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Baruuk's Desert Storm Feedback, and What Changes I Believe It Needs.


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I really, really really like Baruuk. He is a fun and satisfying warframe to use and he fits his theme well. Desert Storm's sound effects and animations are nothing short of fantastic.

What I do not like is how his fourth ability, Desert Storm, is so weirdly weak compared to other exalted abilities.

Namely, the damage falloff on Baruuk's Desert Wind acts against it, and its stats are pretty weird too. I understand why it exists, to make baruuk's weapon not as powerful when  hitting enemies far away because he's really tanky and they don't want baruuk sniping enemies from other tilesets. But, hitting enemies knocks them away from baruuk, which is weird. The damage falloff just doesn't really bode well, and it turns a frame who could have been really cool into a frame that deals pathetic damage past level 100 on anything but squishy enemies. Which is bad, because it takes approximately 14 years to deactivate the ability.

Considering how long it  takes to charge Baruuk's fourth ability, it being this weak is weird. However, straight damage buffs wouldn't really make it any better.

The fact that not only is Desert Storm *really slow*, but also *really weak* is very disappointing. But I believe it can be fixed, quite easily even.

First: I believe the ability should have far more status chance. 30% at base seems nice, as that will allow him to actually attack heavily armored enemies instead of hopelessly and slowly smacking away.

Second: Maybe Baruuk's direct fist hits shouldn't knock enemies away so far. I know, it's funny. But it not only makes enemies harder to kill for Baruuk, but also the entire team. Baruuk doesn't need more knockback than the slide attack of sparring melee but on every attack. So IMO it should only be a ragdoll on baruuk's fists, as the knockback from the combos themselves is enough CC as needed.


Those are all the changes I think Baruuk needs, if anyone else thinks he needs more you can say so. But I do understand that DE does not want to make him better than Excalibur at Excalibur's job. Therefore I'm considering not buffing him too much. Thank you if you read this.


And before anyone says "baruuk isn't supposed to be able to deal that much damage." That's not my point. My point is that Baruuk's fists are weaker than almost every gun at killing crowds of heavy armored except guns that are even worse. He doesn't need to be able to be excalibur, he needs to be able to actually use his fists as intended (a powerful "now you've made me angry"  thing). Also, many other frames are tanky, have cc, and deal better damage than baruuk. Also yes, I've tried slide attack. But that's very clunky and knocks enemies so fast that they phase through walls.


Edited by sappinmahsentry
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Baruuk dealing that much damage is a valid point, his ult should be all about that since that's the part of the kit that's more about dealing damage than cc. Not to mention you have to work for it unlike exalted blade where you have more leisure at using it and with more efficiency.


Apparently serene storm can reflect enemy projectiles if the energy wave hits them, but the reflected shots seemingly don't damage enemies back (at least not with bombards and napalms). It's not necessary, but it would neat if the reflected shots actually did damage back.

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I did level him recently and I agree that his exalted form feels kinda weak compared to others (considering he has to charge it first). Some more suggestions that could help him out:

1.) Restraint is heavily reliant on enemies. This can be a problem if your teammates kill them too fast. Solution: A small consistent generation (like 1% per sec).

2.) You need exactly 100% to get the 360° protection from Elude which is kinda arkward to achieve. There are mods with 15%,30%, 45% (= 90%) and another 90% from overextend. Maybe it´s a balance decision idk but I think it would be the best to change this. However instead of adjusting Baruuks base stats there should be a minor buffs to Strech (+5%), Cunning Drift (+5%) and overextend (10%). +20% in total range shouldn´t break the game and Oberon would appreciate the change as well.

3.) More base status chance or a way to increase it for Desert Wind.

4.) For the knock back I think it should work in a different  way (in general not just for Baruuk´s Exalted Weapon). I don´t want to go into details only this much: The knockback strength should reflect the damage dealt (at least for the impact damage type). It´s very strange to hit an enemy for like 1% of his hp and send him flying across the map. For comparison a hard hit (around 50-100% hp) should be 5m maximum and anything >100% can be over the top since you don´t need to chase them anymore.

