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Melee Revisit: Phase 1 Feedback Megathread


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I definitely miss being able to aim glide with melee active, other than that I think I feel like I can't very well judge the new melee without any updated stances to compare, this present hybrid state I think just feels too incomplete to tell what it's meant to be like.

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4 hours ago, Maxim_M_Payne said:

I've responded so many times to this thread, and this is the exact same point I've raised each time; the core root of the problem. I am getting utterly frustrated with DE's complete disregard to the feedback of anyone that used PRIMARILY melee weapons. Instead, the whole team seems to be acting in favor of merely fixing the bugs reported by the players that don't protest this awkward fusion of controls, and follow the train of logic that "It's like a Devil Trigger in my Animu fightin' games so it must be good".

My Many Dearly Missed Enjoyments of the "Bad" Melee 2.0

I liked actually being able to toggle between all three weapon slots; and I liked physically holding and holstering a greatsword/trident/katana/staff/polearm/daggers/etc.; because it made me feel quite genuinely like the "space ninja" we are so frequently marketed as being in this game

I liked being able to fight with melee in its own dedicated mode; and I liked my melee never being interrupted by shooting that results because I don't frequently keep hitting my melee bind.

I liked using my ranged weapons completely separately; and I ESPECIALLY LIKED actually, physically holstering my different weapons with an animation; instead of yet another asinine half-second energy-flicker effect as they teleport randomly back and forth off of me, in a game that is already riddled with eye fatigue.

I liked having quick melee and the convenience it brought to stealth and looting; and I liked quick melee being the only melee strike that would trigger while I was using my guns; because I have no desire to use both in horrendously janky synchronization, and I never will. AT. ANY. POINT.

I liked the fact that in the "bad" old system, I could control my own blasted block; and in particularly I LOVED that block was hold-and-release; instead of some asinine toggle that remains active until hit again.

I liked the utter absence of a condescending, hand-holding computer-block that gets itself stuck in a loop of trying to block Exploiter Orb's plasma bolts; keeping me from throwing the Thermia at her, or being able to fight any of her thousand, stupid little green Mite sons.

I f***ing LOVED the visceral satisfaction of using Exalted Melees on dozens, even hundreds of foes; and removing the override of my normal weapons by such awesome and mook-shredding mega-melees as Exalted Blade and Hysteria has removed the feeling of power that they gave me. It isn't half as metal to have claws made of pure energy and rip a Grineer's spine out with them when you can no longer directly wield melee weapons in their own dedicated mode; and even less so when I no longer have working color correction for the "berserker haze" of orange for the Hysteria aura. Literally every single time a hit connects with a foe when I use Hysteria, ever since Buried Debts launched, the color correction flickers out and goes back to normal rendering before resuming the orange. As you may have noticed, the Orb Vallis is overall a blue in color from all its ice, and now I'm developing epilepsy. There goes the most fun part of playing Valkyr; and in comes yet more eye fatigue.

I liked stances, and I liked using them only when I was in melee mode. It is not fun to go through the full Winding Claws combo of Swirling Tiger and strike an explosive barrel behind the loot barrel quick melee would have safely hit prior to Buried Debts; thus alerting the whole Grineer Vault when the stupid Regulators get damaged by that same barrel in a Spy node.

I liked pretty much all stances but Sundering Weave and Crossing Snakes, and I doubt that others' feelings were different. Rather than fix these two distinctly clumsy, useless, unimpressive, and slow stances; by giving them combos that actually flowed, and attacks with reach and forward momentum; melee mode was removed altogether, and so was manual block. Now the 98% of stances that were once perfectly good are janky; and even Wise Razor, which is very pretty, is devoid of appeal without the old RMB to pull off its combos, or a dedicated melee mode that lets me actually hold Revenant's cool Sentient great-katana in my hands indefinitely. 

