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Melee Revisit: Phase 1 Feedback Megathread


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It seems to me that RMB combos have all-new control issues that aren't just because of the zoom switch. Even when using only a melee weapon and having manual block, RMB combos still feel stiff and unresponsive, like something is capping your turning and reticle movement. And even with manual blocking, the combos will at points fail to register RMB is being held and you need to depress RMB and start over.

Edited by vaarnaaarne
Better choice of words for Sword Alone loadout
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> Equip melee weapon
> Pick up mission Item
> Jump over onrushing enemies
> Glide to fly past them
> Run back into the middle of the horde of enemies to pick up mission item again because glide switched you to primary weapon and dropped the mission item.

In 2.0, the system was smart enough to change your ranged weapon to sidearm when picking up mission items.  Sometimes it even remembered to switch you back!  Now, in addition to the much discussed issue of separating movement controls from weapon controls, the system is using inappropriate weapons and interfering with mission progress.

Edited by Hjalmthrimul
for clarity
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1 hour ago, Ofeban said:

Thank you for returning block-glide, even if it is only for melee-only loadouts.

However, block-gliding is bugged at the moment, causing my character to be locked in a block-glide animation while doing certain mid-air combinations. This only fixes after I melee attack, meaning that I'm unable to control myself properly while airborne. 

Additionally, I can no longer blockglide immediately after a bullet jump; something I could do prior to this update. I need to double jump or wait a half second in order to control my aerials, which is a huge nerf to parkour in general.

I just logged in, no block gliding for me, just keeps switching to guns, and I can't even play extraction properly as it keeps switching to guns when I expect it to stick to melee. this is just the worst and it gets worse the more I play with new melee.

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As others mentioned, current combos that require block need tuned.

One moment you perform the combo without even trying, next it takes multiple attempts to figure out how you got it right that first time, by time you give up, you manage to pull combo without following the actual combo.

I can see players frustrations.

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18 minutes ago, SilviaS12 said:

I just logged in, no block gliding for me, just keeps switching to guns, and I can't even play extraction properly as it keeps switching to guns when I expect it to stick to melee. this is just the worst and it gets worse the more I play with new melee.

If you un-equip Primary and Secondary, leaving only Melee in your loadout, then you get a janky version of block glide. If they do fix that, I'm not going to bother using guns anymore regardless, because I want fluid and seamless melee combat, not forced hybridization. 

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Just now, Ofeban said:

If you un-equip Primary and Secondary, leaving only Melee in your loadout, then you get a janky version of block glide. If they do fix that, I'm not going to bother using guns anymore regardless, because I want fluid and seamless melee combat, not forced hybridization. 

this is all so very sad, I always melee with a sniper whenever I need it, I guess its either guns are pointless or melee is pointless but not like how it was before where you could choose on the fly. Thanks for letting me know how I could melee again 😞 no more vector prime sniper getting in 2 shots in between slashes anymore. Welcome Janky version of block glide 😞 My life will never be the same.

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2 minutes ago, SilviaS12 said:

this is all so very sad, I always melee with a sniper whenever I need it, I guess its either guns are pointless or melee is pointless but not like how it was before where you could choose on the fly. Thanks for letting me know how I could melee again 😞 no more vector prime sniper getting in 2 shots in between slashes anymore. Welcome Janky version of block glide 😞 My life will never be the same.

I've been feeling pretty hopeless too, but there are lots of people complaining about the whole thing. If DE listen and fix it, then I'll forget this ever happened and go back to normal. The last three days I've just logged on to feed my Kavat, lol. Hang tough, I feel your pain.

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Just now, Ofeban said:

I've been feeling pretty hopeless too, but there are lots of people complaining about the whole thing. If DE listen and fix it, then I'll forget this ever happened and go back to normal. The last three days I've just logged on to feed my Kavat, lol. Hang tough, I feel your pain.

