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Anthem and what Warframe can learn from it


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29 minutes ago, Arcira said:

Let´s keep it simple: Do you really think that warframe does everything right and other games everything wrong? Because that´s how you make it sound like.


Are you still having trouble understanding that?

It's pretty straight forward...You need only go back and read any of my last 3 replies to you to get it.

Sorry, Perhaps you missed the part where I said, "Disagree? Prove me wrong... The insulting parrot routine, useless rhetoric, and presumptions has gotten old.".

Oh...And you quoted the wrong section too...

- I 1 3 don't think anything is perfect and invite you to cite where I have said different.

Edited by Padre_Akais
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Anthem is a mediocre game, there is nothing that DE need learn form anthem, at least now. 

Warframe it´s not perfect but there is REAL GAMES out where DE can learn. 

Dark souls: Integrate storytelling and world building in the enviroment, descriptions and mechanics. And bosses. 

Destiny: Gunplay

Witcher 3: Open worlds. There is more games here. 

PoE: How integrate new mechanics in the core gameplay and end game. 


Warframe only need more difficult, and put content frequently, with story, adding varierity and nothing more. 


Well there is one thing that can learn from Anthem, marketing. 




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24 minutes ago, Padre_Akais said:

- I 1 3 don't think anything is perfect and invite you to cite where I have said different.

53 minutes ago, Padre_Akais said:

That DE has nothing to learn from Bioware regarding the important operative questions.



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@Arcira I’m probably missing context, but your above quote doesn’t even imply that Padre_Akais believes “Warframe is perfect”.

If I claim “Warframe has nothing to learn from Angry Birds” and then later say “I feel Warframe could take some gameplay elements from Ninja Gaiden”, does that mean that I am contradicting myself? Of course not. BioWare is only one developer, and even then Padre specifies “regarding the important operative questions”.

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32 minutes ago, OmegaZero633 said:

@Arcira I’m probably missing context, but your above quote doesn’t even imply that Padre_Akais believes “Warframe is perfect”.

If I claim “Warframe has nothing to learn from Angry Birds” and then later say “I feel Warframe could take some gameplay elements from Ninja Gaiden”, does that mean that I am contradicting myself? Of course not. BioWare is only one developer, and even then Padre specifies “regarding the important operative questions”.

Weird example but essentially the response is you can´t know that. Even if 2 things seems to be unrelated there might be something you can lern from it. But you have to look first to be sure. Don´t get me wrong there are alot of reasons not to do so. Maybe you don´t have time to compare every aspect but "don´t even bother it´s EA or BioWare they don´t know what they are doing" is not an argument in my opinion.

Edited by Arcira
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When im playing anthem i have the sensation of using The javelin, Colossus feel heavy and thicc, when using interceptor i have to feeling of speed and when using storm i have the sensation of freedom. 

Warframe have 50+ frame and everyone feel the same in term of sensation. Rhino weight feel the same as nova and that is sometime that i start to miss from anthem. 

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When Anthem comes out I'm going to the Anthem forms to make a thread with the title 'Warframe and what Anthem can learn from it' I wonder how long it would last before becoming locked and/or deleted! Because in all honesty the only reason this thread still exists is because there's really nothing for Warframe to learn from Anthem, all these 'great' 'ideas' were most likely suggested hundreds of times before Anthem even entered development... Anthem brings literally nothing new to the the table except its existence.

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6 minutes ago, (XB1)Skiller115 said:

When Anthem comes out I'm going to the Anthem forms to make a thread with the title 'Warframe and what Anthem can learn from it' I wonder how long it would last before becoming locked and/or deleted! Because in all honesty the only reason this thread still exists is because there's really nothing for Warframe to learn from Anthem, all these 'great' 'ideas' were most likely suggested hundreds of times before Anthem even entered development... Anthem brings literally nothing new to the the table except its existence.

And perhaps because those great ideas are now materialized into anthem, a competitor for warframe, theyll ACTUALLY be listened to, otherwise anthem steals parts of the warframe playerbase.

