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Don't think I've enjoyed Warframe more than between U8 and U10.


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Warframe was very difficult when i first started. I ran out of ammo, life, and energy on a constant basis. My brother and I cleared the starchart around u8-u11~. It was very fun because it was so difficult. 10 Grineer would quickly overwhelm us as we hid behind cover hoping our ammo reserves would last us long enough to kill them with our Bratons.

We've come a long way. The game isnt what it used to be. It used to be darker, harder, and smaller scale.

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21 minutes ago, Skaleek said:

Warframe was very difficult when i first started. I ran out of ammo, life, and energy on a constant basis. My brother and I cleared the starchart around u8-u11~. It was very fun because it was so difficult. 10 Grineer would quickly overwhelm us as we hid behind cover hoping our ammo reserves would last us long enough to kill them with our Bratons.

We've come a long way. The game isnt what it used to be. It used to be darker, harder, and smaller scale.


I remember a mission on Sedna. It's still a tile. The Mobile Defense where you defend two points then an "Artifact".

This was during Damage 1.0 but that mission destroyed my friends and I. It was the hardest mission on the Starchart for us and I'm pretty sure to this day it's the only mission I failed multiple times in a row and this was with two friends. Turns out it was because the spawn-in locations were so close and Grineer Seekers would endlessly roll out grenades from a long distance but it's such a huge difference in contrast to what we have today where half the time enemies aren't even interested in the Defense objective.

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il y a 43 minutes, Xzorn a dit :


I remember a mission on Sedna. It's still a tile. The Mobile Defense where you defend two points then an "Artifact".

This was during Damage 1.0 but that mission destroyed my friends and I. It was the hardest mission on the Starchart for us and I'm pretty sure to this day it's the only mission I failed multiple times in a row and this was with two friends. Turns out it was because the spawn-in locations were so close and Grineer Seekers would endlessly roll out grenades from a long distance but it's such a huge difference in contrast to what we have today where half the time enemies aren't even interested in the Defense objective.

Do you remember the U15 era phobos excavation? The single hardest starchart mission with completely botched damage nubers and spawnrate. An endless horde of elite arid lancers spanking anything in seconds. 

Or phoenix intercept escalation? Old draco tile, lv 130-150 grineers, heavy blade only, no acolyte mods, no condition overload, and the strongest melee weapon was the Scindo Prime? 

Edited by Autongnosis
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21 minutes ago, Autongnosis said:

Do you remember the U15 era phobos excavation? The single hardest starchart mission with completely botched damage nubers and spawnrate. An endless horde of elite arid lancers spanking anything in seconds. 

Or phoenix intercept escalation? Old draco tile, lv 130-150 grineers, heavy blade only, no acolyte mods, no condition overload, and the strongest melee weapon was the Scindo Prime? 


I don't sadly. Solar Rails & Dark Sectors made me quit playing for a long period as everything we were promised did not happen until months later. Some of it never happened. I think Breeding Grounds was the last thing I did before taking a break until around U17. I recall it was about a year.

I was so disappointed in the whole situation. Dark sectors were very buggy / exploitable. I still have video of players locking Dark Sector missions from allowing any other people on the server to play them. Not just the group. The entire Region would be locked in a mission that never starts and Solar Rails were just a spam fest.

That was when I learned to never get hyped. Just let things fall in place as they come. Getting hyped has a high chance of me quitting again.

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20 hours ago, justin0620 said:

you certainly has the old-fashion player mentality. go in a mission kill stuff farm stuff get out, not all this standing bs.

Looks like I am not alone.

after the game went OBT i decided to reset my account for the final time. at which point about 3 weeks in i was finally doing ember grind. this was pre ruk update and what not. so youd just get in and blap dead and run to extract. it took me 436 runs over a period of a month and 1 week to get all her parts. im very old fashioned half the time when it comes to this game. but the fact of the matter is that i could keep doing that for however many times as i wanted with no restrictions to income or time. which is EXACTLY what standing is doing. it hampers your ability to progress via time and effort. "oh you only have a daily standing cap of 18k well that sux im afraid, guess you gotta spend an extra day to get the next level and then 3 more days after than and then 9 more days after that to just get to the rank you want to be at". sure it encourages people to finally level mastery rank. but ALOT of issues also tie into this soon to be flaw with the game.

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Yesterday, I did a 120-minute survival arbitration with some randoms to get the new feet cosmetics. Reminded me of the good old void days, I really miss these hard endurance runs.

