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stradavar prime.


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8 hours ago, Deadoon said:

I consider end game is the highest level content the highest challenge content that gives a unique reward, sorties, open world bosses, eso and similar are the current highest tier content. You get nothing special(except prodman poster) by going to your level of extremes. Your build doesn't even work that well in one end game setting, eso, due to it's bane mod is useless against multiple factions.


Go look up the level range where Void Fissures stop scaling rewards and compare Vallis eHp at lvl 125 to normal Corpus.

Look if you wana play Candy Land with DE go right ahead just don't tell other people what "normal" content is or how to play the game and that player created content is the only thing in the game that's managed to last more than a few months so if you ask me DE should probably listen to the players more when it comes to content. I make builds to scale well, simple as that. Doing a buncha math for lvl 100 enemies is a waste of time. Like I said; You can do everything wrong and still win.

DE has officially promoted "Record Breaking Runs" and events like Ambulas Leaderboards which required high level encounters. Just because it's not part of your game doesn't mean it's not part of the game. I would never play ESO but that doesn't mean I'm going to say it's not part of the game.


6 hours ago, Lakais said:

Not everything revolves around lvl 100+ enemies and three hour long torture runs and I hope for everyone's sake that DE never starts to move in a direction that supports that masochistic style.


No one actually wants to sit in a mission for hours. It's just a product of the only means to find difficulty in the game anymore.

If we could jump into a mission at lvl 200-300 I would be quite happy. Even if enemies just scaled faster.

Toroid Farming was probably the most fun I had in Fortuna because the enemies jump to lvl 125 in about 8 minutes. Don't let the level fool you either those guys perform like lvl 250 Corpus and hit harder too. If it wasn't for the stagger / bounce fest it would have been a lot more fun.

Edited by Xzorn
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I’ve read a few variants of this and I have to say I’m very confused. First of all, I have no idea HOW you need 5 forma on the weapon. That particular part gets thrown around a lot.

My build, using 0 forma;

High voltage. Malignant force. Argon scope. Hunter munitions. Point strike. Split chamber. Vital sense. Amalgam serration.

I have 1 point extra, I’ve taken this weapon everywhere. ESO, Arbitration, Sortie 3 and it works perfectly fine.

Maybe it doesn’t matter how many forma you use if you put the wrong mods in? 🤷🏻‍♂️

Edited by (PS4)Mono-Pop
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Nah, I liked the Stradavar Plain, and I like the Stradavar Prime. Assault rifles are my favorite anyway, regardless of whether they're gonna be Simulacrum-famous. I find them fun to use.  

Now, as mentioned up thread, I'm one of those who won't usually be gunning past level 100 enemies so I don't need maximized / optimized gear. I can get away with funky fun stuff without hamstringing the team. 

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I don't mind new primes not being a power creep except for the fact that since the weapon is only mediocre I won't have a slot for a utility mod like shred because I need as much dmg as I can get to make it good. I do really hate the look of the curved barrel and the weapon just kinda looks bland.

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I was so hoping the Stradavar Prime would be good, that maybe, just maybe, it might be a great raw damage status gun in full auto and a precision crit instrument in semi. But no, it's just another crit bullet hose that we have so many of already, and while it initially appeared to be ever so slightly better than the Prisma Grakata, DE saw fit to nerf its disposition on release and buff the Grakata's (as if it needed it), putting the Stradavar far behind.

And it's ugly as sin too.

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31 minutes ago, SordidDreams said:

I was so hoping the Stradavar Prime would be good, that maybe, just maybe, it might be a great raw damage status gun in full auto and a precision crit instrument in semi. But no, it's just another crit bullet hose that we have so many of already, and while it initially appeared to be ever so slightly better than the Prisma Grakata, DE saw fit to nerf its disposition on release and buff the Grakata's (as if it needed it), putting the Stradavar far behind.

And it's ugly as sin too.

Twice the damage of the Prisma Grakata, 1% less crit chance, .1 higher crit multiplier. The Stradavar Prime has vastly more ammo efficiency at the cost of fire rate and status chance if you compare them in that manner. Additionally the recoil is very light and consistent, so you don't have anywhere near as much jumpyness that could affect accuracy. That is ignoring that the stradavar has a semi auto mode with a notably high damage output with very high precision.


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1 hour ago, Deadoon said:

Twice the damage of the Prisma Grakata, 1% less crit chance, .1 higher crit multiplier. The Stradavar Prime has vastly more ammo efficiency at the cost of fire rate and status chance if you compare them in that manner. Additionally the recoil is very light and consistent, so you don't have anywhere near as much jumpyness that could affect accuracy. That is ignoring that the stradavar has a semi auto mode with a notably high damage output with very high precision.