I liked channeling. I genuinely did. It had cool energy effects, it was satisfying to watch foes dissolve into light after death, and its only real problems were its low damage-boost output and poor ability to maintain itself. Rather than change the mechanics to make channeling both satisfying and viable, it was instead removed altogether. Majorly uncool, and yet one more point taken off the "space ninja" aesthetic; to render us all just boring sci-fi gun dudes. I miss my glowing sword trail swirlies almost as much as I miss holding my melee weapons FOR REAL.

Speaking of channeling still, I liked when Life Strike still worked so even my squishy frames could maintain themselves; and I liked exploding my throwing melees, which I now can't do, and takes half the fun out of Glaive and Orvius since Buried Debts.

I liked ground slams that knocked down my foes so I could use finishers; instead of launching them uselessly sky-high to be shot at with guns, in one more example of the "improved" system's chauvinism toward ranged combat.

And more than anything, I liked the diversity in playing styles we used to have when we could use our guns and melees in isolation, instead of an ugly and forcibly-integrated tandem that you foisted upon us without option or alternative.

@[DE]Danielle, and at any other developerss actually willing to listen at Digital Extremes, please, please, please, PLEASE restore things as they were. Make what you've shoved into the game currently be the toggle in options, and since everyone who supports new melee has bragged to me about "finding it more fluid because they're advanced and real players", label that option "Advanced Melee". Find your fixes to the issues it currently has, and let the players who like this fused twitch-fest of passive-melee have it; as something that is turned on instead of the default state of melee combat.

But Lord have mercy, do not make this trainwreck the default state of melee in perpetuity. It is the polar opposite of streamlined and intuitive. It has twice the fiddling 2.0 did, and 1/20th the fun to use. Believe it or not, many of us were just fine and happy with melee; and only really wanted you to give Fang Prime, Pangolin Sword, etc. better stats.

Restore active melee mode, instead of making slicing and dicing a side garnish when it used to be more than a few of us' main mode of game-play and favorite thing in Waframe (especially mine). 

Restore controlled block, and make it hold-release instead of a toggle like the recent "hotfix" half-changed the still auto-triggering block into. We're Tenno, we can defend ourselves. It's not just annoying, it's insulting.

Restore normal RMB in combos, instead of rearranging them or changing their order to further shred and distort play that used to be fun. We want to aim glide while holding greatswords again. Parkour was enhanced by steering with my melee in the old system, not reduced.

Restore holstering, for the sake of sensitive eyes. That teleport-flash of weapons in and out of my hands from my back and hips is extremely infuriating already, and far too saturated and opaque in its energy detailing. If you're all so worried about player critiques that holstering and weapon swap is "slow", then just make the quick-swap inherent and remove mods like Soft Hands, Speed Holster, and Twitch altogether. Problem solved, and it would give just as virtually instant of weapon-switch, without the eye fatigue.

Make ground slams on non-Hammer/Heavy Blade weapons knock down foes again, and not launch them. I want to impale dudes lying on their back again.

More than anything, restore our faith that all of you that work so hard at DE haven't suddenly stopped putting thought into that hard work. 

Let us play the way we choose, instead of forcing us into a newly-prescribed and newly-narrowed set of unappealing controls. People can be Dante from Devil May Cry if they actually want to; but let those of us that are the real melee freaks and formerly used to use it almost exclusively for combat remain Knight Artorias and Executioner Smough in the style of how we play Warframe.


This ^^. Same exact feelings and opinion.

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il y a 9 minutes, AminusTek a dit :

This ^^. Same exact feelings and opinion.

I strongly second this to the highest level of support. The lack of choice, aka force is extremely painful to bear for players such as myself who mostly just use melee.

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Another problem I have with this new melee system.

When I used to run missions using a melee weapon, I could hold F as I charged towards the enemy to smoothly unsheathe my weapon and begin blocking with no interruption in my movement.  This looked cool and made the holster positions of my melee weapons have a purpose.  It looked cool and bad-ass and empowering to see those few seconds where Khora would pull the swords from her sides like she was ready to wreck some faces.