Edited by Arcira
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I must be missing something because my Desert Storm is hitting like a monster truck. I've been easily wiping out high level content with it alone and everything gets decimated around me. I almost feel like it can do too much damage at some points and i'm afraid of nerfs lol. 

On top of my Baruuk doing massive damage he's also just doesn't die with massive Damage Reduction. I see a lot of people saying Baruuk is very weak but I must of found the right build because I decimate everything around me easily. 

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2 minutes ago, Namoiram70 said:

I must be missing something because my Desert Storm is hitting like a monster truck. I've been easily wiping out high level content with it alone and everything gets decimated around me. I almost feel like it can do too much damage at some points and i'm afraid of nerfs lol. 

On top of my Baruuk doing massive damage he's also just doesn't die with massive Damage Reduction. I see a lot of people saying Baruuk is very weak but I must of found the right build because I decimate everything around me easily. 

Seconding this. Level 80 enemies drop like flies on top of CC out the wazoo.

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Just now, Misgenesis said:

Seconding this. Level 80 enemies drop like flies on top of CC out the wazoo.

A lot of people keep saying he's not good and doesn't do enough. I HIGHLY disagree. 

He's stupidly tanky and I don't use ANY Health\Shield\Armor mods and I just can't fall using him. Like I survive better with him than I do with Inaros. 

And his desert storm does sooo much AoE and damage it's crazy. It really is. 

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3 hours ago, Namoiram70 said:

A lot of people keep saying he's not good and doesn't do enough. I HIGHLY disagree. 

He's stupidly tanky and I don't use ANY Health\Shield\Armor mods and I just can't fall using him. Like I survive better with him than I do with Inaros. 

And his desert storm does sooo much AoE and damage it's crazy. It really is. 

I'm talking about vs armored foes like Corrupted Heavy Gunners or Bombards. I mentioned in the OP that it happens over level 100, on heavy enemies. AKA it's harmful in arbitrations or armor enhancement sorties. Yet people still comment about it happening under level 100 on light foes.


It's just not fun to have to spend 4 years switching to a gun if you wanna kill a corrupted heavy in any reasonable amount of time.


Every single warframe ability with good AoE can mass kill squishy enemies, that's not something only baruuk has. There's revenant (who kills heavies efficiently, too), rhino, etc. But the thing that makes Baruuk's 4 clunky is that it just can't kill heavy foes quickly enough. The buffs I suggest won't make it better than exalted blade since it'll still deal half the damage while hitting much slower (and not being able to dip as easily into condition overload, etc.), but it would make it more usable vs heavily armored foes.


To even start digging into these foes, you need 300%+ power strength. At that point, you're hurting your other abilities and any other warframe with aoe DPS with that much power strength will do what you're doing, but better.


Specialization in abilities is supposed to make something far more powerful at the cost of weakening other ones. In Baruuk's case, it makes his exalted weapon just viable vs heavily armored foes and significantly cripples everything else, including his restraint per second.

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14 hours ago, sappinmahsentry said:

I'm talking about vs armored foes like Corrupted Heavy Gunners or Bombards. I mentioned in the OP that it happens over level 100, on heavy enemies. AKA it's harmful in arbitrations or armor enhancement sorties. Yet people still comment about it happening under level 100 on light foes.


It's just not fun to have to spend 4 years switching to a gun if you wanna kill a corrupted heavy in any reasonable amount of time.


Every single warframe ability with good AoE can mass kill squishy enemies, that's not something only baruuk has. There's revenant (who kills heavies efficiently, too), rhino, etc. But the thing that makes Baruuk's 4 clunky is that it just can't kill heavy foes quickly enough. The buffs I suggest won't make it better than exalted blade since it'll still deal half the damage while hitting much slower (and not being able to dip as easily into condition overload, etc.), but it would make it more usable vs heavily armored foes.


To even start digging into these foes, you need 300%+ power strength. At that point, you're hurting your other abilities and any other warframe with aoe DPS with that much power strength will do what you're doing, but better.


Specialization in abilities is supposed to make something far more powerful at the cost of weakening other ones. In Baruuk's case, it makes his exalted weapon just viable vs heavily armored foes and significantly cripples everything else, including his restraint per second.

