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To all WF Vet pls help... noob here MR7



Hi guys,

thanks for  taking a looking at my post, newbie here :). I have been playing this game for a week now and currently MR7. I want to venture out of rhino and hek comfort zone, but i realize if i do that I will keep dying in most of the mission I'm doing, this is very frustrating. I did watched various of YT videos on each warframe introduction, after some thoughts I have some burning questions, hopfully any WF vet could advise me on.

1. Other then rhino, what other warframe is noob-friendly ? ( if possible, please state the warframe and the key mod needed for it, thanks 😁)

2. Other then hek, what other primary, secondary and melee could i use? (MR7)

3. Is chroma really that bad? I read that he has been nerfed to the ground. Is he Noob-friendly to use ? 

These are my questions that had been bothering me for the past 3 days, any input will be greatly appreciated.

Thank you so much  

Edited by kia-si
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In all honesty about the biggest problem you will face regardless of what frame and/or weapon you chose to use next will be the mods you have in your inventory to put on them.  I say this because some frames can be quite powerful, but might require you to monitor energy usage or timer on a power being used.  Then there's a frame like Chroma who is simple in his gameplay, but can be a little less simple to understand modding him.  

You should be reaching a point now in your game where newbie friendly shouldn't really be an issue with frames.  Also in regards to Chroma being "bad" or "being nerfed into the ground", you kinda have to take statement like that on the forums with a grain of salt.  

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1 minute ago, DatDarkOne said:

In all honesty about the biggest problem you will face regardless of what frame and/or weapon you chose to use next will be the mods you have in your inventory to put on them.  I say this because some frames can be quite powerful, but might require you to monitor energy usage or timer on a power being used.  Then there's a frame like Chroma who is simple in his gameplay, but can be a little less simple to understand modding him.  

You should be reaching a point now in your game where newbie friendly shouldn't really be an issue with frames.  Also in regards to Chroma being "bad" or "being nerfed into the ground", you kinda have to take statement like that on the forums with a grain of salt.  

 hi there thanks for replying to my post. I know  that in this game mod is the primary source of power, but im really sick and tired of using rhino and heek for almost 2 weeks now. I really want to get out of it so i was seek for advice on which warframe that is worth the time and effort, i was told chroma was the tankiest and deals highest dps and on the other hand i was told he was really bad.

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1 minute ago, kia-si said:

 hi there thanks for replying to my post. I know  that in this game mod is the primary source of power, but im really sick and tired of using rhino and heek for almost 2 weeks now. I really want to get out of it so i was seek for advice on which warframe that is worth the time and effort, i was told chroma was the tankiest and deals highest dps and on the other hand i was told he was really bad.


Use Revenant

he can CC,Damage absorb,Self heal, and deal a LOT OF DAMAGE with his ult at higher levels

no matter if people tell you he is mediocre, he is so damn good


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11 minutes ago, kia-si said:

1. Other then rhino, what other warframe is noob-friendly ? ( if possible, please state the warframe and the key mod needed for it, thanks 😁)

Inaros is a good 'next step' frame from the Rhino playstyle. Just mod for health, and armour, and you're pretty much done. The more health and armour the better! A good candidate for umbral mods too.

13 minutes ago, kia-si said:

2. Other then hek, what other primary, secondary and melee could i use? (MR7)

It's a bit of a cop-out answer, but whatever you feel like. "Power", insofar as the solar map is concerned, is largely dictated by mods. So what you are putting on your weapons will have a greater effect: A properly modded MK1 Braton will do better than a poorly modded Soma (for example).

16 minutes ago, kia-si said:

3. Is chroma really that bad? I read that he has been nerfed to the ground. Is he Noob-friendly to use ? 

Is he that bad? No. As someone picking him up for the first time, you aren't going to clue into what was changed to him until someone points it out.

Is he "Noob-friendly"? probably not. He isn't "hard" by any means, but he requires a tiny bit of forethought about how you're going to play. The way you play will be influenced a bit by the mods - so in this regard, it depends on how comfortable you are with the mods you have.

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5 minutes ago, kia-si said:

 hi there thanks for replying to my post. I know  that in this game mod is the primary source of power, but im really sick and tired of using rhino and heek for almost 2 weeks now. I really want to get out of it so i was seek for advice on which warframe that is worth the time and effort, i was told chroma was the tankiest and deals highest dps and on the other hand i was told he was really bad.

I can't really advise you on this one as my preferred frames are all the opposite of tanks.  The only frame that I play that could even be considered a tank is Nyx and she's generally not associated with that role even while being the best one at it. 

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If you have Jupiter unlocked run the boss there for Valkyr parts...she actually has higher armor than Rhino and her 4th ability makes her immortal while active.

As to weapon...best thing I can say is to build a few and use them on low level planets until you find one you like then concentrate on modding it out for higher level missions.

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Frost is a very solid, tanky, and very useful frame that you can farm from Exta, Ceres. What planets do you have unlocked? Are you in a clan?

If you are in a clan, I also recommend picking up Nezha. They have a safety bubble they can put around themself or others with a specific augment mod (called "Warding Halo"), similar to Rhino, and an ability that functions a lot like Stomp. They give a lot of room to grow as a player, as their first and second abilities are much different from Rhino's. They also move faster.

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Loki would be a good frame to use. He's pretty easy to use as most of the time you'll only be using invisibility anyway; mod for duration. He can be farmed on the boss on neptune. If you are having a hard time finishing nodes you can always ask for help in chat, the community is friendly and would be happy to help you.

As for weapons, i'll recommend ignis{wraith when you reach mr9). Very useful on low levels and does decently on higher levels if modded properly; and/or you can use a melee weapon (I recommend Galatine), mod it for attack speed and status(i'm sure there are youtube vids for builds). I remember grinding my way up to mr8/9 with volt equipped with galatine.

