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16 minutes ago, SpycrabSurprise said:

The alerts that you're talking about were already a thing. They got yote with the rest of the alerts. I still haven't seen a valid reason why not to Bring alerts back as they were, and leave Nightwave as it is.

Yeah I like this, this is good too (technically I was suggesting bringing back the 'filler' alerts, so if all alerts are returned, better and better!).

So long as people with inflexible schedules still have access to reward from Nightwave and aren't pressured to camp timers, that's good, since that's the reason DE wanted alerts gone in the first place. And honestly? I'd still rather get my Nitain from alerts than buying it. It's way more interesting (esp when it rolls archwing missions, since without them, the only time I've done those in the last year was levelling Larkspur or carrying others through Golem). Even more so since - for Saturn Six anyway - the return on creds is really weak. Despite completing all the challenges each week, I'm still get far less return on creds than I was from alerts simply because of the price scaling*.  And while, to be fair, NW is rewarding other stuff alerts don't like mods/cosmetics - that still trips the scale the other way where people with outright limited time still can't get those things.

Plus, sidenote: aura prices have climbed rapidly since the NW changes because they've become so much less accessible. That's a bad sign.

Having alerts and NW simultaneously would allow players to choose what suits them and their schedules the best.

*(and also because of that time I accidentally bought the wrong helmet bp - confirmed I didn't own the Nezha helment, ranked for creds, bought the Nezha helmet, on snap wait he has two helmets both featured this week and I bought the one I already crafted, aaaaa it can't be refunded aaahhh, that was rank 24 and the last creds offering until prestige aaaaa)

Edited by Snackrat
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18 hours ago, Snackrat said:

I'm with you; I miss having the random node alerts because now that I'm end-game they were the only way I ever went back to some planets. I hadn't seen Zanuka spawn for about a year despite being marked, and then realised it was because I was hardly ever doing standard Corpus missions anymore (the only reason I was even getting Gurstag3 was leveling on Hydron). Alerts not only gave me a reason to go back to those places, but because they were featured, they also frequently filled a squad, which never happens trying to queue them directly as these days most become obsolete as soon as you unlock the star map.

But... I understand why they added the Nightwave. Camping alerts for specific rare rewards was not ideal and it unfairly punished people with time commitments that only had narrow windows available. You need Vauban chassis? Too bad, you're working then. Try again in a week... or a month.


So if the reason OP (and me) misses alerts is the gameplay, and the reason they were removed was the reward... what if alerts were back, but only rewarded credits/endo? Something like 5k/200. Any of the meaningful rewards, like auras and such, can stay in the NW system, but it's a way to find a squad and 'reconnect' with some of the nodes from memory, and those modest rewards still help new players, who don't have access to get those from farming sites yet.

Id agree but for alerts they should be like they were with the big awards and nightwave as an add-on heck there could even be alerts with wolf credits 

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Just bring them back. They gave game unique feeling that Origin system is alive and stuff happens in it. Nightwave isn't doing anything to make game look lively, only giving you feats to perform which you could do even before.

Alert system was never just about rewards and stuff, it was also about what I mentioned already, it made game more alive. Like if your enemies (Grineer/Corpus/Infested) were always up to something, made their moves against one another (there are other system that do this, but still, Alert system was unique in this as well). It gave you more feeling of being space ninja, jumping from one limited oppoturnity to another to kick some asses, burn enemy's effort to the ground and have feeling like you actually dealt a blow.

Only thing I saw so far are people who say there's no need for Alert system to return (senseless patients), but no one ever stated any valid argument why it shouldn't return (just like person above me stated already). Fact remains it wouldn't hurt game a bit if Nightwave and Alert system worked side by side. It's then up to every individual if he/she will pay attention to said Alert system, there's no harm at all for both Alert lovers (which will do them) and haters (which will ignore them) in this, only perfect equilibrium.

Edited by CoreXCZ
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4 hours ago, CoreXCZ said:

Just bring them back. They gave game unique feeling that Origin system is alive and stuff happens in it. Nightwave isn't doing anything to make game look lively, only giving you feats to perform which you could do even before.

Alert system was never just about rewards and stuff, it was also about what I mentioned already, it made game more alive. Like if your enemies (Grineer/Corpus/Infested) were always up to something, made their moves against one another (there are other system that do this, but still, Alert system was unique in this as well). It gave you more feeling of being space ninja, jumping from one limited oppoturnity to another to kick some asses, burn enemy's effort to the ground and have feeling like you actually dealt a blow.

Only thing I saw so far are people who say there's no need for Alert system to return (senseless patients), but no one ever stated any valid argument why it shouldn't return (just like person above me stated already). Fact remains it wouldn't hurt game a bit if Nightwave and Alert system worked side by side. It's then up to every individual if he/she will pay attention to said Alert system, there's no harm at all for both Alert lovers (which will do them) and haters (which will ignore them) in this, only perfect equilibrium.

Ex fracking xactly

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