I just tried the blocking as you said it is indeed there, but it is the worst, it just blocks and just stays there until I slash, if i let go it still blocks, its like aim toggle without the release, this is just horrible and its torture. I haven't been able to play since the update at all. I feel like all my platinum is wasted and most of all I am sick and tired of hearing "its because your not used to it" from players who genuinely don't play melee. 

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So, I use the (now toggle) to LMB to melee, and equip melee with Mouse 4 (M4). It's actually really clunky to aim glide now with melee equipped, since I get used to LMB for melee swings, but if I want to air attack with melee or even use melee again on landing, I have to M4 again instead of LMB. I can see how if you use "E" to melee, it's very intuitive and works as it should. I think this would be much more natural with LMB if it just went back to my melee weapon when I stopped aim gliding. Then I could still aim glide and melee on landing without having to remember if I need to use LMB or M4.

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Just now, Neyar said:

So, I use the (now toggle) to LMB to melee, and equip melee with Mouse 4 (M4). It's actually really clunky to aim glide now with melee equipped, since I get used to LMB for melee swings, but if I want to air attack with melee or even use melee again on landing, I have to M4 again instead of LMB. I can see how if you use "E" to melee, it's very intuitive and works as it should. I think this would be much more natural with LMB if it just went back to my melee weapon when I stopped aim gliding. Then I could still aim glide and melee on landing without having to remember if I need to use LMB or M4.

this makes no difference, like you I thought that was a solution, but it really isn't, in a test run on an extraction mission it kept switching from melee to guns if I pick up a battery or just try to play as normal. only resolve is to still use the quick melee button which is just not intuitive at all. Make matters worse to get block again you have to equip melee only and block is broken as ever. I honestly think they should put melee back the way it was because so far it's only getting worse and worse. As someone mentioned previously, "tried to fix something that isn't broken and now the spanner has fallen in between the gears" thus causing even more things to break.

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I really wanna speak up about bringing back the hold block + toggle block option!

I'm a blessing Trinity main, and I would combo with the Ack and Brunt and used Electromagnetic Shielding to give my team mates more damage resistance to pair with my blessing. I also used Guardian Derision.

The Ack and Brunt has been my main weapon for years (Edit: I have a 35.5% Ack and Brunt usage statistic) because of these two mods, along with holding my block while casting abilities.

The mods are currently not working in the game, but even if they were fixed I wouldn't be able to hold my block if I needed to aim at an enemy who was shooting me. This reduces the additional protection I can provide my team.

I understand this is a niche playstyle, but with my friends and a coordinated team this allowed us to bring incredibly glass-cannoned out frames into hard missions because my Trinity would provide all the protections for the team.


Edited by Keyan
Adding additonal information.
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I think what we really need here are choices.

Let us have a choice of whether to manually or automatically swap weapons.

Let us choose whether or not to do quick melee or combo

Let us choose whether we want to block automatically or manually (I've never deliberately blocked or channeled anything in the game).

Let us choose whether or not we want slams to be aimed or straight vertical (I used to use vertical to drop Zephyr down where I want her, not wherever I happen to be looking at the time).

Quick weapon switching is fine, but don't make the melee bit go in to combo mode, make it do quick attacks until the player manually selects to equip the weapon.


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I've been playing a bit more, and have some more feedback to provide.

First, a bug report:

While playing Melee Volt and carrying a shield in one hand, if I aim glide then my shield immediately drops in the air. This means I have to jump back into the air and try to awkwardly pick it up to continue, or otherwise recast another shield and pick it up, wasting time and energy. Or I have to just not aim glide at all.

Secondly, some feedback regarding quick melee and stance combos:

I used to be a mostly quick melee user, as I couldn't stand the slow weapon switch and having to give up access to my guns. I was mostly content with quick melee, but I did hate not having easy access to channeling for Life Strike, and not being able to see my melee combo. Whenever I wanted to heal, I had to stop what I was doing, go through the slow weapon switch, heal up with Life Strike, and then switch back. It was very clunky and cumbersome and annoying.

With this update, quick melee has basically been replaced with full melee. Life Strike is now so much more accessible for me, and I'm very happy with that. I'm not happy with channeling being a toggle though, as that makes it more awkward for me controls-wise. So there's a step forward and a step backwards here, but overall it's positive for me.

