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Little Wolf Rant


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alright, this is obviously a issue that a lot of people have been dealing with and I'm glad I'm not alone but I've been going out with rank 0 frames, weapons etc. in order to increase the chance for the Wolf to spawn and it doesn't do jack, hell I haven't even had a Stalker in MONTHS! I've had these marks forever ago, and even after you find the wolf you're not even guaranteed anything worth the time and effort you put into trying to find the damn guy, like why should higher MR players have to forcefully forma something they don't need to forma or aren't going to plan on using and only formaing it to increase their chances to get him to spawn, meanwhile lower MR people grieve when Wolf shows up because they just want to level up without being bothered and it's troublesome for everyone.

a thought I had is a assassin mark system for Wolf either in the store for saturn six or just drops from the fugitives that and have to get x amount to craft a mark that at the very least increases the chances for him to spawn because it's ridiculous I don't even get old assassins or even syndicates anymore now that I have very little stuff to rank up or forma and I'm sure I'm not the only one that has these issues. I've had like 5-6 spawns of the Wolf that I grinded for on random missions on Saturn or go to hotspots for leveling like Hydron, and all I got was the most common part the head (literally just the tip) and I'm all for helping low levels level up on hydron but make it worth it, I don't understand why would you make something so obscure to the point it ticks off the community and feel begrudged to do new content, it just excludes the people that want to do it and force the people who don't want to pushed into doing it.

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8 minutes ago, AntiCheats said:

I've been going out with rank 0 frames, weapons etc. in order to increase the chance for the Wolf to spawn and it doesn't do jack

I mean... why would it increase the chance?
Assassins have a fixed spawn-chance of 2% for one player. Each additional player in the group adds 0.5% to a maximum of 3.5% for a full squad.
Your equipment has nothing to do with it.

Is your whole thread based on this false assumption of yours? That's kind of sad.

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2 minutes ago, WhiteMarker said:

I mean... why would it increase the chance?
Assassins have a fixed spawn-chance of 2% for one player. Each additional player in the group adds 0.5% to a maximum of 3.5% for a full squad.
Your equipment has nothing to do with it.

Is your whole thread based on this false assumption of yours? That's kind of sad.

A little off topic, but considering that Wolf doesn't spawn if another Assassin does ( Stalker, Zanuka, G3, .. ), one thing that may affect the drop chances is players in the squad that are marked by other assassins.

So.. maybe we should let ourselves get killed by the other Assassins to clear the death mark and raise the chance of the Wolf showing up? 😛

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5 minutes ago, WhiteMarker said:

I mean... why would it increase the chance?
Assassins have a fixed spawn-chance of 2% for one player. Each additional player in the group adds 0.5% to a maximum of 3.5% for a full squad.
Your equipment has nothing to do with it.

Is your whole thread based on this false assumption of yours? That's kind of sad.

text says that, experience says when I run with low MR's levelling I see a lot more spawn's No need to be a $&*^.

Edited by AntiCheats
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2 minutes ago, WhiteMarker said:

I mean... why would it increase the chance?
Assassins have a fixed spawn-chance of 2% for one player. Each additional player in the group adds 0.5% to a maximum of 3.5% for a full squad.
Your equipment has nothing to do with it.

Is your whole thread based on this false assumption of yours? That's kind of sad.

Yeesh, people have had a lot of success with this.  Maybe it's just people's 'luck' but since so many have reported success finding him when leveling frames or in weak groups, it makes you wonder if there's something to it.  Obviously this hasn't stopped OP from provoking the assassins by joining missions.  He's playing the 2%+ odds you want to berate him with, and obviously it appears to affect the enjoyment of the game.

I see someone trying to play the game, trying to experience the content, and in the end at odds with how far out of his control it is to achieve/succeed with.

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3 minutes ago, (PS4)xtharbadx said:

So.. maybe we should let ourselves get killed by the other Assassins to clear the death mark and raise the chance of the Wolf showing up? 😛

And why would you let yourself get killed by them? Why not kill them instead?

Just now, Slumbering said:

Yeesh, people have had a lot of success with this.

This has to do with perception.
Surely people will always remember situations in which they weren't prepared for the Stalker or the Wolf or G3 or Zanuka.
They will just forget all the times when they one shotted an assassin, because they had maxed out gear with them.
And a lot of people are just ranking up stuff all the time. They do nothing else. So obviously an assassin will spawn when they don't have maxed out gear with them.

Gear doesn't change the spawn. It's just people want to believe...

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7 minutes ago, WhiteMarker said:

And why would you let yourself get killed by them? Why not kill them instead?

You lose the mark if you kill them?

I've actually been hunting G3 to finish my Brakk. Last time I killed them, the death mark didn't go away, so I assumed that it only goes away if we die. I guess not?

Edit: I guess probably some other squad mate had the mark, and that was the one that was consumed.

Edited by (PS4)xtharbadx
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5 minutes ago, WhiteMarker said:

And why would you let yourself get killed by them? Why not kill them instead?

This has to do with perception.
Surely people will always remember situations in which they weren't prepared for the Stalker or the Wolf or G3 or Zanuka.
They will just forget all the times when they one shotted an assassin, because they had maxed out gear with them.
And a lot of people are just ranking up stuff all the time. They do nothing else. So obviously an assassin will spawn when they don't have maxed out gear with them.

