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its 325 plat in the store,use that method instead then. i mean if you are MR 7 it will take you 18 days to start building baruuk, and 4 if you get hildryn BP. i guess you can argue that the atmo or whatever systems preventing you from ranking up is a problem, but chances are good you will get them in a decent time like my dozen or more clan peeps did separately, we didnt even group for it.

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il y a une heure, Fishyflakes a dit :

You can always buy them for plat so what's the problem?

Are you serious ? God people who just say yes to everything DE does just disgust me ... why buy a frame with plat if you can farm it ? You know f2p players exist and they actually wanna get what is free ---- well ,free...

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2 minutes ago, HatedByLifeItself said:

Are you serious ? God people who just say yes to everything DE does just disgust me ... why buy a frame with plat if you can farm it ? You know f2p players exist and they actually wanna get what is free ---- well ,free...

If they "wanna get what is free" for free, then they gotta do the work to get it. (Thats part of taking the free route, ya know)

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Just now, HatedByLifeItself said:

Are you serious ? God people who just say yes to everything DE does just disgust me ... why buy a frame with plat if you can farm it ? You know f2p players exist and they actually wanna get what is free ---- well ,free...

then get it for free, nothing is stopping you. you should know that platinum is tradable for in game items without opening your wallet

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il y a 1 minute, Zanchak a dit :

If they "wanna get what is free" for free, then they gotta do the work to get it. (Thats part of taking the free route, ya know)

I never agreed with what the post says though ... so your point does not make sense to begin with, i just didn't agree with a comment and responded to it. Thanks for your constructive response 😮

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à l’instant, Talinthis a dit :

then get it for free, nothing is stopping you. you should know that platinum is tradable for in game items without opening your wallet

Okay, then do not farm any warframe and buy them all with plat ... quite the solution right? I just said that if i can get something free i get it for free and don't spend plat on it, and you can get plat for free but why use it on something that you can easily farm or grind for ? I prefer to use it for fashion. Also i don't think that "just buy it with plat" is the solution here, locking frames behind standings doesn't personally bother me at all but i would like to have a quest/lore part to it too, we will eventually run out of syndicates to put frame onto (maybe not)..

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9 minutes ago, Talinthis said:

i mean if you are MR 7 it will take you 18 days to start building baruuk

Making a huge assumption that a MR7 is even farmed up to Old Mate level so they can be farming for standing to rank up to farm for standing to farm for Baruuk parts.

Notice how many times I said "farm" in that last sentence? Gara and Revenant didn't have this slog, and neither did Garuda, Baruuk is the first frame to be aquired behind THIS CALIBER of farming.

A new player can get Gara and Garuda together faster than Baruuk alone.

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18 minutes ago, Zanchak said:

This. People are expecting everything immediately, and then complaining there is nothing to do. It's a grind game. If anything this should encourage people to get through their MR grind so it's less painful to do.. everything, rather than want it all handed out.

It'S a gRiND GaMe So iNsTeAD oF A pROpEr StORy juSt PuT NEw fRAme beHiND sH1t t0nS Of GriND

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1 hour ago, Merrowen said:

Is community REALLY pushing for more story-less frames as 'content'? Wasn't it during one of recent devstreams when DE said that even they don't consider new frames 'content'?

I've come to believe that it is.
Around the end of 2018 these forums were ablaze with people under the guise that the game was in a massive Content Drought.
Some Warframe Partners impo honestly made it seem worse than it was though...
To be fair, both sides of the argument as to whether we were in a content drought or not were right & wrong.
Content was slow to come out, but it was coming out in decent intervals. Just not frequent enough for the Hardcore/Dedicated Players. (Fair enough...)
Many folks here should go look at Destiny 2...you want to see slow content releases...man...try that game out.

DE did release plenty of high in quality content in 2018. DE also did a Massive Overhaul of various QoL segments to Warframe:
- Primary & Secondary Weapons got rebalanced & streamlined across MR across the board to help with Progression
- Beam Weapons received an overhaul (I dislike the change but many claim it's better.)
- Various Reworks to Warframes (some better than others)
- Brand New UI was built & launched
Streamlining the UI across all platforms helping pave the way to reduced release wait times between PC & Console (Nightwave being the first true example of a simultaneous all platform content drop)
- Built, test, & implement a new Graphic/Lighting Engine & Effects
Due to Nvidia dropping support DE also had at the very serious hiccup of needing to build their own lighting & effects engine for the game (this is seriously NO small feat), I know this slowed down if not forced DE to halt various things in production.
- Added Sanctuary Onslaught/Elite Sanctuary Onslaught, Arbitrations, Khora, Revenant (and his mini-Quest), 2 New Eidolon Fights, The Sacrifice (and Excalibur Umbra with it),
- Added Fortuna & The Orb Vallis

