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Buzz Kill, Fang Prime, Healing Return, charge attacks and the dual daggers meme


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Recently I was experimenting with Fang Prime while trying to find a build that didn't completely suck (because Fang Prime itself is a complete piece of crap in its stats, with 5% on both status and crit, as well as a pitifully low block percentage and stances that are all based on obnoxious attacks that propel you to the moon. So I got Amalgam Organ Shatter and remembered the thing that DE basically tossed away, which was the glory of the charge meme. It's the only mod with charge speed that I have in my inventory (and I believe the only one remotely related to charge attacks that I have), so I imagined I'd give it a shot. Instantly I found out that the charge attacks deal slash damage; the damage, however, is not present on the Fang Prime itself, but tied to possibly the dual daggers stances (which actually sounds kinda neat), which are all awful to use, and I simply cannot stress this enough. No stance there is free of attacks that propel you, and often I find myself missing enemies, because apparently the melee lock just doesn't work anymore (thanks), which leads to them being a waste of time. Back to the topic of the charge attack, I noticed it's actually really interesting when racking up the combo counter with Relentless Combination, and would be with Enduring Affliction, if that mod wasn't for the boredom that is channeling. I even pictured Healing Return to make the charge attack proc a healing slash that would rack up on enemies, while you just become one with the healing slash. Imagine just needing to do one charge attack on an enemy and watching the slash proc eat them at 2,5x the duration while you keep fighting somewhere else. Sounded great to me, and a differential from the usual "grab the best combo in your stance and spam it until the enemy is dead, then proceed to the next", or the even worse "just spam slide attack lol". But what really happened?

  • Since Enduring Afflicition is a channeling mod, you need to activate channeling every single time you want to start your charge attack spree, which naturally breaks the flow of seamlessly alternating between gun and not-gun. It breaks the flow, and I would absolutely love to see a mod that does that without the need of channeling, which is a mechanic I can't say I've seen anyone using in all my time playing.
  • Healing Return only works when you're hitting the enemy. The slash procs do not heal you. The "heal X health for each status type affecting the target" text is actually a load of bullS#&$ and I'm confident more people have pointed that out, as it does not need status procs affecting the target to actually heal you, case in point being Fang Prime having 5% status chance and still healing me on every single hit. I would ask for a consideration in making Healing Return heal on slash damage (and before I get "but Atterax", that's an issue with the weapon, not the mod), or possibly any status procs with a DoT.
  • Slash mods, for some ungodly reason, do not affect the slash proc damage from the dual dagger stances. While I understand it possibly being some sort of limitation or unintended hindrance on the lovely meta of pushing your DPS to the roof in this broken system we have, it would've greatly benefitted the charge attack build if I could just replace my Auger Strike with Buzz Kill and my Finishing Touch with Jagged Edge, as well as adding Rending Strike to insult the injured and turn the slash from the charge attacks into a gaping wound that is spitting half a liter of blood out per second. So what I would ask of that part is for any slash mods to affect the slash damage from such stance-specific attacks, despite the weapon itself possibly not having any slash to go with it.

And while we're at it, for the love of everything sacred, add stats for charge attacks just like we have for the glaives and their throws.

*: Silly me, I almost forgot one of the most important parts: pretty please add automatic melee parry while charging the attack. I'm sure some of you know Payday 2, and there's an ability there that's very similar to this. It's where I got the inspiration from.

**: They don't stop coming: please remove the initial attack on the dual daggers charge attack and make it only a charge attack, not a normal attack followed by a charge.

Edited by Basalto
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33 minutes ago, Basalto said:

Slash mods, for some ungodly reason, do not affect the slash proc damage from the dual dagger stances. While I understand it possibly being some sort of limitation or unintended hindrance on the lovely meta of pushing your DPS to the roof in this broken system we have, it would've greatly benefitted the charge attack build if I could just replace my Auger Strike with Buzz Kill and my Finishing Touch with Jagged Edge, as well as adding Rending Strike to insult the injured and turn the slash from the charge attacks into a gaping wound that is spitting half a liter of blood out per second. So what I would ask of that part is for any slash mods to affect the slash damage from such stance-specific attacks, despite the weapon itself possibly not having any slash to go with it.

Slash mods do not affect slash DoT on anything. I do wish they would change this.

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19 hours ago, -AoN-CanoLathra- said:

Slash mods do not affect slash DoT on anything. I do wish they would change this.

So they're directly tied to the base damage mods only? Well, it's worse than I imagined. 10/10 game design.

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