The best time I personally had was when Solar Rail conflicts were a thing and clans and alliances fought together against ICE, well or for them for that juicy 1mil credits carrot(yeah that was a lot back in the day). Sure the gamemode was an unbalanced mess, where vets and premade groups shat on newbies and randoms, but boy was it fun. The current kangaroo shooter called conclave cant hold anything against good old rail conflicts.

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21 hours ago, Xzorn said:

So when was your fondest period in Warframe history?

I remember The Gradivus Dilemma fondly. It was a super cool event that wasn't scripted. It was when events were huge community things that reshaped the way the System looked.

However, my favourite period in Warframe was probably the Plains of Eidolon, followed closely by Fortuna and the Orb Vallis. I can't get over how cool the Landscapes are, and they represent how much the game has changed from those old days where there were only 2 tilesets. I'm sure I'll feel the same way about Railjack.

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7 hours ago, (PS4)Onder6099 said:

Frame locked until daily reset after you spent all revives.


While I think this is intended as sarcasm there is actually something we lost with that change.

Sure limited lives per frame was silly but so is dying without any consequences.

Unless you're an Endurance runner dying means nothing in Warframe. Even if you fail a Mission you get set back a whole 5 minutes.

They tried to make dying matter again with Arbitrations but let us use Ancient Healers so you'll die of old age first. Defeats the whole point.

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23 hours ago, Xzorn said:

So when was your fondest period in Warframe history?

As a founder (so I've seen a lot):

Right now.

While there are things that DE do or fail to do that annoy me, right now I'm having the most fun and if I'm being honest, I'm really looking forward to the content on the horizon.

Well, railjack worries me because of the repeated statements of team focus, I worry that the solo player experience will be an afterthought. But if that's my main worry about upcoming content, this game is in a good place from my perspective.

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OP I feel the same.

Bring back Trials! 8 player content that was actually challenging, required team coordination and could unapologetically  instantly fail if you screwed up - no rewards for you, you failed. More importantly 8 player missions gave clans more to hang out and do together.

Bring back Leaderboard events! This is why most of your older players have left, these 2 reasons. We want to compete, you can't provide us with challenge in this game so we found it by challenging each other, fighting each other over dark sectors and pushing each other for top spot on the leaderboards, to earn those trophies given for top placings only. My clan has a very old ghost dojo sitting abandoned and unloved, nothing more than a museum these days, filled with trophies from another era, for winning or placing high in those once great events. Now it's just a ghost town you can wander the lonely halls of and it's a crying shame. We who fought and shed blood over these earlier times lie dormant, just waiting to be awoken and to rise for a proper leaderboard driven event where we can compete once more and hear our battlecrys echo off the blood stained walls of our once great battlefields.

Edited by Zilchy
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54 minutes ago, Vox_Preliator said:

I remember the old days.

Good riddance.  Warframe is better nowadays than it's ever been.

I would love to see how many players would actually choose u10 Warframe compared to now side by side. 

I think people confuse being new and fresh to a game when they first started playing to the game actually being a much better product.

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1 minute ago, Hypernaut1 said:

I would love to see how many players would actually choose u10 Warframe compared to now side by side. 

I think people confuse being new and fresh to a game when they first started playing to the game actually being a much better product.

Right now it has more content, but if you throw a new player on U10 vs now he will be gone much quicker now because of these overwhelming information. Not everyone can read warframe wiki as a full time job.

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11 minutes ago, justin0620 said:

Right now it has more content, but if you throw a new player on U10 vs now he will be gone much quicker now because of these overwhelming information. Not everyone can read warframe wiki as a full time job.

Do new players feel overwhelmed? Or do they just see depth? 

When I was a new player, the more stuff I discovered just made it seem like the game was not awesome than I thought. Leaning that I could craft a sentinel didn't feel intimidating. 

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5 minutes ago, Hypernaut1 said:

I would love to see how many players would actually choose u10 Warframe compared to now side by side. 

I think people confuse being new and fresh to a game when they first started playing to the game actually being a much better product.


I would as well.

Rose tinted glasses are possible though I've made good attempt at given it a good amount of objective thought.

While the game looks nicer and some things have been polished plenty of other things have been left to die in a corner. Good or bad.

When I objectively compare combat which is of course a main focus of a game like this. I see a better game in the past. 

Parkour 2.0 and Melee 2.0 being good additions yet other neglected subjects like the flawed damage system have compounded to a point I created a meme trash post video just standing in-front of Profit Taker doing nothing with multiple frames. This "New" Epic boss fight can't present any real danger? Both Eidolons and Orb Mothers make attempts to dodge problems at hand by creating a min-game within Warframe with Arch-Guns and Amps to prolong an otherwise unsatisfying fight. Esp after the 200th time.

