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Feedback on Wolf of Saturn Six


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5 hours ago, Tsukinoki said:

The only death squad that is decent to lose to, at least once, is Zanuka because of the unique mission it gives you aftewards...but one experience of said mission is plenty.

I have never lost to Zanuka, and had no idea there was something special for doing so.  Wiki here I come.  

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On 2019-04-08 at 7:25 PM, Rawbeard said:

it wasn't a problem when we pointed it out at the beginning, why is it a problem now? what has changed?

His spawn rates have been "increased" and this is a limited time event. We don't know howuch time we have left to complete this, and NOONE has had him spawn in. Only a few people (The Lucky Ones) have seen him at least 3-10 times. Me, personally, I have only seen him spawn ONCE. And that was 4 WEEKS ago. I have been grinding out until recently. I have lost hopes on this game and Nightwave in general. Until DE fix this mess, I'm leaving.

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I've seen him several times already just last week, and have actually noticed an increase in spawn rates since week 1 even if they aren't massive increases, he functions similar to other assassin bosses such as the Stalker and will spawn anywhere the Stalker would be capable of spawning (Anywhere but Assassinations mostly). He may very well also take into account how many people in the squad have also captured fugitives to increase his spawn rate kind of like how the Stalker spawns more if your whole squad is marked from killing assassination targets. I think it would be nice if during the last week though he had a re-playable assassination mission, was treated like the Acolytes (gives you his spawn location and you can hunt him till his HP bar hits 0), or just had a more significant boost to his spawn rates.

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40 minutes ago, (PS4)Brenden751 said:

I've seen him several times already just last week, and have actually noticed an increase in spawn rates since week 1 even if they aren't massive increases, he functions similar to other assassin bosses such as the Stalker and will spawn anywhere the Stalker would be capable of spawning (Anywhere but Assassinations mostly). He may very well also take into account how many people in the squad have also captured fugitives to increase his spawn rate kind of like how the Stalker spawns more if your whole squad is marked from killing assassination targets. I think it would be nice if during the last week though he had a re-playable assassination mission, was treated like the Acolytes (gives you his spawn location and you can hunt him till his HP bar hits 0), or just had a more significant boost to his spawn rates.

To go with my other ideas what if Saturn Six Fugitives, and perhaps other future Nightwave enemies, had a small chance to drop a "Wolf Beacon" that forced him to spawn like with Stalker/Zenuka/G3 Beacons. It could even make sense for them to be carrying them, Basically it was just a way for them to call him in for backup.

Edited by (PS4)Brenden751
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19 minutes ago, (PS4)Brenden751 said:

To go with my other ideas what if Saturn Six Fugitives, and perhaps other future Nightwave enemies, had a small chance to drop a "Wolf Beacon" that forced him to spawn like with Stalker/Zenuka/G3 Beacons. It could even make sense for them to be carrying them, Basically it was just a way for them to call him in for backup.

no. no no no. NO BEACONS! they either fix his dang spawn rate or just trash the whole thing. i will not stand for a arbitrary beacon being the only band aid fix for these dang things.  plus i grew a intense hatred upon seeing someone wanting to buy or sell a stalker beacon for plat. and if you can buy beacons with plat then thats basically pay to win.

Edited by maddragonmaster
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It's been 3 days since I last saw the Wolf.  I've been running completely random missions ranging from sabotage, exterminate, spy, even some rescue missions, and haven't seen him in forever.  Earlier today I ran Dione (Spy) on Saturn about 10-15 and not only did I see no Wolf, I also saw no fugitives, no death marks, no syndicates, absolutely nothing at all.  It doesn't just seem like the Wolf's spawn rate has tanked, it seems like they all have!

These spawns shouldn't just be a base percentage with each mission, it should be made cumulative, so every mission they don't spawn in increases the chance for each successive mission.  That way it is guaranteed that they will defenitely spawn eventually.  At the moment trying to farm Wolf feels like waiting for the apocalypse, it could be tomorrow, it may not be for a few thousand years, who knows?

