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1 hour ago, -Temp0- said:

Yeah De not only says a lot of sht but also dont play their own game and when they do its level 30 at best. So no wonder.

They play the game as intended. They don't balance around the meta.

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"They play the game as intended" what the F does that even mean.

Dude they have no clue about whats going in their game you can clearly see that every dev stream or prime time. Or who you referring as THEY? 

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1 hour ago, angias said:

Implying that the game his hard.

Ik that with some frame it is harder and some weapon are simply trash. But to be faire anything bellow sortie lvl can be completed by pretty much anything without too much effort.

Meta currently is just needed for Eidolon nothing else really. But in the past it was needed for Raids

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il y a 15 minutes, SenariousNex a dit :

Meta currently is just needed for Eidolon nothing else really. But in the past it was needed for Raids

Eidolons stack gimmick soft cap.

It has insane armor and healthpool. It has 2 weakness only: extra weakness to crit multiplier (have to test to bring exact numbers) and armor is alloy. Some body part have bullS#&$ hitbox, so many weapons have a hard time to register a proper hit.

The eidolons are .... somewhat good for the game, giving an actual reward for the minmax mindset.


Tl:Dr sidetrack roller coaster.

The meta is somewhat needed because you have a limited time to kill an eidolon. If there was no time restriction or if you could start it at any time of the day, the meta wouldn't be mandatory and you would see people take down eidolons with trash weapons.

Not sure if you'll get what i mean.

The meta would still be quite strong but people wouldn't feel obligated to be meta, to a certain point.

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I usually use Limbo or other static defense frame for Hieracon and, yes, i can get triggered if i got a team of 3 frames wich i dont see being the best for that kind of mission. 

BUT, what i usually did was, trying to avoid if the frame is good or dont, cause you can do the missions and achieve the goal almost with everything if you know the game and have one weapon. That being said you should pick a frame you like, but knowing the rest wont be there to farm for you cause you picked Inaros only to not die and let the team do all the work. So if nobody goes to start the next excavator and i have Limbo, having 3 guys runinig around inside the cataclysm is something i might see as im working and the rest is "playing", so based in what i said (have fun but acomplish what you have to do), i will just pick a battery, go to the next excavator and use the cataclysm in there. 
If 3 guys cant hold 1 excavator, you might be having fun but not playing the game (is like playing any MMO, if you dont help to achieve victory in any way, people will be offset probably), so simply if the rest of the team lose the excavator, i just leave the mission. Now is even easier cause i can extract alone so they can run in circles while not excavating anything all the time they want. 

The main mistake of the Limbo in this post is attacking you guys, but i understand being annoyned if nobody helps cause "having fun" and you are the only one doing what is meant to do in the mission. 
You also will leave if you face a team were the other 3 are God knows where and you are finishing one excavator every 10 minutes cause you cant hold it alone and losing some. 

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On 2019-04-12 at 2:06 PM, RushBCyka said:

Damned if that ain't me though, navigating through terrible waypoints is the REAL endgame, especially on that Corpus Shipwreck tileset. 

Judging by MR is tricky, since let's be honest most people at MR 20+ really don't use ALL of the equipment available to them regularly. I think the difference between the average MR 15 and MR 25 pretty much is negligible if both are using their favorite loadouts in an appropriate mission, but there definitely is a difference between thr average MR 2 vs MR 12.

That's fair. Most people will get to MR4ish just figuring out what they like, so the really low ones are more of a newbie flag. If I had to pick a point where MR stops being a reliable measure, I'd probably peg it around where you did, at the low double digits. Probably MR14, since that's the cutoff for the vast majority of MR-gated gear.

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About the only thing I don't like about Nezha is that people who play him tend to run around to the far corners of the map locking things down with Firewalker....... and that tanks group affinity gains. So if I end up in a leveling group with a Nezha I'll typically dip out extra early if that starts happening. 

Other than that one particular play-style aberration Nezha is a pretty solid frame so dunno why they where complaining. I mean heck most frames are fine for general starchart doings, even up through sorties, as long as you have a decent weapon. 

