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Plenty of Servofish Contest [Winners Announced]!


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Akbolto, Mastery 9

Slot: Secondary (Dual Pistols)

LF: Melee (Dual Skana)

The two of us used to love hanging with people and taking some time off to travel. But leading them around has gotten stale.

We’re looking to cut ties with our critical friends and increase our status.

If you’re interested, you can contact either of us on our Orokin Cells at (20) 000 - 20 - 000.

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Name: Rhino Stompyard

Strong, silent, heavy runner. These are just some of the terms my fellow tenno might use to describe me, but as a matter of fact, underneath this Iron Skin, I'm just a big softy looking to find my polarity match. 

I like to keep active, charging through endless corridors, dashing from room to room in search of happiness. I like to keep active so I play a lot of Lunaro, mostly just training by myself, but when the opportunity arises I take it.  I'm a bit of a sore loser though, sometimes if a game isn't going in my favor, I might roar and stomp around for a short while depending on my energy and mood, but overall I am a very nice guy. 

I just want to grow stronger and make the tenno around me stronger as well. Many see me as a tank but I am more than that. I love to support others, giving them strength brings me fulfillment. 

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Voltric, 23

Apart from running, I also enjoy sitting under the tree and gazing into the vast universe, fishing and mining. I prefer using sniper rifles to execute clean and swift attack. Right now I am pink because it’s Valentine ;3

I am known for my speed, but I would love to slow my pace and enjoy every moment with the special one. I want to be the spark in your life that brings you electric joys. If you feel insecure, I would build up my shield and devote my life to protect you and keep you safe.



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Eos - Tenno, operator, worker of deck 9 at Fotruna


Grab my hand and take me form the neon lights

To the boundless sky’s and starry nights

Steal away star child by debt bounded

And destroy this loneliness in solitude founded.


Play me the music of nature

That is as my heart pure

Let me warm in your heat

And let the love take a beat


Eyes that lost their spark

Stared too much into dark

Embrace me now and shake me from the dream

Because I am still conflicted within


Hijack me far beyond ocean of void

As there is entity, I want to avoid

Into your own colorful reality

Where I leave behind the bleak responsibility

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Pink Rhino, 25


Looking for a very special lady to love. Hobbies include moonlit strolls on the beach and burning Infested with my pink Ignis of Love.

Can you handle being lifted gently into the air by my Rhino Stomp, and then swept off your feet by my Rhino Charge?

If you think you are the one for me, leave a message with my Ordis (he better not read it this time). 


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Vay Hek, Male

I am looking for a fool to call my own! I will let you breathe my air. You are not ready for my love! ACCEPT MY TOUCH!

Job: Earth administrator for the Grineer Queens (I will show you my Fomorian Fleet!)


-Picking out tenno weeds

-Poisoning Earth with Cicero toxin

-Killing political opponents

Goal: To personally throw the tenno’s beloved Lotus into the sun

Above is a picture I got some tenno maggot to paint for me! HAHAHAHAHAHA!

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Trinity, 20?

Hi everyone, so I'm going to get right into it and say I'm looking for frames with strong abilities that aren't shy to spam an Ult! I like to see stance combos, bright particle explosions, Kubrow finishers, and the screams of the enemy horde. I don't have time for the energy saving or the weak and may just watch you bleed out. However, the competent and strong will get loving with my Wells, Vamps, and Blessings. Drop me a DM if you want to be my main Ult. ;3 

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Nekromantic, "I was old before disco"

Generous, hardworking, loves boxing and hanging with the boys. Had enough short term hookups. Looking for more than a shadow, want a connection. 

I've been told I can be scary but I'm just passionate about my job. Inside is an old soul that loves deeply and won't let go.

PM me to start an adventure that will last a lifetime.


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*tips top hat* M'Tenno,

Ladies, are you looking for a classy, well dressed Warframe? While others were painting their ship, I was mastering the rift. It is my honor to defend you before we step into my rift. We will be undisturbed by the chaos around us. Take my hand and I can show you the solar system in a whole new, cell shaded light. *gestures toward Cataclysm* 😉

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Image result for warframe darvo

Name: Darvo Bek

Age: 105

Occupation: Freelance merchant

Likes: Profits, Providing great deals from questionably sourced locations, undercutting the competition

Dislikes:Grineer, Baro Ki'Teer

"What do my deals and I have in common? Both are hot like fire, hot like my desire"

"Will take you out at the relay of your choice (Disclaimer: couponredemerhastopay85%ofcostincludingtaxcannotbestackeddarvoisnotliableforanyinjuriescontact+1(800)CLEMforquestions"

"Looking for a partner at affordable rates"


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Image result for warframe maroo

Maroo here

I enjoy sneaking through the shadows hunting down rare treasures!!

some might refer to me as greedy or self-centered but i always look for the silver lining 

and i usually find it.

I have searched this galaxy over, just wasn't looking for love until now. i can find anything

after all! someone to spend valentines with shouldn't be that hard. 

financial stress isn't that big a motive to me, i just enjoy the hunt.

just looking for someone to pillage the universe with.

so who's gonna steal my heart??








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Baro K'Teer

Man LF Companion

Age Unknown, Birthplace: Inaros's Tomb, Mars


Though thousands of Tenno choose to 'question' my image of beauty, your's will always be worth more than any amount of ducats this world could ask for.


Bio: After searching the system for, let's say, a few years, I began to realize that no amount of Void travels could ever fill the void in my heart. You see, I've chosen the path of loneliness ever since my dear mother had an, 'event', leaving me alone to my wears; I will proceed to change that, as I now wish for a companion to join me in the endeavours of the void. Travel with me from the toxin filled caverns of old corpus bases in Eris, to dungeons that require keys impossible to find! Even if my treasures do not satisfy you, I always will; after all, my journey only reaches completion every other week.

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Excalibur Umbra, 4000


Former Dax Soldier

238,900 miles away


Getting back into the dating scene after falling apart and finding my youth. Not into Netflix and chill but I am a HUGE fan of Sentients to kill. I play hard to get so message me at least three times. I had a son but thinking of him drives me crazy. I have asthma and am infested positive. My inner child likes to come out a lot and when that happens I tend to do my own thing. Swipe left if you don't like swords, hipster scarfs or play Komi.

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