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Arbitrations Revisited


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On 2019-04-28 at 2:33 AM, Sahansral said:

I played the last days arbitrations exclusively.

1) The new revive mechanic leads to grief and lazy gameplay putting stress on the shoulders of the players who play properly.

2) Drones are not a fun enemy. Especially if you are not the host and see those drones warp around.

3) Endo doesn't feel rewarding if you consider the long times between rewards.

4) Game modes differ greatly in effort for rewards.

5) The drop rates for aura forma (and ephemera) are too low.

6) Archwing rivens: Not worth it until the underlying problems with archguns are solved.

All in all, the additions didn't really change the arbitrations or make them more fun. And while the addition of aura forma is great, the low drop chances and the frustrating long times between these chances lead to burn out.

Super agree with 1,2, and 4. 

3) I think endo is a very worthy reward in my opinion, because its a resource you can use endlessly. Even if you have every mod in the game maxed, simply maxing Serration or other essential mods can net some decent plat. I think proper scaling of rewards is needed, if you are killing level 200 enemies for 10 waves, you shouldn't earn the same amount of endo as level 90's. Maybe increase both the endo and credit drops from kills in arbitration, scaling based on level or something. 

4) This is bolded because if there was ever 1 thing I want noticed by a dev, its this. How is it ok that the entire weekend Arbitrations were nothing but defense and survival, 10 minutes per Vitus Essence, then when weekdays come, for some god awful reason, thats when the efficient modes comes. Where you can get 1 per 5-7 minutes or whatever the exact average is, there is 0 point it is RNG that only hurts the playerbase, there is NO POSITIVE to this. Instead of offering Defense and Survival, why not offer nothing at all. It seems to stay the same modes all day too, swap them, in a 12 hour span I should see every type of endless. There is clearly no thought being put into this as of the current system, I do not understand it.  

5) They are rare and meant to be that way, Aura Forma seems OP, so it should be a grind, properly scaling rewards would make staying in Rotation C a better choice, therefore making it more realistic to earn.

6) They are neat and honestly twice as encouraging as the other rewards available. But if that was meant to have anything more than add a small bit of hype and a taste of whats the come, then its disappointing. 

Number 4 needs to be fixed... Why does each day only seem to offer 1 or 2 different modes all day, and why are certain modes so much less worth it with an easy fix right there. 8 Waves, reward. 8 minutes, reward. 

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On 2019-04-25 at 12:59 PM, -Temp0- said:

How funny that the only people that dare say it happen to press the wrong button at times ALL OF THE TIME?

Like literally what the ****? I played Arbitration for hours and hours, only died 2 times, once because of my own mistake which I never repeated and second time just a random death out of nowhere with full health and garas 2 active. While people around me died all the freakin gtime, and some of them didnt give any effs, they were those frosts who leave the safety of the bubble and leave excavators to potentially die - and not because they needed power cells but because they needed some "action", so you got that guy with a not that tanky frame standing 10 meters away from lv 100+  grineer bombard shooting those grineer whn he could've shoot them from 30 meters away from the bubble - and it so "happens"  thathe dies. Wow. Shocking.


Who might have though that would happen?

And now his teammates with iq higher than 20 are burdined to revive him, risking to lose their own rewards. Great. Splendind. Thast what you get for your trouble cause by other people.

Literally makes me not ever want to play pubg or anything other than infested excavation ever.

Literally hope no one will ever revive those.


Oh hey, people aren't perfect machines, more are ten o'clock this evening. I am not excusing bad and or irresponsible players.


I am excusing human error. Gosh forbid some of us have distractions like kids, pets, or infirmed parents, or maybe being tired because we spent all day being productive members of society instead of focusing on playing a video game perfectly.


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Honestly, there are some types of people that I don't want to rez. However, unless the burdens are picked up like ayatan stars, I find I am forced to grab 5 of them if I am unlucky. Even without vacuum affecting them, I sort of have to kill the hammers, and when the burden drops I will be close to it.


OTOH, my boyfriend has made the point that the ayatan star thing would make squishy characters drop fast trying to pick them up if they did want to rez someone.


I feel like there has to be a more eloquent solution to this, though personally I would prefer you remove the rez capability entirely. That is part of arbitrations and made them more high risk.

