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Two questions, you can choose just one if you wish. I will also add some feedback.


1. Why were mutagen samples made exclusive the derelict void missions?


2. I figured that the highest Conclave range was 400-500 because players could easily one-shot eachother at ratings above 600. Is that the only reason or was there more? My average rating is around 900, with acrid and ogris ready to go, so I figured one boom or dart is an easy win.



As feedback...the J2000 Golem is AWESOME!!! Awesome staging and difficulty! I spent at least an hour on the guy...by myself...and SURVIVED!! An amazing experience!! Well done!!

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When is a storyline being implemented into the warframe system, although the new weapons and the new frames are nice, and the clans and new pvp system are cool. It feels like all you are doing is crafting and upgrading and collecting weapons and frames , what are the tenno fight for ?? whats the story behind the infested ?? Basically we would like a little more content in terms the actual story of the tenno 

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When will you implement a map for the Dojo, my dojo is too damn big and I get lost every damn time I go in there, especially since it spawns you randomly when you enter. Could we get a designated spawn point for everyone or at least a saved spawn point where you appear where you last were.

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Nice job so far guys - but a few things. Firstly Is there something wrong with the drops in the void no mag prime systems or forma drops (forma being the most important haven't seen a single forma drop in over 80 void trips) Second Will there be a T4 void with corrupted bosses for all the high level players (just thought i would throw that in there).

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First, I apologize if this was already asked.

I noticed that resource drops have changed in some of the systems, notably with Mutagen Samples NOT being dropped in their original locations of Jupiter and Eris. The only spot I am currently aware of them dropping is now in the new Orokin Derelict missions. Why the change? Was it intentional to make Mutagen Samples significantly more grindy to obtain? Personally, my clan is a Shadow Clan consisting of friends and other players at my local game store, and we weren't thrilled to find this out, especially when we've used a significant amount of what we did have on researching the new weapons (barely getting two researched).


(Edit was just for a couple spelling mistakes.)

Edited by AGRavingLunatic
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I love the new arsenal UI, but it's not completely functional, some stats aren't updated by mods, any further plans for it and how soon can we expect this style of UI to take over in the rest of warframe?


Weapon balance. We all know there are some pretty crazy weapon balance issues, and they've not been addressed for a long time. Throwing new mods at the community doesn't balance the weapons out anymore, and any that may help "even the playing field" restrict player builds anyway. So, when, if ever will this happen, or will this be appropriately handled in the yet to be released armor 2.0?


Costs tiers and resources being worth it. The additions in UP10 were varied and interesting, but came at a higher cost than before, nekros's bp cost more than double all other bp's, for no explainable reason, the new clan tech weps proved to have very steep requirements compared to older one's despite so far appearing to be vastly inferior to older clan tech weps. They're so much more expensive, yet straight up worse. Though some of that comes back to wep balance. And the suprisingly easy for mid to higher tier players, nekros farming was another cause of resources being worth it. For the less frequent player, I doubt they'd ever get the Nekros, because how would they know about it, or where to get it. We were led to believe it would replace the old golem on jupiter and that the volt parts would be moved elsewhere. Why is all this happening?


Other than that, no real complaints, the one last, more pleasant question I have is. Will we see new auras coming to the game? Or weapon/Sentinel equivalents to aura slots, plus, could rejuvination get a boost, in it's current state it's pretty weak and offers almost no reason to use it instead of energy siphon? 

Edited by MrNonApplicable
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Posted · Hidden by [DE]Mark, September 17, 2013 - Cleaning
Hidden by [DE]Mark, September 17, 2013 - Cleaning

Well i've Been Playing This Game Since 4 month's From Now ! And I Saw that This Game Is Developing in a massive way but There is One Problem For People who Can't Buy platinium ! LIKE ME ! Why not Giving us 100 platinium for free that would be great ! because we love this game i love it !! warframe is my life now ! and it will be great if you could respond to us and to our demand !! thank you ! love U guys and love your game !! WARFRAME <3

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Posted · Hidden by [DE]Mark, September 17, 2013 - Cleaning
Hidden by [DE]Mark, September 17, 2013 - Cleaning

Well i've Been Playing This Game Since 4 month's From Now ! And I Saw that This Game Is Developing in a massive way but There is One Problem For People who Can't Buy platinium ! LIKE ME ! Why not Giving us 100 platinium for free that would be great ! because we love this game i love it !! warframe is my life now ! and it will be great if you could respond to us and to our demand !! thank you ! love U guys and love your game !! WARFRAME <3

You're asking for free money? They give you 50 to start with, you should be grateful you have any.

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Not really related to Update 10, but still a question I'd like some input on:

Commands for Sentinels?  I can't count the number of times I've forgotten to unequip my sentinel when leveling really low-level weapons.  It would be extremely useful if you had some way of saying "hold fire" to your sentinel.  This would disable any offensive skills, but leave defensive ones in tact (such as restoring your shields), I imagine it could still draw fire from enemies.  The other option would be to deactivate it, where it's completely offline.