See here your posing that every ability should be able to deal with:

  • heavy armored enemies that are past lvl 100

Desert Storm can't handle them well, I agree.  It is a weapon designed around high base + crits + impact.  I'll say that any other weapon designed in such a way with have the same issues with these heavies.  Is that reason enough to change the design of the weapon to be able to due such things?  Then what about the next ability or weapon, why not just make them all so they are able to handle every enemy at every level?  Even levels that are past any relevant content you would need to do to acquire items in the game?

This isn't me saying "don't buff him hes perfect" just pointing out that some ways things are designed may not allow them to handle a certain thing in the game as well as another weapon designed differently (status/hybrid).  I have certain expectations of a weapon built for crits and it is not to melt high scaled armor. 

However,  If we want to talk about improving Storms ability to gain combo meter, I am right there with you.  That should improve its capability to bypass more armor without changing the core nature of it's crit+impact damage.


Just a side note, let's say someone comes to you complaining that they aren't able to gain energy via Trinity while channeling Exalted Blade or that they can't hit this one dude from across the map with its energy wave, in the same way they could with a sniper weapon.  They then conclude that the ability is garbage tier because they expected it to do those two things.  What do you tell them?

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I wish I could give feedback, but DE gated your ability to get him behind Fortuna rep and then Vox rep because you can't get one without the other for some reason now. 

Even though you can farm the Quills and Cetus rep separately. Why did we step back? 

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3 hours ago, robbybe01234 said:

See here your posing that every ability should be able to deal with:

  • heavy armored enemies that are past lvl 100

Desert Storm can't handle them well, I agree.  It is a weapon designed around high base + crits + impact.  I'll say that any other weapon designed in such a way with have the same issues with these heavies.  Is that reason enough to change the design of the weapon to be able to due such things?  Then what about the next ability or weapon, why not just make them all so they are able to handle every enemy at every level?  Even levels that are past any relevant content you would need to do to acquire items in the game?

This isn't me saying "don't buff him hes perfect" just pointing out that some ways things are designed may not allow them to handle a certain thing in the game as well as another weapon designed differently (status/hybrid).  I have certain expectations of a weapon built for crits and it is not to melt high scaled armor. 

However,  If we want to talk about improving Storms ability to gain combo meter, I am right there with you.  That should improve its capability to bypass more armor without changing the core nature of it's crit+impact damage.


Just a side note, let's say someone comes to you complaining that they aren't able to gain energy via Trinity while channeling Exalted Blade or that they can't hit this one dude from across the map with its energy wave, in the same way they could with a sniper weapon.  They then conclude that the ability is garbage tier because they expected it to do those two things.  What do you tell them?


"See here your posing that every ability should be able to deal with:

  • heavy armored enemies that are past lvl 100"

This is because, the fact of the matter at hand, every exalted ability can do so except Titania's diwata. But Titania has dex pixia so she doesn't need to worry. Not only that, but most weapons, period can also do the same far more efficiently than Baruuk.

"I'll say that any other weapon designed in such a way with have the same issues with these heavies"

This isn't necessarily true.

For an exalted comparison: Valkyr's talons have insanely high attack speed, don't have damage falloff, and don't knock enemies away from the multihits. I'm not asking for a weapon that one shots heavy foes like Valkyr's talons or exalted blade, just one that kills them at a pace that isn't slower than it takes for me to grow old and have grandchildren.

Crit heavy primaries have Hunter Munitions to get through armor.

Crit heavy secondaries have really dumb damage per second and, more often than not, most secondaries have decent enough status chance nowaday because of the mods at their disposal. And secondaries with no way to do this are usually thrown to the side unless they offer immense utility.

Crit heavy melee weapons usually have stance combos with guaranteed slash procs, making them not even care.

Almost all crit heavy weapons, when built right, chew right through armor thanks to their mods. Exalted weapons don't have access to many of these mods, which means they need stat adjustments.

Also, you will be doing levels past 100+ in arbitrations, due to ABCCCCCCCCCC etc.

