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Feedback on Wolf of Saturn Six


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Appearance rate: Seen him 4-6 at all (playing almost daily)
Drops? Last thing he dropped after a long drawn out fight was a silver stance mod... a super common one. Spinning Needle namely. That's just insult to injury.
Why is something that you can easily aquire almost from everywhere in the game on the loot table of such a rare spawn?

We really struggle to get that &%#@ down and just imagine the huge letdown after discovering your reward for the hard fight with invincible, molotov-juggling smaller &%#@.

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21 hours ago, (XB1)Oussii said:

Here you go, Less than 30 sec to kill, and you never die



the problem is that we aren't all always geared up for a fight with the guy, as is obviously required

it is a prequesite to have top notch perfect anti wolf gear and warframe to fight him

other wise he just wails on you, and it feels like a spit in the face to even fight him for 20 - 15 minutes, for a molten impact, and nothing else

-Thank you though for the pointers/tips though, if i do decide to go hunting him- he just pops in whenever i'am leveling gear, so its so annoying

try fighting him as a novice mastery rank 6 or such, with no max ranked gear, it aint happening

i even try my archgun, with max mods, and thats hilarious

he is unbalanced for the most part, but a piece of cake if use my top stuff. 

9 hours ago, (PS4)BloodyXSavageX said:

My tombfinger with 4 formas and a riven felt Below average but I was able to kill him in a fair amount of time if he’s not in nightmare. if your weapon  doesn’t have high crit or base damage the fight just takes too long for my taste.

my mostly unmodded opticor vandal hit for around 9,000 orange cirt on him with headshots {+ volt shield, +ms cc riven, +arcane rage buff] so yeah

that was lv52, and it took us 18 mintues to kill him that time, with me doing 52% of the damage in a 4 man squad

17 hours ago, MystMan said:

again... and?   You're under the misinterpretation that because he shows up under ideal circumstances for you, it is like that for everybody else.  If he shows up in a (mobile) defense or rescue mission, he will instead attack the target you are supposed to protect. It becomes a lot more hectic and easier to fail a mission. 

I fought him once in a mobile defense, his attention was all on the console instead of me. I killed him with the console having only 1000 health left. One more hammer strike would've destroyed it. Another time was a rescue hostage I had to keep reviving every minute in operator mode since everybody kept attacking it.  And there was the time he showed up in a Kuva flood survival; in that mission type after 5 minutes the extraction becomes available and no more life support towers will spawn anymore. I was on the clock against an omega tanky lvl85 Wolf as my health was depleting once air ran out, I had to drop health restores constantly to stay alive while avoiding Wolf and Corpus nullifiers. SOMEHOW I survived that and beat him solo. If he shows up in missions where you don't have to worry about anything else, then of course he will be easier to deal with.

And once more, people will be playing other frames.  This game is called Warframe, not "Inaros: the game".  And in your video his level is only lv39.  That's fairly timid. I also kill him in a minute at those levels. Try fighting him at lvl 60-80.  The tanking is real at those levels. You have seen the video in that other thread you replied in, he is an insane bullet sponge there at level 68.

he shows up and we fail those types of missions, because he destroys the console, or while we fight him, enemies destroy it

hes done that a few times, he pops in and we end up failing the rescue/mobile defense/defense cause of him

its kinda stupid

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1 hour ago, (PS4)Tomplexthis said:

the problem is that we aren't all always geared up for a fight with the guy, as is obviously required

it is a prequesite to have top notch perfect anti wolf gear and warframe to fight him

other wise he just wails on you, and it feels like a spit in the face to even fight him for 20 - 15 minutes, for a molten impact, and nothing else

-Thank you though for the pointers/tips though, if i do decide to go hunting him- he just pops in whenever i'am leveling gear, so its so annoying

try fighting him as a novice mastery rank 6 or such, with no max ranked gear, it aint happening

i even try my archgun, with max mods, and thats hilarious

he is unbalanced for the most part, but a piece of cake if use my top stuff. 