Isn't until you start getting into diaper runs on endless missions that group composition really starts to mean anything significant. 

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protip: just ignore them. hell i use khora for excavation. venari can solo heal the excavator for ages while i simply kill the enemies, no cc needed. unless its 2nd or 3rd sortie or abritration excavation you dont need to bring anything specific.


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On 2019-04-12 at 12:39 PM, DatDarkOne said:

That is because for different people fun is itself different. 

Right?!  It's like some people can't fathom that the "reward" for some of us IS just simply playing the game, killing hordes, chilling in dojos...  Not EVERYONE is about racing to an imaginary finish line.

I mean, what's the point of grinding super efficiently, just so we "catch up" and have to sit around waiting for the next bit of content, like all the people whining about some "content drought" last year?

Everyone rushs to wait, and I don't get that.  I  just play for the sake of playing.  That's literally what PUBs are there for.. "I just feel like hopping in a random mission and farming in a chill fashion, with little concern for efficiency."   

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1 hour ago, (PS4)Taishin_Ishu said:

Right?!  It's like some people can't fathom that the "reward" for some of us IS just simply playing the game, killing hordes, chilling in dojos...  Not EVERYONE is about racing to an imaginary finish line.

I mean, what's the point of grinding super efficiently, just so we "catch up" and have to sit around waiting for the next bit of content, like all the people whining about some "content drought" last year?

Everyone rushs to wait, and I don't get that.  I  just play for the sake of playing.  That's literally what PUBs are there for.. "I just feel like hopping in a random mission and farming in a chill fashion, with little concern for efficiency."   

Ah, if only we were on the same platform, I feel we would have a swell time playing together.

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Limbo, Nezha, Oberon....

Every remark was technically true. Nezha isn't tanky, has unreliable CC and poor team buffs.

The only meta in Warframe is the one imposed by DE in recent content like ESO and Eidolons. The rest is just the community acting like they know what they're doing. I imagine this is lower level content pre-200. So really the only thing that matters is speed. I can drop an Ancient Healer and there's no reason to have anything but DPS in the group till we pass that level range. That's just Warframe now. The game is a lot better at higher levels where there's value in things other than DPS but shame is takes 3+ hours.

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2 hours ago, Paradoxity said:

Yeah, a meta build is only required if you want to kill him sometime this ice age. 

Strange. I don't use them, and I generally take 5 minutes at most.

2 hours ago, Majestic-scrub said:

imagine getting worked up about people worked up about a game, with is exactly what you're doing lol.

Worked up? But I'm having a nice day!

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5 hours ago, Paradoxity said:

Yeah, a meta build is only required if you want to kill him sometime this ice age. 

I killed Wolf 3 times solo using Daikyu and Ivara in less than 10-12 shots to the head each time.  This was before the nerf to him.  It doesn't take meta build to beat him.  Just knowing where to aim so that your damage counts for something.  

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On 2019-04-12 at 7:03 AM, Violet_Xe said:

Meta Players

Ok so yeah this is gonna be nothing special but I've got a message to those of you who always use the most efficient warframes. Quick note I have 100% no issue with any of you using what works for you. Wanna use a warframe like the overused Saryn in onslaught, sure go right ahead i don't mind at all. Have fun and do whatcha like. However this is something I need to say. So i'm running around with Nezha in Heiracon for pluto and I come across this strange party.

It starts off normal and we have a limbo, oberon, me as nezha, and another guy who left at 3 min. Oberon didn't know what he was doing (I think) and wasnt talking at all. Limbo kept telling him to go to the next extractor because limbo can solo lock down extractors. He started getting upset and this is where the issue I want to talk about starts. He starts criticizing not only limbo saying "do you even speak English", and then throws me under the bus saying "did you guys just lvl stuff on hydron?" which I took extreme offence because I really don't purposefully lvl stuff to rank up. I've been around since zephyr release and am mr20 because i just drift through the game. I know a lot about it and the things that have changed. He wants Oberon and I to defend which is easy if Oberon was actually helping defend. I tell him i can't solo defend these things, i need at least another person to help protect it even with a specter helping me with it. 