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Nothing that you introduced here, has made any change to actually come back to play more. Even so, these changes instead of incentive, had dropped my team friends rate in this mode of interest to 0. Thanks.

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A little feedback on Arbitrations for controller schema. Please change the button to leave the mission (X on PS4 controllers/A on Xbox Controllers) for the cancel button, it leads to leave the mission by mistake.

Thanks in advance!

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I've played a few more since last time I commented here, and I think the revive mechanic -- while not perfect -- works well enough that you should increase the starting difficulty a bit. Just a few levels.


Edit: And by the way, can you do something about the rubberbanding of the drones? I'm not talking about them drifting around, but when you're client they're often not completely in sync with the host, making them move very erratically.

On top of that, I really hate how they teleport around when at a distance -- that optimisation you introduced with Fortuna. Almost feels like no one at HQ cares what these things do to the popularity of non-hitscan and non-AoE weapons. I mean, the fix shouldn't be that difficult: simply exempt enemies with small hitboxes and/or erratic movements from that optimisation.

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I say arch gun rivens are interesting but the highest disposition 1.3 is the same as .9 on pistol it needs to be at least 1.1 on rifle not a really weak stat cap for rivens that take 25 rotations to get and the 1 vitus essence per rotation with trashy rewards isn't helping we need at least 1k kuva per rotation as a drop from a boss to make up for it thanks for understanding de 

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Just to see how things would go I went and did a few Arbitrations with a meme loadout on a forgiving Warframe:

  • Rhino
  • Braton Prime
  • Hikou
  • Nami Solo


I normally don't use Rhino but did play actively -- i.e. didn't just stand in the enemy's fire without moving -- but tried to refrain from using Zenurik unless to make sure to keep the Skin up. No Specters. No Archgun. Operator sparingly. Companion was a Smeeta that died repeatedly (RIP).


  • Failed a solo Survival (Infested) because spawns were messed up and I ran out of Life Support. 🙄 Ok, I should've run to the last one sooner. Lesson learned: Do PUGs instead.
  • PUGs:
    • Defence (Void): 1st round was alright, the guy died during the 2nd round. Should've used a pizza and stomped, but oh well. I wasn't the only one around anyway. 1 Vitus Essence.
    • Excavation (Infested): Some minor hiccups, then we simply decided to leave after 12 excavations. Could've stayed longer: 6 Vitus Essence.
    • Survival (Corpus): Only got killed after 30 minutes when trying to go against a drone to revive another guy. I thought I was outside a Sapping Osprey mine's radius. Oh well. Last guy extracted anyway: 3 Vitus Essence.

Forgot to take screenshots of the first two runs. The latter two:


It's definitely easy enough to do these without top-level gear. With that Rhino build I can get a comfortable Iron Skin of 4-6k and recast it almost on a whim.


=> Now that we have a way to revive allies, increasing the enemy starting level by 5-20 would make these missions more interesting faster, and even those with mid-level gear can easily attempt to run them when using some of the more sturdy options. Overall the build is of course weak, but Rhino being Rhino, he also brings a 65% team damage buff just like that -- and is far from useless.

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In this thread ive seen  a lot of complaints about arbitrations taking too long or being boring, specifically bc of needing to wait 10 minutes rather than 5. Wouldn't the easy fix be making the rewards for 5 minutes only available at 10? In this way it keeps the  difficulty of an endgame mode but makes the time investment feel more worth it?

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With ability to rerive member, now it's bring another problem to us. An Leecher. So far i encounter on random player will got someone who really keep die again and again, Why not, he keep afk he not bother on death cause ppl will rerive him, or some who is really not ready for Abrit.,One round i rerive same ppl for 3 round in 20 turn of infest excavation. Then i notice why he down so often, so i keep eye on him and see he just stand there no move in abirit!  Somthing that plan for help ppl turn to somthing ppl use for rest while other work harder. This system must be limited to Friend only or Invite only. Take it off form public cause it's lead to more problem than merit. What happen now is if got someone die, some ppl will leave than keep going and let's dead one rot there no matter it's accident or not, unless you found really good ppl. 

Idk this idea can happen or not but I suggest my idea on down in Abrit. 

