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More Loadout slots


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Currently, a player can purchase 20 loadout slots with platinum.
If a player reaches MR26, it gives 13 loadout slots.

The total available maximum slots are
default loadout slot + 13 slots from MR bonus + 20 purchasable slots = 34.

Well, how many warframes you can have maximum? (with no consideration prime version.)

38 warframes - 34 loadout slots = need more 4 slots.
Simple math.

It would be great if DE increase the number of purchasable loadout slots.

Don't bother players with managing loadout slots...

Edited by Fineblade
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When was the last time you went trough and played all frames?
Do you play every single frame on a regular basis?

The current slot maximum is enough for now and maybe even for the future.

Loadout slots are meant for specific builds, that you wan to use without setting them up in the arsenal. They aren't meant to have every frame ready at any given time.

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21 minutes ago, Nacond said:

Maybe I just haven't found out. But is there a way to change order of the slots? ^^

Although in fine with more than 30 slots I would also be fine with even more 🙂

No, sadly, if you want to change their position, you HAVE to rename each one & change the loadout itself, it sucks, I know

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Am 27.12.2018 um 13:37 schrieb Xenox_Ilz-ot:

No, sadly, if you want to change their position, you HAVE to rename each one & change the loadout itself, it sucks, I know

Ok thanks. Yeah that sucks a lot... Would be more useful than more slots for me (at first) 

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On 2018-12-30 at 1:15 AM, (XB1)Thy Divinity said:

Why?  Unless you use every frame for every mission I'm not seeing the point.

Some people like you don't need much, just use some of frames.

But on the other hands, some people like me need more slots to use all frames.

If you don't need slots, that is OK, but I need. You know, it is diversity.

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On 2018-12-27 at 12:37 AM, Fineblade said:

Currently, a player can purchase 20 loadout slots with platinum.
If a player reaches MR26, it gives 13 loadout slots.

The total available maximum slots are
default loadout slot + 13 slots from MR bonus + 20 purchasable slots = 34.

Well, how many warframes you can have maximum? (with no consideration prime version.)

38 warframes - 34 loadout slots = need more 4 slots.
Simple math.

It would be great if DE increase the number of purchasable loadout slots.

Don't bother players with managing loadout slots...

First, there's a thing called database management. While those 4 slots may not sound like a lot numerically, you don't have access to DE's coding. Sometimes what sounds very simple to do is far from simple to execute.

Second, Seriously?

Really, really, seriously? With 38 frames, you think you're going to play every single one on a consistent basis, with the need to manage multiple loadouts for each? Try the math there and see how many hours you'd need per day to do that.

Simple math.

And yeah, I speak from experience, as I have every frame except one Prime (with the exception of Excal Prime), so my Arsenal is pretty full. I even have 3 Primes twice over to cover all the loadouts I wanted on those frames. And after all that and 1500 hrs in game, I still only use 9 slots. And one of those slots is just for FashionFrame on the display in my Orbiter, lol. I do cycle the frames as the weeks go on, though there are my handfull I just don't like, so don't play. No one likes every frame. If they say they do, they are lying.

However, if you seriously think Warframe needs more Loadout Slots, then head over to Feedback and post there for DE's consideration. The only thing here you're going to get is opinions with a heavy dose of salt.

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15 minutes ago, Ryim_Drykeon said:

First, there's a thing called database management. While those 4 slots may not sound like a lot numerically, you don't have access to DE's coding. Sometimes what sounds very simple to do is far from simple to execute.

Well, I am an IT engineer so that I can understand your points, but I am just a customer while I am playing Warframe.
It is DE's job that solves issues or considers enhancement for customer's requests from the technical point of view, not ours.

Also, if you presume that DE uses RDB for managing player's slots and its' configuration data, I would say, that is a bad design.

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On 2018-12-27 at 12:49 AM, WhiteMarker said:

When was the last time you went trough and played all frames?
Do you play every single frame on a regular basis?

The current slot maximum is enough for now and maybe even for the future.

Loadout slots are meant for specific builds, that you wan to use without setting them up in the arsenal. They aren't meant to have every frame ready at any given time.

I don't agree, I actually do play almost all the frames and the ones I play less, I still like to have a loadout all set in case something comes up that they are suited to and/or I want to give them a try.  I would think that there should be at least enough slots to have 1 of each of each warframe variant, minimally at least 1 version if its primed, so you have one for only 1 Mesa (not regular and prime).  I don't know how the database is architected, but more loadout slots means more money for the developer, so unless its cost prohibitive due to limitations within the data structure, I say the more the better.  If someone wants to have (and I saw this on a stream) maxed out loadout slots solely with different fashion frame options for Volt and choose to spend their money on 100 loadout slots to do so, as long as it doesn't harm my performance, I say go for it Volt fashion framer, yours is the true endgame.

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2 hours ago, Lyricallee said:

I don't know how the database is architected, but more loadout slots means more money for the developer, so unless its cost prohibitive due to limitations within the data structure, I say the more the better. 

How much money will they make from more slots? They will make money ONE single time, when a user buys the slot. How much money do they have to spend for that slot? Continuouisly, because server space isn't a one time investment.

