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5 minutes ago, Majestic-scrub said:


EOS/Cryo farming/Eidolons hunts/Arbitration/Relic farming/Mods farming/Endo farming/Prime parts farming/Endurance runs/ and the list goes on, all require meta if you want to get things done and get more buck for your precious time, and those are not just 3% of this game content.


I can literally do ESO with any frame and probably do more damage than a Saryn. Cryo farming is super easy too, you just need to be careful.

Relic/Mod farming/opening? Really? That's doable even with a level 0 excalibur.

The only content that require a really well-done frame are Eidolon Hunts and Arbitration. And I mean well modded and with right arcanes.


Endurance runs are not needed anymore. With old void you had too, now nope.

Edited by DukeNix
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If that Limbo was a meta player - he woul've picked a meta group in Recruiting chat/created one with people from his friend list.

What you described, OP, is a lazy slacking turd who want's to get carried by meta players.

When I go for Eidolons, I post in Recruiting tab, because I want a meta team. If I go to Profit Taker, I pick a meta loadout so I can solo it even with 3 other players around. If I'm going ESO - I'm bringing max range/duration Equinox for lol-maim. That's what being a meta-paleyr is, not random whining in cell chat.

After 6 years in the game, I think that the best mindset a player can have while loading into a mission with complete randoms is to assume that the team is trash and you will have to carry the mission all by yourself. It's better to be surprised thatn dissapointed.

And that Limbo was clearly hoping to get carried.

Edited by HorridaMessor
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49 minutes ago, Majestic-scrub said:

meta,term used in mmo meaning the Most Effective Tactic Available. It's basically what works in a game regardless of what you wish would work.

i can do spy missions with atlas flawless, but would i have the same efficiency as something that suited for that kind of grind like loki or ivara ? ofc not.

and this is what the op didn like when limbo criticized him for.

even if you're crap skills and knowledge wise on frost and limbo, you still have better chance when you play them on what thy're suited for compared to something that lack the same tools box, even if you're skilled.

Is this a neologism/backronym? “Meta-“ comes from Greek and means something along the lines of ‘beyond’ or ‘after.’ So meta-gaming is “gaming the game;” meta analysis is “analyzing the analyses.”

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1 minute ago, Majestic-scrub said:

you miss the point 100%, i gave you an example and ill do it again so read carefully.

i can do sortie spy mission with atlas equipped with hobbled key and without using ciphers, but deos that hold a candle when i want to do things efficiently? absolutely not.

and this is the meaning of meta in nutshell : a term used in mmo meaning the Most Effective Tactic Available. It's basically what works in a game regardless of what you wish would work. 

is doing ESO without level excalibur 0 and only unmodded kraken is the most effective tactic available ? nope, and thats the whole point that op took issues with when limbo smacked him with the meta logic.

And you miss the point 250%.

You don't need META in warframe. You need fun, you don't absolutly need to do the things in the most effective way all the time.

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1 hour ago, Majestic-scrub said:

so public is for ''fun and goofing around'' only and ''solo/party'' only for the players with the same mindset as the limbo ? 

this is the perspective of someone with normal social skills for a video game, not every single one have that, and social is not the only issue, some people cant host for many reasons like high ping or when nobody want to join your party when you spam ''cryotic farming 1/4 '' and ive seen it happen.

both of them are in the wrong and both of them can go solo with solo begin more friendly for ''having fun'' and full party is better for someone who want to have better chances of staying alive longer.

Yes, PUBLIC gives you access to every kind of player, you will be lucky if you get a squad who actually wants to do what you want in PUBLIC, farming and grinding should always be done in a private match so that every one is in agreement on what to do and how to do, so to avoid situations like this.

Normal social skills ? Dude I barely talk whit people irl, this is a GAME, what social skills do you need to type "Cryotic Farm 1/4" in a chat ? Plus this Limbo didn't seem to unsocial since he took the time to bash a Warframe, so he could easily have done just that.

Both can go solo, but only the Limbo is in the wrong, wen you go public you HAVE to be prepared to find all sorts of people, from bite size players to "brake every container in the room" players, obviously players will clash since one wants to take it slow while the other already did the objective and is going to extraction, people CANT complain that they got someone who plays differently then them wen they go into a PUBLIC match, I dont go Hydron and start bashing someone who leaves at wave 5, I went PUBLIC so I have to deal whit the fact that not everyone is there to do what I want to do, simple.