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2 hours ago, maddragonmaster said:

no. no no no. NO BEACONS! they either fix his dang spawn rate or just trash the whole thing. i will not stand for a arbitrary beacon being the only band aid fix for these dang things.  plus i grew a intense hatred upon seeing someone wanting to buy or sell a stalker beacon for plat. and if you can buy beacons with plat then thats basically pay to win.

Pretty sure you can’t buy beacons with plat anyway- they come from Baro. So beacons would be fine.

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I'm not noticing any increase in spawns for the Wolf and we are already 4/5 parts of the story in, only seen an increase of his fugitive lackeys. For a long-time player, there's nothing we really need or want from the credit offerings thus far. Some members in my clan have yet to even see the Wolf since the start of the season, even though he already has reinforcements and whatnot. I hope his spawn rate increases drastically soon because he's rarer than Shadow Stalker at the moment, and has less chance at dropping any cosmetics or parts. Currently wasting a lot of time just waiting around for the chance of a Wolf spawn for him to drop absolutely nothing. Not very exciting or engaging, to be honest. If there were Wolf 'Beacons' available for Wolf Credits, that might even things out a bit, but the drop rate is still not very reliable. It's kinda frustrating to not be able to even grind/farm for something b/c RNG says you get no spawns.

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At the very least perhaps on the final week of this nightwave season, make all parts of the Wolf Sledge available for Wolf Creds, that way those of us that have been completely boned by this atrocious spawn rate and complete travesty of RNG crap can at least get the thing they've been forcefully denied.  Making something both heavily reliant on extremely low RNG chance AND only available for a limited time is a complete d**k move.

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Come to think of it, his complete lack of spawns happened at around the same time the hotfix was introduced that stopped him from spawning when extracting from a mission.

@[DE]Rebecca Could you check with whoever coded that in to make sure it hasn't broken the Wolf's spawn rate or stopped him from spawning altogether?  It really does seem that since that was introduced, his spawn rate has dropped significantly compared to what it was before.

Edited by Konachibi
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4 hours ago, maddragonmaster said:

no. no no no. NO BEACONS! they either fix his dang spawn rate or just trash the whole thing. i will not stand for a arbitrary beacon being the only band aid fix for these dang things.  plus i grew a intense hatred upon seeing someone wanting to buy or sell a stalker beacon for plat. and if you can buy beacons with plat then thats basically pay to win.

Really now? Maybe you should try sitting down for it, if you won't stand for it. It might just help you to take a load off, relax, calm down, and stop hating something so trivial, so intensely. 

2 hours ago, Finedaible said:

I'm not noticing any increase in spawns for the Wolf and we are already 4/5 parts of the story in, only seen an increase of his fugitive lackeys. 

I've noticed a 10,000% increase in spawn rate.... Mainly because 100x 0 appearances is still 0 appearances. Math joke. 😁


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1 minute ago, (PS4)guzmantt1977 said:

Really now? Maybe you should try sitting down for it, if you won't stand for it. It might just help you to take a load off, relax, calm down, and stop hating something so trivial, so intensely. 

I've noticed a 10,000% increase in spawn rate.... Mainly because 100x 0 appearances is still 0 appearances. Math joke. 😁


good point on me calming down. though i still don't like beacons especially if they are trade able with plat. whether the person that i say stating they wanted to buy or sell those beacons knew they were untradeable or not it still makes me a irritated at the idea.

besides the point beacons are basically a band aid fix for spawn chances of these types of assassins that DE seems reluctant on changing. though since they include beacons it opens the thought that they knew that the spawn rate of these guys happen to get terrible at times though they decided to not do anything cept for adding these beacons.

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3 minutes ago, maddragonmaster said:

good point on me calming down. though i still don't like beacons especially if they are trade able with plat. whether the person that i say stating they wanted to buy or sell those beacons knew they were untradeable or not it still makes me a irritated at the idea.

besides the point beacons are basically a band aid fix for spawn chances of these types of assassins that DE seems reluctant on changing. though since they include beacons it opens the thought that they knew that the spawn rate of these guys happen to get terrible at times though they decided to not do anything cept for adding these beacons.