my mostly unmodded opticor vandal hit for around 9,000 orange cirt on him with headshots {+ volt shield, +ms cc riven, +arcane rage buff] so yeah

that was lv52, and it took us 18 mintues to kill him that time, with me doing 52% of the damage in a 4 man squad

he shows up and we fail those types of missions, because he destroys the console, or while we fight him, enemies destroy it

hes done that a few times, he pops in and we end up failing the rescue/mobile defense/defense cause of him

its kinda stupid

you always keep with you catchmoon, it works like a charm, better than the archwing gun

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1 hour ago, (XB1)Oussii said:

you always keep with you catchmoon, it works like a charm, better than the archwing gun

This isn't the first thread I've seen you in, and you keep parroting the same thing. "Inaros and Catchmoon and he is easy." Like others, I watched your sample video and he was what, level 40? When Wolfie shows up at level 70 he's tougher by several orders of magnitude, let alone when he shows up stronger than that in Kuva Flood or somesuch.

Not everyone is gonna want to play as Inaros with a Kitgun 100% of the time just in case Wolf, by the grace of RNG, decides to show up. And even after that, the odds of getting anything of value form him are miniscule. We have dozens of frames to choose from and hundreds of weapons. Inaros in particular gets boring to use after a while, and if you play long enough to where he falls off (most don't) he falls off HARD.

The main reason Archguns get recommended to often is because you have them ready, but they don't affect your loadout at all. That they're fairly powerful with a Forma or two and proper modding doesn't hurt.

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20 hours ago, MystMan said:

You're playing a tanky frame.   Not everybody mains Inaros packing meta gear and Wolf doesn't always appear under ideal circumstances. Our mileages will vary.  Wolf isn't a battle you can prepare for and expecting players to main Inaros 100% of the time is silly.

Sometimes, I wish for a return to the days when everyone carried a strong weapon just in case of a fight with the Stalker, just to watch Reddit and the forums freak out.

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2 hours ago, (PS4)Page8988 said:

This isn't the first thread I've seen you in, and you keep parroting the same thing. "Inaros and Catchmoon and he is easy." Like others, I watched your sample video and he was what, level 40? When Wolfie shows up at level 70 he's tougher by several orders of magnitude, let alone when he shows up stronger than that in Kuva Flood or somesuch.


FYI. i fought him after 1 hour mot, too bad i did not take a video of it, but it was over lvl 100

If i am parroting, stop whining

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2 hours ago, (PS4)feuerhund99 said:

Sometimes, I wish for a return to the days when everyone carried a strong weapon just in case of a fight with the Stalker, just to watch Reddit and the forums freak out.

Stalker and Wolf aren't really comparable when it comes to their level scaling.  Both Stalker versions can be killed in a reasonable time even with a decent average weapon already because Stalker doesn't have the extreme armor scaling issue that Wolf has paired with invincible companions.

Seriously, Wolf armor scaling is all over the place. Shortest battle I had with him lasted <10 seconds. He was only lvl23.  At lvl60+ is where the tanking becomes gringeworthy, feels like a drag. It's like fighting a lvl100 Juggernaut that has no weak points and is immune to status effect. Not even sortie bosses are this tanky. Killing a very high level Wolf takes me ~3 minutes of fighting provided I have no in-mission distractions to worry about. And this is with me sporting top tier multi-forma weaponry with maxed R10 mods and the rare essential mods, something the average novice WF player does not have YET. (hence the posts where people mention it took them 10+ minutes). This is the part some veterans fail to understand. They forgot what it was like to climb your way up having to unlock, farm and rank up stuff.

That's not something that is done overnight, it takes months. And Wolf isn't going to wait until you reach that position, it's fair game for everybody; even novice players with weak gear who have yet to unlock so much content, like kitguns, archguns and such are already Wolf targets. In worst case scenarios with squishy distractions I needed to protect, I barely managed by the skin of my teeth. (see my previous post).  Having anything less would've failed those missions. 

