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7 hours ago, Hadzao said:

Ok, thanks DE.


In case you hadn't noticed, this game is all about the grind.

I think the devs even said in the last stream that they have no plans for any new frame quests, so it looks like this is the only way we're going to get them, for the foreseeable future.

Also, its not like grinding rep is much worse than doing repeat bounties or missions, hoping the right components drop.


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7 hours ago, Aldain said:

-Looks at Baruuk-

Yep, it was 100% easier for me to buy him at a 75% discount on Switch than to farm Profit-taker alone because apparently nobody even does PT on Switch.

Hell I'd rather farm for Titania, at least that's less of a timelocked slog.

You can't farm Titania, if you sell the parts from the quest she is gone for good.

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2 minutes ago, Highlord83 said:

Blame the basement dwellers and the All Impprtant Digital Fighting Elite. The ones that blow through content drops in a weekend, then complain about being bored.

Is that a joke? everyone has their own pace, if a developer even attempts to keep up with people who are clearly skilled and creative enough to breeze through content this would turn into a generic TPS from all the nerfs and reworks they would do on a tantrum just to slow down said people, that being said we already have time gates in the foundry and daily standing caps to slowdown progress on average players (AKA, the way to also pressure them into spending money), padding more and more just makes these things stand out even more and make you want to punch certain people in the face every time something doesn't drop.

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7 minutes ago, Highlord83 said:

Blame the basement dwellers and the All Impprtant Digital Fighting Elite. The ones that blow through content drops in a weekend, then complain about being bored.

Even though DE is the one who decided to follow those guys.

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24 minutes ago, VanFanel1980mx said:

You can't farm Titania, if you sell the parts from the quest she is gone for good.

More ment going through apothic farming for the quest.

That is more fun to me than the standing slog Fortuna has, and that's saying alot when all I'd be doing is scanning plants in capture missions.

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1 minute ago, Fishyflakes said:

I'm saying that as a person who buys Warframes for plat.

A novel concept I'm sure you could imagine.

You do realize that if you say the more reasonable way to obtain a frame is "just buy them with plat', that means you admit the "regular" farming method is just badly designed?

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8 hours ago, llls1cKb0ylll said:

inb4 wisp is on ventkids top rank lul

didn't know Satan had a Forums account...

I can live with a straight up rep grind, as it's something to work towards. my issue is when they gate reaching certain ranks VIA RNG. now Baruuk and Hildryn aren't too bad, Vox rank 2 is all you need, but if they put a frame at rank 4 or 5 and gate it behind a Syndicate Sacrifice on par with those garbage Atmo Systems, with insanely bad RNG that forces you to repeat the exact same mission over and over again.. then we're gonna have problems. I'm already miffed that this BS is the only way to get Fortuna's Amps, IMO there should NEVER be something MR locked behind that many walls, especially when you can't bypass the grind with platinum. I hope DE never brings out another Atmo System Grind ever again.

like I said if all you need is rep, I can live with that, it's something to work towards.. but there's only so much DE can get away with, and they were REALLY pushing it for me with Atmo Systems. either gate a frame behind rep OR abysmal RNG if you must, but NEVER both!


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3 minutes ago, (PS4)robotwars7 said:

like I said if all you need is rep, I can live with that, it's something to work towards.. but there's only so much DE can get away with, and they were REALLY pushing it for me with Atmo Systems. either gate a frame behind rep OR abysmal RNG if you must, but NEVER both!

I can't even get 2 of each Toroid to drop so I can get to freaking rank one X_X.

Nevermind that Profit-taker is dead on Switch anyway so even if I did get those Toroids I wouldn't be able to get the standing in any efficient fashion.

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1 minute ago, Aldain said:

I can't even get 2 of each Toroid to drop so I can get to freaking rank one X_X.

ouch. you are farming in all 3 bases, right? Temple of Profit for Sola Toroids, Enrichment labs for Calda Toroids, Spaceport for Vega Toroids.

yeah, once you get rank 1, welcome to the systems grind. first you'll need 15 Gyromag systems, the you'll be at the same point as me grinding endlessly for Atmo Systems.