As for the stance combos themselves... they're a mixed bag. As many other people have stated, polearm stance combos are just terrible. Quick melee was much better. That said... I've just been playing around with a heavy blade using the Tempo Royale stance, and I have to say I am having an absolute blast. This is so much fun! What a joy! Basically, because of the slow weapon switch, I never got to experience full melee that much. I'd try it out every now and then, and then put it aside as it wasn't really practical for me. But now I can access it, and Tempo Royale just feels great. It does slow down my movement a bit, but otherwise, the combos look and feel great, are easy to perform, and actually feel useful. Holding my E macro while standing still or moving forward performs a basic combo that doesn't send me flying around against my will - it just slashes while looking and feeling great. If I hold my right mouse button, I can quickly jolt forward, and if I hold S / backwards, I can quickly do a slam attack on demand. The combos are great fun.

So, my feedback is to take a look at the Tempo Royale stance and model other stances around that. The only tweak it needs is to allow full player speed while attacking.

Edited by SteveCutler
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1 hour ago, AltheusV said:

I think what we really need here are choices.

Let us have a choice of whether to manually or automatically swap weapons.

Let us choose whether or not to do quick melee or combo

Let us choose whether we want to block automatically or manually (I've never deliberately blocked or channeled anything in the game).

Let us choose whether or not we want slams to be aimed or straight vertical (I used to use vertical to drop Zephyr down where I want her, not wherever I happen to be looking at the time).

Quick weapon switching is fine, but don't make the melee bit go in to combo mode, make it do quick attacks until the player manually selects to equip the weapon.

I am not a great Warframe player. I like to hit things, I like to shoot things, I do not dance. I wear Excaliber and Rhino.

Well, I used to wear Excaliber and Rhino, now it's just Rhino. Being forced out of quick melee on Excaliber makes me a dancing Excaliber and a sad panda. Now it's just Rhino and Orthos and Shimmering Blight with the occasional stompies.


An Uncomplicated Player

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So far, I really like the changes.  Directional slams are fantastic for increasing mobility.  Toggling between the different modes always felt clunky to me, and channeling never seemed all that great every time I've remembered to use it, so this streamlining is definitely welcome in my opinion.

A few issues I've noticed though:

  • Dual sidearms can become misaligned when switching back from melee.
  • You are still forced to do a quick attack first, before you can start a heavy melee attack.
  • You are still forced to do a quick attack first, even if you want to just have your melee weapons equipped.
  • I will often lunge forward and miss my target because the stance animations are at such a different pace than I am used to.  They are much more inconsistent than quick attacking with your primary/secondary equipped.
  • Aimglide with melee is no longer a thing.
  • Some mods are now no longer functional (although I'd understand if changes to these are coming soon).
  • Now that blocking is automatic, sometimes it can interrupt other actions.

Overall I think DE is on the right path, quirks aside, and I'm sure it will improve over time.  As someone who primarily uses ranged weapons and melee interchangeably, the hybrid approach seems to work well for me so far.  But I can totally understand how people who play exclusively melee might feel like the changes might be too much.

I think maybe some sort of new power attack is needed to get more interactivity back now that both manual blocking and channeling have been changed.  Or maybe a new kind of channeling/blocking mechanism.  I dunno.  Something.

I don't think heavy and light attacks alone are enough for people that prefer that kind of play-style.

Edited by PR0JAX
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Some more bugs I've noticed:

  • It is impossible to perform a directional ground slam with the Cobra & Crane. Instead, a projectile is thrown. The only way to perform a ground slam with this weapon is to aim 100% vertically down (i.e. doing an old-style slam).
  • With an Archgun equipped, it is impossible to melee attack at all.
  • If I'm playing Volt and carrying my Electric Shield in my hand in melee mode, as soon as I start aim gliding the Electric Shield is dropped into the air.
  • With only a melee weapon equipped (no guns), once I start blocking it becomes impossible to stop blocking. If I start aim gliding, I can't stop aim gliding. It's possible that this is because I had the "toggle block" setting turned on before the setting was removed. Can anyone else chime in here to confirm?
Edited by SteveCutler
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1 hour ago, ganjou234 said:

WHY? The system is perfect for pulling out a melee weapon to block with.

its perfect if you like to make the game play for you, and as a melee player I like to block for myself, read the threads thoroughly and you will understand. kindly lay off the insults, mods are aware thank you.