Now however, we're forced to press E to switch to melee, and they magically appear in our hands.  This causes my Khora to suddenly stop sprinting and swing one of her swords in the air before she can resume sprinting forwards.  It looks stupid, it looks like she's trying to swat a fly, it breaks the flow of movement, it makes the holster position of melee weapons (which some of us have painstakingly adjusted to suit our aesthetic tastes) pointless because they can now magically teleport to our hands with no movement to retrieve them.

There is no means to switch to melee in the game now other than using a melee attack, and sometimes there are moments where we want to switch to melee when not in melee range (the aforementioned issue, or when wanting to prepare for a Life Strike attack, or needing to block incoming fire etc.).  This means we either have to stop on the spot and swing our weapon at thin air, making us look stupid and breaking the gameplay flow, or just not use the benefits melee weapons offer from ranged attacks at all because there is no alternative.

Edited by Konachibi
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11 minutes ago, LeoLeonidas said:

I'm can't shooting by my Redeemer when someone shooting to me, because blocking animation interrupt my charge attack animation 😢

Wasn't that supposed to already be fixed in the last patch?


Fixed an issue where auto-blocking could cancel the charged/heavy Melee attacks.


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8 hours ago, Maxim_M_Payne said:


Quoted so that maybe it'll add one more metric to this post.  DE, please listen to what we're saying.  We were happy with having choices and you took them away from us while saying it's for our own good.  As it stands, this isn't an "adjustment period" for us.  There are things we used to do that we simply can't anymore.  

  • Life Strike is dead, because the new toggled channel is simply not up to the split second demands of incoming damage.  This is a much more serious problem than it sounds, a lot of builds rely on Life Strike.
  • Blocking-exclusive mods are dead because we can't block when we need to, and we block when we need to not.
  • Traversing the map with a melee weapon is severely crippled, because gliding is a ranged weapon thing now.
  • Using melee weapons in a stealth mission is vastly more dangerous, because we no longer have a way to pull out said melee weapons without waving them in the air for someone to walk into.
  • Quick melee is dead, the only way to swing a weapon is to override your movement for a combo swing.  The only remaining quick melee is stealth finisher, which is kind of a problem as mentioned above.
  • Airbursting boomerangs is dead, because melee weapons no longer recognize the secondary fire button.

These are not just issues with awkward controls, they are fundamental limitations imposed on us by the new engine.  Please take us seriously, we think this is a problem.

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Actually, I'll put this double post to use with a testimonial.

I like melee weapons.  I always have, since before I even finished downloading Warframe.  I got interested in this game because I heard my friends having fun on voice comms.  During the install process I looked at wiki to arm myself with information, and I discovered the Jat Kittag.  "This is it," I thought, "I'm going to be the idiot running around a team ninja shooter with a freaking ROCKET HAMMER."  And I was excited beyond reason.  Unless that reason is ROCKET HAMMER.

I did more digging and found a frame that looked like the best melee specialist.  They called her Valkyr.  I had my game plan, and was so eager to get to it that I dug up the Poetic Eddas to find a suitable name.  (BTW, still slightly disappointed in the lack of þ in character namespace.)  Once the game booted up, I got to work.  I did my map unlocks, I farmed my bosses, and I created my own dojo to do my research.  Eventually I got my ROCKET HAMMER and I ran around pounding things alternately into goo and orbit, grinning like a madman.

Of course, you can't learn everything from reading wiki.  I've since found frames that suit me better than Valkyr, and weapons almost as fun as ROCKET HAMMER.  For all the time spent progressing and researching I specialized in boomerangs, to the utter bewilderment of my comrades.  I still go back to them for a lot of stealth stuff, and it's only very recently that Zenistar overtook Kestrel for most-used melee weapon (because it's my default for all my ranged builds).

