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What challenges are acceptable?

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Trouble is, I think some of the challenges are either too easy or too boring. 

The regular Weeklies just need some small tweaking, especially the Forma, Sculptures, Gilding and Bounty ones. If the Forma was reduced to Forma 1 Item, Sculpture down to 1 Sculpture and just remove the Gilding one, I'd be fine with that. That way I still feel like I gained Four Forma from the rewards. However as both times I got the 'Forma Three Things' challenges on the same weeks that I was getting the Three Forma prize, I felt like basically there were two stages where I basically gained nothing. 

As for doing 8 Bounties. I thought it originally meant 8 stages of a bounty. No. It's long and tedious and only serves in making people simply do the three stage bounty in PoE/Heist 2 eight times. I can do all three Spy Missions + Perhaps even get some bonus with Nightmare Missions in the time it takes to do a five stage bounty in PoE/Orb Vallis. This is the most time consuming regular Weekly in my opinion. I would fix it by making it 10 STAGES of a Bounty. That way people will do two full rotations. 

The Dailies are usually too easy. It's not difficult for anyone to, for example, go into an Exterminate Mission on Mercury with Exalted Blade modded with Magnetic damage. You'll still one shot enemies and it will count to it. However I'm kind of fine with the Daily Missions being this easy also since it's good for the much newer players.

What I mainly have issues with though is the Elite Weeklies. Everyone has probably gone over the 'With Friends/Clan Mates' to death at this point. While I don't really play with any friends, I do play them with Clan Mates and almost all the time it's either do it Monday or do it Sunday on the last days. Between the weeks, no one seems to want to do it in our clan and I have no idea if that's true for anyone else.

No, the real problem is the one hour challenges. They're not challenges, they're boring. Not only that but you during that mission you will get the message 'You've been playing over an hour" message as if reminding you that this was actually a bad idea in the first place. Remove the 'With Friends/Clan Mates' part of some of those challenges and reduce the time down to half an hour.

Now, one of my Clanmates did have an idea for those who enjoy the hour stay. Add on an extra 3K Rep if you stay the whole hour. 5K for Half an Hour, 8K for the full hour. 

Now they did fix/reduce some of these already I know. The Sculpture one went from 5 to 3, but I still feel that can be a luck of the draw. People are STILL wanting to buy empty Ayatans because of this challenge. I'm fine with cracking 10 Relics, because Void Traces and items to sell for Ducats are always going to be useful and everyone has access to Relics. Plus, again just to prove the point of how ridiculous completing 8 bounties is, you can probably crack 10+ relics before you complete 8 Bounties using a 3 stage PoE Bounty. 

Also to address the issue that 'If you don't like a challenge, don't do it', it's not that. Formaing Three items is MEANT to definitely be something newer players who can't do some of the other challenges are meant to do. They'll be forced to pick that as one of their '60-70%' completion rate if they want everything. Might as well help the newer players out and give them some profit of Forma after the end of it. 

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1 hour ago, (PS4)Zero_029 said:

My gut tells me that you would not like a system where a new/casual player can just drop some materials or miniscule amount of plat to "clear" one of these Filthy Hard challenges you desire.

You can look at some failed modern games that tried to emulate that era & well...they couldn't keep players, retain new players, and eventually struggled to pull in new players. The dedicated players were there yes. But they can't keep a game afloat by themselves.

The type of challenges I have in mind could not simply be beaten by having access to better gear. They require knowledge and skill as well, I am willing to bet that most players could not even complete the rank 1 tier of my clan's ascension tests. There are many that could but far more that couldn't because they require actual skill and knowing the mechanics of the game, they're designed to test you in that way and the challenges I would want to see added, would also.

On this last point that is why i ensured I added enough standing for casual players to be able to get to rank 30. If they want to go beyond 30, I think it's reasonable that they must earn it, they're not being denied any exclusives at that point, instead being rewarded for effort.

And for the filthy hard challenges just add something as simple as say 20k kuva per challenge. That'd be fine, it's the one resource vets need more of and find annoying to farm, especially since they nerfed hosting floods.

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The challenges that i tend to avoid are those that are for sorties and stuff requiring me to do that i find less than fun because of its difficulty. 


But its pretty clear that no set of challenges will ever fit everyone, some want extremely hard while others want easy. So how does one make both work at the same time? 

