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TennoGen Round 15 - Accepted Items!


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On 2019-01-19 at 12:58 AM, Crimson-Tenno said:

Garuda TennoGen but no TennoGen for Khora



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i know right? im not really talking about khora but theres so many other warframes that have been in the game for ages that only have one or no skins at all, yet garuda, the second newest warframe, gets one already? inaros only has one tennogen skin, same goes for titania, and theyve been in the game for years

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1 hour ago, Joltyboi said:

i know right? im not really talking about khora but theres so many other warframes that have been in the game for ages that only have one or no skins at all, yet garuda, the second newest warframe, gets one already? inaros only has one tennogen skin, same goes for titania, and theyve been in the game for years

Well there are multiple reasons why people don't want to make skins for certain frames (probably due to personal preference), but one that could be an issue is the way on how they are modeled by default. Of course you can change the helmet to anything you want, but you have to use the default body model for any skin you make. Garuda is probably a good frame to work off of since she doesn't have anything too complex to work with, except maybe for her claws. But with frames like Inaros and Titania, you have to now work around there base model that have specific design choices that may be hard to change in the ways that the creator are limited to (ex. Inaros's shoulders/thighs, Titania's butterflies/razorwing).

Also Titania has 2 TennoGen skins, one was even added in the last round. 

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2 hours ago, Scruffel said:

Also Titania has 2 TennoGen skins

oh, well my point still stands, and titania and inaros were just examples, other frames have barely any skins while they put excal skins in almost every time (and yeah, i know she got one last round, i just forgot about the other one thats in the game)

2 hours ago, Scruffel said:

Well there are multiple reasons why people don't want to make skins for certain frames

you seem to be thinking people mean "people arent making skins for tennogen for these warframes i like", that isnt what people mean or what theyre saying, (and it isnt what i meant either) people are annoyed that there ARE skins, and damn good ones, for other warframes out there, yet skins people havent expressed much interest in, or excal skins, are the ones being put in all the time, now dont get me wrong, theres nothing wrong with the skins that are being put in, whether people showed interest or not, theyre still good skins, but people are getting annoyed that excal keeps getting so many skins put in, sometimes more than one excal skin at a time, when theres tennogen skins for other warframes people really want, but dont seem to be getting put in cause "muh poster boy" (obviously that isnt the only reason, but it sure can feel like it at times)

Edited by Joltyboi
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On 2019-01-18 at 2:10 PM, [DE]Taylor said:

Round 15 is here, featuring some brandnew TennoGen content and creators! Congratulations to everyone who was accepted!

Warframe Skins

Alt Helmet

Operator Accessories

Weapon Skins


If you have a favourite item that didn’t make it, don’t fret! There’s a good chance we’ll be working with the creator to help get it across the finish line. Usually technical or stylistic issues are the main cause for rejection, but we do our best to help pieces with great promise get accepted to the game. 
Feedback will be sent over the next few weeks, but if you’re a creator and you’d like some critique on your pieces, please feel free to send me a forum DM and we’ll do our best to get you some.


Night hunter nidus skin made it in. Thank god. I've been praying for it to make it as a nidus main. All I gotta say is please dont f*ck us console players over by making that skin available on pc only. I beg you.

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On 2019-01-18 at 5:43 PM, takeshiblue said:

I don't like to come to the forums to complain but to be honest it seems that's what a majority of us do here without trying to. I am happy for Yatus that his skills are finally being recognized, but I must include the fact that it makes no sense how the picking of which of his skins were included. The Frost ION skin is his best skin to date made by Yatus, catch me on frame fighter if you disagree >.> . Either way I don't understand how Excalibur was Picked over Frost Ion, I understand Rhino, not many Rhino skins, but the same goes for Frost not having many skins in game. Excal has way too many skins as is. Also I don't see votes but I see favorites and unique visitors, the amount of Favorites and Unique visitors Exceeds Both Ion Rhino and Excal by a long shot when it comes to the Frost Ion Skin.


Frosts                                                                       Rhino                                                                          Excalibur 

4yiFQt2.png AWS3AqN.pngS6khhGM.png

https://steamcommunity.com/profiles/76561198042897689/myworkshopfiles/?appid=230410 Here's his page if anyone wants to check themselves. I follow these artists regularly. Please DE if you could add at least one more item make it this skin or make it 1st into round 16 cause it was jipped for this round. 

I'm just trying to give you a little bit of my money and also support the artists work that I like.

PS: For Reference Frost has 9 skins in total 5 by DE(deluxe,primed,regular,immortal,Christmas), and 4 Tennogen Skins which all kinda look the same visually, with some textures being moved around.
Rhino has 9 as well 4 by DE(Same minus Christmas) and 5 Tennogen 3 of which are very unique model swaps and 2 being retextures
Whereas Excalibur has 15, 7 by DE(counting umbra as a skin in itself, plus the prisma, dex and the discord skin) 4 unique tennogen skins and 4 kinda recolors.