The anthem team from bioware upfront said that their game was inspired and takes a lot of mechanics and ideas from warframe and other similar looter shooters/looters like diablo, so its purposeful that these ideas are part of anthem BECAUSE they're based off ideas that players WISH other similar games had or already have. The fact that anthem doesn't bring anything new, yet these things it brings aren't being done by other games of a similar genre speaks for itself.

Edited by birdobash
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3 minutes ago, birdobash said:

And perhaps because those great ideas are now materialized into anthem, a competitor for warframe, theyll ACTUALLY be listened to, otherwise anthem steals parts of the warframe playerbase.

Hell will freeze over the day EA listens to anything other than money. Also what 'great' 'ideas'are you talking about? Only thing Anthem does that is cool is just your choice of material oooooooo and ahhhhh like that is some kind of revolutionary idea!

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8 hours ago, SneakyErvin said:

There just comes a point in those games where the scaling simply overshadows your progression, because leveling and skill gains stop at one point and then you are at the mercy of the gear progression and how well or poorly made that is. Most often it is poor and limited aswell. This becomes a massive issue in end-game at that point because every "tier" will be the same as the previous and a new grind for the exact same gear.

I guess that depends on what you want from a game, then. To me, what you described is pretty much the reason I play a game like D3. To go as far as you can, then grind for that slightly better gear (in D3 mostly levelling up your gem to increase the stats on your gear once you have the perfect set), so you can push it just that one step further. Then rinse and repeat. That's actually the thing I enjoy about the genre. 

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2 minutes ago, (XB1)Skiller115 said:

Hell will freeze over the day EA listens to anything other than money. Also what 'great' 'ideas'are you talking about? Only thing Anthem does that is cool is just your choice of material oooooooo and ahhhhh like that is some kind of revolutionary idea!


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5 minutes ago, birdobash said:

otherwise anthem steals parts of the warframe playerbase.

Anthem is going to do that anyway, at least, for a while...It's a newer game with excellent graphics featuring a brand new IP from a legendary Developer.

DE implementing a wishlist of Anthem features won't change that. 


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Just now, rune_me said:


Well there is Titania and ArchWing.  Some would even consider Zephyr.  I can honestly say that I have used AW on PoE and Fortuna in pretty much the same manner as Anthem using flying.  Major difference being slight delay in AW deployment compared to Javalins and without the overheating limit.  

Just saying.  😁 

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4 hours ago, 3rdpig said:

I played the Anthem demo. I was underwhelmed. The movement was slow and klunky IMO and some of my biggest pet peeves with games these days were present in the first 5 minutes of game play. It's Andromeda with a better jetpack, different stories and enemies. After 15-20 minutes I turned it off and uninstalled it. But I guess if you loved Andromeda, which I did not, you may love Anthem. Nothing wrong with that. There's also nothing wrong with thinking that Andromeda was a total mess, because it was.

I never played Andromeda. ME2 was a huge let down for me, and that was actually where I lost faith in Bioware as it became very obvious that they were more interested in creating action shooters than the gold old-fashioned RPG's I used to love them for. So I never played ME3 or Andromeda. 

But I did very much enjoy the slow-paced movement of Anthem. It was obviously very different from Warframes, but maybe that's why I liked it. If you've been eating sweet for too long, you might enjoy something sour for a change. And vice versa. It was nice to actually have to stop and look around and try to orient yourself in a fight. 

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1 minute ago, DatDarkOne said:

Well there is Titania and ArchWing.  Some would even consider Zephyr.  I can honestly say that I have used AW on PoE and Fortuna in pretty much the same manner as Anthem using flying.  Major difference being slight delay in AW deployment compared to Javalins and without the overheating limit.  

