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And I was making fun of Anthem tomb achievement grind


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Only to find Warframe just added the same thing in the form of Nightwave.  

I hate the dumbing down of choice.  It’s no longer shall I go for Nitain or shall I go for 300 plastids.  Now its all daily weekly achievements and standing.  I hate all the standing mechanics already, and now the alerts are replaced with another standing grind.   

I wouldn’t care if Nightwave was an alternative to alerts.  I just don’t see why the alerts need to go.  The star system just seems so lifeless now.   

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Hmm. I didn't know Nightwave is a prerequisite to starting The Second Dream.

Also, I see pros and cons in both systems. Alerts: instant rewards, Nightwave: I get to sleep - very important as I suffer from Chronic Insomnia.

Still, it's early days.

Edited by KnossosTNC
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It's barely even the same thing. 

A set of bounties needed to be completed in order to progress in the main storyline that takes 2-3 hours, which can actually be done before reaching that point leaving less content to do and reducing the playtime vs. A bounty system that has a simple ranking system that constantly rewards the player for progressing with a seperate currency that can be used to purchase specific items. 

Also, the 'standing' grind is different, since you don't spend it and the cap per rank doesn't increase. It's practically a standard level up system. 

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I don't mind Nightwave, It gives me a reason to actually play some mission types I wouldn't otherwise play normally and do things I would usually pass on doing in favour of doing other things (looking at you simaris scans, never did those unless I specifically ran into a target)

I've almost completed the entire weeks Nightwave tasks in a few hours or less, i'm a big fan of not having the next rank be even more than the previous.

I miss alerts, i'll admit, but not many people did the 300 plastid alerts unless you were specifically bored and looking for things to do, and the newer system allows me to essentially not miss out on Reactors / Catalysts and whatnot, the only alerts i'd really consider doing outside of boredom.

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6 minutes ago, Latiac said:

I've almost completed the entire weeks Nightwave tasks in a few hours or less, i'm a big fan of not having the next rank be even more than the previous.

Feel free to research Skinner Box at your convenience, because this is what it is.  This seems to be a trend in gaming again as I see Star Trek online is currently doing the same thing with their product.  Do the missions, get the points, and open the box for the next level.  Wash, Rinse, Repeat for 10 weeks to see if you can get through all 30 boxes.  

Tell me @[DE]Steve is this what we're being degraded to?  Are we a pigeon?  Or a lab rat for this particular experiment?  

Feel free to watch this too... 


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Nightwave is nothing like anthems tomb quest. It's not require to to progress in the story. Alerts were a bad system many people had to get 3rd party apps cause there were so many rewards in the alerts that chance of what you need you pop up in the middle of the night or in the middle of work or school, there's a reason why DE called it the pay to sleep system. With nightwave do some challenges thatvtake at most a play session to beat and earn the credits and get what they need from a store.

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People were upset about Anthem's tombs requirement?

Thought it was quite nice, gave me a reason to explore the map with a mate, do some of the world events and search for Titans.

2 hours ago, (PS4)Limorkil said:

Now its all daily weekly achievements and standing

Good, gives people a reason to actually log in and play, instead of logging in to get the login reward.

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2 hours ago, MBaldelli said:

Feel free to research Skinner Box at your convenience, because this is what it is.  This seems to be a trend in gaming again as I see Star Trek online is currently doing the same thing with their product.  Do the missions, get the points, and open the box for the next level.  Wash, Rinse, Repeat for 10 weeks to see if you can get through all 30 boxes.  

Tell me @[DE]Steve is this what we're being degraded to?  Are we a pigeon?  Or a lab rat for this particular experiment?  

The old alert system was crap, Nightwave not only gives you choice it gives you what was denied in the previous Alerts, time to actually play and get your rewards.


Everyone can't play Warframe all hours of the day and night, many work, go to school, or some other personal obligation that stops them from getting potatoes at 4AM in their corner of the globe.  Most people felt FOMO and either didn't concern themselves over Alerts or hated for missing out on something they need or want like Vauban, and no, Skinner Box is a crap comparison, you can quit at any time the milestone rewards are consistent and are far from necessary while also requiring little effort to attain.