If ppl down on Abrit, He will be on Shade mode, On this mode He still can attack mob, and mob still can attack him. But he can't progress on mission if he solo, or not get any reward if mission progress on team mode. What he need to do is collect a token himself on rerive! Yes let's ppl who down get punishment on burdern team work, not let's team work harder for someone mistake. and if he die again during shade mode, he lost one obtained reward for each time down. No more rerive if no more reward to pay. So this will be fair, one who make a mistake can recover if he really want to be. not punish their teammate on other mistake.


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If host migration is the problem with arbitrations....

Why not make servers to host them so that NO ONE hosts the arbitration, only the server does? How?

There are dedicated servers for Conclave. See the following: https://www.warframe.com/news/player-dedicated-servers

No one plays Lunaro or Conclave in general (at least no one who hasn't gone crazy trying to farm the amazing skins), so why not make Dedicated servers available for Arbitration? And don't just make it a 'possiblity'. Let folks know YOU ARE ON A DEDICATED SERVER. Give folks good rewards for hosting servers. I'd probably host a server during my work if it meant helping something good in Warframe and it gave rewards to folks who helped provide those servers.

Seriously, Dedicated Servers are already available, just make it so it's not Conclave but Arbitrations.


Yes? Maybe?

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1 hour ago, Salenstormwing said:

If host migration is the problem with arbitrations....

Why not make servers to host them so that NO ONE hosts the arbitration, only the server does? How?

There are dedicated servers for Conclave. See the following: https://www.warframe.com/news/player-dedicated-servers

No one plays Lunaro or Conclave in general (at least no one who hasn't gone crazy trying to farm the amazing skins), so why not make Dedicated servers available for Arbitration? And don't just make it a 'possiblity'. Let folks know YOU ARE ON A DEDICATED SERVER. Give folks good rewards for hosting servers. I'd probably host a server during my work if it meant helping something good in Warframe and it gave rewards to folks who helped provide those servers.

Seriously, Dedicated Servers are already available, just make it so it's not Conclave but Arbitrations.


Yes? Maybe?

Not like that, no. But yes to the idea that they could enable them for Arbitrations and some other specific nodes (said that before e.g. here).

Seriously, what is it with people trying to take away from that part of the game, or malign it when making this kind of proposal. Do you think that makes this suggestion look better in other people's eyes?

The dedicated Conclave servers only have a leaderboard and people are hosting. It just works. (Back when they introduced them, it was even too much at first -- too many hosters and you'd get put in the nearest one.)

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On 2019-05-04 at 3:29 PM, SpicyDinosaur said:

Honestly, there are some types of people that I don't want to rez. However, unless the burdens are picked up like ayatan stars, I find I am forced to grab 5 of them if I am unlucky. Even without vacuum affecting them, I sort of have to kill the hammers, and when the burden drops I will be close to it.


OTOH, my boyfriend has made the point that the ayatan star thing would make squishy characters drop fast trying to pick them up if they did want to rez someone.


I feel like there has to be a more eloquent solution to this, though personally I would prefer you remove the rez capability entirely. That is part of arbitrations and made them more high risk.

It would be easy if you were to go into operator mode and pick it up while in void mode. Plus if each one had a waypoint that would be a great way to pick them up easier or to assign that role to a specific squad member that's using a tanky warframe. Let's be honest, pure tanks are more or less leeches cause they don't serve any role besides surviving. They may contribute, but pure tanks tend to do very little for a team. At the very least, they're worse equipped for mission objectives than most frames. 

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On 2019-05-16 at 7:02 AM, (PS4)Kaneki9597 said:

It would be easy if you were to go into operator mode and pick it up while in void mode. Plus if each one had a waypoint that would be a great way to pick them up easier or to assign that role to a specific squad member that's using a tanky warframe. Let's be honest, pure tanks are more or less leeches cause they don't serve any role besides surviving. They may contribute, but pure tanks tend to do very little for a team. At the very least, they're worse equipped for mission objectives than most frames. 

Here's a simple solution: When a team member goes down, it reduces the max health of everyone else by 25%, stacking up to -75% if everyone else is down. In return, when a member is revived, everyone gets back that 25%, plus a team-wide full heal and maybe even a short damage reduction buff (-50% for 5 seconds or so) so that the resurrected player can pick up the pace. This would actually encourage players to rez each other through multiple layers of incentives.