"However,  If we want to talk about improving Storms ability to gain combo meter, I am right there with you.  That should improve its capability to bypass more armor without changing the core nature of it's crit+impact damage."

Thing is, without immense base damage (which Desert Storm do not have), this wouldn't help the weapon as much as you think it would simply because it doesn't have access to any of the acolyte mods that make the combo counter so desired on most melee weapons. All it would do is make it scale slightly better, yet all it would do in essence is not help vs heavies until  you've already been beating away at them for multitudes of seconds that much, but make killing squishies even better, which is toxic and unhealthy to this type of game when you consider farming.

"Just a side note, let's say someone comes to you complaining that they aren't able to gain energy via Trinity while channeling Exalted Blade or that they can't hit this one dude from across the map with its energy wave, in the same way they could with a sniper weapon.  They then conclude that the ability is garbage tier because they expected it to do those two things.  What do you tell them?"

This is a false equivalency. You are comparing something that is consistent with all or most channeled abilities (not being able to get energy while channeling an ability that drains energy and not being able to snipe someone with a melee weapon) with something that is inconsistent with most channeled abilities (taking extremely long to kill heavily armored foes). I tell them they should stop whining and just bullet jump over to the guy who is far away, or just switch back since exalted blade's animations are quick.  There is a difference between a weapon being immensely powerful in a certain radius with multiple counterplay opportunities to enemies outside of that radius, and a weapon being like hitting heavies with limp ramen no matter which way you break it.

There is a reason why DE has been releasing more hybrid weapons and a reason why they have buffed dex pixia in such a way that they did. It's common knowledge that hybrid weapons are both build diverse and that they can handle heavy foes. It makes the game more fun to have weapons that scale.


Baruuk doesn't get this leisure. He either has to suck it up and awkwardly slide attack for a gamble of "will they fly away or get hurt?" or just spend a ton of time switching to another weapon. Baruuk's exalted weapon is inconsistent not only with other exalted weapons, but also with most weapons period.

Edited by sappinmahsentry
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I don't really feel like the ability needs any more dmg, he wipes out anything up to 100. And even at lvl 100 when well built his 4 will kill regular heavy gunners in a matter of 4-5 hits. However most of the dmg problems would also be solved if he gained combo meter more easily. 3x his current damage and he will slice through any relevant content. If super heavy armor past lvl 100 on eximi is a limitation that's not such a bad limitation to have imo.

What I do feel like it can use is the ability to scale with range, as it stands it is barely larger then most wide range weapons with a primed range mod, at least not enough so to be a viable alternative instead of just using a Zaw for example. But if it scaled with range, plus with its ability to go through terrain I would actually have an incentive to use it over a good melee weapon. It would make for a different style of weapon and not just jet another melee exalted.


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21 minutes ago, Tennmuerti said:

I don't really feel like the ability needs any more dmg, he wipes out anything up to 100. And even at lvl 100 when well built his 4 will kill regular heavy gunners in a matter of 4-5 hits. However most of the dmg problems would also be solved if he gained combo meter more easily. 3x his current damage and he will slice through any relevant content. If super heavy armor past lvl 100 on eximi is a limitation that's not such a bad limitation to have imo.

What I do feel like it can use is the ability to scale with range, as it stands it is barely larger then most wide range weapons with a primed range mod, at least not enough so to be a viable alternative instead of just using a Zaw for example. But if it scaled with range, plus with its ability to go through terrain I would actually have an incentive to use it over a good melee weapon. It would make for a different style of weapon and not just jet another melee exalted.


Normal heavy gunners aren't hard content in the least. And then comes the problem of fighting bombards, because you have to mod for one or the other, not both. It's gonna have trouble with either heavy unit, and in the void it has trouble with both. It's really old warframe design that I thought died three years ago. And what about enemy enhancement sorties?


Also, it's not on eximus units only. It's on normal corrupted heavy gunners (and bombards for that matter.) and normal bombards depending on what you modded for(and if you modded for radiation, have fun with the heavy gunners). Past level 100 is relevant content if you're playing arbitrations.