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2 hours ago, MystMan said:

Stalker and Wolf aren't really comparable when it comes to their level scaling.  Both Stalker versions can be killed in a reasonable time even with a decent average weapon already because Stalker doesn't have the extreme armor scaling issue that Wolf has paired with invincible companions.


i kill the stalker with just my tenno sometimes

another time, i punched it to death with Atlas's fist

also, TRY Atlas, with max range, max cast speed and max Efficiency, then use his Ore Gaze to freeze crowds

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2 hours ago, MystMan said:

That's not something that is done overnight, it takes months. And Wolf isn't going to wait until you reach that position, it's fair game for everybody; even novice players with weak gear who have yet to unlock so much content, like kitguns, archguns and such are already Wolf targets.

This is what I feel that most people who insta-nuke the Wolf commonly forget.

I've seen so many recommendations to use things like the Rubico Prime and Gram Prime while paying no mind that they are MR locked to most players, usually posting mod loadouts with Rivens and/or Primed Mods or maxed mods that new to mid-level players will have no chance at for months, nevermind the fact that in order to get kitguns usable you need to be at rank 3 in Fortuna which can take a while for people below certain MR thresholds.

It is like they've forgotten that not everyone in the game is built around dealing 3 billion damage per bullet to absurd Grineer tanks after 3 hours in a Kuva survival.

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14 hours ago, (XB1)Oussii said:

FYI. i fought him after 1 hour mot, too bad i did not take a video of it, but it was over lvl 100

If i am parroting, stop whining

Most players don't run Inaros and their Kitgun 100% of the time, and stating that they don't want to is hardly "whining."

Maybe work on those manners a bit?

Edited by (PS4)Page8988
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I was almost going to sound very satisfied.


Yesterday, after the 4th unlock of his story,
wolf appeared 4 times within a timespan of 1h and 30 minutes.

Needless to say, I was ecstatic.
Finally, his spawn rate has become as it should be.

But then... he stopped spawning again.
Hours upon hours, I grind him, just like before.
And his spawning behavior...
It's back to what it used to be...

I'm really starting to wonder, if I was right the first time?
Because it does feel like every player gets 'X' ammount of spawns, and then it's no more wolf for you.
If this would be the case...;
Real bad decision, I must say.

So, I hope, and trust, that this is NOT the case.
Please don't tell me, this is a thing.

As for the drops, when he spawned;
I stay with my initial thought;
His common (arguably labeled 'uncommon' - silver) mods, are the biggest bully in all of this.

Know that the only missing part I need, is his handle.
Which is supposed to be, in fact... 'common'.
But I'm getting more blueprints (the rarest of his weapon drops) than actual parts.

I could indeed, trade one out for the missing handle at this point.

But I've come this far, and I want to see where this goes.
How long it will actually take, to get the last missing part, the legit way.

And judging by how his spawnrate went from an increase of 90%, back to 0,001%...
In a matter of a few hours...

It's just not right.

But please... for love of the Lotus.
Those silver mods, are a real slap in our face.
Each encounter, you have a sliver of chance, to get an item part.
But mods? Candy.
*wolf throws one nonchalantly* 'Here, have another one. For trying...'

This hunt is a nightmare, torture.
Due to his sheer steadiness, to almost never appear.
And due to lining our pockets with mod copies, once he finally does show up.

We could, kindly, do without.

Please take this feedback in consideration.
As this is the experience,
of 3 full weeks grinding.
From morning to evening (losing sleep allready).

I would love to enjoy warframe again.
I would love to take that break, for playing over 1 hour 3 weeks.
Which can only be done, when this wolf finally acts as he should;
Reward the player adequatly, for all their hard work.

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On 2019-04-02 at 2:49 PM, AegisAmaranth said:

So, we're in pretty far, on the wolf now.
And it was said, his appearance would increase over time.

So, I had him appear lately.
Pretty fast actually, as I encountered him 3 times in one morning.

Happyness struck.
Finally, I can get the parts of his hammer (the legit way, as should be possible imho).

