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Riven Trading & Toolbuilders: Phase 1


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As MatNova mentioned the new pop data is basically useless so could we get a explanation if that is the intended new format or is it just a mistake? If it is intended can we get a reason why because I fail to see any benefit in it.
And while I'm at it, what is the point of having "<ARCHWING>" in compatibility when there is itemType that specifies what type of weapon the given riven is for. There isn't  "<PISTOL> ACRID" so why do arch weapons have that?

And to end this, a shameless plug:
I'm also working on a site that shows the riven data in a human readable table you can find it here:


The site is no longer updated because DE abandoned this.

Edited by Kanjirito
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Gonna agree about the new popularity being kind of a pain to use - I've been building a website using this data over the past few weeks but the newest batch is a bit unreadable - could we get a developer to give some insight into the changes?


Why does an artax riven (when there was clearly only one traded this week due to med = mean & std dev. of 0) Have the same popularity as a broken scepter or spectra riven (which I estimated to have around at least 20 trades last week).


If there's a reason behind the change, I'd love to hear it. 


Of course, I'm also for a full release of the data pre-parse (without usernames) but I'm also not a security expert or anything, just a nerd with free time.

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Too bad the Riven  inventory cant be based on what weapons the players have have....I just want one of each riven for each weapon I have.

oh well....sounds like a nifty system....after a while it will be used less and less as the maximum capacity of 90 is reached.


And of course it will be manipulated by people suing multiple accounts that only hold specific rivens.



Edited by PsychicKitty
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The new changes to popularity have definitely messed up my calculations. I was using the old metric as a way to estimate total sales but that has gone out the window as far as I can tell. I'd love a reason why this was done and a way to use it. 

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I don't disagree it had to be done, that kind of information can be abused by invested parties.


But of all the things mentioned in this thread, you somehow managed to implement only the most negative one (from an information standpoint), and in the most lazy way possible.

Having mean and stddev in there is just asking to be gamed, as evidenced by the veiled Riven mods on PC yet again. I still think that instead having the data required to create boxplots would be far better.

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Apologies if I am being repetitive here, but this weeek there is more evidence of data from trades involving multiple rivens being accounted on the statistics.

Item type









Shotgun Riven Mod









Melee Riven Mod









A very unlikely max value of 4204 for two different rivens. 

Also, on the topic of the change in how pop values are displayed... Having 483 out of 576 rivens with a pop of 1 is not very informative. Kunai and Supra, for example, have the same popularity of 1. So, I have a suggestion. 

Looking at the data from the last weeks, it looks like veiled rivens (without considering veiled archgun rivens) account for 30~35% of all trades. So, there is a huge difference between the number of trades of veiled rivens and other rivens. I suggest making two different rankings for popularity: one with veiled rivens only (not considering archgun), and one with the rest of the rivens. 


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  • 1 month later...
On 2019-05-13 at 7:06 PM, Kanjirito said:

As MatNova mentioned the new pop data is basically useless so could we get a explanation if that is the intended new format or is it just a mistake? If it is intended can we get a reason why because I fail to see any benefit in it.
And while I'm at it, what is the point of having "<ARCHWING>" in compatibility when there is itemType that specifies what type of weapon the given riven is for. There isn't  "<PISTOL> ACRID" so why do arch weapons have that?

And to end this, a shameless plug:
I'm also working on a site that shows the riven data in a human readable table you can find it here:


Thank you very much. Your tool is very useful  and the most well-organized & good-looking one so far.

Keep up the good work, mate.

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2 hours ago, Truello said:

This week's PC prices don't include weapons after Ogris for some reason (other platforms' lists work as usual)

I can confirm I'm also seeing this. We're missing ~200 entries compared to previous weeks

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The PC data for this week still seems a bit off. It's getting cut off after Venka this time I believe, with 556 total entries this week (around 10 - 15ish less than prior weeks on average).

It's certainly possible that there just happened to be less items traded this week resulting in less entries, I don't doubt that at all. But the fact that last weeks data was ~200 entries below the average amount, and the fact that Zhuge Prime just came out and the data is missing it - indicating not a single Zhuge riven was traded - makes me believe otherwise.

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I happened to check again today and their PC data has been updated apparently.

It now has 581 entries, including the Zhuge. Based on sampling some of the data, it looks like the data we already had is the same too; so this was a fix rather than a complete re-run.

I'm not sure when it was updated or who did it, but thank you for looking into it DE!

Edited by MatNova
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  • 1 month later...

In my opinion nothing need bigger investigations.

It's free market.

When someone selling something he can say the price he want (if he will be able to sell it for that price it's different story, but he can).

Also anyone can buy anything for price they see acceptable.

Sometimes certain guys willing even pay higher price than they "supposed to" for certain riven just beacuse they are in hurry.

Think about it. There are maaaaaaanyyy possible variants of all rivens, and you are looking just for certain one. Now tell me what are chances that you will find guy that got what you really want but multiple times beacuse you think his price is too high. Really small. Sometimes you have only one chance for those kind of riven you really want, if you waste it, you have to go without any riven or with riven that's is not 100% what you wanted.