You can even combine it with the current system to add a further layer of risk vs reward element: you still need to collect resurrection charges, but they drop from the drones all the time. When a player goes down, you can choose how many charges you want to use to revive them. Use five charges, and they get back to the game, but not at full health, and the rest of the team doesn't get a healing charge either. Use ten, and everyone gets healed to full. Use 15, and everyone gets healed to full and get their energy bar filled too.

Alternatively, DE could do away with the resurrection charges altogether, and instead make it time based: when a player goes down, they cannot be resurrected for 3 minutes. Each enemy killed by the team reduces this timer by 1 second. Alternatively, when a player goes down, the team has to kill 25 enemies to rez them. Then for the second rez, it would be 50 enemies. Then for the next it's 75, and so on, meaning that death in penalized, but if the team does well, the penalty can be overcome. Or there could be special challenges that have to be done in order to rez the player, like killing X number of enemies with heavy melee attacks, or killing X enemies with headshots. Or you can mix and match the ideas, like earning resurrection charges by doing challenges instead of killing drones.

Really, there are dozens of ways DE could make this better.

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On 2019-04-22 at 8:23 PM, --END--Rikutatis said:

OR... you can learn about one of the dozens of different ways that already exist in the game to completely strip armor without using 4x CP auras. Or simply completely ignore armor by building for bleed procs.


Yeah I know that is possible, it's just not something I consider fun to do every single time. I'd like to just head into a mission with whatever I've got (assuming multi-forma'd gear and a riven or 2) and atleast have an enjoyable experience for the first 1 or 2 reward cycles. Grineer just isn't close to that at all.

I know I can easily kill stuff with finishers and covert lethality, trinity's link augment and going full tank melee-mode, octavia in general, high status weapons, 100% status shotguns, saryn's spores... the list goes on.

The problem here is that I somehow feel extremely limited in my possible "effective" playstyles against grineer or just armored targets in general. I know these builds can take me into long endurance runs if done correctly, but that's just not how I like to play. I tend to go for around an hour maximum just because of time constraints or lack of reason to continue.

If I were to take top-tier builds on weapons and frames that do not have some inherent armor-strip advantage, grineer feel like this extremely sluggish and frustrating enemy to fight. I can stay alive just fine, but they soak up way too many shots. I'd just like this to be a little more equalized between factions. Sure grineer can be tankier than others, but the difference currently is just rediculous to the point where I skip every single grineer arbitration just because I don't feel like dealing with that s***.


Optimized armor-stripping builds are fine for long-term, but at the very least the first 10 minutes shouldn't feel significantly worse than all other factions to fight against just because their scaling is through the roof. What I meant here is that I just want armor scaling dialed down and more equalized across the board, but still relevant for specialized builds and more endurance-orientated runs. To such a degree that an effective elemental combo (corrosive/radiation) can make the grineer similar to other factions at the start, but slowly start out-tanking them in the long term... which is when you'll need armor-stripping.

EDIT: Yes I realized I responded like a month later, but I never noticed the notification until now somehow.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Well, i have spent quite a bit of time in Arby's. Here is one of my latest thoughts. The revive option is much better than I expected. I had planned to set empathy aside and carry on w do not die, I am busy. But, it is only a tiny inconvenience and a somewhat fun side challenge.  What I see as a problem,(Ps4 build) when you die, you have almost no clue if people are even trying, or if they are anywhere near your area, or if they even know what to do. Also people quit when they do the math and are not instantly revived seeing 5, because they have no clue on the progress of players w tokens approaching at the same time from possibly anywhere in the map.I do not know if it was intentional to not show who is trying to help or not, but it is enough of an inconvenience when you make the effort and the person quits just before you arrive. I have also wondered if by participating in a revive, should you die, you would require one less revive token. It could be a tiny incentive. I dont think it is necessary but maybe interesting to hear feedback from other players. 