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Just now, (PS4)robotwars7 said:

ouch. you are farming in all 3 bases, right? Temple of Profit for Sola Toroids, Enrichment labs for Calda Toroids, Spaceport for Vega Toroids.

I've been going back and forth between bits of hands on farming and running Profit taker parts 1-3, so far all I have are the Caldas and I've been stuck at rank 0 for just about two months.

I actually got 2 ranks in the Quills the other day, and I used to hate Quills farming back when the Switch version was PoE crash prone and didn't spawn any sentients. Which surprised me that it was so easy now that its working (and the new Rubico Prime doesn't hurt either)

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5 minutes ago, Aldain said:

I've been going back and forth between bits of hands on farming and running Profit taker parts 1-3, so far all I have are the Caldas and I've been stuck at rank 0 for just about two months.

well, all you can do is keep farming the Temple and the Spaceport, I think you can get Toroids in the Profit taker rewards, but it's likely far more efficient to use recruit chat to get a Toroid farming squad together, bring a Nekros and just keep killing enemies until enough of them drop. I did one of these farms and got like 100 Calda Toroids, may as well spend a good couple of hours on it and never have to do it again, at least for a while.

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1 minute ago, (PS4)robotwars7 said:

well, all you can do is keep farming the Temple and the Spaceport, I think you can get Toroids in the Profit taker rewards, but it's likely far more efficient to use recruit chat to get a Toroid farming squad together, bring a Nekros and just keep killing enemies until enough of them drop. I did one of these farms and got like 100 Calda Toroids, may as well spend a good couple of hours on it and never have to do it again, at least for a while.

I should have gotten on farming them back when Toroid farm parties were showing up daily, oh well, since I bought Baruuk on discount there's no rush overall....except for better amp parts but eh.

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With the complaints from nightwave challenges asking you to kill Profit Taker it's apparent that many people would rather not even play the game until it's too late for them.

You only grind the rep for a syndicate once to access all of its rewards. Let me repeat that ONCE. In the case of Solaris United there is actual story and lore behind it. I suggest you grind your rep now while there's plenty of time so you aren't wondering why you can't get the new stuff later.

Strong possibility you'll need some Solaris United progress for that 3rd orb mother so get to it.

Edit: The early ranks for Vox Solaris where you can't buy the resource for rep so you're forced to grind Profit Taker bounties for an rng drop is probably the worst offender and I'm not supporting this type of grind.

Edited by (PS4)Double991
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8 hours ago, HatedByLifeItself said:

I never agreed with what the post says though ... so your point does not make sense to begin with, i just didn't agree with a comment and responded to it. Thanks for your constructive response 😮

My post was responding to your post therefore it was relevant to your post. Basically exactly what you did, genius. :clap:


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Could not be bothered to read it all, here's just my two cents on the matter

You don't like the game bro ? The all point of WF is to farm for stuff. I'm happy when I finally get the thing I worked to get. If you make it so that everything is easy AF to get, you loose the point of the game !

You don't even need those frames, there are way enough easily farmable ones already for every activity in the game.

Maxing a syndicats ain't a big deal at all, at least let it have a decent reward at the end.

You're just reaping all the invested players of their loot because you're too lazy to grind a little bit in the king of looter games...

Try working for it, it'll feel much better when you get there than if it was just given to you.

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Could not be bothered to read it all, here's just my two cents on the matter

You don't like the game bro ? The all point of WF is to farm for stuff. I'm happy when I finally get the thing I worked to get. If you make it so that everything is easy AF to get, you loose the point of the game !

You don't even need those frames, there are way enough easily farmable ones already for every activity in the game.

Maxing a syndicats ain't a big deal at all, at least let it have a decent reward at the end.

