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Coming Soon: Livestream #14!


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Credit grind is ABSOLUTELY terrible right now. How do you plan to balance credit gain so it is viable for people who don't commit hours to Warframe in order to keep afloat? Personally I played roughly 16 hours at U10 release and I barely have enough credits to sustain my modding let alone new content with their inflated prices.

Any plans on making rare drops more balanced so that even the most unlucky player will get a rare drop after x amount of time playing? RNG seriously stinks sometimes I have played the entire weekend and no Power Throw or Whirlwind still.

credits are rather easy if you have a decent weapons, mods and or warframe on a fast higher level planet mission.  or bum rides and help people with void keys.  easy 17,000-70,000 if keys  or around 8,000 on some pluto missions if fast enough, usually capture related.  I'm just lazy so I go broke trying things out while my friends may have 2million+.

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Why put the golem behind keys when for months we were led to believe it would be replacing J3 on Jupiter?

Because if he would replace J3 as the boss new player would be forced to fight him and chances are that they will lose everytime. Where is the fun in that.

Edited by Okmari
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Will nekros' skills be tweaked? Desecrate is nearly worthless even when it works. Terrify doesn't seem to do anything, shadows of the dead is weak compared to chaos. Right now Nekros is the weakest frame.


Why did you put jay2k-gollum behind grind walls?


whose idea was it to overhaul stamina when nobody asked for it and why did you do it?


Why did you mix the void drops without telling about it in advance?


Why did you put mutagen masses only in orokin derelict sets?


Will you do anything to beginning planets? Because right now the game is not noob friendly.

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Are there plans to have greatly expanded details in the interface, so we know all the attributes of our equipment without having to check a website, or even know beyond what the website could tell us? 


Details like Critical Chance, Critical Damage, Total Armor, Total Duration Increase, Total Knockdown Recovery Speed, even Affinity to Next Level, would be great additions to the User Interface. 


Weapons could have a damage chart that lists all the damage types the weapon can inflict, and quantify what damage they would do on a target with 0 armor and infinite health. 

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credits are rather easy if you have a decent weapons, mods and or warframe on a fast higher level planet mission.  or bum rides and help people with void keys.  easy 17,000-70,000 if keys  or around 8,000 on some pluto missions if fast enough, usually capture related.  I'm just lazy so I go broke trying things out while my friends may have 2million+.

70,000? Where have you been? After U10 T3 keys only give around 26,000
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Ingame there is little explanation to be found on anything. Outside of the game, we only have you - the devs.
You keep referring to the Warframes as Characters that come with specific attributes and character traits, yet, the little lore we have suggests that Warframes are mere shells for combat-ready Tenno.
This also ties into gender issues: How can Nyx be female? Is the Warframe made for female Tenno only? Are Tenno a-/bisexual? Do Tenno assimilate attributes of the Warframe they wear?

In short: How can my Tenno (my account?!) be able to wear all different kinds of Warframe, while not effectively changing his/her/its gender, and why do you refer to the Warframes as Characters themselves, when it is entirely possible to have a mission with 4 Tenno wearing the same Warframe?

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i wil defenately be there!



now that we have scarfs, helmets and weapon skins. wil there be alternative skins for warframes? for instance my friends and i would love to make our frames look different than the other. btw, would you guys like to hang a braton replica on the studio walls? (A) :D

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for me U10 is a huge disapointment.


derelicts and new boss: team of four will have Nekros in 5-8 hours tops. So DE tell me why should i play derelicts after i am done with Nekros farming? I see no reason to do that. So you put all your efforts into what? 8 hours of gameplay at best? Nice job.


Void grind. no comments here.


To put it simple with U10 all you did is just brought grind to a new level. So my question is:


- when we will see any content that will offer long-term gameplay instead of yet another mindless grindfest? It is getting very tiresome and annoying DE.

Edited by Althix
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When could we see a 3D weapon preview system? 

and going along with that question,

When could we see the list of resources required to craft the weapon/frame (perferably on the market screen)?
and this could definitely be defined as a 'new player' only feature but I'd be interested in it too...
Do you ever plan on making a "Test Preview" system on weapons/frames?
I personally know a mate who made a Loki after his first frame, and let's just say Loki isn't really the frame he was after.

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I love the new cosmetic (Scarves) that was introduced in U10.
I'm wondering what new cosmetics do you plan to release in the future?
Also will there be an update which lets us customize aspects such as length or unique colors for the scarves?

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Q1: What was the thought process/ reasoning behind not re-doing J3 Golem and instead making J2000 Golem a new boss?



An extension to Question 1 here:

Why is J2000 Golem accessible where he is when it is very obvious that he was always intended to be a replacement to J3 Golem.

Running it last night, I even got Lotus calling him J3 Golem throughout the mission!

Is this Golem going to be switched for J3 at some point still?


I would like to run the Derelict more down the track, but given a grind wall I don't know if I'd bother so much, which is a shame for such an awesome tileset.  You can really tell in the level of detail in that tileset that a lot of thought and creativity was put in it.

Why not open it to other locations to share the tileset with a wider fan base!


Also, Mutagen Samples. Why are these only in derelict now? 

Edited by Dracknar
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Woo, a livestream!


Before I ask my question, I would like to say thank you for all the hard work you guys put into this game. It's come along amazingly since the closed beta. Keep up the amazing work and keep listening to us, your fans and players! :D


Now, here's the first [[Question]] I've been thinking about for the past day or so:


As this game is still in beta, would be it be possible to polish it even further in terms of graphical fidelity? Maybe higher resolution textures?


A few more [[Questions]]:

- What about more intelligent/tactical AI?

- More customization options in the graphics settings? I.e. Different types of AA, different levels of graphical effects(not just check a box, but have a low, medium, high, ultra options for things like textures, PhysX, etc), tessellation(?), etc.

- Any information on maybe getting dedicated servers down the line?

- Going back to the theme of my very first question, would be it impossible to move to a different engine? Just curious. Maybe something like Unreal 4 or CryEngine?


(edit) - Like others have been asking, when will we be getting story-based missions? Will this game have a story mode?

- How about more ninja-like abilities/weapons? More Warframe-dependent abilities(not just four), more variety in mission locations?


I think that's all I have for now. I'll make sure to either edit this post, or post again, when I think of more. :)

Edited by DirgeExtinction
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