Twice the damage, half the fire rate and status chance. And that does matter a lot for corrosive procs, if you go that route. The semi mode does have higher DPS, but not by that much, only by about 10%, with the Grakata sitting right in the middle between the Stradavar's two modes. Without a riven, that is; with one, as I said, it's the riven disposition that really holds the Stradavar back, for no good reason as far as I can tell. I was really hoping to have a reason to replace the venerable Grakata, and I was prepared to inveset heavily into the new gun if it was at least as good and nicer looking. But it's neither, sadly.

Edited by SordidDreams
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On 2019-04-04 at 10:11 PM, Deadoon said:

I consider end game is the highest level content the highest challenge content that gives a unique reward, sorties, open world bosses, eso and similar are the current highest tier content. You get nothing special(except prodman poster) by going to your level of extremes. Your build doesn't even work that well in one end game setting, eso, due to it's bane mod is useless against multiple factions.

this is my point for why I don't use CP if I already one shot everything then how will it improve my DPS (or my teams for that matter)
granted it takes 2 hits from my melee to kill LV 100 HG after I build some combo but that does not take long.  

On 2019-04-04 at 10:11 PM, Deadoon said:

I consider end game is the highest level content the highest challenge content that gives a unique reward, sorties, open world bosses, eso and similar are the current highest tier content. You get nothing special(except prodman poster) by going to your level of extremes. Your build doesn't even work that well in one end game setting, eso, due to it's bane mod is useless against multiple factions.

for the most part, you want viral slash for status weapons if you can't do that run corrosive cold for the best overall DPS 
now if you have say the Corinth or a similar weapon with a full bane riven then that would be fine (outside of say corrupted) but it is not that usefull in most content expecily when the Corinth can one shot up to LV 70 and even higher with an HM viral build and a bit of luck.  

On 2019-04-04 at 10:11 PM, Deadoon said:

My build has a sprinting start of ttk but starts to fall off rapidly in the level 100-120 range, which is the highest normal tier of content. Yours will slower ttk at a lower level, but faster at a higher level and will just progressively take longer as enemies get stronger.

the biggest problem with the Viral slash builds is the fact that they have some ramp up only overtaking normal damage builds once at or beyond sorti 3 levels with the possible exception of melee weapons with high attack speed and good status chance.  

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On 2019-04-09 at 8:51 AM, (PS4)Mono-Pop said:

I’ve read a few variants of this and I have to say I’m very confused. First of all, I have no idea HOW you need 5 forma on the weapon. That particular part gets thrown around a lot.

My build, using 0 forma;

High voltage. Malignant force. Argon scope. Hunter munitions. Point strike. Split chamber. Vital sense. Amalgam serration.

I have 1 point extra, I’ve taken this weapon everywhere. ESO, Arbitration, Sortie 3 and it works perfectly fine.

Maybe it doesn’t matter how many forma you use if you put the wrong mods in? 🤷🏻‍♂️

ooh I like this build I assume it is for the full auto mode? I often use the conditional crit mods over the multi-shot mods just because I like them better

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So, I farmed parts and built a Stadavar Prime. I have a couple forma in it now too. I can say that it is a solidly good weapon. Tiberon Prime burst fire beats the Stradavar Prime in either mode for DPS by a small but noticable margin. The Stradavar beats the Tiberon both in autofire sustainablilty and semiautomatic damage by a large margin. The Soma Prime is left in the dust.

So, for sustainable auto fire with a moderately powerful semi-auto you want the Stadavar. The Tiberon's burst fire is really strong for bringing doen Noxs and Bombards, but it's other two fire modes are nearly worthless.


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1 hour ago, spirit_of_76 said:

ooh I like this build I assume it is for the full auto mode? I often use the conditional crit mods over the multi-shot mods just because I like them better

Yeah corrosive definitely works well with the auto, but at range you are pretty safe to engage with the semi. This build does drop the semi fire damage a little, but gives them 145% crit.

With hunter munitions you can get some massive bleed procs out of the semi fire.

Maybe if you have primed elemental mods you can swap one of those in. With 2 x 60/60 mods the Stradavar auto fire has about 45% status chance.

Its high enough that I often see things brought to red health. Might be higher than it needs to be 🙂

Edited by (PS4)Mono-Pop
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3 hours ago, ChaosSabre said:

Braton MK-1 is a good weapon with Hunter Munitions. Just coz you put a op mod that makes any crit able weapon viable doesn't mean stradavar prime is a good weapon.

It's mediocre at best.