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I'm enjoying it quite a lot. But I have to say that the right click combos are kinda hard to use for the moment.

Other then that its mostly fine. Though I guess some of the weapons losing quick melee would be a negative impact for the moment.
Something that can changed in the future though.

Apart from that my most notable problem is when I go melee only and perform my 'aim' the warframe starts wiggling as if its trying to block and aim at the same time till I press something else. Also I kinda miss the aim glides that were possible with melee weapons. Its still possible, but only when you're on melee only. And like I said above, the warframe bugs out and starts wiggling.

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DE, I've concluded irrefutably after three days of this new and "improved" melee system that it is insufferable, un-enjoyable, and hopelessly riddled with favoritism toward ranged combat. If this is your idea of a "better" system in perpetuity, you might as well revert to Melee 1.0; since melee has been reverted completely back to its 2013 level of a mere afterthought to primary and secondary. To compare playstyles to a hearty meal, you've reduced what was my main course (and that of many others) to a side garnish. And not even a good side garnish, you've added a lump of cauliflower to a good steak; or chopped beets into a chocolate cake. You've poured wasabi into a perfectly good smoothie, and now you expect me to drink it after 2637 hours of what was actually fun

And despite VERY RUDE COMMENTS TOWARD THE OTHER POSTERS, like those made by "ganjou235" above; players such as he/she DO NOT represent the majority of the melee playerbase. Listen to the feedback of those who weren't Maiming Strike slaves and Atterax spammers, and make the correct decisions to fix the wreck you have so awkwardly foisted upon us. Or, to elaborate:



  • We can aim our ground slams at a diagonal now, and the crater effect on impact glows with our melee weapons' energy color. Cool! But, on the other hand, ground slams are now useless for finishers or any of the old tasks except getting down from a high place quickly; because you guys reprogrammed them to launch foes up to be shot at with ranged weapons, which is yet more evidence of the butchering of enjoyable melee out of chauvinism toward using guns. Not cool!
  • Sound effects make sense for the mass and shape of the weapons now, and my Galatine Prime has quit making a whistling noise followed by an oddly ceramic "tink" on slam attacks; like it did following the first sound remaster. It now makes an appropriate whoosh of air and a leaden, metallic thud. The sound effects with each weapon, at least, have been an improvement.
  • Energy color of melee weapons (at least as far as I can tell) now colors not just elemental VFX; but it also colors the indicator of that elemental status effect on enemies now. It's cool to make a Grineer burst into neon green flames. Or rather it would be, if melee still truly existed; so like the ground slam, the net positive is effectively canceled out. This leaves us with the new sounds as our "good" thing about 2.9999-whatever-the-heck-you're-calling-it-but-its-bad-DE-so-bad-we-are-sorry-but-no.


