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New Garuda augment mod is meh at best.


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Unless they give her a % based attack of some sort to consistently get enemies into the sweet spot of 40% or lower, I don't think this augment would ever be reliable. 

If it's not reliable, it's not worth a mod slot over a more reliable form of survival. 

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1 hour ago, Basalto said:

I just can't really understand how 15 seconds in a game where you can easily down an enemy in less than 2 is somehow bad.

It's not killing something, it's making sure something survives with less than 40% HP and then attacking it, too high level and it's a waste of time it's better to just kill it, too low level and it's unnecessary or impossible due to the monster dying in 1 hit. @CodeUltimate Is likely right it's not the duration it's the activation condition (given i still think the duration is too low). If the activation condition was "kill something with garuda's 4th debuff active" i would have no issues. I am not complaining about the effort it requires READ carefully before you reply to me if you don't that just makes us waste time in circles, in resume I think it's a worse quick thinking. The rest of your first paragraph can be easily disregarded because you're just saying things i already addressed or that I don't have any issue for, you're projecting what you think is my issue instead of reading what I said. Re-read please.


Not dying literally is something that scales endlessly and with brutal efficiency. You can do so much more in a lot less time if you don't have to dodge hitscan enemies and automatic weapons with over 1000 damage per shot. It's an immense help, and I already say that with my Wukong's invincibility lasting me a mere 7 seconds. Those 7 seconds just work like a damn charm to me.

I already explained this point, I don't like repeating myself again that would just case a never ending cycle of replies, re-read.

Your third paragraph is basically the same as your first paragraph you're projecting again.

And your last paragraph is your opinion on why i'm not qualified, I don't really care what you think about me simply as that, seems you brought an old grudge, i don't remember you and couldn't care less, and i say this not for malice but as just that, I meant what I said, I stand for what said about itzal too, this is however irrelevant to this discussion and I won't bring it forth.


1 hour ago, CodeUltimate said:

the problem is not the duration the problem is the requirement.

You're probably right.

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54 minutes ago, Ely.I said:

It's not killing something, it's making sure something survives with less than 40% HP and then attacking it, too high level and it's a waste of time it's better to just kill it, too low level and it's unnecessary or impossible due to the monster dying in 1 hit. @CodeUltimate Is likely right it's not the duration it's the activation condition (given i still think the duration is too low). If the activation condition was "kill something with garuda's 4th debuff active" i would have no issues. I am not complaining about the effort it requires READ carefully before you reply to me if you don't that just makes us waste time in circles, in resume I think it's a worse quick thinking. The rest of your first paragraph can be easily disregarded because you're just saying things i already addressed or that I don't have any issue for, you're projecting what you think is my issue instead of reading what I said. Re-read please.

That's a problem with the game's bad design that I constantly hammer on people's heads. You either kill an enemy in one hit, or one hundred. The augment itself requiring an enemy under 40% health isn't necessarily a bad thing alone, but when coupled with the questionable quality of modding, it sure shows a dissonance. However, I would not ask for the augment to be changed, but the game. When getting an enemy to 40% health is such a gruesome task, it shows the kind of difficulty the game is having with making enemies not be a joke to kill so often. And besides... time you enjoy wasting isn't wasted time. If you believe I am projecting, you could always try explaining it in a different way instead of having a nervous breakdown and just echoing "read again". Seriously, it gets old.


54 minutes ago, Ely.I said:

I already explained this point, I don't like repeating myself again that would just case a never ending cycle of replies, re-read.

Your third paragraph is basically the same as your first paragraph you're projecting again.

And your last paragraph is your opinion on why i'm not qualified, I don't really care what you think about me simply as that, seems you brought an old grudge, i don't remember you and couldn't care less, and i say this not for malice but as just that, I meant what I said, I stand for what said about itzal too, this is however irrelevant to this discussion and I won't bring it forth.