You're just reaping all the invested players of their loot because you're too lazy to grind a little bit in the king of looter games...

Try working for it, it'll feel much better when you get there than if it was just given to you.

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Il y a 4 heures, Highlord83 a dit :

Blame the basement dwellers and the All Impprtant Digital Fighting Elite. The ones that blow through content drops in a weekend, then complain about being bored.

LMAO, I'm a full time accountant, can only play 2h a day after work

All synd maxed

All NW challenges so far done

FULLY up to date with all updates since Chains of Harrow.

You don't need to be a cave dweller to do it all, just do it, stop complaining on forums it's too hard (looking at you 1h survival) and do it my friend

 Edit : came out a bit strong, didn't mean go be... Well... Mean.

Just to say it's really not that much, people are not camping the game 10h at a time to get where they are. 

Edited by Fallen77
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4 hours ago, HugintheCrow said:

You do realize that if you say the more reasonable way to obtain a frame is "just buy them with plat', that means you admit the "regular" farming method is just badly designed?

I mean...If I spent $30 on a DLC for warframe and then had to farm for the frame...then sure.    But things is that DE has to balance is to make buying the frame for plat just slightly more enticing than farming for a percentage of their player base.     If it was always easier to farm the frame universally than to buy it...then who would ever buy it?   The only group I could think of are the people who want to "flex" on day 1 or get their twitch streams or YT videos monetized.  That is a very small group.

Personally I think DE has it nailed pretty good as of late.   If you just "play the game", it will happen and reasonably so.    Hell, I didn't have chroma prime until 2/3 the way through that PA.  I was foolish and bought khora because I didn't like the math.   Now I realize that after leveling numerous frames in SO I have 7 sets of her.   The stuff just eventually "comes your way".   If you want it now (quick) you either will have to work your ass off or pay plat.   That is one of the core pillars of the warframe F2P model.    If you don't like it, then fine.   But asking for it to change is like asking for banks to stop charging interest on loans....

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15 minutes ago, Chappie1975 said:

I mean...If I spent $30 on a DLC for warframe and then had to farm for the frame...then sure.    But things is that DE has to balance is to make buying the frame for plat just slightly more enticing than farming for a percentage of their player base.     If it was always easier to farm the frame universally than to buy it...then who would ever buy it?   The only group I could think of are the people who want to "flex" on day 1 or get their twitch streams or YT videos monetized.  That is a very small group.

Personally I think DE has it nailed pretty good as of late.   If you just "play the game", it will happen and reasonably so.    Hell, I didn't have chroma prime until 2/3 the way through that PA.  I was foolish and bought khora because I didn't like the math.   Now I realize that after leveling numerous frames in SO I have 7 sets of her.   The stuff just eventually "comes your way".   If you want it now (quick) you either will have to work your ass off or pay plat.   That is one of the core pillars of the warframe F2P model.    If you don't like it, then fine.   But asking for it to change is like asking for banks to stop charging interest on loans....

TBH, I'm personally not that miffed about the rep grind thing. I like grinding non-rng "always progressing even if slowly" kinda things.

Just wanted to adress your point, as I fell that DE doesn't have to make it easier to farm things, just that they could make the rep grind a little more varied (a lot of people seem to fell as the current systems are slightly too repetitive).

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12 hours ago, Aldain said:

-Looks at Baruuk-

Yep, it was 100% easier for me to buy him at a 75% discount on Switch than to farm Profit-taker alone because apparently nobody even does PT on Switch.

Hell I'd rather farm for Titania, at least that's less of a timelocked slog.

I'VE BEEN TRYING TO DO PT ON SWITCH FOR A MONTH!!! I can't consistently do tridolons either, so I don't have the arcanes to solo it. I have to do 28 more eidolons to rep up with the Quills.


Seriously, I already bought Baruuk at 75% too lol I did an arbitration by myself with him last night.

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