I would say that using something like a weekly standing cap could work and then offer far more challenges than now so that one can pick and choose. Do you want to do a hard challenge? If so the hard ones can reward a lot of standing so that those that do them hit the cap after just a few. While doing the easier ones take a lot more of them to be completed to hit the cap. Something like this should give both sides more options and allow more variety in the challenges in general. 

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Alright, I'll bite. I'll throw my two cents in

First, Trim the fat out of Nightwave. Take all the Glyphs and sigils, and have them as options to buy with creds at a lower cost. Remove Wolf creds as a tier reward, make them a passive reward for completing Nightwave goals instead not unlike how you can gain passive standing for regular syndicates. In-fact add in a sigil that grants the wearer bonus wolf creds.

That alone should be a start in the right direction.

Next focus on big rewards. Extra Warframe/Weapon slots are good rewards for those that need them, higher amounts of Kuva would be excellent too. I would suggest rarer resources like Breath of Eidolon, Eidolon shards, more Arcanes. Keep the unique armor cosmetics centered around the story. But throw in something really big. As I suggested not long ago, unlocking the ability to Purchase Umbra Forma and or Blue Prints to make them. Make the BP take more resources then normal, like if it took 5 Argons under normal circumstances these would require 10. So you would still have to work for the stuff, or plat it away.

That will keep them as a big incentive to participate in Nightwave. Also consider things like that datamined Omega forma that would have allowed us to forma our weapons and frames without resetting them to rank 0.

Next the goals, the hour long ones are stuff that only super hardcore players really do. And yes, if you run 3 hour long survivals, I'd say you're super hardcore. Don't tie any form of stipulation to these goals that can be easily ruined. The hour long Kuva Survival with only LS drops and Survival with a friend come to mind, those are super easy to screw up with one host migration or lagging player.

Keep the goals reasonable, if I have to pat my head and rub my belly while fighting Profit Taker for an hour with a full squad of friends or clan mates and no one can jump. That goal is bad and not worth the effort. For that matter, trim down the amount of times one has to rerun a mission type.

Most people will cheese goals that require you to do a mission type, I know every time I have to do X spy or Rescue missions I simply use my Equinox with his insane death field, and run through the mission's on earth. Everything dies, I get it done in less then 5 minutes. 0 Effort.

Get rid of any goals that require building modular weapons and guilding them. Or require us to slot Ayatans. I got lucky this time since I had two on hand and the one sortie handed one to me. I normally wouldn't keep them cause I need the Endo badly. Also get rid of the "play with a clan mate or a friend" stipulation, that is a source of annoyance.

And as for elites, shave em down some. Make them worth more points. I rather enjoyed the Tridolon bounty as an elite bounty, that one took some effort and cooridination. Unlike unlocking 10 relics, or running 10 nightmare missions.

And finally, The Wolf, or whatever boss will be next, he should at least drop decent stuff and NW points for how annoying he is to take down. And make the prisoners worth a base 100 points.

Nightwave needs tweaking that's for sure.

Edited by T.Hoagie
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18 minutes ago, T.Hoagie said:

Alright, I'll bite. I'll throw my two cents in

First, Trim the fat out of Nightwave. Take all the Glyphs and sigils, and have them as options to buy with creds at a lower cost. Remove Wolf creds as a tier reward, make them a passive reward for completing Nightwave goals instead not unlike how you can gain passive standing for regular syndicates. In-fact add in a sigil that grants the wearer bonus wolf creds.

That alone should be a start in the right direction.

Next focus on big rewards. Extra Warframe/Weapon slots are good rewards for those that need them, higher amounts of Kuva would be excellent too. I would suggest rarer resources like Breath of Eidolon, Eidolon shards, more Arcanes. Keep the unique armor cosmetics centered around the story. But throw in something really big. As I suggested not long ago, unlocking the ability to Purchase Umbra Forma and or Blue Prints to make them. Make the BP take more resources then normal, like if it took 5 Argons under normal circumstances these would require 10. So you would still have to work for the stuff, or plat it away.

That will keep them as a big incentive to participate in Nightwave. Also consider things like that datamined Omega forma that would have allowed us to forma our weapons and frames without resetting them to rank 0.

Next the goals, the hour long ones are stuff that only super hardcore players really do. And yes, if you run 3 hour long survivals, I'd say you're super hardcore. Don't tie any form of stipulation to these goals that can be easily ruined. The hour long Kuva Survival with only LS drops and Survival with a friend come to mind, those are super easy to screw up with one host migration or lagging player.