Plenty of things are better, two as I mentioned. NPCs are far better. Ticker is awesome. Hate Ordis but making me care one way or another says something about that NPC's character. More mission variety, enemy variety with slightly better AI but then we go back to combat and... There's no risk or trill in it.

Like what am I supposed to do when I can hit 18,860,000 eHP or total Immunity? It just seems more broken as time goes on.

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16 minutes ago, Hypernaut1 said:

When I was a new player, the more stuff I discovered just made it seem like the game was not awesome than I thought. Leaning that I could craft a sentinel didn't feel intimidating.


is there a typo....

There is nothing wrong with more things to discover because when I see new things I get excited too, but the thing is there are a lot of things in this game are pretty hard to understand, focus systems, modding system, how to fish, how to mine, how to build zaw, etc.

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23 minutes ago, justin0620 said:

is there a typo....

There is nothing wrong with more things to discover because when I see new things I get excited too, but the thing is there are a lot of things in this game are pretty hard to understand, focus systems, modding system, how to fish, how to mine, how to build zaw, etc.

How do you say that nothings wrong with new things to discover, yet say it scares away new players? 

This game has always needed a wiki to go in depth, but the core gameplay is pretty straightforward. 

You really don't need a wiki to jump into the game, but the more you play, the more you begin to realize there are multiple layers and it's more than just a point and shoot action game.

Also...Warframe most likely attracts and caters to the kind of player that doesn't need hand holding to appreciate a game. 

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3 hours ago, Hypernaut1 said:

I would love to see how many players would actually choose u10 Warframe compared to now side by side. 

I think people confuse being new and fresh to a game when they first started playing to the game actually being a much better product.

What people remember: Dangerous, exciting endless tower missions that pushed their squads to their absolute limit and rewarded them with the rarest and most valuable items in the game as markers of their elite skills

What actually happened: Everyone was permanently invincible and stood in place for an hour shooting Acrid into a Vortex until they rage quit after 3 consecutive fusion core packs in a row.


I don't really blame them, just getting into WF with friends as it was starting was a blast. It's in a better state right now than it has ever been though in most ways. There have been some missteps IMO: Trials had lots of issues, but bigger parties and larger scale missions were great in concept and I really hope they make a comeback; Focus/Operator issues; The whole alliances/rails/taxes experiment -- not going to say more; Questionable balance choices here and there; and the recent push towards the least popular content (well, outside of PvP) in the form of arbitrations and a 60 minute survival... But even those have been largely optional and/or fixed. The Focus system is objectively terrible - but you can safely ignore it after you grab the few nodes that really matter and do fine. Kubrow suck compared to other companions - but we've got Fetch now, not to mention Link and set mots, so they're perfectly useable. Archwing missions still aren't fun, but archwinging around open world areas is cool. Every update there's a chance they might break something or introduce something crappy, but there's been a pattern of most of those getting improved or fixed over time as well as other cool stuff being added. Warframe has always felt like a beta and it sort of still does, but IMO it's the best version of the beta yet (and the best looter out there).


PS please bring back trials

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10 minutes ago, xveganrox said:

What people remember: Dangerous, exciting endless tower missions that pushed their squads to their absolute limit and rewarded them with the rarest and most valuable items in the game as markers of their elite skills

What actually happened: Everyone was permanently invincible and stood in place for an hour shooting Acrid into a Vortex until they rage quit after 3 consecutive fusion core packs in a row.

The nostalgia is strong when it comes to how people recall tower survival. A majority of the time it was people insisting you stay with them in a tunnel to camp. I distinctly remember falling asleep while playing.

There was a time when all I did was log on do t4 survival and log off. Maybe do a few easy syndicate missions to earn rep.  WF was not a better game back then. 

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Just now, Hypernaut1 said:

The nostalgia is strong when it comes to how people recall tower survival. A majority of the time it was people insisting you stay with them in a tunnel to camp. I distinctly remember falling asleep while playing.

There was a time when all I did was log on do t4 survival and log off. Maybe do a few easy syndicate missions to earn rep.  WF was not a better game back then. 

People also forget how we got those keys, lol. The only thing that was a better sedative than tower defense was ODD. Nova's my most played frame to this day, I think half that time was spent standing on a pillar hitting 4 every 60 seconds and shooting the defense objective. If I hadn't had friends who played either in the same room or on voice chat I probably would have quit long before tower was removed

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