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The Soma Is So Good - You Know Whats Coming Next...


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We all know it. From the first time we used the SOMA and saw those critical numbers jumping up - it was going to be the Wraith Strun all over again. "There's going to be a nerf", was the first thing that came to our minds. The gun is too good and too much fun, just like the Wraith Strun was before it was "fixed". Its going to happen, so have fun while you can - evidently the same guy who "accidentally" pressed the 5 instead of the 2 when they were making the Wraith Strun has done it again, and in the same fashion, don't be surprised when there's an "update" and your SOMA becomes a cute version of the MK1-Braton (as another user suggested).


I'm not going to comment too much more on this - just let it be known that I didn't like what happened to the Wraith Strun (presently known as Sobek Prime) and I do not want the same thing to happen to the SOMA. If your not going to make it more powerful, please leave it as is. No more nerfing, kay?!?! The gun is a lot of fun - just as the pre-nerfed Wraith Strun was, and I would like to keep having said fun. That's just my take on it - I'm sure the "nerf-sayers" will be chiming in, asking to be whipped again.

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I think this is MUCH less likely to be nerfed.

Unlike the Straith, which was better in every way, Soma has:

Low damage, relative to its class.

Low ammo efficiency.

The Straith beat out the Sobek and Hek in overall damage AND crit chance*damage. It was also highly ammo efficient.

So - I respectfully disagree. This seems intentional and competitive with the more traditional builds for min/max-ing.

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Granted, I haven't used the Soma yet.

This is purely from what I've heard.


It has an 87% chance for a crit when upgraded, and something like 600% or 800% crit damage.

That coupled with damage mods creates a pretty strong case for a nert.


There's always 2 groups in these arguments.

First, the people who love the gun and will cry that it is balanced when it clearly isn't (See: Hek)

Second, those who think it's OP and will cry until it's nerfed.


Neither is better than the other.

Again, I haven't used the Soma, but it does sound like it will be hit with the nerf gun.

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They didn't nerf Nova, instead Ember went on the chopping block. Even though hundreds of people screamed to Nerf Nova. I see no reason why they would nerf Soma. Instead, going by previous examples, they will probably Nerf something like the Braton instead. Just because they can.

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needs to be for mastery rank 12 an up only :3

juuust kidding. but it has pathetic damage. no crit=no good. It's a good experiment. :D I'd love to see more weapons like this.

To make it as powerful as other guns, you need 3 crit mods. YOu probably can't use it effectively without em.

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evidently the same guy who "accidentally" pressed the 5 instead of the 2 when they were making the Wraith Strun has done it again


5 is directly above 2 on the number pad, so accidentally pressing 5 is actually pretty easy.

Edited by MuyX
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I know they have their "formula", and clearly the SOMA is not fitting the box - so I expect a nerf. I don't want one, but I fully expect it because the gun is just too good to be true. What I would like DE to do, though, is out of consideration for those of us who potato our weapons and warframes, to recognize that potatoes (Orokin Reactors and Catalysts) cost platinum and take time to build. People can win them in login rewards or alerts - but if you are carrying all or most of the Warframes, and a treasure trove of weapons, more than likely you paid platinum (cash) for some potatoes. You saw those big critcal numbers coming off and you put a potato on your Wraith Strun, your SOMA. You put a potato on your Warframe - be it Ember or whomever else they nerfed. You put it there to expand upon what you saw it doing at the time - and DE, you should show a little consideration and give people either their platinum or a relevant potato when you nerf things. We should get this potato without having to build it, for our trouble. I think that only fair to us, your user-base. Its a gesture of good intentions and apology for inconveniencing us... not all of us are happy about nerfs.

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5 is directly above 2 on the number pad, so accidentally pressing 5 is actually pretty easy.

Yeah, and if you subtract 2 from 5 you get the number of people in the world who actually use the number pad in every day typing. Coding is 90% alpha, 10% numeric. It makes no sense that someone who is typing code is going to be reaching over to the number pad to type numbers. 2 is 3 numbers away from 5 and as you are writing your "if and  else" statements, it's much more natural, faster and logical to just reach the appropriate fingers up to the line of numbers above the "qwerty" row of keys, than to take your whole hand and move it completely off the alpha-numeric section to type numbers instead with the keypad. You would be doing that a thousand times writing code, and its just too inefficient and cumbersome to type like that - not to mention unnecessary.


We aren't talking someone typing up a purchase at a corner store - a coder needs to use all of the letters, space, punctuations, tabs, etc. It's absolutely unbelievable that someone programming would be typing using the number pad instead of the readily accessible number keys, and that excuse is just lame. Furthermore - correct me if I'm wrong but I don't even believe DE made that excuse, I think it was someone in the forums or the Wiki and people have just ran away with it...

Edited by magusat999
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Way to high critical chance.



The crit chance is fine, if you lower the crit chance then you lower the effectiveness of the crit mods and you make the weapons damage unreliable.

The crit multiplier is what should be lowered. If it was 2x base rather than 3x base that would go a long way without making it useless.

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