If you explain something and the person didn't understand, try explaining it in a different way. It's kind of the basics of the teaching of any subject, and also basic discourse. If X point of view doesn't work, maybe Y will. Hammering on X just makes things tiresome and won't really do much good, just annoy both people. Call it a friendly advice for your future.

There is no "old grudge" here. I'm simply pointing out that you're being a hypocrite in that regard and that, in a very exaggerated analogy, I shouldn't take advice on socializing from a sociopath. Getting off the high horse would do wonders for the discussion you seem to be claiming to want to have.


*: A little something just occured to me. When you tagged Code, you said that he's likely right about having pretty much the same opinion on the augment as you, that being that the activation conditions are bad. "Likely" doesn't exactly imply certainty, though; are you advocating for something you're not even confident you're right about?

Edited by Basalto
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14 minutes ago, Basalto said:

If you explain something and the person didn't understand, try explaining it in a different way. It's kind of the basics of the teaching of any subject, and also basic discourse. If X point of view doesn't work, maybe Y will. Hammering on X just makes things tiresome and won't really do much good, just annoy both people. Call it a friendly advice for your future.

I hadn't though about that honestly I feel I explain everything as best as I can but some people will always extrapolate what they believe I'm saying over what I'm saying, it makes for an endless repetition that is tiring for me, it's easier to make them read again. I'll take your advice this time however.

What I'm saying is that I agree that invulnerability is valuable and takes a great role on endless scaling but kills per second take an even bigger role in this aspect when we speak of endless scaling. This is not a point i brought forward either way, both QT and the augment give you the same invulnerability upon different conditions.

The issue I have is that the augment does the same that quick thinking does, but quick thinking doesn't affect your building, I understand clearly that to build for something you need sometimes to disregard other stats, however the problem is that Quick thinking does the same without the need to disregard your most important stats which are range and strength; duration (as someone else said here too) has a low priority for garuda compared to those two. I don't mind if the augment gets better or not because I already achieve what I would with that augment using quick thinking with no negative. But there's no harm to point it out.

15 minutes ago, Basalto said:

"Likely" doesn't exactly imply certainty, though; are you advocating for something you're not even confident you're right about?

That's correct, I don't claim to know what's the solution I just pointed out what i would prefer personally which is longer duration I didn't though much about the condition, reading what code said made me think that I would probably use it if the conditions were different and therefore I think he might also be correct on his statement, ultimately I'm no game dev and can/will only speak about my experience and preference. I can't advocate for a solution with 100% certainty in this case but I can point the issue for sure. 

I'm not sure why you say I'm an hypocrite but I don't really mind either way.

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9 hours ago, Ely.I said:

The issue I have is that the augment does the same that quick thinking does, but quick thinking doesn't affect your building, I understand clearly that to build for something you need sometimes to disregard other stats, however the problem is that Quick thinking does the same without the need to disregard your most important stats which are range and strength; duration (as someone else said here too) has a low priority for garuda compared to those two. I don't mind if the augment gets better or not because I already achieve what I would with that augment using quick thinking with no negative. But there's no harm to point it out.

Shouldn't that show an issue with how easy Quick Thinking's tanking power is instead? Even Valkyr ended up being this "you still have to tank with abilities" frame, despite having the highest base armor (and probably the highest moddable armor, unless ice Chroma works better) in the game. I believe the game just grew in this way where people got used to things being a bit too easy to do, such as killing enemies or just being invincible in general. I mean, Chroma and Mesa just hit 3 and become nearly invulnerable. I don't even need something big on Mesa for it, I just slap Intensify and that's my tanking power right there at 95% DR. Grabbing Healing Return on a fast weapon like the Mios, she just beats my Chroma's self-healing and I get depressed, due to how depressing it is to see how things needing a certain set up just get ruined or ruin the easy fast pacing of the game. Tesla Link is probably one of those "hey, that's kinda cool" on paper, but setting it up is just eh.