If it scales with range, then it's yet another ability that is broken in low levels for farming but irrelevant in higher levels because of far, far, far better options. DE does not want this, and I do not either.

The problem isn't how "big" of a limitation it is(it's a huge limitation to need to mod for a ton of power strength, making it harder to gain restraint), it's how fun and non clunky it is. Having to switch back to a weapon with the long animation is painful, and then wasting restraint, too. Giving baruuk more status chance wouldn't automatically make him broken. Not to mention the fact that we already have broken frames in the game, and that it's a PvE game.

I already made a point about the combo counter, however there's also another issue with it. Giving him 30% status chance would take much less time, much less code, and much less bugs than coding the waves to add to the melee combo multiplier.

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Then we are kind of just left in the same place Valkyr's 4 is. And could just use a good melee weapon instead at that point, right.

I'm not inherently against extra status for Baruuk's 4 mind you, I just don't feel it will really elevate the frame beyond just using a melee weapon instead either.

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2 minutes ago, Tennmuerti said:

Then we are kind of just left in the same place Valkyr's 4 is. And could just use a good melee weapon instead at that point, right.

The difference is that Valkyr's 4 has waaaaaaaay higher damage per second through its slide attacks and always deals full damage and doesn't knock enemies away from you. It can also open enemies to finishers that basically almost always instagib, and it benefits from the combo counter because of said damage and attack speed.


Oh yeah, and valkyr's talons having such insane attacks per second also allows 10% status chance to be actually quite decent.

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I know how Valkyr's 4 works mate :), it's also short range and if we are being realistic there is no real reason to use it over a regular melee weapon atm, which is kind the point I was making. And this is coming btw from someone who is not on the Valkyr hate train and likes playing her very much in hysteria at all times.

Which is my exact problem with Baruuk's 4 right now, why would I use it over regular melee? (and have to deal with managing his unique meter on top of it all too)

All of this is also mostly to do with the broken melee balance too, but i guess that's a much larger conversation.

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3 minutes ago, Tennmuerti said:

I know how Valkyr's 4 works mate :), it's also short range and if we are being realistic there is no reason to use it over a regular melee weapon atm, which is kind the point I was making. And this is coming btw from someone who is not on the Valkyr hate train and likes playing her very much in hysteria at all times.

Which is my exact problem with Baruuk's 4 right now, why would I use it over regular melee?

Valkyr's 4 heals her and makes her invincible. That's reason enough for a lot of players. But also the fact that slidespam is blatantly overpowered is gonna get amended in melee 3.0.

Yeah, there really is no reason to use baruuk's 4 over regular melee other than smacking low health enemies through walls. Even then, just use a Zenistar at that point and do the same thing but passively, all the while stripping armor or putting perma viral on enemies.. Hell, it's worse than AoE primary and secondary weapons, too.

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1 hour ago, sappinmahsentry said:


"See here your posing that every ability should be able to deal with:

  • heavy armored enemies that are past lvl 100"

This is because, the fact of the matter at hand, every exalted ability can do so except Titania's diwata. But Titania has dex pixia so she doesn't need to worry. Not only that, but most weapons, period can also do the same far more efficiently than Baruuk.

"I'll say that any other weapon designed in such a way with have the same issues with these heavies"

This isn't necessarily true.

For an exalted comparison: Valkyr's talons have insanely high attack speed, don't have damage falloff, and don't knock enemies away from the multihits. I'm not asking for a weapon that one shots heavy foes like Valkyr's talons or exalted blade, just one that kills them at a pace that isn't slower than it takes for me to grow old and have grandchildren.

Crit heavy primaries have Hunter Munitions to get through armor.

Crit heavy secondaries have really dumb damage per second and, more often than not, most secondaries have decent enough status chance nowaday because of the mods at their disposal. And secondaries with no way to do this are usually thrown to the side unless they offer immense utility.

Crit heavy melee weapons usually have stance combos with guaranteed slash procs, making them not even care.

Almost all crit heavy weapons, when built right, chew right through armor thanks to their mods. Exalted weapons don't have access to many of these mods, which means they need stat adjustments.

Also, you will be doing levels past 100+ in arbitrations, due to ABCCCCCCCCCC etc.

