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Buried Debts: Update 24.5.0


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6 minutes ago, ADirtyMonk said:

Simple. DE does whatever the they want in line with what their "vision" is. Melee with an Archwing weapon didnt match their "vision" so #*!% your fun harmless bug in a PvE game. You're going to play exactly how they want you to.


PoE Remastered Incoming.


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1 hour ago, [DE]Megan said:

Upon picking up a Datamass, a Melee to gun swap will automatically equip your Secondary weapon instead of your Primary weapon, which would make you drop the Datamass.

I hope this includes if i don't have a secondary equipped and i try to aim glide with my melee weapon it brings out my primary and i drop the datamass in mid air. It's really annoying to have that happen and aim glide is an important part of parkour in this game

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11 minutes ago, Hawk197 said:

As explained in the feedback thread, adding a dash to Hildryn does nothing as we have Operators who can Void Dash. Enter Aegis Storm, enter Operator, Void Dash thrice, enter Warframe. Free movement. What makes the mentioned Augments special in this case is the fact they don't increase channeling costs. Mesa can move at a slower pace, as can Nyx. Banshee has an increased cost, but no longer channels the ability. Hildryn channels her ability. Mesa and Nyx can move for free at reduced speeds, with Mesa being able to easily out  move both Hildyrn and Nyx since she can dodge roll. Ivara's Prowl reduces movement to a crawl, but doesn't increase the channel cost. I could go on and on. Aegis Storm is a terrible ability, adding a costly dash isn't going to make people want to use it more. Heck, I'm sure most of us would settle for a complete buff to the ability if you absolutely have to have the 50 shield drain to dash. As it stands right now, there's little reason to use Hildryn as a crowd control Warframe. Not because the enemies are easy to kill, but because her cc is garbage. Either free movement/serious buff for Aegis Storm, or like the elevator in Fortuna, this function will be quickly forgotten about.


When you nerf things, players aren't happy, and for good reason. It means you take something loved by the players, and turn it to a digital paperweight. So while I understand why you need to do this with the Arcanes, please think carefully about how you handle it. Arcanes in general are garbage. There's literally no reason to many Arcanes right now, unless they are Arcane Barrier, Arcane Energize, Arcane Grace. Nerfing Arcanes only make these three more powerful and the others less useful, while nerfing the three mentioned will cause outrage from the players who spent 1,000 plat or more getting a single copy of these Arcanes. The only thing you can safely do is to buff the other Arcanes, as any other action would prevent build creativity, or anger players.


The rest is cool, I guess. Still downloading the update so can't comment on the gameplay changes. Only skin I really want is the Garuda one.

You're underestimating Guardian.


I think arcane's are similar to enchantments or other things in WoW (I haven't played it in almost a decade so bear with me).

While they should be considered in the whole scheme of balance, I don't think they should be messed with until the rest of the game is balanced. 


Players being overpowered in general, even if arcane's didn't exist we are demi-gods.

Player weapons being either 'god tier, meh - trash/mastery fodder'.

Frames that haven't had a purpose or use that something else does better (vauban being an easy example).

Frames that have at least 1 ability that is underpar or simply doesn't match the kit and is an oddball (mesa 1, chroma 1/4 etc). 

After they do all this, I would then look at arcanes and decide where on the totem pole they should be (I believe them to be end-game 'polishing your build' things, messing with them as if they're common fodder like normal mods or even primed mods, shouldn't even be a thought).

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30 minutes ago, kyori said:

Uh? What is this? Tatsu is Revenant's sword and it can be tied to another Warframe??

Pretty sure they mean that Tatsu will be getting a unique passive when used with Revenant. What other Warframe could they even mean? Pretty blatant in my opinion.

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Quick Melee with Arch-Gun was problematic, so you just deleted it..? And the new melee system was supposed to increase flexibility and flow of battle... Yeah, sure...

And really, look int the issues people mention about the new melee. Give us CUSTOMIZABILITY. Let us switch to melee the old way, and let us use the HOLSTER ANIMATIONS WE BOUGHT! Let us switch off the elemental FX because for example corrosive is ugly. Just ugly. Stop pretending you don't see the complaints and just throw content instead of adressing the problems.

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Removed an unintended projectile launch on the 2nd charge attack of the Tatsu. This feature (as many have already determined) is unfinished, and will be revisited in the near future. Possibly tied to a certain Warframe...

I've heard reports that it's used to apply Revenant's Mind control to enemies but well that's not really important.

Can you add some viability to Tatsu instead? The weapons gorgeous, it's long awaited and hyped, but its performance is just sub-par. It had a troll passive in the wiki near its release stating that it had 65% increased critical chance when sliding. That would've been good. Not top-tier by any means but at least good. Or maybe raise status? Skew the IPS more towards slash? Raise the base damage? Even the moveset of the stance is reasonably good but at this rate, the weapon's just staying shelved forever.