Keep the goals reasonable, if I have to pat my head and rub my belly while fighting Profit Taker for an hour with a full squad of friends or clan mates and no one can jump. That goal is bad and not worth the effort. For that matter, trim down the amount of times one has to rerun a mission type.

Most people will cheese goals that require you to do a mission type, I know every time I have to do X spy or Rescue missions I simply use my Equinox with his insane death field, and run through the mission's on earth. Everything dies, I get it done in less then 5 minutes. 0 Effort.

Get rid of any goals that require building modular weapons and guilding them. Or require us to slot Ayatans. I got lucky this time since I had two on hand and the one sortie handed one to me. I normally wouldn't keep them cause I need the Endo badly. Also get rid of the "play with a clan mate or a friend" stipulation, that is a source of annoyance.

And as for elites, shave em down some. Make them worth more points. I rather enjoyed the Tridolon bounty as an elite bounty, that one took some effort and cooridination. Unlike unlocking 10 relics, or running 10 nightmare missions.

And finally, The Wolf, or whatever boss will be next, he should at least drop decent stuff for how annoying he is to take down. And make the prisoners worth a base 100 points.

Nightwave needs tweaking that's for sure.

You make good points but I'll just give you the viewpoint of a vet so that you understand the other side of the coin here.
1. I like your first points. the sigil isn't needed though, there's a point between making things easier to get and showering the casuals in gifts from Santa, case in point - the exploiter orb rewards.
2. Kuva sure always welcome, breaths of eidolon nope don't need em. eidolon shards, I have about 10k of them right now. Arcanes I have 2 sets of each plus many spare sets for sale, not really necessary but extra rare arcanes are always good for clan giveaways or trading for plat. I cannot agree with an Umbral forma BP, it's a very slippery slope towards pure power creep territory and I don't think you realise just how many spare resources I and many others have on hand to throw at such things. 10 argon crystals? That's 5 minutes work. how about 1 million nanospores? Again not a problem, etc etc. 
3. Omega forma really isn't that interesting to me, I can level a frame in about 4 minutes, I can level weapons in 3 minutes, there's no real urgent need for omega forma.
4. Profit Taker is easy to do if you're in a good clan like many of us are. But I can understand the frustration of a host migration. Without the requirement of doing it with a friend, if you're decently geared it's a fairly easy solo fight with no risk of migration.
5. Accurate. Although Nova is even faster for such things :)
6. I don't personally mind those challenges because it's just a drop in the ocean on resources but sure, I can see why people get frustrated with it.
7. When it comes to elites, things like Tridolon simply do not cut it, I can do a Tridolon in under 10 minutes no problem at all, under 20 minutes solo, so can many other vets. Give me things like time trials ie complete Lephantis Assassination in under 2 minutes, that sort of thing. I quite liked the 3 wave Index without them scoring challenge, that's an example of a better challenge design that required a little theory before being able to solo it.
8. Yeh his drops are underwhelming but I find him easy enough to kill quickly and then move on with the mission at hand so he's not a major issue.

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3 hours ago, Zilchy said:

You make good points but I'll just give you the viewpoint of a vet so that you understand the other side of the coin here.
1. I like your first points. the sigil isn't needed though, there's a point between making things easier to get and showering the casuals in gifts from Santa, case in point - the exploiter orb rewards.
2. Kuva sure always welcome, breaths of eidolon nope don't need em. eidolon shards, I have about 10k of them right now. Arcanes I have 2 sets of each plus many spare sets for sale, not really necessary but extra rare arcanes are always good for clan giveaways or trading for plat. I cannot agree with an Umbral forma BP, it's a very slippery slope towards pure power creep territory and I don't think you realise just how many spare resources I and many others have on hand to throw at such things. 10 argon crystals? That's 5 minutes work. how about 1 million nanospores? Again not a problem, etc etc. 
3. Omega forma really isn't that interesting to me, I can level a frame in about 4 minutes, I can level weapons in 3 minutes, there's no real urgent need for omega forma.
4. Profit Taker is easy to do if you're in a good clan like many of us are. But I can understand the frustration of a host migration. Without the requirement of doing it with a friend, if you're decently geared it's a fairly easy solo fight with no risk of migration.
5. Accurate. Although Nova is even faster for such things 🙂
6. I don't personally mind those challenges because it's just a drop in the ocean on resources but sure, I can see why people get frustrated with it.
7. When it comes to elites, things like Tridolon simply do not cut it, I can do a Tridolon in under 10 minutes no problem at all, under 20 minutes solo, so can many other vets. Give me things like time trials ie complete Lephantis Assassination in under 2 minutes, that sort of thing. I quite liked the 3 wave Index without them scoring challenge, that's an example of a better challenge design that required a little theory before being able to solo it.
8. Yeh his drops are underwhelming but I find him easy enough to kill quickly and then move on with the mission at hand so he's not a major issue.