For me, ranged weapons were an afterthought.  It was two years before I started using primary weapons as primary weapons at all.  My playstyle now is more situational, but the situation is established upon leaving the lander.  At any given moment, I'm built for either ranged or melee combat.  Almost never both.  And I like it that way.  Whether it's swinging an enlarged ship cutting laser poleaxe in huge armor-destroying circles, or ground slamming my enemies into space today, or using rage/life strike to turn Chroma into a wall of meat and more meat, melee remains a big part of my play experience.  Or at least it did.

Suddenly, my Chroma can't keep his energy up for life strike and dies.  Suddenly my ship cutter turns into a shotgun midcombo.  Suddenly my Sigma combo refuses to roll the shield along the ground.  Suddenly my boomerangs can't explode for aoe stealth bonus headshots because the game forgot that was a thing.

I literally came to this game for the melee combat, and now I feel like much of that has been taken away from me.  My only consolation is that slam attacks are now a little better at doing what I used slam attacks for.  At least I still have you, ROCKET HAMMER.  Please never leave me.

Edited by Hjalmthrimul
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After a week of use, my feelings on Phase 1 haven't changed from "auto-block is actively disruptive to the flow of gameplay and takes control away from the player" and "too many of the stances play a detrimental role in your movement, either limiting it or overriding it" - refer to my earlier posts in this thread for more paragraphs on the subject :tongue: I wanted to compile a couple simple suggestions that I think would improve things in their current state:

-Display both the melee combo counter and the equipped weapon's ammo counter at the same time. This serves to remind us what gun we have equipped when in melee combat (I've already died a few times to Kulstar hipshots, thinking I had my rifle on-deck), it keeps us updated on our combo decay when in ranged combat and - maybe most importantly - erodes the barrier between the two systems to make it feel more unified.

-Earlier in the thread, someone proposed the idea of having block activate when we hold right click and the switch to aiming happen when we click-then-hold right click. I think this is an elegant solution to the block issue - it's a reflexive and unobtrusive command, and it's controller-friendly as it doesn't use any additional inputs. You could even have it also go the other way, with click-then-hold right click triggering a block when you have a gun drawn. And if you leave Reflex Guard as-is (with increased angle instead of increased chance), players that love the auto-block will still have access to it in its current form.

Looking forward to the devstream today!  Eager to see what the next phases will bring to the table. I hope our feedback is being considered and that the upcoming changes will reflect the needs of the players :satisfied:

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The melee changes feel clunky and haphazard in the current iteration, in large part because the new mechanics highlight previous problems more than it used to. that said, im actually a fan of the direction you guys are going with this. Main problems are as follows:


  • Melee channeling is an old cumbersome mechanic that does not fit the current model.

there are of course the old common complaints about melee channeling such as not having any good builds available for it, channeling mods being in general too weak to justify mod slots, or it only being useful for lifestrike but my complaint for this is much more simple. Melee Channel blocking. now that blocking is automatic you have no choice in losing all of your energy due to massive energy drain associated with it, and this is doubly problematic if using toggle channel.

Easy solutions would be to remove channeling as a mechanic entirely and just make channeling mods work in the normal state. alternatively, make channeled blocking not drain any energy maybe at the cost of also not increasing block percent.

a more off the wall personal solution may be to make channeling itself a mode achieved through gameplay, as in channeling costs no energy and activates for (x seconds) after getting (x kills or x amount of damage) within (x timespan). this would make it a  more involved system that rewards using melee and is in general easier to manage.

  • Block button combos.

block button now does not exist and is instead your aim button which draws your gun. pressing the block button a moment too soon  or holding it a second longer than needed switches you back into gun mode which is problematic especially if using the melee attack with fire button toggle.

-Solution: add a second attack key or get rid of block combos. i believe this was mentioned as a thing already intended but im putting it here anyway. preferrably making all combos use only forward combos, back combos, hold combos, and possibly pause combos will be the best method if no second attack key is eventually added. hold and pause combos are themselves problematic due to variable attack speed, but that is a seperate discussion.