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Thank you for the newest update and this upcoming live stream, but I have a few questions.


Q1) This game is supposed to be released for the PS4. Will there be cross system in the servers?


Q2) I've been noticing a lot of network instability, small glitches, and little inconveniences such as if someone invites to a game, It's necessary for me to accept 2 invites before it puts me into a round. Could you tell me if this game focuses on a Player to Player connection, or does it focus on a Player to Server to Player type?


Q3) The rumor that this game is supposed to be up and out of beta in november. Could you address this? I would like to hear what you all have to say about the current progress and the rate at which you will continue to upgrade warframe as we go.


Q4) Conclave - I'm concerned that with the introduction of MORE PvP that you'll begin taking focus off of PvE. It seems this is a big worry of several players. Will you elaborate on plans to keep up or perhaps expand development? I'm not talking spoilers. I'm asking how you'll handle future upgrades. Will we see more updates? Will we see less PvE more PvP Updates? 


Q5) Will we see more mission types in the future now that you've added survival as well? Can we count on void assassinations perhaps?


Q6) Will we continue to see changes to the lobby itself? Will you work on the little freezes and necessary double invites? Or is this connection based?


Thank you for your time,


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Why on earth would you add the new weapons with ridiculously high costs in both credits and resources, then cut the ability to get said resources??? You are supposed to be fixing the farm, not making it worse. Specifically what I'm talk about is that Void missions have all been nerfed in the amount of credits give (without notification) when we need them more than ever, and you reduced Mutagen to ONLY THE DERELICT SET. I'm sorry but that is a huge mistake. So now, we have to farm in order to get the resources to make the keys in order to go farm some more?! This is a broken system and you are only making it worse. This is why people get tired of the new maps, because you force them to burnout. It should be a choice, not a requirement to get the better stuff.


Why do you resort to the mod system to fix what is broken??? Seriously, wtf DE? Instead of fixing the blocking system, you put in mods to do it for you. And even worse, these mods are for Warframes instead of the actual weapons! You are digging your own graves and it is terrible to see.


Overall, U10 had a lot a screwing us over, hidden behind the awesome new content.

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Question 1: Why are the new infested clan-tech weapons so utterly expensive and require 2 Formas? (also the Embolist is weak, very weak).


Question 2: What will happen with the Soma? Please don't tuch its damage stats (crit chance/damage, base damage and



Question 3: You said the Scarves will appear on alerts. Is this true?


Question 4: A lot of people say you are getting greedy (a lot of stuff for plat or HEAVY farming only). What do you think of that?


Question 5: Update 10 changed the name to Warfarm. Was this intended?

Edited by Grulos
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Got 2 questions for you that i would like to have an answer.


Q1. Will there be any trading system added at all to the game and if so when will you make it available?


Q2. Can you make orokin reactors/Catalyst drop more because i have been waiting over a month now for it to drop and i never get it :/

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If I were to be so bold to claim Nekros's 4th ability is a "Super baby light"-edition of Nyx's 3rd Chaos, costing more, needs preparation to be cast, non spammable and casting shadows that perform weaker than the original ones, coming from a harder to get frame, would you still try to defend it?


"You had ONE job Nekros, ONE JOB!!"

Edited by ROVictiM
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I apologize if this has already been asked (don't have time to read 20 pages), but will there ever be a way to farm for Scarfs (scarves)?


I have Nekros but he doesn't look anywhere near as cool without the Mortos scarf. There was no indication from the preview videos and stuff that he was wearing a scarf or that you had to pay for it. Just curious.  

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You have heard it before and you will hear it again; when will you address some of the disparity between solo and coop play? Despite frequent comments to the contrary, this is not coop only, it is a game for 1-4 players.


The difficulty of missions solo is way above that of coop play, particularly at higher levels.  Yet solo players cannot farm endless defence in the same way they can coop, leaving it a useless method to farm for keys, forma or mods. Higher-level defence is near impossible beyond level 5, some maps are not even possible at all (grineer cave with fusion reactor). Then we have all the recent events where solo players were expected to expend 400% more effort for the same reward as coop players.


Just where are solo players supposed to farm keys, forma, and mods that is on a par with their availability in coop. In 644 hours of play I have looted no more than 8-9 void keys and 3-4 forma, despite soloing xini as best as it can be soloed innumerable times, and soloing t3 extermination, raid, capture and mobile defence.


I, like most soloers in this game enjoy the greater difficulty running missions solo, that's why many of us do it, but that extra challenge should not come at the cost of lesser rewards.


In a word it is nonsense, how can one justify offering less reward for greater difficulty and effort, it is entirely back to front.

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Q: Do you think derelict void surfaces and physics were the correct decision? Because it leaves little room for acrobatics, estimating possible grabs, performing wall runs, jumping the gaps due to cluttered terrain.

Regular tilesets are pretty intuitive in that regard. And I enjoyed every single bit of solving Void jump puzzles.


Needless to say Derelict Void architecture negatively affects the pace and turns WF into more conventional shooter.

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