Riven trading like every trading in that matter depends on many things, but mostly on needs, providers and how many there can be provide.

If you want perfect riven of your choice you just have to pay high. Also think what will give you bigger satisfaction: Getting rivens left and right until they doesn't matter OR working hard and finally getting one "unique" riven you dreamed about.

Well that's actually all i have to say. Data you provided @[DE]Rebecca can be usefull for people that just starting riven trading or are newbies in transaction in all means. So it's good. But i just don't see needs for any more phases that will include more that just informating people. The worst thing you can do is forcing prices. If you really wanna make rivens more accessable you just have to change system itself, not what people do with it. You cannot change it.

I recommending for example:

The fact for what weapon riven will be after unveiling should depend on what weapon we put it while unveiling. With this everyone will be able to get riven for weapon of his choice easly, and after some work and kuva farming he will be able to get some decent stats eventually. (and that's all without any trading) So even if prices of some godly rivens will not fall off (but trust me they will in this fact, they will just not be worth thousands but just hundreds of platinum), everyone have fair chances to get what they want.

Think about it.

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On 2019-03-29 at 4:58 PM, Soulless_Spartan said:

I like this quite a bit. Although I have one comment (not specifically for DE, but just a general comment.)

To the person who coughed up 16,500 plat for an Artax riven... damn. Just... damn. You do realize you just spent $1,100 USD for that, right? (Assuming 75 plat ~= $5 USD)

EDIT: I looked through that list again... I'm sorry, but who the f**k in their right mind would pay 60,000 plat for a Vectis riven?!?

I'm fairly certain you aren't analyzing this clearly.


in all likelihood< that person didn't spend that much money in cash.  what they spent was plat, which doesn't cash out.

they may have even spent $0 total on those rivens.

what you might want to consider is that players who are at endgame have very little to do besides farm plat and put together the most busted builds with the most busted rivens as bis.  in all likelihood they already decked out their full roster with all mods with min/max builds, already fashioned up every frame to they way they like, and have a massive dojo full of experetly artistic decor.  this is all there is to do if you want to play at all.

as an example, people who were playing when fortuna came out are still trying to level up their rep and complete content there... which i had done in about 2 weeks without even target farming it.  some people did it in much less time because they wanted to push to finish.  the latest update i was done with in a few hours and i spent the rest of the day just adding forma to stuff i never use just for something to do.

for us, trading for 1000p whenever we sit down for a couple of hours to trade is not a big deal... earning 500p or so for a day would actually be a bad trade day like at tuesday 2am, and this isn't including rolled riven sales, this is just trash we accumulate (parts, mods, etc).

while it might take you a month to save up for that new warframe slot and catalyst, for us we save up that same time for stupidly op rivens and such so we have something to do.  what this does is it creates supply and demand mechanics while wealth disparity is linked to power disparity, and this is directly linked to the fact that we have no aspirational content.  i promise it wouldn't be as bad if we had literally anything else to do because we'd go do that instead, but de is allergic to creating sustainable content for endgame that includes any sort of challenge, this is a proven fact based on their actions for the last several years, it's just not something they care about (or if they do, they sure don't know how to express it or treat the underlying problems effectively despite the community of vets routinely providing solutions of varying quality[some great, some not so great]), so this is why you see rivens selling for 60k plat, because supply and demand, and we earn plat wealth at a much greater rate than you are capable of.

also just wait till you find out primed chamber (a mod, that is actually outperformed by proper rivens) tends to sell for around 250k.  logically that shouldn't even make sense (although there is a reason for it because you can stack it with a riven, and also it's super rare), but hey, there you go.  supply and demand.


Edited by Klokwerkaos
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  • 2 weeks later...

@[DE]Rebecca What about a tool helping with monopoly next ?

Riven trading has been disturbed for a long time by hoarders who are making thousands of plat only by organizing a systemic monopoly. Here what happens as soon as something interesting comes to their eyes :


Things are even worse since you added aditional riven slots. I don't mind a tool to see how much a riven is worth but as soon as a bunch of hoarders are buying every single riven they can find to fix their own price a week later, how can your tool help with that ?

Monopoly is strictly forbidden in real life (at least states try to prevent it since free economy always bring such things) so you should fix your virtual economy laboratory asap cause you're only making a few dishonest people richer and screwing everyone else in the process.

Not sure your playerbase will spend 50$ on a riven that easily, you're only restricting the whole riven market to a few traders who are drowning under tons of plat without spending a single dollar, euro or whatever. 

Edited by 000l000
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  • 5 weeks later...
  • 2 weeks later...

I did not know you could trade halve a Plat

From the Current Pc Data

        "itemType" : "Melee Riven Mod",
        "compatibility" : "OKINA",
        "rerolled" : true,
        "avg" : 77.5,
        "stddev" : 72.5,
        "min" : 5,
        "max" : 150,
        "pop" : 1,
        "median" : 77.5


Date Sat, 26 Oct 2019 21:49:22 GMT

Mon, 21 Oct 2019 00:00:01 GMT

Edited by InTheNameofJay
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