  • The flow off combat is awkward due to forced animations.

quite simple this one. with the ability to instantly switch weapons to continue combos amid gunplay and all that, thee expectation is fast fluid combat that goes from one state to the other. this is not possible due to many melee animations having you locked in until they finish, and said animations are pretty slow in many cases. this is especially irritating with autoblocking interrupting your actions without being under your control. Nobody enjoys being stuck in an animation for a full second or more before you are allowed to finally do the action you have been trying to perform, and possibly getting shot in the face while you are waiting.

-Solution: allow us to cancel out of attack and block animations instantly by switching to gun mode or dodging.

adding onto this the block animation itself is kind of outdated and clumsy looking. perhaps consider a faster more dynamic blocking animation, perhaps functioning similarly to mesas afterimages in peacemaker where the action is instant but the afterimage performs the action independent of your current movements.

  • The current keybinding setup is unsuitable for current melee and melee moving forward.

The keybindings were fine in the past when melee was slower paced and more deliberate, but the current controls need to be updated if this is the direction you are going. Yes, they are still functional and YES a lot of people have got used tot he setup and could adapt to it, but just because the system isnt entirely broken doesnt mean it cant be improved. if we were only concerned with it working at all, then gaming would never have advanced past the nes controllers two buttons and a dpad. just because people are used to it doesnt mean its good. what specific problems do i see and how can they be improved?

1) with the faster paced melee having the melee button on the left hand, next to your movement controls is cumbersome. yes you can attack with the same button as shooting, but you still need to reactivate melee with the left hand. This just slows down the entire process and while okay for those that used to just exclusively use quick melee anyway, is not suitable if its intended to flow well between guns and melee quickly and fluidly.

-Solution: to keep this good for those that are comfortable with the old style as well as improving it for those that arent, my solution is to either by way of a toggle, or just via allowing us to freely bind it, allow us to use left mouse click for melee, and right mouse click for aim. if while aiming you use left mouse click you shoot. simple, effective, and allows you to use all your attacks with the same hand meaning you can easily weave gunplay into your melee combos and melee into your gunplay.

2) certain keybinds are simply not allowed to share the same key, even if they would make sense. we need to be able to freely assign what we need where we need it, as well as consolidating some of the keybinds into the same keys. Notable examples would be: 1. being unable to assign reload and channel to the same key, even though you cant channel with your gun out or reload with your melee out. 2. being unable to unassign the switch weapon bind, and use only the switch gun bind even though we now no longer have a need to switch to melee via the switch weapon bind. as well as others, these were just the ones in the forefront of my mind.

-Solution: simply let us keybind anything we want wherever wee want, and have it apply based on context. in this case if your melee is out and you hit reload, it cant reload so it activates channel instead. if it doesnt work it doesnt work, but let us figure it out. thats why we have two keybinds per action. as part of this also allow us to unbind actions that arent necessary.




Im sure there is more but this is all  i can think of at the current time. 

Edited by Altimit89
clarification and typos.
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1 hour ago, Hjalmthrimul said:
  • Using melee weapons in a stealth mission is vastly more dangerous, because we no longer have a way to pull out said melee weapons without waving them in the air for someone to walk into.

I agree on most points, but why do you need to pull out your melee weapon when you're not going to use it to attack?

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16 minutes ago, SteveCutler said:

I agree on most points, but why do you need to pull out your melee weapon when you're not going to use it to attack?

I didn't say I wasn't going to use it.  I'm going to use it for finishers, but two things can't happen when the melee weapon is not in the equipped state.  I can't channel for Dispatch Overdrive or to clean up corpses so they don't alert guards.  I can't accumulate exp for syndicate procs to restore energy.  Stealth gameplay is still viable without these things, but it is slower and riskier.