"However,  If we want to talk about improving Storms ability to gain combo meter, I am right there with you.  That should improve its capability to bypass more armor without changing the core nature of it's crit+impact damage."

Thing is, without immense base damage (which Desert Storm do not have), this wouldn't help the weapon as much as you think it would simply because it doesn't have access to any of the acolyte mods that make the combo counter so desired on most melee weapons. All it would do is make it scale slightly better, yet all it would do in essence is not help vs heavies until  you've already been beating away at them for multitudes of seconds that much, but make killing squishies even better, which is toxic and unhealthy to this type of game when you consider farming.

"Just a side note, let's say someone comes to you complaining that they aren't able to gain energy via Trinity while channeling Exalted Blade or that they can't hit this one dude from across the map with its energy wave, in the same way they could with a sniper weapon.  They then conclude that the ability is garbage tier because they expected it to do those two things.  What do you tell them?"

This is a false equivalency. You are comparing something that is consistent with all or most channeled abilities (not being able to get energy while channeling an ability that drains energy and not being able to snipe someone with a melee weapon) with something that is inconsistent with most channeled abilities (taking extremely long to kill heavily armored foes). I tell them they should stop whining and just bullet jump over to the guy who is far away, or just switch back since exalted blade's animations are quick.  There is a difference between a weapon being immensely powerful in a certain radius with multiple counterplay opportunities to enemies outside of that radius, and a weapon being like hitting heavies with limp ramen no matter which way you break it.

There is a reason why DE has been releasing more hybrid weapons and a reason why they have buffed dex pixia in such a way that they did. It's common knowledge that hybrid weapons are both build diverse and that they can handle heavy foes. It makes the game more fun to have weapons that scale.


Baruuk doesn't get this leisure. He either has to suck it up and awkwardly slide attack for a gamble of "will they fly away or get hurt?" or just spend a ton of time switching to another weapon. Baruuk's exalted weapon is inconsistent not only with other exalted weapons, but also with most weapons period.

Sorry man, I'm just confused as to what you're expecting from the ability now.  Especially with mod examples thrown in and the direct valkyr comparison.  Do you want it to have the same stats as her claws but retain the outgoing damage waves?  Do you want melee to have mods like hunters munitions?  Then you're talking about arbitrations while we still have to get through abilities damaging drones first.

Then your tossing logical fallacies at me when I wrote that as an example of an unrealistic expectation for an ability given its type or limitations.  As in "I can't expect that wave that has damage fall-off to nail that dude across the room."  With, "I can't expect that crit-based impact damage to pump out status effects and shred armor." That is unless you change the core of the ability to something else which would change the entire thing.  I didn't really think I took a single aspect that's shared between the two and said they were the same thing.  But hey, I'm no logic professor.  

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2 hours ago, robbybe01234 said:

Sorry man, I'm just confused as to what you're expecting from the ability now.  Especially with mod examples thrown in and the direct valkyr comparison.  Do you want it to have the same stats as her claws but retain the outgoing damage waves?  Do you want melee to have mods like hunters munitions?  Then you're talking about arbitrations while we still have to get through abilities damaging drones first.

Then your tossing logical fallacies at me when I wrote that as an example of an unrealistic expectation for an ability given its type or limitations.  As in "I can't expect that wave that has damage fall-off to nail that dude across the room."  With, "I can't expect that crit-based impact damage to pump out status effects and shred armor." That is unless you change the core of the ability to something else which would change the entire thing.  I didn't really think I took a single aspect that's shared between the two and said they were the same thing.  But hey, I'm no logic professor.  

I just want the ability to have the ability to kill armored opponents better than a piece of wet tissue. I literally just want it to have some status chance, you can read an accurate explanation of my thoughts in the OP. I don't want it to shred armor(and with its current attack speed, 30% status chance won't), I just want it to be good vs more than one single type of heavy per loadout. I was just making explanations as to why other exalted abilities are good, and why this one is not. That is why I mentioned Valkyr's Talons. I explicitly state, multiple times in this thread, that I do not want to make this weapon more powerful or even as powerful as valkyr's talons or exalted blade, and ignoring the part of my post where I said that lacking exalted weapons need stat adjustments will not further your point. I simply want it to work against heavily armored foes in a way that almost every relevant weapon nowaday does.  You are focusing on single aspects of a large post, instead of every aspect of said post together. I only talked about arbitrations because people are saying that going past level 100 is not going to happen in any relevant content, but arbitrations are relevant content, which means that you will encounter enemy armor scaling.