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Rule of thumb, if your playing on public, build yourself so your ready to carry a group through the mission if you have to, if you want to avoid toxic players then play solo or with clanmates/friends.

Edited by Knight_Ex
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3 minutes ago, Majestic-scrub said:


EOS/Cryo farming/Eidolons hunts/Arbitration/Relic farming/Mods farming/Endo farming/Prime parts farming/Endurance runs/ and the list goes on, all require meta if you want to get things done and get more buck for your precious time, and those are not just 3% of this game content.

just because you can do a spy mission with atlas will having hobble key on does not make it a choice when you want to do things efficiently, with is what the loki/ivara/limbo meta is made for.

limbo is 100% on the right when it comes to criticize the mute guy and the high horse guy even if its toxic and here is why from the op own mouth

you can see that the op know full well that he cant defend solo especially when the crap hit the fan and he know that nezha was not made to do this thing efficiently .

yes the limbo is mildly toxic but he speak the truth, grinding have nothing in common with ''fun'' once you do that grind many many many times and you just want result.


Yes, if you want more bang for your buck efficently, however as i've stated before there are players where we want bang for buck for fun. Unlike today, i often run with 1 or two people who play warframes they enjoy and want to play. we go from mission to mission killing stuff as we please. we go mod farming without nekros if we want, we do endurance runs with outdated frames, and farm relics in places that others normally dont go to because you have lower chances there. why? because it's what we consider fun. 

You're talking from a pure efficiency perspective, if that's what you want. as others have stated there is a recruitment chat people are capable of going to. and no matter how efficent you are that doesn't give you the excuse to look down on others cause they're having fun or doing things cause they want without knowingly irritating anyone. it was a random mission, not planned. If you want efficiency, set it up that way.

Yes limbo was in the right to criticize the oberon, however he does not need to go degrading and bragging about how great he is, dis our playstyle, bring mastery shaming into the mix, and curse at us.

And yes I said I couldn't. Is that an issue? I was expecting to get assistance from a group that was playing the game. Obviously it didn't work out like I had planned. So i adapted and used specters to help out. but note that I said that "I can't" not other nezha can't. I'm not good enough with him yet for me to defend it alone. Plus it's a public mission in a team game, is it wrong to expect at least one other person to help you out?

Let me say this, the very next mission I played with another limbo on the same mission. and us two alone managed to get 8 excavators. it was slow, but we defended it. This limbo was lvl 1. He was lvling. now if we had 4 people in that mission, we could have gone far far longer if we wanted. I'm capable of defending it with even a tiny bit of help from another player.

the limbo was being toxic, and he did trash nezha. But the issue is that he told me to play a frame I didn't want, he continued to brag, then mastery shamed, and lastly looked down on me, all while giving me facts about nezha I know are wrong. He was talking to me as if I was a lost puppy not knowing what I was doing without doing any fact checking on my profile for how long I had played or how useful nezha actually is.

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2 часа назад, Violet_Xe сказал:

I wouldn't exactly say that they're mandatory, I did mention this to the limbo but I've managed to hit 30-40 excavators without a defense frame cause we played it right and were careful.

Well that is the sort of bull*** I personally hate.

The only actual careful people are those that dont take unneeded risk and avoid it.

Yeah once in a blue moon you will get a map and a team that does well even without frost or Limbo, but Im not playing with such trash composition, if I see theres none, I just abort. I dont care what the rest is doing, what frames they play, how much or little they do,  excavation with randoms especially NEEDS Limbo or Frost to not fck it up, especially since the only ones Im doing is arbitration.

Everyone thinks theyre so goddemn unique snowflakes, so skilled such careful much wow. Only to then especially in Arbitration majority of randoms manage to die within first 5-10 minutes only to be brought back to life thanks to my phoenix renewal only to die again in the next 5 minutes, I see ph pooping basically  1 to 5 times for each player whenever i play. Then they manage to fck up and lose excavators with several seconds left several times during session.

