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Personally, I kind of agree with OP. Let me explain.

I don't mind a bit of work when we have to get new frame. Especially when there's story involved. That turns the process of getting frame an an adventure, by allowing us to participate in game lore.

So far, however, all the frames since umbra were devoid of story. Revenant had bits of it that didn't really qualify.

And it's a trend that is worrying me. According to devstream, DE claims that 'adding story to the frame would slow down new frame release'. I'm sure it would. However, do we need constant slew of new frames when they, themselves, don't add much to the game? It's not like frame selection in game isn't big enough already. And lets be honest, last two (hildryn and upcoming wisp) seem to draw heavily from designs of other games. It seems to me that art design team really needs a break to kick back and come up with some designs unique to this game.

Also, all the recent frames were hidden behind significant grind walls. Trying to break through these in a 'gotta catch them all pokem...warframons!' game loop that warframe started to push is recently is starting to be tiresome.

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22 hours ago, llls1cKb0ylll said:

inb4 wisp is on ventkids top rank lul

Already there so ... I dunno man, that would be hilarious.

22 hours ago, Fishyflakes said:

You can always buy them for plat so what's the problem?

When plat is easier to farm than the frame itself ... you start thinking is the frame even worth the farm.

That being said I will plat Wisp anyway, even if her skills become total rubbish thanks to all the people pushing for Ghost Lady.

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I wouldn't mind them being behind rep if they had real quests. But instead it appears that DE wants to replace frame quests with "Okay get this level of rep with this faction then buy them", maybe a cutscene or handful of vendor dialogue lines thrown in if you're lucky.

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3 minutes ago, Datam4ss said:

When plat is easier to farm than the frame itself ... you start thinking is the frame even worth the farm.

-Looks at Baruuk-

Yep, it was 100% easier for me to buy him at a 75% discount on Switch than to farm Profit-taker alone because apparently nobody even does PT on Switch.

Hell I'd rather farm for Titania, at least that's less of a timelocked slog.

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But why not put them behind reputation grinds?

Fortuna especially offers a lot of useful content behind it's rep, if anything having frames behind it as well makes it even more worth the effort.

The same goes for the few additional ranks needed from Vox Solaris as they offer some of the most useful Operator Arcanes in the game.

8 minutes ago, Datam4ss said:

When plat is easier to farm than the frame itself ... you start thinking is the frame even worth the farm.

If anything plat is too easy to farm. For anyone who already has the gear, knowledge, and willingness to go through certain hoops it's really easy to farm plat.

For instance; just being able to do 3x3+ Eidolons a night can net a decent amount. Or even with something as low effort as Plains fishing (assuming there is still a market after the bait/arcane changes).

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1 minute ago, trst said:

But why not put them behind reputation grinds?

Fortuna especially offers a lot of useful content behind it's rep, if anything having frames behind it as well makes it even more worth the effort.

The same goes for the few additional ranks needed from Vox Solaris as they offer some of the most useful Operator Arcanes in the game.

Because some people don't care. Was stuck on Vox thanks to Atmos systems so ... I get it a lot of people are pissed off AF.

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2 hours ago, Merrowen said:

Personally, I kind of agree with OP. Let me explain.

I don't mind a bit of work when we have to get new frame. Especially when there's story involved. That turns the process of getting frame an an adventure, by allowing us to participate in game lore.

So far, however, all the frames since umbra were devoid of story. Revenant had bits of it that didn't really qualify.

And it's a trend that is worrying me. According to devstream, DE claims that 'adding story to the frame would slow down new frame release'. I'm sure it would. However, do we need constant slew of new frames when they, themselves, don't add much to the game? It's not like frame selection in game isn't big enough already. And lets be honest, last two (hildryn and upcoming wisp) seem to draw heavily from designs of other games. It seems to me that art design team really needs a break to kick back and come up with some designs unique to this game.

Also, all the recent frames were hidden behind significant grind walls. Trying to break through these in a 'gotta catch them all pokem...warframons!' game loop that warframe started to push is recently is starting to be tiresome.

Apparently the bulk of the Community wants new Frames & Tenno Reinforcements being pumped out more so than Story/Lore because: "Content Drought"

This year DE has been pumping out content too fast impo. Most of it has had bugs, or been imbalanced, or is so far buried under RNG grinds that it's actually more sensual to spend plat.