The MK1 Braton wouldn’t be able to hang in arbitration even with hunmun.

The Stradavar can.

how the hell is hunter munitions an op mod?

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2 hours ago, spirit_of_76 said:

forced slash procks.  that scale off of total weapon damge it works best on things like the baza, dex syparis and sybaris.  

All slash procs scale off of a weapons total damage. That isn’t unique to hunmun.

You can achieve a greater amount of slash procs with a status/ slash build.

With hunmun and 100% crit you will still only slash 30% of the time.

If slash itself was the problem, status/ slash builds would be more prevalent than hunmun builds.

hunmun gives crit a viable in for late game content. Even then it a lot of instances you’d be better off just taking a status weapon.

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On ‎2019‎-‎04‎-‎04 at 5:47 PM, (PS4)Lei-Lei_23 said:

The innate 1m punchthrough is a forgettable afterthought, and consuming 2 ammo per shot isn’t something I necessarily find as a balancing point to compensate for its dps increase.

The innate punch-through is not that relevant since Shred/Primed Shred is a given with Stradavar P (and the mods add another 1.2m/2.2m punch-through respectively). Stradavar P absolutely wrecks close gatherings due to the punch-through, especially Grineers (if you aim at head height). 3.2 meters of total punch-through with Primed Shred is often "more than enough", the extra innate meter makes more of a difference when coupled with a normal Shred.

The 2 ammo per semi-auto is ridiculous, and probably a late "balancing" due to the some ammo/total dps/something metrics (maybe the higher semi-auto damage per shot compared to Tiberon P, which has the same max ammo but smaller mag size). In gameplay terms it makes no sense, as you will not run out of ammo anyway (if you know what you are doing). So hopefully DE will change this back to 1 shot per 1 ammo, just to remove the completely illogical "doubling" and since the effects of this on gameplay would be totally negligent. It actually doesn't matter one way or the other for using Stradavar P, it just irritates me as something "illogical and dumb".

Edited by Graavarg
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On ‎2019‎-‎04‎-‎09 at 4:51 PM, (PS4)Mono-Pop said:

I’ve read a few variants of this and I have to say I’m very confused. First of all, I have no idea HOW you need 5 forma on the weapon. That particular part gets thrown around a lot.

My build, using 0 forma;

High voltage. Malignant force. Argon scope. Hunter munitions. Point strike. Split chamber. Vital sense. Amalgam serration.

I have 1 point extra, I’ve taken this weapon everywhere. ESO, Arbitration, Sortie 3 and it works perfectly fine.

Maybe it doesn’t matter how many forma you use if you put the wrong mods in? 🤷🏻‍♂️

I don't see the need for 5 forma, since that would lock every mod-slot to a polarity. But I do need 4 forma:

Primed Cryo Rounds(8) / Vital Sense(5) /Amalgam Serration(8) /Primed Shred(8) /Point Strike(5) /Hammer Shot(9, no polarity) /Split Chamber(8) /riven(9) = 60 (0 capacity free).

This results in a build with >100% crit chance in both auto/semi-auto (due to the riven), with the following approx. damage stats (leaving the decimals out):

auto (crit multipl. 7.3X, status 29%) => cold 238, slash 43, impact 50, puncture 50 = approx. 3175 damage per shot (punch-through 2.2 m)

semi-auto (crit multipl. 7.8X, status 50%) => cold 639, slash 232, impact 38, puncture 116 = approx. 9040 damage per shot (punch-through 3.2 m)

Exchanging Split Chamber for Bladed Rounds will remove +90% Multishot but add an additional 3.1X/3.4X crit multiplier (for 9 sec. after each kill). So Bladed Rounds actually further increase max damage, while Split Chamber is more consistent = depends on the situation (and mostly on range = semi-auto mode usage, if you can headshot you get up in quite insane damage numbers for an assault rifle with 11.2X crit multiplier and the 2X headshot multiplier on top).

And yes, this is a riven-based crit build, but anyone claiming this is not a high-tier mission capable weapon do not know what they are talking about. My personal view is that Stradavar P is better than Tiberon P (also with a 100% cc build, in burst & semi-auto), because switching between modes allows you to switch the damage composition (from "balanced" to "slash-based"), and you do not need to mod for both status & crit. In addition, the 50% status chance + high slash damage in semi-auto mode gives +/- the same effect as Hunter Munitions without having to use a mod slot.

All in all, in my (personal) opinion one of the best if not THE best assault rifle currently in the game. Since it also handles quite nicely, I now find myself using nothing else (in an "assault primary" role). And it actually quite often puts a smile on my face...

Edited by Graavarg
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