Just saying.  😁 

Traversal in Anthem felt infinity better than in Warframe, in my opinion. That's a matter of taste, of course. But the fluidity of going from ground to air, hover midair, roll out of the way, fly onwards was very well made. Easily the most fun I had with the demo. With the one big caveat that if you used a mouse, you really had to spend a good amount of time getting used to the, erh, sensitivity. But then the menus are designed in such a way, that no sane person can use a mouse and stay sane, so I found myself forced to switch to a controller just to navigate through the UI.

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3 minutes ago, rune_me said:

Traversal in Anthem felt infinity better than in Warframe, in my opinion. That's a matter of taste, of course. But the fluidity of going from ground to air, hover midair, roll out of the way, fly onwards was very well made. Easily the most fun I had with the demo. With the one big caveat that if you used a mouse, you really had to spend a good amount of time getting used to the, erh, sensitivity. But then the menus are designed in such a way, that no sane person can use a mouse and stay sane, so I found myself forced to switch to a controller just to navigate through the UI.

I am a dedicated console pleb and had heard it was kinda rough on mouse.  Is it just delayed or what?  I like both movement systems for different reason.  Id love for improvements on the Archwing controls, especially in space... I am okay with it in atmosphere.  


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8 minutes ago, rune_me said:

Traversal in Anthem felt infinity better than in Warframe, in my opinion. That's a matter of taste, of course. But the fluidity of going from ground to air, hover midair, roll out of the way, fly onwards was very well made. Easily the most fun I had with the demo. With the one big caveat that if you used a mouse, you really had to spend a good amount of time getting used to the, erh, sensitivity. But then the menus are designed in such a way, that no sane person can use a mouse and stay sane, so I found myself forced to switch to a controller just to navigate through the UI.

Using the mouse/keyboard wasn't terrible with exception to swimming and tight turns after some practice tbh.

...It didn't help that my mouse has developed a left coasting effect for whatever reason.

controller/console was a lot more fluid though.

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1 minute ago, (PS4)geomancer1980 said:

I am a dedicated console pleb and had heard it was kinda rough on mouse.  Is it just delayed or what?  I like both movement systems for different reason.  Id love for improvements on the Archwing controls, especially in space... I am okay with it in atmosphere.  


The flying was the opposite of delayed with a mouse. It was extremely sensitive, which made it jittery and every little twist with the mouse more or less made you turn 90 degrees. Playing it in the morning after a strong cup of coffee turned out to be a mistake. ... But jokes aside, it just took a little getting used to, it wasn't a game breaker for me.

The menus were though. You can't select a menu item with the mouse, you still have to "confirm" your selection with the space key, so it more or less forced you to use your mouse+keyboard as a controller. Select the menu item with mouse as you would with the dpad, then press space to actually select it as you would with the A/X-button. It was a pain, and very slow and clunky. Bioware have stated that they have heard the negative feedback and will have an overhaul of the UI system for PC ready for launch. So here's crossing my fingers.

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55 minutes ago, rune_me said:

Traversal in Anthem felt infinity better than in Warframe, in my opinion. That's a matter of taste, of course. But the fluidity of going from ground to air, hover midair, roll out of the way, fly onwards was very well made. Easily the most fun I had with the demo. With the one big caveat that if you used a mouse, you really had to spend a good amount of time getting used to the, erh, sensitivity. But then the menus are designed in such a way, that no sane person can use a mouse and stay sane, so I found myself forced to switch to a controller just to navigate through the UI.

You had a much different experience than I did.  I thought flight in Anthem felt terrible.  The controls were sluggish and had a terrible habit of going from "not turning fast enough!" to "Too fast, too fast, WALL!" constantly.  The underwater controls were even worse.  The few times I dropped into water I'd have to pause for several seconds to slowly turn in the direction I wanted to go (because the camera always lurched "realistically" when I hit the water and I *never* ended up facing the correct direction.)