But it's what people want apparently. Quests like Mirage, Nidus, Limbo, Chroma, & especially Gara not only expanded the Lore of the game but really made each frame special. I'm disappointed that DE essentially has had to give up on the quests in order to meet Community expectations.

DE Steve did say that they might later on go back & add in a quick 1 or 2 page Comic in the Codex to give some lore to Frames. But as of right now moving forward there will be no Lore for new Warframes in order to keep production at a "steady & frequent" pace.

Basically...the community of Warframe needs to check itself & make a decision. Does it want:

Rich lore, less bugs, more refined weapons & Warframes released at a slower but "average" rate?


Less Lore, more bugs, average weapons, less inspired/unique Warframes released at a frequent/steady rate?

DE can't do both. They've be honest atleast & admitted that it is one or the other.

Sadly, the vocal community wants more/faster content. Even if it means bugs, bad economy, and sloppy design.

(Hildryn & Wisp are a HUGE missed opportunity. A Muscular powerhouse Warframe who's powers have absolutely 0 to do with muscle, & her Heavy Weapon special is just more ammo for the weapon. Wisp is a Warframe designed around "Portals" but only 1 ability actually uses a Portal. They both are dissappointing in terms of "conceptualization".)

Additionally, Prime Trailers are Officially no more. The development time & resources spent on them takes away from the content development. Hydroid Prime is the final one (Whenever they get around to sparing the resources to finish it.)

The game is Free to Play & unlike other Free to Play games you can actually get the items for free. But the grind for some items I admit...is a little intense.
More so than what is the norm this game.


Warframe is so high quality it's very easy to forget that it is a Free to Play game. Which is why I do believe that many of us (myself included) also forget that Free to Play comes with its own caveats & pit falls that are staple to "The Free to Play Formula".
These Caveats are: Excessive Grind, Time Gates, Incentive to purchase instead of earning/unlocking, & brutal RNG

However, to DE's credit Warframe is SIGNIFICANTLY more fair with those Free to Play Caveats than any other Free to Play game on the Market. The grind in Warframe for Mods, Warframe parts, & etc is honestly laughable compared to its Free to Play competition.
I am NOT defending the Warframes being locked behind Vox Solaris & etc. I'm just stating that considering the drop rates of items in this game coupled with the fact that we have UNLIMITED play time in the game. It's seriously not as bad as many may think. Although it can be extremely demoralizing.
(For example: Warframe could very easily adapt the "Gacha system" for various aspects of the game like most Free to Play Games, it could also add an Energy system limiting daily play like many other Free to Play games. But DE chooses to side with players & lets us play to our Hearts content & lets us buy whatever we want directly.)

DE isn't a AAA studio. I'm beginning to think that too many members of the community are unintentionally forgetting that when they set such high expectations from them.

Not saying we should have low expectations. But they (DE) can only do so much. They are a business in the end & they have to incentivize Platinum at one point or another.

Edited by (PS4)Zero_029
Added in a segment on Free to Play gaming that I meant to add in earlier.
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6 minutes ago, Datam4ss said:

Because some people don't care. Was stuck on Vox thanks to Atmos systems so ... I get it a lot of people are pissed off AF.

Well I get that people were annoyed by the rng nature of climbing their ranks but that's not a flaw with rep grinds, it's a flaw with the system part grinds and their place as rank sacrifices.

If people don't care about the Operator content then that's their choice but they're putting themselves out of a major game system that DE is only continuing to work on. People's gripes with Operators also isn't related to any reputation grind itself but rather part of the reward for said grind.


I feel the need to be specific about these because if players aren't sure or aware of the underlying cause of their woes then their feedback isn't actually going to help anyone.

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27 minutes ago, Aldain said:


Hell I'd rather farm for Titania, at least that's less of a timelocked slog.

Titania farming is better. It even unlock new mods drop from specter. But this standing required frame is bad. It shouldve been in the bounties. Or atleast quest based frame.

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2 hours ago, (PS4)Zero_029 said:


I agree with what you say, other than one thing.

Is community REALLY pushing for more story-less frames as 'content'? Wasn't it during one of recent devstreams when DE said that even they don't consider new frames 'content'?