"You guys don't play like MR14(Oberon) and MR20(me)" -Limbo
"Mr means nothing" - Me
"you make that apparent" -Limbo

We went on talking about how you should pick a MORE EFFICIENT warframe, and someone who can help the team more because Nezha is a garbage frame. he obviously doesn't know what he's on about as he was making nezha out to be one of the worst frames in the game. I could go into depth about how all of his points were wrong but that's not why i'm making this thread. I don't give a damn if you guys are MR 27 or MR 1. I couldn't care less if you only care about the most efficient methods to farming, I don't mind you guys trashing some warframes even if you're wrong. But if you tell me to "Pick a better warframe or have fun being carried for the rest of your life" that's where I draw the line. I play nezha for fun. I play warframe for fun. I pick the warframe I want to play. There are people like that. We play warframe to have fun, but you have no right to tell others to pick a warframe just because the one they're playing right now isn't the best of the best. Please just let us play what we like to play and we'll leave you alone.

Obviously there are some things you shouldn't do like being a stasis limbo or slowva on a defence mission. That's annoying for everyone. But if i'm minding my own business playing a warframe that's fun and bothers nobody else then just go away and dont bother me. I'm having fun, you should too. Now if you're right i'll back down and say sure but the fact that limbo was also wrong about nezha AND ME, really ticked me off.  Now i'm also not the type of player to make this sound offensive but I need to this time. I've played for 4X the time this limbo had, I know far more about this game than you.  AND the fact i was a higher mastery means i've at least used more weapons than you. Plus the fact he was talking about "giving the team something" shows he didn't look at my profile as 20% of my playtime has been on banshee. view profiles and do a reality check before you insult someone and tell them how to play their game.

-This is where I argue with limbo about the uses of limbo so skip this if you dont care-

-"nezha has horrible cc and damage" Firewalker stuns tons of enemies, puts a status proc on enemies for condition overload. This cc works with a tank build nezha aswell.
-"nezha can't help his team" Firewalker procs fire for other condition overload users, safeguard aguments exist, and firewalker cures status if you want over it. (bleed toxin magnetic) really useful
-"nezha isn't a good tank" The warding halo gives massive damage reduction and combine that with health transmutation you get even more armor. if you want more put on an adaptation and you're set as a tank support nezha
-"Use rhino if you want to be invincible" And what if I dont want to be 100% invincible. Moreover if you want to be invincible, inaros exists and is far far better than rhino for the job.

Again Meta players dont impose your playstyle onto those of us who play the game for the pure reason of having fun, especially if you don't know what the hell you're on about.

I like to be efficient however As long as you are doing something viable I don’t mind if it’s not the best all that matters is you aren’t being dead weight and can add something to the team or at the very least be self sufficient 

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On 2019-04-12 at 6:03 AM, Violet_Xe said:

Meta Players

Ok so yeah this is gonna be nothing special but I've got a message to those of you who always use the most efficient warframes. Quick note I have 100% no issue with any of you using what works for you. Wanna use a warframe like the overused Saryn in onslaught, sure go right ahead i don't mind at all. Have fun and do whatcha like. However this is something I need to say. So i'm running around with Nezha in Heiracon for pluto and I come across this strange party.

It starts off normal and we have a limbo, oberon, me as nezha, and another guy who left at 3 min. Oberon didn't know what he was doing (I think) and wasnt talking at all. Limbo kept telling him to go to the next extractor because limbo can solo lock down extractors. He started getting upset and this is where the issue I want to talk about starts. He starts criticizing not only limbo saying "do you even speak English", and then throws me under the bus saying "did you guys just lvl stuff on hydron?" which I took extreme offence because I really don't purposefully lvl stuff to rank up. I've been around since zephyr release and am mr20 because i just drift through the game. I know a lot about it and the things that have changed. He wants Oberon and I to defend which is easy if Oberon was actually helping defend. I tell him i can't solo defend these things, i need at least another person to help protect it even with a specter helping me with it. 