Sprinting and dashing was... just kind of there.  I ended up choosing to unlock the Interceptor (wasn't part of the VIP demo, so I had to pick just one.)  And even the most mobile of all of them felt... okay, I guess.  I played around with the dash/evade option for about two minutes in the open world, then mostly forgot it existed.  Enemies either had lock-on tracking bullets, or just threw out so *many* of them that dodging for a split second mostly didn't make any difference whatsoever.  If I was actually being shot at, the best way to NOT be shot at was always to run behind a rock and stay there, and hope that it wasn't an NPC with magic ground piercing sniper bullets.  (The Scar snipers would pretty reliably nuke me even with no possible line of sight.)

As you said, the overall UI is... not good.  In my opinion, it's a pretty good example of "console first!" garbage design.  You often can't even simply click on something, you have to "click and hold."  Because I guess that's a thing consoles do.  Because... I guess console gamers are really twitchy and constantly press the wrong button by accident, so they need to give them a solid second or so to change their mind and *not* press the button?

I might get Anthem.  Eventually.  But the demo was a frustrating mess.  And the fact that everything is mandatory public matchmaking except for story missions... nope.  I'm not a super l33t player who can solo Mot for hours (or even to rotation C most of the time.)  But I don't really feel it improves my experience to be teamed with random strangers on the Internet.  Especially if there's any chance some of the bugs in the demo might survive to the live game.  (A fairly irritating one was that anytime someone dropped in or out of a freeplay mission, every single enemy would despawn.) 

Also, the in-game tools for actually forming a team seemed... kind of garbage.  In Freeplay, I didn't see any way to invite someone to team up.  I have no idea if it shares XP when two people are just fighting next to each other, or if it does the "whoever gets the last hit gets the XP" thing.  Maybe it does show that, and I just turned the option off at some point.  I usually turn things like Damage Floaters off immediately, so maybe there's an XP floater that pops up that I just wasn't seeing.

In *one* case during the whole weekend, I ran into an in-progress map event or something, with a Colossus making a "heroic last stand" in the middle of the Scar village.  I ran up just as they got downed, and managed to revive them and started pushing back the numerous Elites that had spawned.  And just as we seemed to be winning and the mini-event went to the next phase.... poof.  Every single enemy despawned, event reset, have a nice day, thank you come again.  We stood there for a few moments, in awkward silence, and then just both wandered away.  No text chat (and I *always* disable voice chat) so I have no clue if they even said anything.  That encounter kind of summarizes the whole demo for me.  A lot of meh, and anytime anything even slightly interesting started to happen, it was ruined by a crash, disconnect, or random bug.

Edited by EmberStar
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In relation to the UI of anthem, you could say that warframe does the same oopsie but vice versa for consoles, UI on consoles sucks and bullet jumping isn't great when it's totally dependant on camera view, even when warframe has had 5-6 years to do anything about it (UI has become somewhat more console friendly but it's still eh) meanwhile anthem hasn't even officially come out yet, and only the "demo" has come out (although I doubt from demo to release date the controls will change too much, here's hoping though)

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2 hours ago, (XB1)Skiller115 said:

forever cool down galore

You know what's cool about flying in Anthem, to me it feels impactful, and the sheer verticality of it has me in aww.  Also water can cool off your jet packs, just skimming the water cools them down too, also dive-bombing can cool off your jet packs. Also the interceptor really doesn't have a cool down because she can perform moves than can reset the cool down and the storm can hoover almost indefinitely.  Also Javelins can fly anywhere. Warframes are restricted to certain areas. Just saying. 


2 hours ago, DatDarkOne said:

Well there is Titania and ArchWing.  Some would even consider Zephyr.  I can honestly say that I have used AW on PoE and Fortuna in pretty much the same manner as Anthem using flying.  Major difference being slight delay in AW deployment compared to Javalins and without the overheating limit.  

Just saying.  😁 

Flying for me in Anthem was so much nicer. Warframe flying is to clunky, hurky jerky, also feels like your skating around on ice. Meh for me the flying is so much smoother in Anthem. Just my opinion. 

Edited by (XB1)RDeschain82
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