If you want an apartement, you can rent it for a monthly fee. That's what DE has to do for more Serverspace. They have to pay all the time.
What are the users doing? By buying a slot, they don't even pay one month worth of rent. They pay a fraction of that.
Sure, if more people buy slots, this situation gets better. But DE can't calculate their expenses with the possibility of us all buying hundreds of slots.
And that's the issue.

Or let me word it differently:
Don't you think DE would provide us with one additional slot everytime a new frame comes out, if they wanted to do so or if it was that easy to give us more slots?
Let's be real, they idea of having one slot for each frame isn't something special. You don't need to be a genius to have that idea. Everyone can have this idea. It's safe to say that DE surely had this idea aswell.
So there must be a reason, why we don't have enough slots. And this reason won't change just because someone makes a thread about it. And no, making more threads means nothing. There are enough threads about this subject. DE didn't change the "slot-problem". This means, the reason, why they didn't do it, isn't about not enough people wanting it. It has to be something that isn't so easily changed. And people should really accept that. And people should come to this conclusion on their own. It's really not that difficult...

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The slots are not correlate with the number of warframes in game.

You can configure multiple loadouts with a same warframe. (ex. one with normal mission Rhino, one with a special Index rhino and one for endless mission rhino.)

34 slots are confortable for often used loadouts.

The others, more situationnal ones can be configured just before a particular mission.

A few seconds in arsenal...


But, even if the argument of number of warframes is invalid, your suggestion still a suggestion.

And if the DE can increase the number of slots, why not ?

It's up to them.

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On 2019-01-02 at 5:01 PM, WhiteMarker said:

How much money will they make from more slots? They will make money ONE single time, when a user buys the slot. How much money do they have to spend for that slot? Continuouisly, because server space isn't a one time investment.

If you want an apartement, you can rent it for a monthly fee. That's what DE has to do for more Serverspace. They have to pay all the time.
What are the users doing? By buying a slot, they don't even pay one month worth of rent. They pay a fraction of that.
Sure, if more people buy slots, this situation gets better. But DE can't calculate their expenses with the possibility of us all buying hundreds of slots.
And that's the issue.

Or let me word it differently:
Don't you think DE would provide us with one additional slot everytime a new frame comes out, if they wanted to do so or if it was that easy to give us more slots?
Let's be real, they idea of having one slot for each frame isn't something special. You don't need to be a genius to have that idea. Everyone can have this idea. It's safe to say that DE surely had this idea aswell.
So there must be a reason, why we don't have enough slots. And this reason won't change just because someone makes a thread about it. And no, making more threads means nothing. There are enough threads about this subject. DE didn't change the "slot-problem". This means, the reason, why they didn't do it, isn't about not enough people wanting it. It has to be something that isn't so easily changed. And people should really accept that. And people should come to this conclusion on their own. It's really not that difficult...

DE is very responsive to their community, they have changed many things because "someone made a thread about it". You say "DE didn't change the "slot-problem" but yes, in fact they did.  They already added more load out slots in June of 2018 because people were asking for them so of course its worth asking again.  (This is Glenn's Twitter clip about it)

The Server space required to hold the string of data that identifies what options you hold in a slot must be tiny.  Compared to the size of the rest of the data they hold for all of us, I imagine it would be like asking a library to hold not an additional book, pamphlet or flyer, but an additional sentence or maybe even a ".".  Might be a question to ask DEGlenn when he streams, but the entirety of load out storage for everyone might take only 1 g of memory or less.  I'm a Tech Project Manager, not a DB architect but the phrase "memory is cheap" is one I hear all the time.  

Maybe they will explain further, but worth considering is that slots are gated by your MR (as you level up, you get the potential to use more slots) and they have always been sensitive to people who complain about others receiving things that they had to work for.  

Using your logic, its stupid of them to offer us cosmetic items for our orbiters, we pay a single fee for the object (or no fee because they are twitch drops or reward items-look at all the free floofs) and then they have to store that you own first, but also its relative location in your orbiter indefinitely.  They seem to think offering orbiter customization was worth it because it does earn them some income and it makes people happy.  They also vastly expanded the number of objects you can put in your orbiter.  (either because of community feedback or a look at their profit margin compared to data storage cost)

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2 hours ago, Lyricallee said:

DE is very responsive to their community, they have changed many things because "someone made a thread about it". You say "DE didn't change the "slot-problem" but yes, in fact they did.  They already added more load out slots in June of 2018 because people were asking for them so of course its worth asking again.  (This is Glenn's Twitter clip about it)

Yeah... I didn't make it clear, what I meant with loadout problem. And you didn't think about it. The 'problem' is, that there are less slots than Frames. It was always like this. And DE didn't solve this problem yet.

To the rest of your post: you know how the game is programed, I see. So you are a DE employee. Could you tell us the reason why we don't have one slot per Frame? Please tell us, DE employee.

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3 hours ago, WhiteMarker said:


To the rest of your post: you know how the game is programed, I see. So you are a DE employee. Could you tell us the reason why we don't have one slot per Frame? Please tell us, DE employee.

I said I didn't work for DE or know how the game is programmed.  Don't know why you are so angry.  I'm on my way out the door, but you can ask Glenn, hes streaming right now.  


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