I guess I should preface things with "these are examples I pulled out of my butt to make a point", while someone in your position would have access to insane amounts of resources, which I do myself though not everything of course, Nightwave isn't just for vets its supposed to be for everybody really. And newer players wouldn't have access or the ability to get an excessive amount of resources, at least for awhile.

And personally I wouldn't consider something like a Wolf cred boosting sigil to be anything more then something nice, I think the Red Veil Maelstrom symbol which I use on my frames grants 8% more standing. Not a tremendous amount, but certainly a good boost. I'm simply applying the same logic to Wolf creds, prices could be adjusted to match obviously, its just a matter of making things a bit easier on people and creating less negative backlash.

And I'll be honest, I don't view "Power creep" as an issue for this game. We all get insanely powerful as we dedicate time and resources into the game. And there are just some things that will get left behind and need a rework, that just happens. When it comes to the Umbral forma's I view them no differently then a Riven. A player with a strong riven on their weaponry is going to vastly outperform someone who does not have the same gear. Technically the same could be said for any build or strat.

My stance is that the reward should be big, and I can't think of a better way to do that then to grant access to things like the Umbral forma either via blue print buildings or simply buying them with plat. Though again, the numbers I pulled up were just an example, if you're gonna make them craftable, they should cost a lot. Not an insane "why bother?" amount, but enough that one would have to actually put some time into it.

And yes, the Omega forma is not a requirement by any means, I'm just approaching it as a "big shiny reward" to work to. Cause, yes, you can level a frame to max in like 5 minutes if you get help from someone with a Sleepinox on a high level mission, but not everybody is in that position.

Speaking of clans?, does yours have any open spaces?. My clan is completely dead in the water. The admin just booted like 30 people yesterday, most of them having not logged in, in almost a year.

Also, I'm sure things will be different if I run into the Wolf with my typical set up. And not a squish frame with Orokin vault keys.



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1 minute ago, T.Hoagie said:

I guess I should preface things with "these are examples I pulled out of my butt to make a point", while someone in your position would have access to insane amounts of resources, which I do myself though not everything of course, Nightwave isn't just for vets its supposed to be for everybody really. And newer players wouldn't have access or the ability to get an excessive amount of resources, at least for awhile.

And personally I wouldn't consider something like a Wolf cred boosting sigil to be anything more then something nice, I think the Red Veil Maelstrom symbol which I use on my frames grants 8% more standing. Not a tremendous amount, but certainly a good boost. I'm simply applying the same logic to Wolf creds, prices could be adjusted to match obviously, its just a matter of making things a bit easier on people and creating less negative backlash.

And I'll be honest, I don't view "Power creep" as an issue for this game. We all get insanely powerful as we dedicate time and resources into the game. And there are just some things that will get left behind and need a rework, that just happens. When it comes to the Umbral forma's I view them no differently then a Riven. A player with a strong riven on their weaponry is going to vastly outperform someone who does not have the same gear. Technically the same could be said for any build or strat.

My stance is that the reward should be big, and I can't think of a better way to do that then to grant access to things like the Umbral forma either via blue print buildings or simply buying them with plat. Though again, the numbers I pulled up were just an example, if you're gonna make them craftable, they should cost a lot. Not an insane "why bother?" amount, but enough that one would have to actually put some time into it.

And yes, the Omega forma is not a requirement by any means, I'm just approaching it as a "big shiny reward" to work to. Cause, yes, you can level a frame to max in like 5 minutes if you get help from someone with a Sleepinox on a high level mission, but not everybody is in that position.

Speaking of clans?, does yours have any open spaces?. My clan is completely dead in the water. The admin just booted like 30 people yesterday, most of them having not logged in, in almost a year.

Also, I'm sure things will be different if I run into the Wolf with my typical set up. And not a squish frame with Orokin vault keys.



I understand what you mean. I guess my point is though it may be harsh on newer players, don't make everything too accessible for vets because the power creep will just get insane. Honestly I think the game was better before we went the power creep route, it started with primed mods but just steadily grew and grew, I'm actually against rivens, I think they're a terrible additive to the game. But yeh the point is, umbral forma shouldn't be readily available for every frame so if they're going to craftable, the craft requirements would need to be truly insane to prevent it. But I agree on the award being decent. 