If someone plays 30-60 minutes a day everyday they can easily work towards weeklys easily since most of them are as simple as playing with friends.

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24 minutes ago, Orcot said:

The old alert system was crap, Nightwave not only gives you choice it gives you what was denied in the previous Alerts, time to actually play and get your rewards.


Everyone can't play Warframe all hours of the day and night, many work, go to school, or some other personal obligation that stops them from getting potatoes at 4AM in their corner of the globe.  Most people felt FOMO and either didn't concern themselves over Alerts or hated for missing out on something they need or want like Vauban, and no, Skinner Box is a crap comparison, you can quit at any time the milestone rewards are consistent and are far from necessary while also requiring little effort to attain.



If someone plays 30-60 minutes a day everyday they can easily work towards weeklys easily since most of them are as simple as playing with friends.

The old system was great.

Nightwave gives you the possibility to choose but it's not as simple as running a 5 minutes mission and 'poof' here's your catalyst.
The game has got too grindy as of late : sanctuary onslaught for focus , eidolons for arcanes , Arbitrations , Sorties , Fortuna's 2 sydnacates , Cetus' 2 syndacates , Symaris , the original syndacates , the grind for weapons materials , the grind for PoE / Vallis materials , the grind for primes , invasions , the grind for relics and to refine them , the grind for Kuva...and I could go on ; there's way too damn much to do, especially in a single day , especially considering how often you have to keep track of Cetus day / night and Fortuna's Warm / Cold cycles to stop doing what you are actually doing and run there immediately before they change again.

No, people can't play warframe day and night , I myself go to school and yet managed to get all I needed from alerts over the years ; sure , I might have missed some nitain or forma every now and then but who cares, I wasn't forced to add even more grind to that list I made above, I wasn't forced to have to swallow more and more hours of pointless inefficient stuff such as "do 8 bounties" or "capture a hydrolist with friends or clan mates" ( what if I have none ?? ) .
You may not have to play "day and night" but in fact you are forced to play for 8+ hours a day if you want to manage to progress somehow, isn't that the same thing in the end ? And oh, look. I still have class anyway.

I am tired of syndacates, I hate syndacates , I hate their daily caps , I hate the grind they impose on the players, I hate the useless stuff they have to make you do in order to earn standing ( I don't want to play 'minecraft' or 'the little fisher simulator' , I don't wanna do 8 bounties or look for ayatan sculptures at MR 25 , I don't need them ).

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18 minutes ago, Elyann said:

The old system was great.

I heavily HEAVILY disagree with your sentiment, you may have your opinion of course but in my humble opinion and i dont curse almost at all;


The old alert system was hot #*!%ing garbage.

Random rewards that wouldnt appear for days/weeks/months anf could spawn at any time even when you sleep with 0 warning or ways to prepare ahead of time...

Coupled with a Limited. Time. Window. Before it vanished entirely?

Thats korean mmo nonsense and i know it is because i play those nonsense mmos.  I took a 34 day vacation and got the chance to really notice how the old alert system had the raw intuitive power to spawn the things my family/friends need when they were not around or in the time range to get to it.

The worst i saw was my old buddy rage quitting in a ball of fury because he missed a vauban part some time ago, he has missed it a few times and it ruined the game for him since Vauban p is vaulted and no one was selling him. 

 He will never touch this game again, watching my wife get home from.an appontment/pta meeting/store etc to see she missed a nitain extract -again- so her items have to sit in the foundry longer was painful to come home to after so many misses. 

I was impartial but i hated the system in their place during my vacation.

Edited by (PS4)psycofang
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12 minutes ago, (PS4)psycofang said:

I heavily HEAVILY disagree with your sentiment, you may have your opinion of course but in my humble opinion and i dont curse almost at all;


The old alert system was hot #*!%ing garbage.