**** people. 


Edited by -Temp0-
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2 minutes ago, Majestic-scrub said:

what is your point ? oh right your point is: you dont need the most effective tactic available if you want to do 99.7% of this game content with is an answer for a question that nobody asked in the first place.

grinding the same content again and again for a week with no result is not fun and will never be fun unless you're a masochist who enjoy suffering and time wasting for nothing.

here is a summary for you:

if you want to get Kohra system efficiently and in short time then you do the meta aka most effective tactic available with is in most case getting a fully squad with the most suited frames and clear goal in mind.

if you want to have fun/prove a point/goof around then you take unmodded hind and and unmodded excalibur to do 8 wave of ESO with it no matter how much time and suffering would that take, but dont convince me that it will have the same efficient of the first method.

and you're grinding ''almost all the time'' in this game, and cant take you seriously when you say you only need ''meta'' when you do Eidolons hunts and then say that you can do ESO with unmodded excalubur and have fun forgetting that many people do ESO to 8 wave so they can get the khora parts in respectful time, same thing with cryo.


Are you serious by saying that Khora farm needs any type of meta? She doesn't even drop on ESO but the normal one, we are talking about level 30 enemies.

And you don't need Saryn to get at level 8 ESO, you just need one good weapon.

Oh gosh, I'll close here the discussion. No point to keep talking to you, sorry.

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limbo trashed your nezha in term of his effectiveness for excavation missions, nothing more nothing less and you didnt like it, you joined a public game for a mission that is known for hardcore cryo farming 

Well that is where you turned to the wrong page.

You joined a random party, expect NOTHING more than bare minimum. Doesnt freaking matter which mission you play. Want more than like 5-10 excavatros at most, recruit.

But doesnt change the fact that he wanted to get carried.

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8 minutes ago, Majestic-scrub said:

oh so you found the exit patch now eh ? you realize that you're contracting yourself when i repeatedly told you that the point of the meta is to get crap done as fast as you can, just because the enemy level is low and the mission is easy does not mean we should not use meta on it, its pretty clear that you dont understand what is meta in the first place.

meta is not used only for hardcore/impossible/god tier level difficultly content, meta is used to ease the grinding process of anything you want to grind/do.

once you have a clear gola in mind of getting harrow system in the nearest chance you get then you use meta if you want to honor that goal, and you dont use exilabur 0 with unmodded kraken just because the mission is not hard because fun/hard/''you need meta''/ have nothing to do with it at this point, its all about efficiently and nothing else

its very clear that you have a misunderstanding for the term ''meta'' and what its used for, once you clear that then you will see how ridiculous you look right now. 

I just think that we get it in different prospective, you can get crap done as fast as you can with other ways.


Saryn/JesusPrime clearing an exterminate map with volt: 1m 2s

Any frame with a god +range weapon and a rush mod: 1m 20s

Is it really so important if they want to play other frames?


And still, you didnt get the point, you cant pretend the super META on pubs.

Edited by DukeNix
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Il y a 3 heures, (XB1)The Neko Otaku a dit :

Sounds like you just came across a random toxic player, not really a "meta player"

Has an elitist and a veteran.

Meta player are very casual, they compensate their lack of skill with pre-made build and strat tutorial, Only using the most popular and those who show the biggest numbers.

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7 minutes ago, Majestic-scrub said:

its not unless you dont want to use the term ''meta'' to its full potential . 

and didnt you say that you dont need meta if you want to do ESO ? and you can do it with unranked exlibur and weak gun with is a question that nobody asked in the first place ? i see a lot of contradiction here.

and you cant use any frame if you want to farm condition overload/Endo effectively, you use nekros and hydroid for that, you dont use excalibur 0 and kraken just because you can.  

as i told you before, you tie the difficultly exclusively to what meta is used for, with is not right, meta is used to do things as fast as you can and as smooth as it can be, consistency is huge part of it and the ultimate goal is to get the best result possible.

if excalbur 0 can do it better and faster and consistently as lets say fully modded rhino than why not ? but that is not the case isnt ?.


As i said, there are some exception.

And I said that I can do eso with any frame, not with excal liv 0. Read better.

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il y a 17 minutes, Majestic-scrub a dit :

5x5 Eidolons are meta to the bones and mostly veterans, so no not every meta player is as you described them.

This is an elit meta, thank you for bringing that up.

I was talking about those who swear only by the meta and think you are trash has soon has you step out of it.

5x5 Eidolons might be meta but it also need you to be good at it.

