reason: When I see previous rules of the universe being broken, and characters behaving stupidly, for no obvious reason beyond the sake of plot convenience- I loose my immersion. If I keep loosing my immersion, this game will no longer offer escapism, if the game doesn't offer escapism anymore, then I just won't be able to get into it anymore.


Problem: The mainline format is too much at once.

Explaination: Like it or not, if you don't cooperate with human psychology, you are at risk of being undermined by it. When you release an update, people want to get through it. When you release an HUGE update, people want to take it ALL on. This update and prime access added together has a staggering amount of stuff to do and grind, not to mention the changes you made to Nyx and Titania which deserve a thorough testing. I don't have the time this holiday season to do all this and I'm not sure forking out money for Mesa Prime would really improve that either- getting everything formaed and levelled itself would require me XP grinding myself retarded in Sanctuary or Hydron (which I passionately don't want to do).

Possible solution: Drip feed it more. Space it out. Have Nyx / Titania one week, Mesa the next, then the big Mainline Fortuna 2.0

Reason: You keep the player base doing the same amount of grind (protecting your bottom line) while not making people feel overloaded with grind (which clearly many do this time), and you give further reward for checking in frequently and further allow us to savour and appreciate the littler changes more.


Problem: Corpus lockers skin changed
Explanation: I have to be closer to lockers that look less neat, and need to look longer to see if they can be opened.

Possible solution: Change it back or make it more obvious what can be opened, and if its a colourblind issue then tweak the colouring of the lights

Reason: This isn't a part of the game I have enjoyed being made more difficult. If you wanted to fix something texture based, do something about the weird rubedo formations that look like they are almost growing out of the floor of various spaceships / orokin towers. Seriously, that could use a pass.


Problem: You keep adding warframes that aren't as useful as others for the mission types on offer.

Explanation: It's fitting Baruuk is in a release with a revamped Titania and Nyx because they can't stop missiles / bullets from hitting an excavator either. Not while shooting back anyway. There is a whole list of warframes that may as well not bother turning up to some missions because they cant do the stealthy speed of Loki/Ash, nor the "idgaf" invincibility of Wukong, nor summon the protective shielding of Frost / Limbo (and on a good day, Gara). At low levels Ember is still queen, and at high levels, Mesa continues to trivialise all other offensive operations. You can play with frames that are fun for the sake of fun but at some point you are always going to end up wanting to play to win and when it gets to that time- you aren't going to be picking Mag.

Possible solution: Change the game modes to allow more flexibility and nerf the outlier frames. Mesa's Peacemaker is obviously too powerful, she should be paying energy by the bullet not the second. Wukongs invincibility needs a limit or a cooldown. Stop Limbo from rifting defense objectives altogether and remove the initial invincibility of Frosts dome / Garas glass tube. Do something about the speed and/or impunity of invisibility. At the same time, for excavation- have the excavator health scale with enemy level. For cryopod defense, have its health / shield scale per 5/wave too. You manage this with mobile defense after all.

Reason: To improve frame diversity for the majority of the missions, therefore keeping frame choice as wide as possible, thereby keeping gameplay varied an entertaining. Open up the game modes and maybe I'll give Baruuk a go. Until then- while my excavators can be 1 shot by high level Lankas/Ogri from across the map, while Mesa clears out room after room of high level enemies before other frames have had a chance to even press 4, and while Ember kills <Level 30 people in a 40meter radius without even needing to know they are there- I know who I'm picking for any given mission, and it's never going to be Titania at this rate. Free to play means grind, good grind is fun, but we are still in a rush, and we still haven't got time for excavations that get to 69% without going all the way!


I've come this far with you DE, but think I'm skipping this release out. These are all fixable problems, but they are problems that need fixing.

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4 hours ago, Impulse_Nine said:

restrict movement to just walking / running with them while equipped

Why would I ever use this unless explicitly told I needed to use it for something like with the Orb Mother? The movement is one of the most iconic pieces of what makes Warframe the game it is.

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You lost me when you suggested nerfing frames.  Bringing other frames up to scratch is almost always a better solution, especially considering the nature of the playerbase And the game.

Also....physics in Warframe?  It's supposed to be Space Ninja Fantasy horde shooter 3000.  We have fairies, killer goats and cats, necromancers and dance instructors ffs. 

Wrong game.

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2 minutes ago, (XB1)Thy Divinity said:

You lost me when you suggested nerfing frames.  Bringing other frames up to scratch is almost always a better solution, especially considering the nature of the playerbase And the game.

Not always. If something is stupidly broken then it needs a nerf, then what's underpowered needs to be brought up.

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9 hours ago, peterc3 said:

Why would I ever use this unless explicitly told I needed to use it for something like with the Orb Mother? The movement is one of the most iconic pieces of what makes Warframe the game it is.

This is the point of a HEAVY weapon. If they weren't okay with some restriction on movement you shouldn't allow me to hold on to a gun bigger than myself. I actually hate the gearwheel implementation of the archguns. There is literally no moment I need to pull an archgun out of the gearwheel to overpower something nearly any of my other guns can do better.

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5 hours ago, Ark218 said:

This is the point of a HEAVY weapon.

Hence it really only being used as a mechanic in the Orb Mother fight with drawbacks that only appear when it is used outside that. It was never going to be in the game this early if it required heavy modifications to the weapon system.

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