His last appearance, he threw a mod in my face, and now stays away ever since.

It has been days, since I saw the wolf again.
And I'm grinding this guy from morning to evening.

Am emptied now, sleep deprived.
Just 1 more hammer piece...
And numbly grinding myself into a nuthouse.

I don't believe... this was the intention, right?
To get players to become numb, dead inside?

Meanwhile, I had Stalker visit me so much, I ran out of tea for him.
Even Zanuka shows up, and I rarely ever get to see even 1.
No more wolf...

I certainly hope there's no 'x spawns limited per player' or something.
You start thinking all sorts of crazy stuff, after days filled with 5 minute runs (as they don't appear after that anymore).
It's not... how I would put the word... 'fun', in warframe.

This is, in fact.
Keeping me from doing the fun stuff instead.
And there's no telling how much longer we got, till this ends.
Yes, also the (fomo) fear of missing out- effect.
Wanting to get just his hammer, that's all.
Before it's too late.

And not by trade.
Each person should have an equal opportunity, to fight him enough, to eventually get the hammer legit.
That is at least, how I see it.

I'm beat.
Out of breath.
And my health, suffers immensely from this.

Starts being funny in some way, when you see the message 'you have been playing for over an hour, please consider to take a break'...
Sorry, game, I have been playing with almost no break.
Because I'm trying to get... just 1 more part.
Give me the wolf, so I can get the part.
Then... I can take a break.

Sorry for the venting.
I'm off to numbly grind on now...
Hoping these words are considered somehow.

Love ❤️

Nothing else to say. Exactly that.

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Still haven't seen the wolf even a single time.
And now he has exclusive cosmetics tied to him as well as an exclusive weapon.

I can't wait to see all the stuff I miss out on because hours of playing every day since nightwave started means nothing and that I most likely won't see him at all.

I really wish DE would tell us:
-His spawn rate
-What conditions affect it

As well as provide some ability to actually fight him, even if your luck sucks.

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Personnally, I didnt noticed any diffenrence about Wolf spawn rate since the very begining. Still very abyssmal if you ask me.

I managed to see him 11 times and got 2 BP and 2 Handles, so I was able to trade to get the other parts.

However I played 25~30 hours each week. which I think is far too high.
I mean, some of us have a life outside warframe: aka school or work (in my case full time job) or just other thing to do.

I agree with this:

Il y a 3 heures, Tsukinoki a dit :

Still haven't seen the wolf even a single time.
And now he has exclusive cosmetics tied to him as well as an exclusive weapon.

I can't wait to see all the stuff I miss out on because hours of playing every day since nightwave started means nothing and that I most likely won't see him at all.

I really wish DE would tell us:
-His spawn rate
-What conditions affect it

As well as provide some ability to actually fight him, even if your luck sucks.


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41 minutes ago, Renarde-Louve said:

Personnally, I didnt noticed any diffenrence about Wolf spawn rate since the very begining. Still very abyssmal if you ask me.

I managed to see him 11 times and got 2 BP and 2 Handles, so I was able to trade to get the other parts.

However I played 25~30 hours each week. which I think is far too high.
I mean, some of us have a life outside warframe: aka school or work (in my case full time job) or just other thing to do.

I agree with this:


i got him same like you, maybe even more but i got 2 handles 2 heads, and im not spending 400p on those last 2 parts. (sure Blueprint price droped but motors got higher)

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Also played like 35 hours a week since Wolf's introduction, I have seen him 8 times. I know its all RNG's thing (a friend of mine was barely playing kept encountering him and got 3 hammer parts out of 4-5 encounters). But his spawn rate is way too low, specially for a time limited event. I have a vague feeling DE put a super low inital spawn rate like 0.1% at episode 1, then added another 0.1% every new episode. In the end it will be 0.5% then DE will pull out a diablo immortal and say "But we did increased spawnrate by a 500%" Red shirt dude will reply "Nothing times 5 is still nothing"

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So, they finally did something.
Improved drop chances.