"You guys don't play like MR14(Oberon) and MR20(me)" -Limbo
"Mr means nothing" - Me
"you make that apparent" -Limbo

We went on talking about how you should pick a MORE EFFICIENT warframe, and someone who can help the team more because Nezha is a garbage frame. he obviously doesn't know what he's on about as he was making nezha out to be one of the worst frames in the game. I could go into depth about how all of his points were wrong but that's not why i'm making this thread. I don't give a damn if you guys are MR 27 or MR 1. I couldn't care less if you only care about the most efficient methods to farming, I don't mind you guys trashing some warframes even if you're wrong. But if you tell me to "Pick a better warframe or have fun being carried for the rest of your life" that's where I draw the line. I play nezha for fun. I play warframe for fun. I pick the warframe I want to play. There are people like that. We play warframe to have fun, but you have no right to tell others to pick a warframe just because the one they're playing right now isn't the best of the best. Please just let us play what we like to play and we'll leave you alone.

Obviously there are some things you shouldn't do like being a stasis limbo or slowva on a defence mission. That's annoying for everyone. But if i'm minding my own business playing a warframe that's fun and bothers nobody else then just go away and dont bother me. I'm having fun, you should too. Now if you're right i'll back down and say sure but the fact that limbo was also wrong about nezha AND ME, really ticked me off.  Now i'm also not the type of player to make this sound offensive but I need to this time. I've played for 4X the time this limbo had, I know far more about this game than you.  AND the fact i was a higher mastery means i've at least used more weapons than you. Plus the fact he was talking about "giving the team something" shows he didn't look at my profile as 20% of my playtime has been on banshee. view profiles and do a reality check before you insult someone and tell them how to play their game.

-This is where I argue with limbo about the uses of limbo so skip this if you dont care-

-"nezha has horrible cc and damage" Firewalker stuns tons of enemies, puts a status proc on enemies for condition overload. This cc works with a tank build nezha aswell.
-"nezha can't help his team" Firewalker procs fire for other condition overload users, safeguard aguments exist, and firewalker cures status if you want over it. (bleed toxin magnetic) really useful
-"nezha isn't a good tank" The warding halo gives massive damage reduction and combine that with health transmutation you get even more armor. if you want more put on an adaptation and you're set as a tank support nezha
-"Use rhino if you want to be invincible" And what if I dont want to be 100% invincible. Moreover if you want to be invincible, inaros exists and is far far better than rhino for the job.

Again Meta players dont impose your playstyle onto those of us who play the game for the pure reason of having fun, especially if you don't know what the hell you're on about.

Reminds me of how players got a little angry because I recommended Garuda as a countermeasure for Wolf on Hydron (unless you are leveling a frame, then you would carry one weapon with radiation), they kept saying "just gear up for him" as if power leveling wasn't the subject, always "I solo Wolf all the time" and the like completely missing the point which is being able to level stuff other than warframes without having to dedicate too much time on the wolf thanks to Garuda's kit.

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8 minutes ago, VanFanel1980mx said:

Reminds me of how players got a little angry because I recommended Garuda as a countermeasure for Wolf on Hydron (unless you are leveling a frame, then you would carry one weapon with radiation), they kept saying "just gear up for him" as if power leveling wasn't the subject, always "I solo Wolf all the time" and the like completely missing the point which is being able to level stuff other than warframes without having to dedicate too much time on the wolf thanks to Garuda's kit.

Garuda does have an interesting interaction with Wolf and his group.  My last battle with Wolf just happened to have occurred while I was forma'ing Garuda and using Hema.  While the three tag-a-longs where invulnerable, they were still effected by her 2 (Blood Altar).  Which had the nice benefit of immobilizing them while providing healing to me and the Volt player.  

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