I mean, now I have genuine question to everyone who visits these forums and plays warframe. Are you really satisfied with stagnating game that didn't have much happening in it for a time, other than constant stream of new frames and prime access packs?

When it comes to content, I'd describe it as things that expand the game lore and gameplay in new ways. New stories, new factions, new tilesets, new game mechanics.

Yes, new frame with new powers technically falls into 'new game mechanics'. But in reality it's only a way of doing the same content in a slightly different way. I don't feel that this alone is adding much to the game. Perhaps I'm just weird thinking that pretty graphics and new frames are feeling rather inconsequential when they don't have a good grounding in game world/lore.

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1 minute ago, XenMaster said:

Titania farming is better. It even unlock new mods drop from specter. But this standing required frame is bad. It shouldve been in the bounties. Or atleast quest based frame.

Yeah, hell, even Revanent had a mission for the main BP while the components were locked in bounties (though I also bought Rev for 75% off so I never completed the mission) and that mission was only locked behind rank 2 of the quills, which wasn't that bad compared to ranking up for Baruuk...ugh freaking Toroids....

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2 minutes ago, trst said:

Well I get that people were annoyed by the rng nature of climbing their ranks but that's not a flaw with rep grinds, it's a flaw with the system part grinds and their place as rank sacrifices.

If people don't care about the Operator content then that's their choice but they're putting themselves out of a major game system that DE is only continuing to work on. People's gripes with Operators also isn't related to any reputation grind itself but rather part of the reward for said grind.

I am an MR 26 who was lazy to get Vox standing and was stagnated thanks to Atmos Systems, so ofc I will get it out of the way (like I already did, because Magus Lockdown is awesome and free CC + damage). But you can be sure 90% of players will not be like me. Also, the lower your daily rep cap the more painful it is to grind all these factions, so you are forgetting that to low MRs the rep cap means they have to slog through weapons to get the rep cap up AND grind rep together. 

It took me a week to go to Old Mate because of hard on focus on Rep Grind at the expense of all else (except Sorties) since I have nothing left to do, but for someone of more average MR, that time can easily be double or triple mine and they have loads of stuff on their To Do list.

You gotta realize not everyone wants to rush MR then rush Syndicates then rush Open Worlds when it is a massive slog fest.


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2 minutes ago, Merrowen said:

I agree with what you say, other than one thing.

Is community REALLY pushing for more story-less frames as 'content'? Wasn't it during one of recent devstreams when DE said that even they don't consider new frames 'content'?

I mean, now I have genuine question to everyone who visits these forums and plays warframe. Are you really satisfied with stagnating game that didn't have much happening in it for a time, other than constant stream of new frames and prime access packs?

Well, I think that's what some people think, with them talking about "the good old days" of constant Tenno reinforcement.

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1 hour ago, Gamma745 said:

Well, I think that's what some people think, with them talking about "the good old days" of constant Tenno reinforcement.

I was playing during these good old days. It seems that new frames appearing were spaced farther apart, and game was getting way more in terms of meat: story, new missions, that sort of thing. I still remember inaros mission. Or nidus one. That's around the time we got rathuum. Rework of mobility. Heh. Anyone remembers when we had to spend endurance to climb up walls?

Now, it feels that all we get is a constant stream of story-less frames. It just feels so...mechanical. None of them expand the game in any significant way, none of them offer any memorable moments. Is that 'content'? Well, technically it is, but it feels so dry and conveyer belt like... *shrug* Personally, I'm not a fan.

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Ranking to max with a syndicate is something easy to do, much easier as your MR rank goes up, so a frame being locked behind a reputation wall isn't big deal, they aren't limited time only and there is no rush to get them either.

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Just now, Diavoros said:

Ranking to max with a syndicate is something easy to do, much easier as your MR rank goes up, so a frame being locked behind a reputation wall isn't big deal, they aren't limited time only and there is no rush to get them either.

More like super easy if your MR is high and totally cri if your MR is low...

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11 minutes ago, Diavoros said:

Ranking to max with a syndicate is something easy to do, much easier as your MR rank goes up, so a frame being locked behind a reputation wall isn't big deal, they aren't limited time only and there is no rush to get them either.

This. People are expecting everything immediately, and then complaining there is nothing to do. It's a grind game. If anything this should encourage people to get through their MR grind so it's less painful to do.. everything, rather than want it all handed out.

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