Currently mr15 and I can tell you that what main weapons/warframes you will use really depends on taste.

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Hello Tenno, 

Do not be daunted, most warframes can survive the general star chart missions with basic survival mods. 

I will try to answer your questions to the best of my abilities:

1) Rhino is pretty much good start to end of star chart, but if you want a frame that can still take a few hits then I think Nezha or Valkyr would be good due to their survivability with basic mods. Nezha doesn't need much, just a vitality and enough energy/ efficiency to cast his 3 to be survivable (it is closest to rhino I imagine in gameplay but different enough to change tactics a bit), Valkyr needs armor so steel fiber is more suitable than vitality (both ideally should be present). 

2) MR 7 is a decent rank you will have access to most of the weapons guandao and orthos (prime) which are pole arms will work really well as their quick attack is pretty much all you need. Lex or aklex if you don't have it already as secondary. Primary you will be spoiled for choice Hek is pretty solid even till the end, but Soma should be something you try (assault rifle), 

You can check the market there are quite a few. 

I can't name them all in this post if you have queries about any specif you can ask. 

3) chroma is still a good frame but it is no longer overpowered, also not a frame I would suggest for new players as it needs specific rare mods and technique (so far as getting shot repeatedly is a technique). 


Edited by 0_The_F00l
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1. Excalibur is very strong and simple to control. Try to get to "The Sacrifice" Quest and get Excalibur Umbra ! Remember, try to trade something for 10p and buy Chromatic Blade mod. If you're in syndicate which sell the mod then no need to buy it.

2. Try these : For primary : Astilla, Baza, Harpak, Argonak, Dread (this bow drop from Stalker), Lenz (this one is MR 8 but I guess you will get there soon). For Secondary : Hystrix (pretty nice for same MR guns), Atomos, Fusilai, Lex Prime (MR 8), Spira (MR 8), and Sonicor. For melee : Dual Keres, Dual Raza (this one needs Dual Kamas to craft, rank those up first), Dragon Nikana (MR 8), Hirudo, Anku, Caustacyst, Tipedo (this one can be used to craft Lesion which is a very monstrous polearm for MR 7), Hate (this one drop from Stalker), Galatine, Gram, Ohma (MR 8), Guandao, Orthos Prime (buy this for 20p or lower), Cassowar.

Important Note : For melee, try to buy Condition Overload mod which is the most important mod for status-based melee. 50 platinum at least.

3. No. He's just hard to build as a newbie because newbie doesn't have enough crucial mods at early game and not enough endo and credit to maximize those mods.

Edited by Diangelius
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As you already know...mods mods mods lol.  I would suggest running a ton of vault runs to get corrupted mods to start to diversify your builds.  A specialized build changes how a frame plays.  

As for frames to cure the boredom, there are a lot of frames mentioned above already, but ones you can farm fairly easily at your level right now are Excalibut (though I would instead just try and push through the Sacrifice quest to get Umbra Excal) and Frost.  

Weapons wise, Atomos for secondary is a ton of fun, Soma and Ignis for primary.  Lesion for melee will last you to end game with the dual stat mods (farm spy missions for them or buy them), and Guandao from clan research.

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This game can be overwhelming at times because there are so many choices. I'm almost a month in now so  I can understand where you are coming from. I started with Excalibur and couldn't wait to move on. Now my Main is Excalibur Umbra. My first goal after Rhino was Valkyr, and I played her a lot until Umbra. Due to mastery you will probably play every frame at least long enough to level it.

Modding makes the difference and you will have to farm for mods or trade for them. Reactors and Catalysts make a difference, but can cause you to burn through Platinum so you want to use them on frames you know you like and preferably only on Prime frames.

You will waste platinum as you learn what it's worth spending on and what isn't. 

Now as to weapons. I like shotguns, primarily because I aspire to Stormtrooper level accuracy. This game moves so fast that I can't always hit worth a darn. Something to work towards would be an Arca Plasmor and a Corinth. The alt fire air burst on the Corinth has some uses when the enemy has cover. Aim up above or to the side and air burst. I think both are Mastery 10 or so, but goals are nice.

I'm still looking for the perfect sidearm. Pox and Lex Prime are my current preference, but I'm not overly committed to either.

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My first piece of advice would be to ignore any claims that Warframe X is now useless because DE nerfed it.  Balance changes happen because things can be too powerful or promote AFK play to some people.  It just means that it now requires either a little thought when playing or  a different style of play.  Evolving how you play keeps things fresh it doesn't mean the end of the world.

As to what you should look at....... so.. so many 

Valkyr, Nova, Frost, Gara, Nezha, Saryn to start off with  

: Edit :   Ember too, she may not be as good for level 100 plus anymore but starting out she's extremely effective.

Mods you should get and rank as high as possible, Streamline, Flow, Continuity, Vitality, Redirection, Stretch, Intensify cover the essentials for frames.

Elemental mods 90% ones plus start to work towards the 60/60 Dual status mods, Serration, Hornet Strike, Pressure Point, Point Blank, Split Chamber, Barrel Diffusion, Lethal Torrent, Hells Chamber are the basics 😃

Weapons to be honest change depending on what you like find one of each type you like put some forma and a Catalyst in them and have at least one of those you like at all times leaving you free to try and rank/discard the one you don't.  Crit based ones will suck unless Catted and formaed several times unless it has 2x V polarities already.

My set of Telos AkBoltos (5 Forma) with that Heal/Gas Proc carried me through all content and so many crappy weapons for years because I liked them and enjoyed using them but many don't like the semi auto aspect.  So personal taste is important when considering weapons.

Edited by Sabreracer
extra extra Read all about it!!
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