I am talking of those weirdo that struggle doing sortie while using "meta" gears and call you trash for using ember even if you do top damage.

Get gud is the word, there is no skill if it is harder to loose than win.

Being casual does not translate to having a bad score ratio, but having an average output while having powerful tools.

Edited by angias
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2 minutes ago, Majestic-scrub said:


he admitted that he cant defend it solo but still crap on meta players in general for no other reason than taking the high ground of his imaginary fun.

Well, then this is another matter, you should join without pretending to be carried but able to carry, always.

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There’s a difference between people that use what works, and people that abuse other people.

Personally, I would never need to abuse you. Because I use what works.

I would just do what needed to be done.

I’m sorry that you met a salty Limbo though 

Edited by (PS4)Mono-Pop
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4 minutes ago, Majestic-scrub said:

ill fite you

nezha cant buff and cant cc as effectively as rhino and in the other hand rhino dont have the same debuffs and personal hallow ring as nezha, but over all rhino is a the ultimate team player for any content solo/group wise, will nezha is mostly solo and he can speedrun things too with his passive maglev.

In seriousness though, Nezha is a highly underrated frame especially following his rework, but he suffers from a bad first impression when everyone just saw him as "worse rhino". He shouldn't be played the same way as Rhino, but he is perfectly capable of contributing to team play.

He's very agile and has sufficient survivability, as well as being able to generate health and energy orbs consistently while providing CC  (no, firewalker should NEVER be considered as his CC, it's just a glorified speed boost) through his spears and chakram combo. He can also cast his warding halo on allies via the augment which makes him very useful for arbitration defense and radiation sorties.

Solo play Nezha is definitely more fun. But that's just my opinion.

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I don't know what's worse, players being judged based on MR or checking competence by looking at the warframe being used.

Since the player makes up for the vast majority of the results/helpfullness/efficiency in a game, i don't see how a warframe or the MR change anything, but that's me.

If you are looking at warframes of other players to try and evaluate them, then you won't go far and i risk saying you will likely be at the same level as someone looking at the MR, as you can imagine, it's pretty bad.


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3 hours ago, Violet_Xe said:

Again this is less complaining about being toxic and more saying hey, guys don't say stupid things and disrespect others.

People who normally follow this, normally follow this already. People who want to be toxic, like the aforementioned player, aren't gonna change no matter how much you post this on the forum. Leopards do not change their spots. It is basically complaining about something that cannot be changed for the sake of it, which seems like a waste of one's breath. You aren't the first player to post such, you won't be the last. 

It's almost a meta complaint on "why toxic players exist" and "don't be toxic, toxic people". Which is kind of a silly thing to complain about because toxic people exist, will exist and will not cease to exist.

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Hey, Meta's meta.  Whatever works for people.  What gets me is when someone tries to shame me for levelling Hildryn doing thermia fractures when I was MR26, but I end up outdamaging and outkilling him.

Guns exist too.

Edited by PhoenixFury
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2 hours ago, Majestic-scrub said:

say his like to trigger random elitist meta players, use arca plasmor to prove it.

It's easy to trigger the random elitist meta player.  I do it all the time using Ivara and a Daikyu in multiple mission types.  

1 hour ago, Majestic-scrub said:

what is your point ? oh right your point is: you dont need the most effective tactic available if you want to do 99.7% of this game content with is an answer for a question that nobody asked in the first place.

grinding the same content again and again for a week with no result is not fun and will never be fun unless you're a masochist who enjoy suffering and time wasting for nothing.

Here is the point where you have to ask yourself that if you aren't enjoying the game itself, then why in the hell do you play it.  Remember that this game is and has always been a form of entertainment (not a job).  So when it ceases to be enjoyment/entertainment, there is no longer a reason to play it.  

1 hour ago, Majestic-scrub said:

i didnt walk from your logic and not arca plasmor specifically, if you used catchmoon or any other powercreep then the result will be the same, ill call you on that.

I just find the whole "powercreep" arguement/statement to be funny. Why, because the existance of the Atterax completely destroys the idea of correct usage of the term "powercreep".   For the term powercreep to be true, then the item or item in question has to be better than all other items introduced before it.  The Atterax is one such item that makes most "powercreep" arguments technically false.   Ture there are others as well, but I'm using the Atterax as it's widely known to be a damn good weapon.  😄  

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