That's honestly a lot of content. (I think I'm missing some things.)
Now, ESO & Arbitrations don't have caps on them so unsurprisingly players literally burned through them in a week or 2. (Hence why we have the oh so unpopular Standing System & Caps in place.)
The result of many of these additions not having limiters/gates/caps is that players were able to play to their hearts content & easily devoured all the content.
Which creates an illusion of Content Drought as those players have now "Done it all, & Seen it All."
But with nothing in game to keep them entertained there was a drought of sorts. Unlike now. (Love it or Hate it...Nightwave gives everyone S#&$ to do. Old Content is indeed relevant again.)
On Twitter DE admitted that the rate they were added updates was not going the way they desired it/wanted it to. They felt that the gaps between drops was too long as well.
(They never said WHY until 2019 when they admitted they bit off too much at once.)
On Twitter, Reddit, & these forums folks said they wanted the tiny patches back.
You know, The Tenno Reinforcements, The Warframe drops, The small little additions to modes (if any), the usual Prime Access spectacle.
Well, DE has answered that request this year. DE also found away to make old content relevant...which players DID ask for.
(We essentially begged DE for Nightwave if you really think about it...or go dig up old 2018 Forum threads.)

Personally, during that so called drought I found myself frequently telling folks to: "Be careful what you ask for, because you just might get it."
Well here we are.
Prime Trailers are gone for good.
Warframes now are being added with no Lore and no true promise they'll ever get Lore. The Comic idea was something Steve mentioned as a "thought" during a Devstream. In fact the Nightwave storylines are how he said he's considered adding them. So...basically a Captura photo with some dialogue/text. Think on that...
More MR Fodder Weapons & etc being added.

But the content is flowing steady. *shrug*

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1 hour ago, HatedByLifeItself said:

Are you serious ? God people who just say yes to everything DE does just disgust me ... why buy a frame with plat if you can farm it ? You know f2p players exist and they actually wanna get what is free ---- well ,free...

Right so what exactly is worse than being able to buy blueprints for standing rather than beg RNG ala Nidus, Harrow, and Equinox?

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1 hour ago, (XB1)RevenantRequiem said:

Little voice overs don't count. Sure Harrow and Octavia had quests but they didn't have story. Story is stuff like the 2nd Dream and the War Within. Plot relevant. All those quests are merely lore tidbits. 

Harrow had a comic well it was rell chains of harrow seemed to go off what happened after also harrow brought man in the wall who was revealed voice wise in the end of the 2nd dream so.... thar be story if only minor

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4 hours ago, Aldain said:

-Looks at Baruuk-

Yep, it was 100% easier for me to buy him at a 75% discount on Switch than to farm Profit-taker alone because apparently nobody even does PT on Switch.

Hell I'd rather farm for Titania, at least that's less of a timelocked slog.

A lot of players on switch simply don't have the reputation grinded out for Fortuna. Keep in mind it's only been out for a couple months on switch, and at lower mastery ranks it can take upwards of a month of grinding out fortuna standing every single day to get to max standing. The *vast* majority of players don't dedicate themselves to that kind of grind, which is why the recent nightwave mission was such a slap in the face to many of us.

Myself for example, I started a new profile for the switch so I'm only currently MR11. When I have a few hours a day to play, grinding out fortuna standing is on the bottom of my priority list which means I'll likely not get to fight any of the orbs for a loooooooooooong time. It's disappointing because they looks interesting, but I have so many other things I can rather do. Like Eidolons. Which don't require a standing farm.

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I grinded Gara+Revenant and since that time I avoid PoE+Orb Valiis as much as possible. Running bounties over and over is not fun for me. I saw calculation somewhere and it's hundreds of bounties runs needed to max PoE standing, moreover if you want also to create Zaws, buy some extras for standing. It's frustrating to run 10 bounties, then buy something with rep and you loose that progress. 

Fortunately there is another way.. I always buy those new warframe with platinum if I get 75% discount. I got one recently and bought Hildrin for 81plat. And it saves me like 100 hours of bounties/gem/fish/toroid grind..

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1 hour ago, (NSW)Sniperfox47 said:

I'll likely not get to fight any of the orbs for a loooooooooooong time. It's disappointing because they looks interesting

Profit-taker really isn't unfortunately, its just a huge fustercluck of enemies and incoming and outgoing damage.

The only thing of worth that I got from capping Fortuna was the Archgun Deployer, everything else is just kinda there.

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I dont find it grindy to get new frames. Maybe because i didnt leave the game and expect everything to be handed to me when i get back to it. The bond system is so easy to level up. Just play with the frames u can get and by the time u do that u will be done with your "rep grind"

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