  • The "instantly swapped" melee isn't actually drawn, it just teleports off our back and into the wielding hand(s) with energy effects so quick-flashing and bright that they cause eye fatigue. This is visually unappealing enough, but on top of this, the teleport also makes the guns holstered on you randomly flicker the same way, even if you never hit melee ONCE in the course of the mission. Few things make me feel like trying to self-diagnose myself like epilepsy more than watching my Soma Prime randomly become a cyan ghost for .001 seconds every half minute.
  • Blocking has been removed; and even the supposed "hotfix" on Saturday 3/9/2019 failed to properly patch anything, so it remains mostly automatic and will STILL trigger without input. Making ANY action in a video game something automatic and self-performing is always a bad choice; despite the nagging of the same Weaboos you seem to have catered the entire new system toward. By doing this to "increase survivability", you've only accomplished dumbing down the system and making it less satisfying. If you want melee to have better defensive capability, why on earth did you not just decrease damage block percentages to have a minimum effectiveness of 60%? This would be a far simpler solution than taking away from us yet more freedom of choice. Nobody wants their game to play itself without player input, except for the sort of placid rubes who buy filth like Clash of Kings; and you are making this once-fine game just as self-operating as that same category of trash IoS android game.
  • Not only did you fail to return blocking to a state we actually control; but ever since Saturday's hotfix even the "controlled" block remains indefinitely active unless you hit RMB again. Part of the maneuverability and versatility of prior melee was our ability to begin, cancel, and mix combos of our stances by suddenly blocking; and blocking mid-air used to let us aim-glide, as aiming does with guns. You've damaged parkour just as badly as you've taken the fun out of slicing and dicing. For the love of god, make melee RMB hold-release controls again; and NOT a freakin' toggle.
  • You've removed channeling altogether, instead of just fixing it until it reached a more satisfying state. There goes our cool energy effects on our items, any build involve Life Strike and similarly-dependent mods that need channeling, and what was in some cases a viable and significant damage boost on weapons. Fragor Prime, for example, has now been gutted of one of its key features. Make channeling stronger and prettier, rather than simply axing a mechanic you were too lazy to alter.


  • Melee randomly stops with the slightest mis-click (or an errant pinky, for those who like me have always used the E key); and begins shooting. This is exactly the same crap that resembles Devil May Cry; or the controls of overrated fighting games like Street Fighter and Guilty Gear that have rabid, half-thinking fanbases who clamored for you to twist this game into that same perpetually-linked-in-its-controls state. Yet again, more heeding of the "feedback" of a large and vocal majority of Weaboos at the expense of the majority of melee users. If I wanted to be randomly initiating my Battacor's alt fire while trying to mow fools down with Scindo Prime, I would have blasted well asked you as the developers; and so would anyone else. And we didn't.
  • The inverse of the above is also true. Only the feeble letter "R" separates my muscle-memory trained index finger from hitting the E key instead of the T key, which I have weapons'alternate fire bound to; and as a lovely result, when four Raknoid Mites spawned and launched at my Nova, I made an ineffectual attack at the air they were not yet leaping through, rather than beginning the massive laser blast that would have annihilated them. Irritating to say the very least, and blood-boiling reaffirmation that this cross-linking of weapon types isn't going to work; and is the opposite of more fun and more intuitive.
  • Color correction on Exalted weapons like Hysteria is now completely broken; and in seizure-inducing fashion, that familiar and cathartic orange tint to the screen that I used to love flickers to normal graphics again, EVERY TIME I HIT A FOE. 
  • Exalted Weapons are now also interrupted by shooting, which defeats the entire blasted purpose of Exalted Weapons, even the ranged ones. Their entire point is to be a bad-ass super-weapon we summon when we have the energy and the opportunity; using them to obliterate foes with maniacal glee far more easily than our normal three weapons. It is as lame to suddenly shoot a pistol mid-rampage using Exalted Blade or Hysteria as it is to fire a normal, weaker gun when you were in the midst of Peacemaker or Razorwing. The continuously held nature of firing Regulators means that my Mesa Prime has now begun to randomly fire her comparatively far weaker Akvasto Prime when her literal firearms in each forearm should be active. Nobody wants to trade Dex Pixia for Sicarus; and I do not want to randomly fire my Aksomati when I used to know the bloody, delightfully visceral joy of mauling the living daylights out of anything that moves with my Valkyr Talons; without interruptions. This interruption technically doesn't stop channeling the Exalted weapons either, so you've effectively caused us to waste energy we never did before.