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I tried Dread Ward and the Problem i have with that Mod is how low of a Gain i can get for Duration. With 128% Duration, i would only get 1 extra Second and that’s just Constitution so i would have to put that Mod on and Primed Continuity for 2 Seconds which, for my Survival Build, is not going to happen. There’s just no space for that build to put in Primed Continuity in unless i changed one of the Polarities which would ruin the other two Builds i have in her. I would imagine a 1.5 or 2 second gain for a smaller Requirement would make Modding for it less restrictive for just Duration.

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15 hours ago, Ely.I said:

I'll address each point, make sure you read carefully this and my other posts before replying as I don't like repeating myself forever.

You need 300 duration because 10 seconds is not enough you would know if you put it in practice, it becomes a constant chase the duck game refreshing your augment, as I said if it were 20 seconds base It would be acceptable. I'm not lying read again what I said carefully I don't like repeating myself over and over every comment it's easier if you just read carefully the comment. And you can recover HP using Vazarin, Magus Elevate, or my personal choice Magus replenish, it's quite easy, this is of course if you don't like using gear items like health packs or specters like me. 300% duration is no small investment

Not sure what you meant with stack rhetoric... Mod is not better than quick thinking because the stagger is irrelevant, quick thinking doesn't sacrifice any stats while being active 100% of the time allowing you to perform at your best capacity for all your abilities, the mod sacrifices range/efficiency/strength all of those are important for Garuda while duration isn't for reasons i already explained. If you're competent with quick thinking you stay alive forever playing as you feel like without gimping your other abillities, if you're competent with ward you stay alive forever playing a game of chase to constantly keep it up and sacrificing your performance.
Dead ward pros - makes you unkillable without taking energy
Dead ward cons - sacrifices stats gimping garuda's abillities overall performance (no way around this); changes your game into a duck chase making you have to constantly think about refreshing it instead of playing how you want to play (no way around this)

Quick thinking pros - makes you unkillable as long as you have energy
Quick thinking cons - takes energy (garuda can recover energy as long as she has HP); stagger on threshold (avoidable with smart gameplay)

You see you can't say something's a fact just because you think it is, you need to put it in a balance and compare it adequately in this case both have cons and pros, but one of them has a way around cons the other doesn't.

Lastly the situation would be endless, I don't see how that's hard to imagine, but not going as far QT still performs better on basic stuff like orb vallis, arbitrations and sorties, Garuda has good base armor, paired with fiber and 2 guardians she has really high amounts of EHP without even using vitality, quick thinking makes that much higher.


You keep bringing up "it requires good gameplay" for defending QT but you don't consider that you can apply that exact argument to a lower duration of Dread Ward, lol. What if I, me, myself, don't need 300 duration to make good use of this augment? I'm sorry you're bad and can't make due with less.

On top of that, what if I WANT to stay 2 HP to maximize her passive? 

You talk a whole lot but it means nothing.

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1 hour ago, Xaxma said:

You keep bringing up "it requires good gameplay" for defending QT but you don't consider that you can apply that exact argument to a lower duration of Dread Ward, lol. What if I, me, myself, don't need 300 duration to make good use of this augment? I'm sorry you're bad and can't make due with less.

I addressed this already, read again

1 hour ago, Xaxma said:

On top of that, what if I WANT to stay 2 HP to maximize her passive? 

You first asked me "what if i want to heal" I gave you several options, now you ask me "what if i want to stay 2 HP?". You're moving your goal and avoiding replying to any of the points besides saying "it works trust me". Regardless I'll answer, if you want to stay 2 HP you can do that with quick thinking and dead ward (one of these has no drawback that can't be handled as I explained already), I do it all the time, I don't use any health mod on garuda to maximize the use of her passive. 

1 hour ago, Xaxma said:

You talk a whole lot but it means nothing.

You didn't read what I wrote evidenced by your answer, if you think it means nothing simply don't reply and waste both our time. I don't understand honestly.

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