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При использовании сол-точечного плазменного бура, если воспользоваться ближним боем, переключается на винтовку, а не на бур, как было до патча!

When using a salt-point plasma drill, if you use close combat, it switches to a rifle, not to a drill, as it was before the patch!

Sorry, my bad english!

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For the arcane balancing, I'm of the opinion that DE's own stance on the topic should make the path forward evident:

"We've mostly done nerfs on things that could be automated, required no player interaction or removed options from the game by making all other choices bad."

As it stands, mesa (as this is the example warframe being talked about atm) has trade-offs to make when selecting arcanes. She can go for guardian or grace, for more tankiness, she can go energize for better energy efficiency, or she can run something like velocity for better dps. These are options. 

Nerfing something so that it loses its flexibility and usefulness lowers your options. If velocity were to not affect mesa, it would lower her options. If the melee arcanes didn't affect excalibur or valkyr's exalted melees, it would lower their options.

I would also like to point out that saying "exalted weapons don't need MORE damage, they do enough dps already" isn't exactly a great way to look at things. If grace or guardian didn't affect inaros, valkyr or nidus because "they're tanky enough already," that would lower their options and in general that sounds pretty contrived, doesn't it? Scaling exists and always will, and builds to go higher and higher and fight tougher and tougher enemies should always exist too.

That said, I thoroughly respect DE's desire to fight power creep and keep the game as balanced and engaging for everyone else as possible. Whatever their decision on this matter, I will respect it. But in my view, decreasing the available build options by making more choices bad choices isn't the direction they, or anyone else, wants to happen.

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The new melee system is continuing to not work with a steam controller, both with the official configuration and my own modified set.

Is there any possibility of the fracture event being extended? I play exclusively via controller and I've not played since the melee update as it just feels wrong to not be able to melee at all.

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SiaCNr5.jpg(Note before i go on: I'm calling the wisps around Ivara's Hips "Faulds", so excuse me if i'm wrong about what those were supposed to be on her)
I see that Ivara now has her faulds on all of her skins including Tennogen, but unfortunately, it just looks so off-putting on My Ivara with her darker shade (Note: She currently has the Youkai skin equiped, which i don't assume they have their own custom faulds to begin with), the faulds are too bright for her look now. I hope these can be updated sometime so that certain skins can have their own faulds or at least tweek them to be a bit more presentable on Darker tones of Fashion. I say this because i was so use to My Ivara not having those faulds showing when The Youkai Skin didn't possess those when they were equiped.

Faulds may need a bit of work on certain aspects for Ivara I.M.O.

I'll really appreciate this, thank you.

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59 minutes ago, [DE]Megan said:


  • K-Drive Race Standing has been doubled!
    • Standing gained per Gate is now 200
    • Max Standing gained per Race is now 6000

Huge thanks for this, i wish it was done a lot sooner but glad we finally can use races as a viable way to get standing quickly without spending an hour grinding. Hopefully we can get K-Drive races against other Tenno soon! It would be so fun! TennoKart!

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If the arcane issue is with Velocity and Mesa, how about we adjust the arcane instead of punishing every exalted frame? This is such a simple fix, Velocity has an insane proc chance at a whopping 60%, this could have easily been reduced to 20% or 30%, or have the fire rate bonus be 40% instead of 80%, or even reduce the duration from 6 seconds at max to 4 seconds. There were so many easy and obvious answers to this problem and somehow multiple people took a look at this and agreed that what you tried to do was the best solution. The nuclear option is never a good option for the game/community. Perhaps you could throw ideas around in the Design Council? Maybe bring it up on a devstream? Make a state-of-the-game survey? Warframe is a game that has given players many tools with which to play and enjoy the game, and in return, a lot of us are more than happy to spend the time to help flesh out incoming changes and provide a wide variety of different perspectives on a common issue. In that regard, we can also be a tool for DE to use. We all want Warframe to succeed, there isn't a single player here who wants to see DE or the game fail. By using the Design Council, remaining open and active in devstreams, and creating more frequent surveys, we can all prevent these kinds of problems from happening in the first place by working together as playerbase and developer.

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21 minutes ago, OmegaZero633 said:

Pretty sure they mean that Tatsu will be getting a unique passive when used with Revenant. What other Warframe could they even mean? Pretty blatant in my opinion.

Way I read it was that the projectile from the Tatsu wasn't supposed to be an ability on the Tatsu at all but one of Wisp's abilities, perhaps even her passive, that accidentally got hooked into the Tatsu (which is why it dealt piss-poor damage, since all the numbers it'd use to calculate damage are just... Not there, since it's drawing them from a weapon not a frame)

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