I wasn't throwing out any logical fallacy, you just fail to understand my arguments. You said that every crit heavy weapons have problems dealing with armor, and that's simply not true. None of the flaws you mentioned in other things are inconsistent, nor are they unfun to play with, nor do they hamper the weapons in any extreme way. Baruuk not being able to kill heavily armored foes/only being able to kill one type of them is an ancient concept. Adding status chance wont make them less unique, it will simply make them better.

IMO, for how long it takes to charge, there is no forseeable point as to why a weapon should have these issues in a PvE game.


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Huh. I haven't really messed with Baruuk, but I thought his slide attack killed high level enemies fairly well. I might be wrong but I could've sworn I saw a video of it killing things.

It really seems like the community either hates him or thinks hes okay. Its really polarizing lol.

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15 minutes ago, VencirGan said:

Huh. I haven't really messed with Baruuk, but I thought his slide attack killed high level enemies fairly well. I might be wrong but I could've sworn I saw a video of it killing things.

It really seems like the community either hates him or thinks hes okay. Its really polarizing lol.

His slide attack does kill enemies, but often times it's inconsistent, especially against some enemies that you need to hit multiple times with it. (sometimes knocks enemies away so you can't hit them, sometimes doesn't knock them to the moon) and risks 3's charges depleting.

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4 minutes ago, sappinmahsentry said:

His slide attack does kill enemies, but often times it's inconsistent, especially against some enemies that you need to hit multiple times with it. (sometimes knocks enemies away so you can't hit them, sometimes doesn't knock them to the moon) and risks 3's charges depleting.

Yeah I heard it was inconsistent. Still think his ultimate is pcool although would be nice to have adjustments I feel. 

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2 minutes ago, VencirGan said:

Yeah I heard it was inconsistent. Still think his ultimate is pcool although would be nice to have adjustments I feel. 

Yep. Exactly why I think  it needs adjustments. I love brawlers and monks, which is why I was ecstatic on Atlas's rework. Baruuk is similarly satisfying, just needs a small adjustment IMO.

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1 minute ago, sappinmahsentry said:

Yep. Exactly why I think  it needs adjustments. I love brawlers and monks, which is why I was ecstatic on Atlas's rework. Baruuk is similarly satisfying, just needs a small adjustment IMO.

Yeah, honestly I think both just need simple changes. He kind of seems like a nightmare to build as a result due to wanting range but not wanting range and so on.I hope they change some things about it down the line. Seems like a lot of people are bothered by it.

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41 minutes ago, VencirGan said:

Yeah, honestly I think both just need simple changes. He kind of seems like a nightmare to build as a result due to wanting range but not wanting range and so on.I hope they change some things about it down the line. Seems like a lot of people are bothered by it.


  • Lull benefits more from duration, due to its linger & line-of-sight mechanics (plus, 25m @ 100% is good enough).
  • Range increases the upkeep requirements of Desolate Hands for its DR. This wouldn't be an issue if their disarm capabilities were competitive with the DR.
  • Ability Range doesn't do anything for Serene Storm.

Too many people hung up on a 360° Elude build, imo.

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1 minute ago, MasterBurik said:


  • Lull benefits more from duration, due to its linger & line-of-sight mechanics (plus, 25m @ 100% is good enough).
  • Range increases the upkeep requirements of Desolate Hands for its DR. This wouldn't be an issue if their disarm capabilities were competitive with the DR.
  • Ability Range doesn't do anything for Serene Storm.

Too many people hung up on a 360° Elude build, imo.

Yeah again I haven't messed with him and its nice to be corrected on that. I do know Elude can lower restraint really fast though. Thought everything needed range besides the daggers so thats nice to know.

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