  • We no longer have any ability to use melee, just plain good old melee, entirely on its lonesome; and no longer can we rest easy knowing we will keep it ready until we holster it again. If the obnoxious lot who pressured you to make these "good" changes to melee want combat to be "faster", then why not make it faster BY REMOVING THE WEAPON SWAP-SPEED MODS, MAKING THE SWITCHING BETWEEN THE THREE WEAPON CATEGORIES INHERENTLY FAST FROM THE GET-GO, AND RETURNING OUR GODFORSAKEN ABILITY TO TOGGLE BETWEEN THE THREE AS WE PLEASED THAT THERE WAS LITERALLY ABSOLUTELY NO REASON TO REMOVE. Give 👏 us 👏back 👏 actual, dedicated 👏 melee 👏mode. Why did you ever get rid of it? 90% of my playing style has been wrecked, and I have absolutely no interest in using melee until you the ability to actually WIELD my melee returns. Primary, secondary, and melee were meant to be toggled between; and you've only managed to narrow our freedom of choice and variation in playstyles in the interest of supposed "streamlining". Just make the blasted weapon-swap faster; if the Otaku Magazine yearly-subscription-holders are so insufferably upon your backs as the developers about weapon-switching being "slow".
  • Did I mention we literally can't actively wield melee anymore, only slash, stab, or bash with it in a permanent link with our guns? I just did above, but I don't think you understand what an affront this is. Half the satisfaction of melee, half of what made players feel like a genuine space ninja, was the ability to physically have all our sick melee weapons right there in our own numerous Warframe hands. It didn't matter if those hands were the meat slabs of Rhino, the claws of Valkyr, or the knobbly tassle-pinkies of Nekros Prime; it felt good to actually USE our melee weapon, instead of flashing it as a mere trinket beside and treated as lesser to our guns. The removal of dedicated melee mode has literally taken that experience, and our melee weapons, out of our hands. Yet more freedom of choice, just plain violently ripped out of the game without forethought. Add back in a dedicated melee mode, or there is literally zero interest in anything current for me. I don't want to rank up Nightwave further, and I have no interest in sealing those last 46 Thermal Fractures to get the other event rewards. You know why? Because without actively-wielded, genuinely fun-to-use melee combat, Warframe isn't Warframe. It's just another boring First/Third-person space shooter with only a baseline of world-building applied to its setting; just like Overwatch, Apex, or ... ueghh, Destiny. 
  • Finally, and only slightly less of a sin; Captura has lost half of its most interesting shots without melee mode. So many cool poses were literally just the normal posture while idle with that melee weapon; now my Rhino is SOL if he wants to pose jauntily with Fragor. Not only did the gameplay get ruined, the new melee has managed to wreck our screenshots too. This is an impressive feat, even for something  already rushed by the DE team to be released.
  • There's not quick-melee anymore either. You've removed the simplicity and reliability of what we used to utilize to butcher things that closed the opening when we were still reloading guns; and in turn removed the quickest way to break loot containers. Bring back dedicated melee mode, and make combos ONLY happen when we are actively using our melee weapons in full. Quick-melee was convenient and reliable. Make the reach better and the attack quicker if you want to "improve" the speed of melee; don't make Stances constantly active and combos randomly happen when we just wanted to crack open some Thermal Sludge. And as I have now reiterated so many blasted times; especially DON'T REMOVE MELEE AS AN ACTIVE MODE ALTOGETHER.


TL;DR: Why? Just why? This is in every regard the polar inverse of streamlining. This is removal of choice, and forcing one unified, awkward playstyle down our throats as the loyal players.This doesn't integrate weapon types more, it glues them together like the Human Centipede. Melee should be usable entirely on its own, and never shoot; and I really, REALLY want to fire my guns again, without doing anything more than quick-melee if I tap E between shots. You've managed to make things more cumbersome and less fun; the real solution to the gun-vs-blade gap is to make swap quicker, AS A SERIES OF IN-GAME MODS ALREADY DOES; SO WHY NOT MAKE THAT SPEED INHERENT AND JUST REMOVE THOSE MODS? 