I am aware that at this point i am ranting but none of what I said is false I am sorry if someone took all the time to read all of what I said. I feel strongly about fashion. If votes actually mattered maybe I'd have less to say..

Omfg a frost skin i TOTALLY would've been throwing my money down for!!! None of the current frost skins really catch my interest. This one is absolutely fan#*!%ingtastic!!! Why not de????

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53 minutes ago, Joltyboi said:

you seem to be thinking people mean "people arent making skins for tennogen for these warframes i like", that isnt what people mean or what theyre saying, (and it isnt what i meant either) people are annoyed that there ARE skins, and damn good ones, for other warframes out there, yet skins people havent expressed much interest in, or excal skins, are the ones being put in all the time, now dont get me wrong, theres nothing wrong with the skins that are being put in, whether people showed interest or not, theyre still good skins, but people are getting annoyed that excal keeps getting so many skins put in, sometimes more than one excal skin at a time, when theres tennogen skins for other warframes people really want, but dont seem to be getting put in cause "muh poster boy" (obviously that isnt the only reason, but it sure can feel like it at times)

Well I assumed your comment was talking about the fact there aren't that many TennoGen skins for those Warframes, which is why I made the explanation why it might be hard to create skins for them. Also I don't think that community opinion necessarily increases nor decreases the decision of whether or not DE excepts an item, cause it's still their final say on the entire matter. For example, the Nidus Nighthunter skin was probably one of the highest rated skins in the Workshop, yet DE didn't except it at first because of stylistic conflicts. 

Now if there isn't a problem with Excalibur skins getting in, then why are there still people complaining about them for just existing or getting in? I understand that he already has a lot of skins, but I don't think there has been a time where a skin stole a spot from another. In that case, would people still complain about Excalibur getting 1 skin even in a round where 20 other skins where added for frame's who didn't have one or a small amount? Should DE stop accepting Excalibur skins then? I also understand that there are certain skins for Warframes that still haven't been accepted and ones that probably should have gotten in this round, but there seems to be no correlation to Excal getting a skin that denies those skin's acceptance. In general, there's not really a point to complaining about that aspect. 

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1 hour ago, (XB1)CowardIyDaubeny said:

Omfg a frost skin i TOTALLY would've been throwing my money down for!!! None of the current frost skins really catch my interest. This one is absolutely fan#*!%ingtastic!!! Why not de????

They’ve said already, and I feel like it’s a fairly well known fact, that Yatus’s stuff have a lot of technical issues, which only recently have been fixed on some of his skins. Just because something looks nice in a screenshot means it functions in game

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On 2019-01-19 at 11:25 PM, Scruffel said:

But people making Excalibur skins and not Khora skins isn't really DE's fault, nor anyone's fault. That's just the creator's decisions.


Which is why I mentioned creators to stop making them.

I'm sorry to be blunt, but if Excalibur is the only frame you can make good skins for, then you shouldn't be making skins at all.

You ask if DE should stop accepting them? In my (and a lot of others) opinion, yes they should. 

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3 hours ago, Arrcee said:

Which is why I mentioned creators to stop making them.

I'm sorry to be blunt, but if Excalibur is the only frame you can make good skins for, then you shouldn't be making skins at all.

You ask if DE should stop accepting them? In my (and a lot of others) opinion, yes they should. 

I'm not necessarily bothered by your response to my somewhat rhetorical question, more of the fact that you think Excalibur still getting skins is an actual problem.

There's no point in trying to limit what people want to make, it's unnecessary and toxic. Imagine if someone worked really hard on a high-quality Excalibur skin and poured hours into improving it, only for them to receive comments such as "Excal has too many skins" or "Stop making Excal skins". What do they even take away from that? It can barely count as feedback because they can't just simply reverse the work and time that was put into it nor improve on the fact it's an Excal skin. No one deserves that sort of negativity, no matter who they are nor what they decided to create. I'm not even a fan of the character and I feel like it's silly to even argue on being a decent person. Of course, you don't have to appreciate nor approve of anybody's work, but don't harass them just because you disagree based on what Warframe they picked to create a skin for. 

People are still going to make what they want, and DE will still accept the skins that they want and deny the skins that they feel like need improvement. I'm not saying you will stop people from doing what they want to do, but certainly being negative doesn't help either. 

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vor 17 Stunden schrieb Archangel459:

Do we have an ETA of when we can expect this in game?


TennoGen round 13 took almost a month after the accepted items were announced. So... I'd say at least 3 weeks minimum. But maybe they surprise us and it comes in the next week.

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I think the Nidus Nightwalker skin will look a tad bit weird without it's Syandana. https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=1478716861 But I'm very happy that the skin itself got in. I love the way it looks and we've been lacking a good non-deluxe Nidus skin. Keep up the good work DE ❤️

I'm really looking forward to the future of Warframe, and our awesome community growing.

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