Edited by Hjalmthrimul
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Every word Maxim_M_Payne just said in the post above is how I feel. EVERY WORD! Well said sir, well said!

Just yesterday I go to do the sortie. One of the missions was melee only. I have “Melee with weapon fire input” off because right now that's the closest I can get to how the melee worked for me before. So when I get into the mission and hit my LMB, nothing happens. So I was forced to go and find a safe place to hide for a couple of seconds to go into options to change that back on. And then when I got into the next mission I was like “Oh yea gotta turn this thing off again”.

In all my years of gaming I have never felt this way about a game. The simple reason is I LOVE THIS GAME!!! I love it, plain and simple. Of the hundreds of games I have played I've never felt this way. I mean this is my desert island game. It's not the end of my world as I know it; not at all. It's sadly to say possibly the end of my years playing this game. I don't want that and I'm pretty sure DE doesn't want that either. And I don't want to sound like “DE change it back or else” not at all!! I keep telling myself there is going to be some big reveal that is going to make all this make sense but my guts tell me that isn't going to be the case.

Remember the Archwing changes?

I'll get a text from my bro “GTF!” (Game time foo!) and before I would get excited because it was time to have some serious fun. Now, not so much.

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Please enable Primary Weapon Secondary Fire while Melee is Equipped

Many weapons have an important secondary fire/toggle (like Phantasma, Zarr etc.) that i cannot use anymore immediately after melee attacking.

I'm mainly a Corinth secondary Air-burst user who needs to shoot air-bursts all the time, and i'm now frustrated that after doing a quick melee (where melee is brought out & fully equipped now) I cannot immediately shoot off a Corinth secondary air-burst at a crucial time, but have to shoot 1 primary fire shot first before primary weapons is equipped again and i can then blow up the whole group instantly with my secondary fire air-burst. I don't need that button for melee channel, as i don't use it and even if i did i have it mapped to a different key (and as i understand, melee channel will be done away with soon anyway).

Also, i can't press the "switch weapons" button anymore to bring out the primary weapon again after melee is equipped, in order to fire off an air-burst, it changes to secondary weapon...

Forgive me if this was mentioned earlier in this forum, i haven't had time to finish reading every page.


Other than that, I like the melee 2.999 improvements and love the direction that you guys are taking this, and i'm sure these kinks would be ironed out eventually as melee 3.0 continues to be worked on 🙂

Edited by IronSteelEX
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11 hours ago, Hjalmthrimul said:

 As it stands, this isn't an "adjustment period" for us.  There are things we used to do that we simply can't anymore.  

  • Life Strike is dead, because the new toggled channel is simply not up to the split second demands of incoming damage.  This is a much more serious problem than it sounds, a lot of builds rely on Life Strike. 

Life strike is less of a issue with toggle type (because, realistically it is better for twitch timing and control of channel uptime), its more of a issue with melee no longer being its own thing/you are forced to melee only OR rely on a bug which breaks if you use a gear item (that is tapping weapon swap mid melee swings a few times to return to melee 2.0 swap/rmb no longer being aim while on melee) if you want to reliably use melee.

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2 hours ago, IronSteelEX said:

Please enable Primary Weapon Secondary Fire while Melee is Equipped

Many weapons have an important secondary fire/toggle (like Phantasma, Zarr etc.) that i cannot use anymore immediately after melee attacking.

I'm mainly a Corinth secondary Air-burst user who needs to shoot air-bursts all the time, and i'm now frustrated that after doing a quick melee (where melee is brought out & fully equipped now) I cannot immediately shoot off a Corinth secondary air-burst at a crucial time, but have to shoot 1 primary fire shot first before primary weapons is equipped again and i can then blow up the whole group instantly with my secondary fire air-burst. I don't need that button for melee channel, as i don't use it and even if i did i have it mapped to a different key (and as i understand, melee channel will be done away with soon anyway).