I'm not disagreeing with you, but honestly I'd benefit immensely from a bandaid fix. I've literally seen this dude zero times so far. 

I honestly think that he's been avoiding me. 

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1 minute ago, (PS4)guzmantt1977 said:

I'm not disagreeing with you, but honestly I'd benefit immensely from a bandaid fix. I've literally seen this dude zero times so far. 

I honestly think that he's been avoiding me. 

i would rather see them fix the issue rather then avoid it till is right in their face.

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1 minute ago, (PS4)guzmantt1977 said:

Half a loaf of bread is better than no bread at all, said the starving man. While it is best if it was sorted out totally, I'll take whatever I can get, right about now. 

fair point. but still just dropping a beacon that has extremely rare times of it showing up on a store or what ever, would thus allow DE to keep on procrastinating the problem till it gets out of hand. like lets say this whole thing with wolf and his lousy sledge hammer.  and stalker and his gas cloud.

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2 hours ago, maddragonmaster said:

fair point. but still just dropping a beacon that has extremely rare times of it showing up on a store or what ever, would thus allow DE to keep on procrastinating the problem till it gets out of hand. like lets say this whole thing with wolf and his lousy sledge hammer.  and stalker and his gas cloud.

1) More out of hand than hitting tier 30 with 0 wolf spawns? 

2) The proposal above would not involve any store, and would make sense in terms of lore. 

8 hours ago, (PS4)Brenden751 said:

To go with my other ideas what if Saturn Six Fugitives, and perhaps other future Nightwave enemies, had a small chance to drop a "Wolf Beacon" that forced him to spawn like with Stalker/Zenuka/G3 Beacons. It could even make sense for them to be carrying them, Basically it was just a way for them to call him in for backup.


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10 hours ago, (PS4)guzmantt1977 said:

I've noticed a 10,000% increase in spawn rate.... Mainly because 100x 0 appearances is still 0 appearances. Math joke. 😁


I made that joke last week with Nidus using Redirection, 220% to 0 shields is still 0.  For some reason someone didn't understand that.

Anyways, at the moment I'm trying using different frames for missions to see if Wolf spawns.  I figured he was scared of Garuda since nothing at all spawned when I was using her, but it seems to be the same for all my other frames too.

The only way to seemingly guarantee something will spawn is to forma a warframe, reducing it's rank to 0.  They always seem to spawn when you're weakened and not able to fight back effectively (the coward Stalker syndrome seems to carry to Wolf it would appear).

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7 minutes ago, Konachibi said:

The only way to seemingly guarantee something will spawn is to forma a warframe, reducing it's rank to 0.  They always seem to spawn when you're weakened and not able to fight back effectively (the coward Stalker syndrome seems to carry to Wolf it would appear).

If that was the case I would have ran across him a few times while doing the various "Use 3 forma" things.

@[DE]Rebecca Could you please provide us with some information about the wolf?
I mean basics like "He has X% chance to spawn this week, and these factors influence it" so that we can actually have a chance at fighting him?
And how about confirming if he will indeed be going away for years until nightwave cycles back to him, or if he'll stay around in some form so we don't have to worry about missing out on his exclusives?
You guys said something along the lines of "By the end of nightwave players will be going 'Ughhh, him again?'" and that has yet to materialize...you made his spawn rate way too low, and it doesn't increase nearly fast enough.

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9 hours ago, (PS4)guzmantt1977 said:

1) More out of hand than hitting tier 30 with 0 wolf spawns? 