Random rewards that wouldnt appear for days/weeks/months anf could spawn at any time even when you sleep with 0 warning or ways to prepare ahead of time...

Coupled with a Limited. Time. Window. Before it vanished entirely?

Thats korean mmo nonsense and i know it is because i play those nonsense mmos.  I took a 34 day vacation and got the chance to really notice how the old alert system had the raw intuitive power to spawn the things my family/friends need when they were not around or in the time range to get to it.

The worst i saw was my old buddy rage quitting in a ball of fury because he missed a vauban part some time ago, he has missed it a few times and it ruined the game for him since Vauban p is vaulted and no one was selling him. 

 He will never touch this game again, watching my wife get home from.an appontment/pta meeting/store etc to see she missed a nitain extract -again- so her items have to sit in the foundry longer was painful to come home to after so many misses. 

I was impartial but i hated the system in their place during my vacation.

Feel free to disagree with my opinion, this is also what the forums are for.

I just don't like the thought of having one more syndacate to have to farm standing for and have more grind added on veterans when there's way more than enough already ; if it was a matter of doing a few lore-related missions per week it would be a thing but having you do stuff that you just don't need for quite a while in order to earn standing is annoying.

In conclusion....while this may look like a positive change to newbies and while it provides better rewards for both new players and vets I just don't think we needed another grind wall. 

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Thing is, this new system doesn't appear to solve the problem the old alerts presented. It only appears to add more grind. Significantly more grinding for items that usually wouldn't take 10 minutes to get when the mission was available. People might have missed those missions, but they missed them many times. So now those people that didn't have time to make alerts have to ask if they've got time to grind these challenges for the offerings they want. Or can they even complete enough of them? The Hydrolist and Play with Friends/Clan challenges are already walling off people (as they should if you haven't gotten that far). So folks in that situation will need to hope it balances out in the end. It hasn't even been a day yet, so we'll see I guess.


Edited by (PS4)FatMacBrbn
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56 minutes ago, (PS4)FatMacBrbn said:

Thing is, this new system doesn't appear to solve the problem the old alerts presented. It only appears to add more grind. Significantly more grinding for items that usually wouldn't take 10 minutes to get when the mission was available. People might have missed those missions, but they missed them many times. So now those people that didn't have time to make alerts have to ask if they've got time to grind these challenges for the offerings they want. Or can they even complete enough of them? The Hydrolist and Play with Friends/Clan challenges are already walling off people (as they should if you haven't gotten that far). So folks in that situation will need to hope it balances out in the end. It hasn't even been a day yet, so we'll see I guess.


It fixes the exact problem it was meant to, it fixes randomness of events, so you don't miss out on an alert. E.G. took me 8 months of play time to see a CP alert. You even go far enough to explain away the reason why this system was implemented as it's bad side.

Old alerts also offered nothing to anyone who's passed the chart. The "Grind" is at most 3 hrs a week. I didn't have a single friend, but found one in a minute. All but the Hydro, Bounty and Sortie challenges can be completed in under 10 minutes.

5 hours ago, (PS4)Limorkil said:

Only to find Warframe just added the same thing in the form of Nightwave.  

I hate the dumbing down of choice.  It’s no longer shall I go for Nitain or shall I go for 300 plastids.  Now its all daily weekly achievements and standing.  I hate all the standing mechanics already, and now the alerts are replaced with another standing grind.   

I wouldn’t care if Nightwave was an alternative to alerts.  I just don’t see why the alerts need to go.  The star system just seems so lifeless now.   

You usually just used to go for both, there was no "choice" which you speak of, now there is. Were you honestly excited about alerts? Could you specify, the 300 plastid ones, or the 10k credit ones?


Do you people think before you write or are just used to complain about everything at this point?

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I work from 8AM to 5PM, get home at around 7PM most of the time, I have about 2h I can actually play the game on a daily basis excluding weekends. I assume this is more or less the case for a lot of Warframe players, Nightwave is a much better system for me than the old alert system was, I get to work on it while playing whatever missions I want, I'm not time gated for any rewards and I can choose what I want to get when I can get something.