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4 minutes ago, (PS4)jockhotty said:

Well, i have spent quite a bit of time in Arby's. Here is one of my latest thoughts. The revive option is much better than I expected. I had planned to set empathy aside and carry on w do not die, I am busy. But, it is only a tiny inconvenience and a somewhat fun side challenge.  What I see as a problem,(Ps4 build) when you die, you have almost no clue if people are even trying, or if they are anywhere near your area, or if they even know what to do. Also people quit when they do the math and are not instantly revived seeing 5, because they have no clue on the progress of players w tokens approaching at the same time from possibly anywhere in the map.I do not know if it was intentional to not show who is trying to help or not, but it is enough of an inconvenience when you make the effort and the person quits just before you arrive. I have also wondered if by participating in a revive, should you die, you would require one less revive token. It could be a tiny incentive. I dont think it is necessary but maybe interesting to hear feedback from other players. 

I personally have not revived a single soul in the mode and treat it like it was before they made it possible to revive people. I make it a point to say that people will not be revived when they do die super early because they were stupid. Reviving in arbitration's is against the initial goal of the mode which was to have a one shot game mode and I will continue to play it as such even if DE chose to pander to the newbies who were dragged through the starchart to play the mode. Of course this is how I do it and you don't have to but you did ask for other opinions regardless so ther a go.

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39 minutes ago, (XB1)Zweimander said:

I personally have not revived a single soul in the mode and treat it like it was before they made it possible to revive people. I make it a point to say that people will not be revived when they do die super early because they were stupid. Reviving in arbitration's is against the initial goal of the mode which was to have a one shot game mode and I will continue to play it as such even if DE chose to pander to the newbies who were dragged through the starchart to play the mode. Of course this is how I do it and you don't have to but you did ask for other opinions regardless so ther a go.

Haha, well, that was how I felt originally. I genuinely have had better matches lately and its not usually used. I do agree that the mode was coined as you stated, and there are a plethora of other things that people can do. I was really curious why they did it. They did say it has longer term goals, maybe the changes will make more sense in the future. I love the rewards, and that they add more stuff so I enjoy that aspect for sure!

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  • 2 weeks later...

I really like Arbies now. Scaling is much improved and within 30 mins, mobs are lvl 100+. You gotta keep bringing us good rewards (right now I only run Arbies for Adaptation and endo, which is fine). I suggest old Nightwave cosmetics, or something along those line. My other suggestion is to feature mini bosses every few rotations. They should scale well (i.e. not get one-shot by Redeemer or Catchmoon), hit hard, and drop a few interesting mods.

I really like Arbies on Jupiter, with Amalgams. Ran into a bug yesterday - the Arbie drones were invisible for some reason (mobs around them were invuln). Not sure if this was a connection problem. Please come up with additional uses for Hex (beyond Wisp and the few Amalgam weapons).

I suggest also using Orb Vallis and Kuva Fortress tilesets (interiors)! I'd love to face off against OV Corpus, they're the nastiest mofos in the game. Kuva Grineer are pretty fun to fight as well. Rewards should match the difficulty. Kuva tileset should give us Kuva, and OV tilest toroids maybe (but you'd need to create additional uses for toroids) or Hildryn bp's.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Thank you DE for the drop chance update as I finally got seeding step yesterday.. putting me only needing 1 more Emphera's from having the entire set..

Blazing Step still won't drop for me & im brunt out on warfrane & ESO trying to farm this thing of beauty..

Can I please have some RNG luck added to my account so it can finally drop if you give blazing step too me within the next few weeks i promise I won't say one bad thing or make 1 negative post on here for rest this year.....

That said if you can't add some RNG luck to my account can you please update us on when the ESO drop chance update is coming out?

I know you said it was coming.. but I would like to know how soon after tennocon we can expect it so I can prepare to either run eso or wait for the drop chance update as I'm planning on farming prime parts from relics and Aura forma's in Aberation..

I have 1 request though can you please reduce the cost of built forma's to build an aura forma?? 

Because 4 is way to much for someone like me who is still putting forma's into stuff it would be much appreciated thanks...

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  • 1 month later...

We will be watching how these changes play out as we plan to iterate further on the mode in the future, with our next review for Arbitrations focusing on reward pacing.” -[DE]DREW

So um... is there any news on Arbitrations iteration 2? Which will focus on reward pacing?

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