2) The proposal above would not involve any store, and would make sense in terms of lore. 


i stated that the wolf of Saturn six was the example of the it's starting to get out of hand. the other bit was when they included stalker with the gassy body ephemera.  this whole dance around the assassin system was because DE rather then fix this system or improve the spawn rate they included the dang beacons and now we are stuck running around in dang circles looking for wolf while DE is apparently dancing around the thing boosting the levels of the assassins but not adding an increase to the spawn rate or fixing the spawn rates so we can have some decent chance of spotting them. 

i had a small bad feeling about wolf when the whole thing started and we got the smoking body ephemera. while it was about worrying that wolf would overshadow stalker in the start, now it's the fact that i haven't seen wolf or stalker in a week or 2. 

anyways i would be much more relaxed about the beacons thing if DE actually tried to fix the assassin spawn rates for crying out loud.

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9 minutes ago, maddragonmaster said:

i stated that the wolf of Saturn six was the example of the it's starting to get out of hand. the other bit was when they included stalker with the gassy body ephemera.  this whole dance around the assassin system was because DE rather then fix this system or improve the spawn rate they included the dang beacons and now we are stuck running around in dang circles looking for wolf while DE is apparently dancing around the thing boosting the levels of the assassins but not adding an increase to the spawn rate or fixing the spawn rates so we can have some decent chance of spotting them. 

i had a small bad feeling about wolf when the whole thing started and we got the smoking body ephemera. while it was about worrying that wolf would overshadow stalker in the start, now it's the fact that i haven't seen wolf or stalker in a week or 2. 

anyways i would be much more relaxed about the beacons thing if DE actually tried to fix the assassin spawn rates for crying out loud.

Well the original idea seems to have been "at the beginning encounters should be rare, and toward the end they should be very common". That's sensible and fine. 


With Stalker and G3 the idea is that the mark will cause a spawn at some point, but not guaranteed to be immediate, which makes sense because you build tension, there's the air of unpredictability, while being something that you can influence. 

My issue is that there does not seem to be a positive way to influence the wolf to show up other than "run a gazillion missions, but not in these nodes". A beacon is a way around that. 

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1 minute ago, (PS4)guzmantt1977 said:

Well the original idea seems to have been "at the beginning encounters should be rare, and toward the end they should be very common". That's sensible and fine. 


With Stalker and G3 the idea is that the mark will cause a spawn at some point, but not guaranteed to be immediate, which makes sense because you build tension, there's the air of unpredictability, while being something that you can influence. 

My issue is that there does not seem to be a positive way to influence the wolf to show up other than "run a gazillion missions, but not in these nodes". A beacon is a way around that. 

and how is that tension building working now? between having to deal with terrible spawn rates and arguing about this whole thing is the reason i had a intense hatred these beacons in the first place. because i new if i rant and rage about this little dang things someone will attempt to go in their defense focusing on trying to convince me of their necessity rather then actually attempt to convince DE that the spawn rate is actually frustrating as, well i am going to stop here because i am fuming with anger over arguing over something i just really really don't like because it caused this mess in the first place.

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Perhaps a better system for this would be something like...:

Saturn Six Fugitives drop a special item each time once is captured.  When enough of those are collected, the player can choose to use them on a particular mission node to 100% guarantee the Wolf will show up in that mission.  Fugitives are fairly common, and can be farmed to some extent on Orb Vallis where they seem to spawn often, so this system would mitigate the issue entirely by offering players a means to force the spawn instead of just hoping that the 1% spawn chance actually happens.  It would also give the fugitives more usefulness outside of gaining poultry amounts of reputation, and would probably make more sense lore-wise as I imagine the Wolf wouldn't be too happy that you keep recapturing his brothers-in-arms.

It would technically be like using beacons, but they would be beacons we could get purely from playing the game, instead of waiting for Baro to show up or having to craft or purchase them.

Edited by Konachibi
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18 hours ago, maddragonmaster said:

no. no no no. NO BEACONS! they either fix his dang spawn rate or just trash the whole thing. i will not stand for a arbitrary beacon being the only band aid fix for these dang things.  plus i grew a intense hatred upon seeing someone wanting to buy or sell a stalker beacon for plat. and if you can buy beacons with plat then thats basically pay to win.

Pay to win what? What do you win? 

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