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I have been playing for 3 years, 

I have finished all of the nodes,

Finished collecting all weapons for their MR, 

have multiple formas in many of my weapons which I enjoy. 

Have max number of rivens possible. 

Have a (somewhat) active clan, where I am also decorator. 

I also have a full time job and login for about an hour or so in the evenings. 

I used to login mostly for the login rewards and the Ocassional sortie and spend time decorating. 

I had no incentive to play more than a few minutes and logging off. 

This system at least gives me a goal to achieve, and the older alerts (70% of which were credits that I could farm much faster in some other node or resources that I could farm faster in a dedicated farm in the same amount of time) were something I largely ignored except when there was something like forma or potatoes or one of the newer helmets. Which came around like once in 4 weeks. 

So for me personally this is welcome change. 

I do have concerns on the wolf cred warning rate to gain the shop rewards, feels like you can't get all the series rewards in one go. Need to know what happens once we reach max standing. 

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It may be cool now, but I can honestly see it becoming a chore to hunt these "achievements" after a while. Eventually, I'll have no interest in hunting an Eidelon, don't want to run invasions, scan simaris targets, etc. And I wont want to log on to check a "to do list". About the only things Ive been able to do passively was the killing and scanning one. (And that's only because Helios had things to scan)

If anything, alerts should remain. They provided a bit of activity to the chart. I'm kind of disappointed that NW is just a battlepass. I had a tiny hope it was going to make the start chart seem alive like we were taking part in a long term real time event with a war/revolution happening... Being a real replacement for the a random alerts, yet more forgiving. 


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18 minutes ago, Hypernaut1 said:

It may be cool now, but I can honestly see it becoming a chore to hunt these "achievements" after a while.

I guess I can see that, too, depends a lot on if they can manage to keep things fresh.


19 minutes ago, Hypernaut1 said:

I had a tiny hope it was going to make the start chart seem alive like we were taking part in a long term real time event with a war/revolution happening...

Uh, isn't that what the Wolf and his pals are about? Alerts weren't doing that, either. Invasions did a long time ago, but that was scrapped.

Also, aren't Stalker's Acolytes the most alert-like event? I really think that one is bad design.

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2 hours ago, Kontrollo said:

I guess I can see that, too, depends a lot on if they can manage to keep things fresh.


Uh, isn't that what the Wolf and his pals are about? Alerts weren't doing that, either. Invasions did a long time ago, but that was scrapped.

Also, aren't Stalker's Acolytes the most alert-like event? I really think that one is bad design.

I meant something like a long term war taking place on the start chart, that felt like we had an effect. Kind of like invasions, but using the rep earned to choose rewards. 

Just a wild hope, that's all.

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8 hours ago, Orcot said:

The old alert system was crap, Nightwave not only gives you choice it gives you what was denied in the previous Alerts, time to actually play and get your rewards

I agree completely, the old system was antiquated, difficult and relied too much on the app to alert you of something you'd want to do, or being in-game and lucky to be able to catch that nitain alert (or two) or aura mods...  This system makes it incredibly convenient both for the veteran and the new player to the game and allows them do do some (if not all) of the missions they would prefer to do.  

The problem is that the payment system as it currently stands is paltry and a skinner box relying on operand conditioning to make it appealing.  And that's the problem as DE has been saying for a while now they were taking strides to cutting down on the grind.  Yet this system is a step completely opposite to that offering.  

If I were to make the choice, I would choose the old system as I would be rewarded by running a missions 3 - 15 minutes and get the rewards at the end of the mission.  NOT running a week's worth of missions in order to get a payment that limits me to 2 mods (or two Vauban parts) or a combination thereof.  In that week in the old system, based on the timing of the mod alerts, I would have at least double that if not more. 

I'll say it again, it's like getting a paycheck that pays out less than minimum wage and telling me to spend it wisely.  

I know this is an experiment and parts of if are definitely a step in the right direction.  But overall?  The only people that can take advantage of it are the veterans, and they will -- to the best of their ability.

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