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Did They Test The Pvp Before Release?


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The pvp system is $&*&*#(%&.  I'm forced to use warframes and weapons that i hate with passion because my  conclave is too damn high.  I cant have any upgrades on anything because it sends my conclave skyrocketing.  In pvp is the worst of all.  This game was not designed to have pvp in mind.  Most of the game is pve and the pvp seems like a raging point.  Why not have pvp with objections and where you can use ALL OF YOUR MODS THAT YOUR FARMED HOURS OR DAYS FOR?  No one can use any of their abilities in pvp because the @(*()$ conclave gets too @(*()$ high.  There is also serious blanching issues in pvp.  With all of the new warframes,weapons,pet's and mods that are getting released, this game never will have a fare or fun pvp because too many things to keep balanced6.

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pvp will never be balanced or wont be till way way later. Deal with it.


The game isnt geared toward pvp, nor will it. Be glad you even got some sort of pvp in general, because even in the facts it says that pvp wasnt going to happen for a long time/wasnt the main focus.


Maybe if they didnt focus on pvp that wasnt supposed to be, U10 might have gone a little better.

Edited by Dtexas
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 This game was not designed to have pvp in mind.  Most of the game is pve

You said it yourself right there. We have pvp literally because people wanted it, not because DE thought it would be a good idea to put in. It's like pvp in Diablo 3. No it isn't balanced, but there it is. If you dont like it tough, it wasnt meant to be a thing anyways.

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True, but it doesn't mean they should toss more time at it.

Different teams for different areas  of game.

As WF grows, more capital to invest = more teams for more things.

There's a goo chance nothing was taken away at all, as the team hired or set on pvp wouldn't have ever been working on anything else.

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Different teams for different areas  of game.

As WF grows, more capital to invest = more teams for more things.

There's a goo chance nothing was taken away at all, as the team hired or set on pvp wouldn't have ever been working on anything else.

Ah, but whatever time is used on PvP was time usable on PvE. Any PvP devs could EASILY work on PvE.

Edited by KvotheTheArcane1
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Ah, but whatever time is used on PvP was time usable on PvE. Any PvP devs could EASILY work on PvE.

It really doesn't matter at this point. 

PVP is here, and it will likely grow.

You can moan about it, play it, or ignore it. You can't do all three and one of them is going to be pretty worthless in the long run.

Want it to go away? Ignore it, best you'll get.

Want it to improve? Give constructive feedback.

Unless you just want catharsis. In which case, I guess that's good for the soul. Short term, at least. :p

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It really doesn't matter at this point. 

PVP is here, and it will likely grow.

You can moan about it, play it, or ignore it. You can't do all three and one of them is going to be pretty worthless in the long run.

Want it to go away? Ignore it, best you'll get.

Want it to improve? Give constructive feedback.

Unless you just want catharsis. In which case, I guess that's good for the soul. Short term, at least. :p

I'm not saying it shouldn't grow. I'm saying it shouldn't grow RIGHT NOW. They have SO many things wrong/bugged/broken in their PvE game, how the hell could they hope to balance and maintain a PvP section too?

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The conclave system is awesome, you actually have to strip down your skills and mods and think what you wanna run with.


500 conclave is the absolute max it should stay at.


You can get one fully modded weapon and warframe without any skills with 500 conclave.


Protip: Get atleast redirection, vitality, vigor on your warframe.

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When i do get my conclave lowered, i end up having to use terrible warframes and weapons that i dont like.  Furthermore a pvp is not what i invested into in the first place and pvp is not what the game started as.  The pvp just seems like a gimmick to trick people who mostly pvp into playing this.  I bought the founders pack and sppent more money because i saw this game as a great game with good potential.  Now it seems like they're trying to do too much.  This game can never have a balanced pvp with all of the different variables in the game, thus never a fair/fun pvp.  Since they already made the pvp, i would hope they dont spend any more resources into that.  Focus on pve, getting more unique maps,enemies, and such.

Edited by XxXBruePandaXxX
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When i do get my conclave lowered, i end up having to use terrible warframes and weapons that i dont like.  Furthermore a pvp is not what i invested into in the first place and pvp is not what the game started as.  The pvp just seems like a gimmick to trick people who mostly pvp into playing this.  I bought the founders pack and sppent more money because i saw this game as a great game with good potential.  Now it seems like they're trying to do too much.  This game can never have a balanced pvp with all of the different variables in the game, thus never a fair/fun pvp.

....right. DE has said, a balanced PvP system probably isn't gonna happen. (although, tbf, they also said they want to reduce the grind too)

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Balance is fun as everyone in a balanced game has the same opportunity.  All that matters is skill, and this pvp is not fun.  The pvp right now seems to be a lightning rod for hate (as i am hating now) and in my opinion will become a smudge in this game as long as there isnt a complete overhaul/ removal of the pvp system.

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Conclave is  good balancing mechanism. If you want to pvp without conclave where the guy with the most maxed out build wins there is still the Dojo dueling room. The different conclave tiers force you to make meaningful decisions about what to take into combat. I've had a blast making builds for the different tiers.


I was indifferent to PvP before, but now I love it. The PvP maps remind me of old school deathmatch games like Quake, Half-Life and Unreal. Growing the game and attracting more gamers can only be a good thing for the game. That increases the population and the income of the game and the growth as a whole. PvPer attitudes won't be any worse than the attitudes of the min/maxers who think the only meaningful part of the game is T3 Defense.

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We don't need balanced pvp.

All we want is to impress friends from other clan with overcheated warframe and weapons.


This game is about cooperation between players against IA.

Don't disapoint us doing "balanced pvp match". It's not what we are asking for.

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I don't PVP, but it sounds like your issues would be very easily fixed with an 'unranked' room where anything you equip goes. I imagine the ranking system was there to prevent heavily platinum'd characters from curb-stomping normal free players and ruining all enthusiasm for PVP at all. Which, by the way, is why PVP isn't ever popular in games to begin with. As much as you don't like not playing with your full powers, most people hate being absolutely destroyed by some high level monster instantaneously more. 

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