Important, despite all this ... strong feedback rooted deeply in my frustration and lack of fun:

All of you at Digital Extremes are still better than 96% of developers out there in regards to actually listening to feedback; which is precisely why I intend to keep giving it, even if it is vastly critical and negative feedback on this particular issue. You actually listen to your players, you do your best to regulate chat, you've time and time again made the right choices to improve weapon and Warframe cosmetic customization; and all around you are great folks. You've developed a reputation among us all as a team that cares, as opposed to the money-grabbers without thought or remorse that nearly all Japanese and American developers have devolved into. You more than likely will listen to us again, and hopefully keep that reputation going. As far as any of us are concerned; Digital Extremes is pretty great, from Foley artists, to concept artists, to programmers, to animators. Keep doing what you've done, and please dear mercy listen to the voice of reason from the players that actually do utilize 95% melee combat (among them me; I just want to feel like Knight Artorias again). 

I and millions of other players love ya all; but in a platonic, neighborly, non-creepy way.

Best regards and hopes for fun melee again,


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32 minutes ago, Maxim_M_Payne said:

DE, I've concluded irrefutably after three days of this new and "improved" melee system that it is insufferable, un-enjoyable, and hopelessly riddled with favoritism toward ranged combat. If this is your idea of a "better" system in perpetuity, you might as well revert to Melee 1.0; since melee has been reverted completely back to its 2013 level of a mere afterthought to primary and secondary. To compare playstyles to a hearty meal, you've reduced what was my main course (and that of many others) to a side garnish. And not even a good side garnish, you've added a lump of cauliflower to a good steak; or chopped beets into a chocolate cake. You've poured wasabi into a perfectly good smoothie, and now you expect me to drink it after 2637 hours of what was actually fun

And despite VERY RUDE COMMENTS TOWARD THE OTHER POSTERS, like those made by "ganjou235" above; players such as he/she DO NOT represent the majority of the melee playerbase. Listen to the feedback of those who weren't Maiming Strike slaves and Atterax spammers, and make the correct decisions to fix the wreck you have so awkwardly foisted upon us. Or, to elaborate:



I have screen shots of the rude comments if it is needed. Other rude comments towards melee based players exists but I will refrain from making reference to them as it is not necessary. 

I couldn't add anything more to this post as it encapsulates everything I would've wanted to bring attention to, all I can say is, I sign to this as a petition, and I can't and will not be able to play anymore as it is, it is simply unbearable, I am sure there are more Tenno of the same view and they will slowly like myself crawl out of the woodwork and make their way to the forums to ask when will this be fixed, I never once in my life of playing WF had an issue to come to the forums until now. It is better to retain and maintain actively than to attain actively new customers, this is a Canadian marketing model and one that I believe in firmly as it is proven by every top company in the world. 

Edited by SilviaS12
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Some very concerning problems that I have found with the new system and I think should be fixed asap:

Guardian Derision can't be activated manually now.

Can't aim-glide in melee mode. This needs to be back so we can aim-glide without beeing zoomed in...I like to see where i'm going when I aimglide and melee aimglide was perfect for this.

-Tied to the above point, exodia contagion is now a pain to use.

Volt drops the riot shield if you try to aimglide in melee

Some of the combos that require me to hold RMB in melee make me go back to pistol mode and interrupt my combo.

No way of activating alt-fire on a gun straight from melee mode...this sucks for some weapons where I only use their alt-fire.

Holding datamass has somehow become very unreliable and is dropped a lot when I aimglide...not sure if bug or not. Also I have NO WAY of telling what gun (primary or secondary) I will be in when I switch from melee making this very tedious. most of the same I find myself back on primary when I had been using my secondary previously.

Autoparry stops me from charging gunblade shots...

My dear Mios is a mess now...so many wrong things with it now that I don't know where to begin.

Any way that we get polearm quick melee back? I really liked the orthos' quick melee for stealth runs...

Using melee with archgun bugs me and I can't use melee again.


My opinion:

The idea behind the changes is very good and the system is great in principle but we have lost many things that we needed and used. Blocking and aim-gliding in melee mostly. If you're willing to make radical changes to your game systems that's fine but please be willing to revert some of them or implement them in another way so we can have back what we lost. It would be wonderful to aim-glide in melee again.


Edited by Domaik
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