As for the clan question, yep plenty of room available in our casual moon clan, I see them all the time on Alliance chat talking about the game, missions etc so they're reasonably active. We also have an active discord channel for recruiting and general sh*t posting about things :) I'll send you an invite.

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3 hours ago, Zilchy said:

I understand what you mean. I guess my point is though it may be harsh on newer players, don't make everything too accessible for vets because the power creep will just get insane. Honestly I think the game was better before we went the power creep route, it started with primed mods but just steadily grew and grew, I'm actually against rivens, I think they're a terrible additive to the game. But yeh the point is, umbral forma shouldn't be readily available for every frame so if they're going to craftable, the craft requirements would need to be truly insane to prevent it. But I agree on the award being decent. 

As for the clan question, yep plenty of room available in our casual moon clan, I see them all the time on Alliance chat talking about the game, missions etc so they're reasonably active. We also have an active discord channel for recruiting and general sh*t posting about things 🙂 I'll send you an invite.

I appreciate it, the only friend I have in game that I could actively call upon to help me if I need it...we can't connect to each other aside from the Dojo's. I'm sure its because of his South African internet.

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1 minute ago, T.Hoagie said:

I appreciate it, the only friend I have in game that I could actively call upon to help me if I need it...we can't connect to each other aside from the Dojo's. I'm sure its because of his South African internet.

Ouch. No problem, sent you a message with the discord details to get started. From there either myself or one of the leaders(most likely gucci) will send you an ingame invite. This game is infinitely better playing it with mates.

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3 hours ago, Zilchy said:

Ouch. No problem, sent you a message with the discord details to get started. From there either myself or one of the leaders(most likely gucci) will send you an ingame invite. This game is infinitely better playing it with mates.

Yeah, I got the message, going over it and everything.

Just had to pop on game and exit the clan I was in. Doubt they'll even notice lol. My Forum name is my IGN BTW

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15 minutes ago, T.Hoagie said:

Yeah, I got the message, going over it and everything.

Just had to pop on game and exit the clan I was in. Doubt they'll even notice lol. My Forum name is my IGN BTW

Invite sent :) The IGN is just for the discord server so we can setup your roles for you.

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4 hours ago, Zilchy said:

There is literally no chance you played the game properly in early 2013. Back when the game gave you 4 revives for the entire day, per frame.

I never said I did.... 

I said I was there at the beginning.... we all were.

4 hours ago, Zilchy said:

Back when the game gave you 4 revives for the entire day, per frame.

And you think this is challenging ? 

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3 minutes ago, Lutesque said:

I never said I did.... 

I said I was there at the beginning.... we all were.

And you think this is challenging ? 

Let's see how long you can survive playing like that. Once you run out of revives you can buy more with plat. Like I said, the game didn't used to pull its punches like the weak show it is today.

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2 minutes ago, Zilchy said:

Let's see how long you can survive playing like that. Once you run out of revives you can buy more with plat. Like I said, the game didn't used to pull its punches like the weak show it is today.

Again.... do you think this is challenging ?

If you die 4 Times then you just try again tomorrow.... its that simple.... do you know where else this sort if design came up ? The Mobile App Store.... play a mobile game... Die and "Sorry you can't play anymore... unless.... you you fork over 10c".... its inconvenient.... and thats all it is. It doesn't tell you anything about how hard the game is... but rather how far Developers are willing to go to get your money.

I bet you're one of those players who think Dark Soul's rubbish Save Locations constitute some sort of challenge... again.... it was merely inconvenient. It just made you have to travel further each time to retry.


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I think the basic problem with the structure of Nightwave, the flaw in the design, is that every player never mind how new or how casual or how hardcore or how endgame is presented the same “menu” of challenges and rewards.  As someone working through the star chart, do I need an “Umbral Forma”?  I don’t know, but I do know that forma is very valuable to me and “3 forma” is huge, so I probably should aim to get an Umbral Forma.  

If I assume I need to get to rank 30 then I need 300,000 standing.  There are daily challenges, which are all easy, that will get me 70,000.  There are weekly challenges that vary a lot in difficulty that will get me 210,000.  So I need to do all of those.  That leaves me with a few elite challenges to do.  Not many, like 4 over 10 weeks.  

I would assume, therefore, that the game expects me to do all dailies and weeklies plus a few elites.  But wait, some of the weeklies are actually more difficult to achieve than some elites, so there is flexibility.  

