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Running animations!


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That's it, I think it will be pretty cool to have different running animations based on the idle animations we had, for example Titania noble animation show her floating looking majestic and stuff, but at the moment of running it just break, and she start running on the floor, I mean why? was not she floating a moment ago? kinda break the immersion, I will love to see different runing animations like float dashing, the ninja run or whatever to break the monotony really, I will gladly pay for that.

I hope DE consider this now that things are setting down from the fortuna update, what do you guys think?

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Absolutely yes.

I know this is a lot to ask of animators, but having a choice in running animations would greatly increase our ability to customise our warframes and give them more individuality.

  1. The current animation we have right now is boring and - in my personal opinion - looks silly. Its too simplistic, too basic, too primitive.
  2. It looks very weird when our warframes launch themselves from their idle into running animation. With Titania's case being the most obvious: she's floating around and then just runs like any other warframe. Having a "levitate" walking animation would be nice for her and some other warframes like Mag or Volt. And Zephyr.
  3. The thing with walking / running animations is that they don't translate any individuality since we dont have any other choice. Every warframe moves around just like any other. Which kinda sucks, since putting some individualism into our warframes is a big selling point.

I personally would like some kind of "professional" running animation. When even during sprint warframe holds single secondaries with both hands (resident evil style) and also doesn't wiggle the primary gun around like a bag of potatoes.

Edited by Artek94
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It would be pretty nice and add some personality to each frame's movement. It would however probably take quite a while for DE to update every frames run cycle since that means 2 all new run cycles for every frame they've released in the past 5 (almost 6) years.

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I'd rather them fix our operators movement animations so they don't become quadruple jointed while firing an amp and running in the opposite direction from where you're shooting, and maybe so we don't have that awkward crouch tip-toe run thing going on.

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There are many things DE could do with the animations to enhance "personality" in frames. And in Operators. Though honestly with the later it's primarily the case with the entire thing being far too baseline and limited in comparison to the rest of the frames. 

For frames, the most basic thing I would like to see is the ability to choose our animations per weapon basis. Meaning you can mix and match idle animations in an item's appearance tabs. Later on some emotes being affected by chosen base animation set on the frame. As for run animations, problem there is that we have WAY too many frames, each with two sets to have unique run animation for all of them. And quite frankly there's only so many ways you can move around while holding a firearm and it looking smooth and good. 

I understand what OP wants and I can get behind that, but how to implement such a thing is the big question here. Having unique run animations for all animation sets is out of the question because of the reason I said before. The game file download will just be MASSIVELY bloated with most of those animations so similar as to be copies. Other option is to have a few sets of such animations, cliche catchwords like: Professional, Amateur, Floaty, Aggressive etc. to describe the various sets. But in the end, how many see these things, of course in case of frames like Titania you notice it because of her idles, but for the rest, when you are running around, you 89% of the time are concentrating on what's going on around you rather then on yourself, so the other question there is if the animation time and resource costs are worth it. 

So in the end I'd say that though a neat idea, there are other more likely and important things to look at. Like updating the existing animations as they are more or less from 1.0 everything. The biggest painpoint for me being when you get hit by a high tier speed buff. The sped up animations are just.. weird and at best comical. Like when hit by Volt's speed buff. Updating those animations to rather then being twitchy meth-addict levels of bad, that they would look more smooth an fluid. And for Operators to be more built upon as what they currently have is quite frankly excessively basic though understandable why. They just don't have so much going for them to excuse the resource dump. 

42 minutes ago, DerGreif2 said:

I would rather remove operators from the game to focus on space ninjas again.

What exactly is "ninja" to you? It's one of my pet peeves in the entire space ninja theme that seems to be put around, even in the official stuff. Personally for me the term "ninja" does not invoke the likes of Gaiden or Naruto and whatever else you dig up with insane reality bending abilities and superhuman characters. But instead the images that come to mind in popular media more accurate to it are Sam Fisher from Splinter Cell and Snake from MGS, 47 from Hitman or just a generic "assassin from the shadows" type character. Games that are polar opposites of Warframe in gameplay. Where in SC and MGS, a successful mission is about careful planning, movement and situational awareness, WF is everything but that when everyone is a swirling mass of gold, shiny lights and explosions. 