Gear doesn't change the spawn. It's just people want to believe...

Cherry pick what you want to respond to.  You're missing the meat and potatoes of the reported rant which is: Frustration with the Assassin system and additionally how it has been used in this content expansion.

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7 minutes ago, WhiteMarker said:


Gear doesn't change the spawn. It's just people want to believe...

Okay but the problem that many others; not just myself have not seen for months literal month's that isn't a exaggeration, whatever your opinion or my opinion is, isn't the point the point is that the assassin system has issues and implementing new content with this system is what the issue is.

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1 minute ago, AntiCheats said:

Okay but the problem that many others; not just myself have not seen for months literal month's that isn't a exaggeration, whatever your opinion or my opinion is, isn't the point the point is that the assassin system has issues and implementing new content with this system is what the issue is.

The issue is that people don't understand random numbers and chances.
Not seeing an assassin for months may have the same probability as encountering 3 assassins in a row. But people will only remember them not spawning and not the times of back-to-back encounters.
So really you should give feedback on peoples perception and nothing else.

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Actually, that's a good idea to equip unranked items to prevent Stalker from spawning. That's not for a huge benefit, but if Stalker and Wolf decided to spawn in the exact same mission, getting rid of one of them is still that.

But that would need your entire squad to equip unranked Warframes, and then you'll probably have trouble defeating the Wolf unless you're all modded defensively. :tongue:

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I'm with the Excalibur prime guy.

The OP is not about "assasins need improvements" but "I need unranked gear to make assasins spawn" which is a false assumption, thus making this thread quite useless.

It's just your rng if you didn't get assasins spawn in months, like I got only 2 wolf spawns and a tons of suda attacks (while maybe just a couple of arbiter) since nightwave.

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Unpopular opinion time: The way I see it, the assassin system was broken from the start. It's been overly punishing to the unprepared players that can't truly handle an assassin spawning on them at that time, and too sparse of a spawn for the more prepared people to be able to appropriately engage them when they seek to.

In a way, this was accepted by DE when they introduced beacons. It was sort of saying (in my eyes at least), "We recognize that there's a problem with their spawn rate, but here - take a consumable that spawns them once while it stays a bit broken."

I'm in the same situation as the OP, I haven't encountered stalker since January - and it wasn't even spawning on me specifically then. I probably have dozens of marks built up and they don't get consumed since they never spawn with me around, including for G3 and Zanuka as well. Hell, I'm sitting here with ~1k in-game hours without getting a despair drop off stalker, and not seeing stalker on months isn't helping that problem. I know that's my bad luck more than anything, but the fact that it's an issue for a MR25 player with this much time in game is pretty telling. There's an issue with the assassin system as a whole, Wolf is just the most recent infraction, especially since it's a timed thing.

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4 hours ago, WhiteMarker said:

Assassins have a fixed spawn-chance of 2% for one player. Each additional player in the group adds 0.5% to a maximum of 3.5% for a full squad.

hmmmm.. are you sure?

Last week in 5 missions in a row  (the same one repeat, corpus sabotage, was opening relics for ducats), i got attacked 3 times by syndicate, 2 times by stalker and 3 times by wolf.

Maybe it was a glitch, or no player at all on warframe so they all decided to jump on me or simply i am a magnet :XD

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16 minutes ago, (XB1)Oussii said:

hmmmm.. are you sure?

Last week in 5 missions in a row  (the same one repeat, corpus sabotage, was opening relics for ducats), i got attacked 3 times by syndicate, 2 times by stalker and 3 times by wolf.

Maybe it was a glitch, or no player at all on warframe so they all decided to jump on me or simply i am a magnet :XD

I am sure.
And that's something I talked about. Often people don't remember when they are attacked a lot in a short period of time. They only remember when they don't see Stalker in ages.
(You are an exception. You remembered getting attacked a lot)

The Wolf is a small exception himself. DE said his spawn chance increases over the time of Nightwave Season 1.
Still his spawn chance is fixed and not related to equipment levels.

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2 hours ago, WhiteMarker said:

I am sure.
And that's something I talked about. Often people don't remember when they are attacked a lot in a short period of time. They only remember when they don't see Stalker in ages.
(You are an exception. You remembered getting attacked a lot)

This might be the case but maybe the wiki is wrong and weapon level does affect the spawnrate we simply don´t know for sure. That´s the problem with rng it´s a very cheap and fast way to get things done but it is a pain if something doesn´t work the way it should.

In the end it doesn´t matter. The current version makes people paranoid because they never know whether they get cheated in some way or not. And even as a developer how can you be sure everything works as intended? Surely they don´t test all the spawnrates and dropchances by repeating missions over and over again. Overlooking just a single number or line of code can cause massive discrepancies.

Therefore it´s just reasonable to reduce the amount of rng elements and replace them with a more predictable system especially for important things like drops and spawns. In my opinion rng should spice things up but never be the main determining factor.

In case of assassinations like Stalker it would be reasonable if you get a clear time window when you can expect the encounter. Something like the within the next 10 missions after you get the mark for example. This way it´s somewhat predictable mixed with a small amount of randomness.

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