Great right? Problem is, that implies that DE expected even new players to be able to do most challenges, which I think is not the case.  The flaw is that they expected new players to not want to get to rank 30, which means they don’t have to do anywhere near all the challenges, which means that some challenges can be endgame/hardcore.  But they make the mistake of dangling 30 ranks of reward in our faces, including precious forma near the top.  

What I am saying is that you cannot have challenges that please everyone with the current system.  If you make them too hard, non-hardcore people will whine.  If you make them too easy then endgame players are bored.  If you have many different challenges then hardcore people will do all of them and get more Wolf credits than they know what to do with.  

The subtle difference between the old alerts and Nightwave is this: if there was an Orokin Catalyst alert on Sedna and I had not unlocked Sedna then I would not see it.  I would’t see the reward, I wouldn’t feel compelled to do the mission. The problem with Nightwave is that everyone can see all rewards and that implies everyone should be able to get every reward.  

The solution?  Well I have some ideas but I’d be the first to admit that it’s probably too complicated.  But here’s one.

Reduce the number of ranks to 20.  

Rewards are generally aimed at general use rather than endgame. 

Elite challenges are replaced with Bonus challenges.  These have MR requirements, and reward the player with Wolf Gems rather than Standing.  For example: Bonus Challenge 1, MR 10, 1 Wolf Gem; Bonus Challenge 2, MR 15, 2 Wolf Gems; Bonus Challenge 3, MR 20, 3 Wolf Gems.  You only see the Bonus Challenges you qualify for.  Obviously the difficulty of the challenge goes up with the MR.

Wolf Gems are spent like Wolf Credits, but it is a different set of items.  Some of the items may have MR requirements.  This is where Umbral Forma and other items more useful to endgame players can be found.

Ok so this idea needs work.  What I was aiming for was to clearly designate some harder challenges that are not meant for newer players.  Obviously MR is no indicator of skill, although it might indicate willingness to grind.   The concept benefits endgame players by giving them more suitable challenges while also walling these challenges off from newer players so they have no expectation that they have to do them.



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All challenges are fine. Players who complain are either young, miserable or trolling people.

Content isn’t too hard, just time consuming. It’s not critical to do every challenge, DE made it that way intentionally to accommodate people who do have lives outside the game. All extra progress just stacks wolf creds for extra goodies

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IMO the daily acts like kill 150 enemies with X damage type are perfect because they do require some thought and preparation like equipping the right weapons and mods but once you have done that you can run any mission type that you want and still complete the act, you are not forced to do something you do not want to. I wish this same sort of thing could be applied to weeklys and elite weeklys.

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5 hours ago, Lutesque said:

Again.... do you think this is challenging ?

If you die 4 Times then you just try again tomorrow.... its that simple.... do you know where else this sort if design came up ? The Mobile App Store.... play a mobile game... Die and "Sorry you can't play anymore... unless.... you you fork over 10c".... its inconvenient.... and thats all it is. It doesn't tell you anything about how hard the game is... but rather how far Developers are willing to go to get your money.

I bet you're one of those players who think Dark Soul's rubbish Save Locations constitute some sort of challenge... again.... it was merely inconvenient. It just made you have to travel further each time to retry.


Or you could git gud, not die and get more out of the game each day? Foreign concept for you it seems.

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Things that require a resource investment the player would otherwise not (want to) use.  


collect orokin detelict mods


use three forma

gainining the items to do orokin derelicts isn’t that much of an investment.  Doing three forma -potentially- requires a real money investment or using a resource you’re saving for the future or wasting it on something you don’t want. You can easily trade derelict mods for plat.  

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On 2019-04-09 at 1:09 PM, Gabbynaru said:

Stuff that allows us to play the game the way WE want. So, no Kill 150 enemies with Magnetic damage (who even uses Magnetic damage?), no Use 3 Forma. no Sculptures, no arbitrary challanges (play 5 hours of Kuva Survival without using life support towers, while in your underwear, at the North Pole, while livestreaming yourself, without any penguins appearing in shot, while cuddling a very hungry polar bear, during the end of the world). Anything that specifies to do something in a certain way is not allowing me to play the game the way I want, it's forcing me down a singular path with no alternatives. If we ain't given alternatives, that thing ain't fun to do.

But, in general, Nightwave is unacceptable, so...

There are no penguins at the North Pole. And you would need to specify which North Pole, there are a few. Other than that, it should be possible to cheese with the right gear. Maybe ask in players helping players for the meta? 

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