This gives me the signal, to get hunting on  overclocked speed.
And sure enough, after 5 missions of nothing, wolf finally appears.
This image tells you the rest on the story.



I must've missed the memo, where they increased these mods to drop 100% of the time instead (at least, it appears as thus).
Should have allready had my hammer 2 weeks ago...

I will look back on this entire thing, with a very bittersweet taste.
The very one thing, that single-handedly, managed to destroy our warframe experience.

I am going to get myself interned, if the next boss, has ammo drums in their drop table...


3 runs later... nothing

4th run... wolf...

This is not a joke... (check resources)
Well, in a way..., it is.
But I'm not smiling.



And dozens of runs later... it appears I ran out of wolf spawns again.
No more, does he appear.
Lights your candle, then blows it out.
Rather have him huffin', puffin and blow my house in.
At least I can fight him then.

But now...
Makes me spend time on hunting ghosts instead.

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Well he's been showing up more for me on Switch as of late (two times in one day is mind-boggling) but sadly we still don't have the adjustment patch that makes him not asininely tanky.

Even at level 36 I had to spent just about 15 minutes smashing his face in with Exalted Blade (which was averaging between 1000 and 2000 per slash....with a Chroma buffing me) because nobody else in the group of 4 was able to do more than 15 damage per hit (not even the Chroma, who was using an Ignis Wraith).

What do I get for my trouble? Spinning Needle.

This is just plain stupid, he's not worth wasting time on, he drops absolute garbage and got stuck in a corner and was no threat whatsoever. I'd rather farm freaking Void Sabotage missions for caches, I'd rather solo an Eidolon with a Lato, I'd rather listen to Vor's Void sermon on loop at 300% speed.

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4 minutes ago, Cephalycion said:

Why do you even have to actively hardfarm the wolf?

Just play the game like you usually do, he has a chance to spawn regardless of whether you are trying to farm him or not.

In order to give DE feedback, on the entire experience.
One must go through those hardships.

It is my way of trying to let them see, how wrong everything is.
A sort of... protest, against the combination of his spawnrate + drop table.
Sometimes, words alone are not enough.

Thus, I submit myself to this.
For the longer I am exposed to this, the more it destroys me completely.

And this is where they have to start asking the question:
'Do we want to bestow this upon our entire community?'

DE is headed in such a good direction, with so many things.
This wolf's spawn + drops, are single handedly destroying all that experience.

I do hope, a sacrifice, makes them see.

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Just now, AegisAmaranth said:

In order to give DE feedback, on the entire experience.
One must go through those hardships.

It is my way of trying to let them see, how wrong everything is.
A sort of... protest, against the combination of his spawnrate + drop table.
Sometimes, words alone are not enough.

Thus, I submit myself to this.
For the longer I am exposed to this, the more it destroys me completely.

And this is where they have to start asking the question:
'Do we want to bestow this upon our entire community?'

DE is headed in such a good direction, with so many things.
This wolf's spawn + drops, are single handedly destroying all that experience.

I do hope, a sacrifice, makes them see.

Whether you like it or not, this game is RNG heavy. It does not reward skill as much as it rewards speed and efficiency.  

What you are trying to do is like trying to hardfarm Stalker, G3, Zanuka, Ephermia, Broken War Parts (yea, anybody remember those?) and such ~5% drops are not uncommon in the game.

As much as I personally detest it, I have come to accept it as part of the game, a F2P strategy and nothing more.

Clearly, we are not meant to have everything. Sad life for the completionists out there.

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25 minutes ago, Cephalycion said:

Why do you even have to actively hardfarm the wolf?

Just play the game like you usually do, he has a chance to spawn regardless of whether you are trying to farm him or not.

You either hardfarm him or he shows up while you're not carrying around a kit that is designed to specifically take him down and he wastes 15+ minutes in a mission that may have taken three tops (barring endless), for useless mods that everyone has gotten at least 500 copies of.

His fight design is awful, his drops are awful, the limited ways to deal with him in a practical timeframe are awful and RNG on top of it makes it even more awful.

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