And honestly I'd argue that Operators are the one and only thing that's somewhat close to being "ninja" in the game when used exclusively in missions. 

Edited by Lakais
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17 minutes ago, DerGreif2 said:

Less Archwing and Operator Stuff and more Warframes and normal planets and missions.

Well, there isn't much more variety to be had there, I'm afraid. They themselves have said if they'd simply stuck to grinding out weapons and frames and the occasional tileset, the game would not be the success it is now. Not saying they shouldn't do those things, they are and they should, but variety is key. And this is not just about player retention, but dev burnout too. They have to keep the project interesting for themselves, going in directions and making choices that some of us (me included) don't agree with. But since it's their baby and we are along for the ride, tough cookies. 

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Different for each animation set would be nearly impossible; having general running animations independent of the idle? Yes please that would be nice, I especially want that floating "running" animation. Crouch and slide wouldn't need any updates but roll animations would likely need to be updated to match the running one.

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10 hours ago, (PS4)watt4hem said:

I'd still take a "vanilla", "noble", "agile", and "floating" run cycle if they think adding 2 cycles per frames is too much. Anything that can differentiate the animations.


that would work to make it less work they can add an extra category below animation for running, like you said we can have 3  different circles and with time they can add more like for example a feral running(running in 4), I think that will work great with some agile animations like Valkyr.

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less fluff more real stuff. Like fixing the ship bug at relays. NPCs spawning into walls, ceilings, floors and rocks. Fixing the host migration issues. Lets get REAL things fixed before you ask for stuff that has no effect on gameplay.

Note it's horizontal instead of verticle.

Edited by ThumpumGood
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1 hour ago, ThumpumGood said:

less fluff more real stuff. Like fixing the ship bug at relays. NPCs spawning into walls, ceilings, floors and rocks. Fixing the host migration issues. Lets get REAL things fixed before you ask for stuff that has no effect on gameplay.

Note it's horizontal instead of verticle.


it has effect on the gameplay, believe it or not the visual presentation of a game is as important as fixing bugs, the first thing new players will see is the animations on everything and giving a good first impression is more important than you think, so dont try to undervalue others opinion saying that fixing bugs is more important, DE can fix the bugs and work on other stuff at the same time, that's why they have different departments.

if you don't have anything of value to add on the topic, don't post anything, thanks.

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11 minutes ago, -NightmareMoon- said:


it has effect on the gameplay, believe it or not the visual presentation of a game is as important as fixing bugs, the first thing new players will see is the animations on everything and giving a good first impression is more important than you think, so dont try to undervalue others opinion saying that fixing bugs is more important, DE can fix the bugs and work on other stuff at the same time, that's why they have different departments.

if you don't have anything of value to add on the topic, don't post anything, thanks.

If you had a topic of value...

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I'd like to see different running animations. Could have a floating kind to go with titania's floating animation. It just seems weird you go from hovering to a running animation.

Also don't tie running to each animation type just have like 5 different run animation you can choose from.

Hover. Skip. Prancing (Where you take small jumps between each foot.). Gallop (Like the wall gallop we do already). Normal Run.

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4 hours ago, ThumpumGood said:

less fluff more real stuff. Like fixing the ship bug at relays. NPCs spawning into walls, ceilings, floors and rocks. Fixing the host migration issues. Lets get REAL things fixed before you ask for stuff that has no effect on gameplay.

Note it's horizontal instead of verticle.

Well, this is something we've got for literally from the start of the game. A facelift or two would certainly be welcomed for me personally.

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9 hours ago, (PS4)watt4hem said:

Well, this is something we've got for literally from the start of the game. A facelift or two would certainly be welcomed for me personally.

I just want the bugs fixed. After that, I dont care what people want. You could have fashion frame forever and I wouldnt interject anything about it. But with all of the issues the game is having including NPCs being spawned into walls, I would prefer they focus on that FIRST...

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