Also, i can't press the "switch weapons" button anymore to bring out the primary weapon again after melee is equipped, in order to fire off an air-burst, it changes to secondary weapon...

Forgive me if this was mentioned earlier in this forum, i haven't had time to finish reading every page.


Other than that, I like the melee 2.999 improvements and love the direction that you guys are taking this, and i'm sure these kinks would be ironed out eventually as melee 3.0 continues to be worked on 🙂

This is an excellent example of why we need options.  IronSteelEX has a different playstyle than many of the melee enthusiasts in this thread.  Due at least in part to comments in this thread, the functionality of the "switch weapon" button was changed from "go back to last ranged weapon" to "switch to the weapon that wasn't last used."  There is no top-down solution to this, we need the control over keybinds to set things up for our own style.

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Just now, Hjalmthrimul said:

This is an excellent example of why we need options.  IronSteelEX has a different playstyle than many of the melee enthusiasts in this thread.  Due at least in part to comments in this thread, the functionality of the "switch weapon" button was changed from "go back to last ranged weapon" to "switch to the weapon that wasn't last used."  There is no top-down solution to this, we need the control over keybinds to set things up for our own style.

I'd agree. One thing I've learned from reading this thread and keeping track of the conversation is that a lot of people have some really unique setups. Like, that one guy used Spacebar for blocking? Madman!

But basically the TL;DR is that you can't ASSUME people are going to be playing this game with the default keys. I mean to be honest the default bindings are garbage. We need greater control over our controls. We need OPTIONS. Do we want quick melee to equip our melee weapon properly? Do we want Weapon Switch to swap back to our last used gun or the other one? Do we want autoblock or manual block?

We need OPTIONS for these things. What we DON'T need to be told is that we're not playing 'the right way'. Because that's what you're doing if you change the controls to the detriment of a great number of people and just tell them to get used to it. You're telling them that they're doing it WRONG, and they have to learn to play the RIGHT WAY.

Give us options. Don't try and pigeonhole everyone into one controlscheme, because it's NOT going to work.

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15 minutes ago, Andele3025 said:

Life strike is less of a issue with toggle type (because, realistically it is better for twitch timing and control of channel uptime), its more of a issue with melee no longer being its own thing/you are forced to melee only OR rely on a bug which breaks if you use a gear item (that is tapping weapon swap mid melee swings a few times to return to melee 2.0 swap/rmb no longer being aim while on melee) if you want to reliably use melee.

My experience is contrary to yours.  I carefully manage the amount of energy I spend on life strike, because I need to save it for power activation.  (Chroma is energy hungry, having two different tank buffs)  But that's significantly harder to do with toggled channel as a baseline.  Add in the interaction between channeling and auto block, and it's a nightmare.  

But different strokes for different folks.  In this case it's a matter of duty cycle.  The closer your use case gets to full timing life strike, the more that toggled channel makes sense.  The less frequently you use life strike, the more that hold channel makes sense.  We need the option to work it out for ourselves.

Edited by Hjalmthrimul
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Auto-blocking was a bad design choice. I can no longer aim glide when I choose with a melee out, and am FORCED to aim glide if I happen to be holding a melee when somebody shoots me. This is highly disruptive to my movement and really quite annoying.

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sorry if this was already told by someone else, didn't read all the 18 pages of feedbacks. I'm wondering if someone else feels like using the codex scanner (or the other one) should be working alongside Melee 2.99999 ?

I'm currently doing titania quest line and I need to scan a lot of stuff, but also use the scan to see if there's the stuff in each area. But I also want to hack my way through enemies but using melee while using a scanner gives you back your previously equipped weapon.

Which is weird to me because I'd feel like I could use a melee weapon and get back on my peaceful scanning activity. I mean we are able to use abilities while equipped with the scanner, si it would seem rather logical to be able to use a melee weapon without un equipping a scanner.

Thanks for reading ! 

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