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Let's Calm Down, Organize, And Help De Fix It


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OK. so the consensus is pretty much that theres alot of issues with this game, and i agree. theres ALOT of issues, And our job as open beta testers is to give feedback and idea's to improve the game. But three hundred posts filled with nothing but rude comments an unconstructive critisism are going to do nothing but make everyone angry.

So im making this thread in the hopes to help everyone chill out. and be constructive so our issues can be resolved. Now i for one cant make any well thought out idea's at the moment due to school and such.

Please write any and all arguements or idea's or etc etc, on how to fix and adress the plethora of issues we have with the game as it is. if its constructive i'll stick it in the OP and credit it to you

Please +1 so De can acually see this!

First and foremost, kudos to you DE for bringing about the sensational UI overhaul and various tweaks to enhance the game. Now there are issues at hand which I feel needs immediate attention.






when in mods selection add use of mouse wheel to scroll mods side to side instead of set pages - atm on lower resolutions (I sometimes play on large tv screen but the resolution is lower than on my monitor ) you cant even click on buttons nr 1-7 - they are just off the screen adding slider to it and use of mouse wheel would improve the experience


mod stacking - very important - I just leave my new weapons unmoded since finding mods is sometimes impossible with the 70 pages of mods 



Akiba's Expansion: a toggle button to not show equipped mods in the mod selection menu



Floating Walls:  some times, not allways.  When running a map. there will be a large chunk of black object,  it acts as a wall, but going around this oddly placed mass shows that its a streached out object that is acting as a wall,


empty room from doorway:  only seen this twice,  hit a doorway the room turns Black.  walk in room blinks back to normal.


the sound shell game:  since U10 this has become an issue for me.  Offten, no footsteps. or slide Sfx. but everything elce sounds fine.

OR No guns or footsteps Sfx But enemys guns still make sound. and everything else is fine.  OR no ambient atmospheres  Just footstep echos but other Sfx.  Its like Sound roulette more than half the time.


SpiderMan Items:  It seems that now when oppaning a storage container or killing an enemy the Drops Stick to walls if they hit them.  Be it Health/Energy Orbs, Ammo, Mods or Mats  to the Walls, archways or Ceilings they will stick.


Dunderhead Emenys:  I know that the Enemy runs in curicles thing was fixed,  but yeah it still happens.  Also The infested Endless Defence on some maps, they spawn in a room,  And don't want to leave it.  its like they know what happens.....

As of now:

Ancient Retribution Bug. I know DE is aware of this and is working on it. Thanks in advance.

Costs of new Infested Clantech Weapons: Prices and cost to craft is unfortunately too steep for us, considering that the Embolist is generally lacking in a ton of aspects. 2 Formas to craft such weapons that are inferior to existing clantech is a little too steep.

We need more incentive to enter the Orokin Derelict Tileset. Making Mutagen Samples drop only in the Orokin Derelict Tileset is a bad move, in my opinion.

-Revert the Mutagen Sample drop locations
-More incentive to play Orokin Derelict missions other than for Nekros.

-Akiba's Expansion
Why dont we Move the new Clantech weapons as BP drops Into the derelict tile sets. Giving it more reasons to be farmed, and keeping clans from eating up pointless reasources?





Some of the textures are too obvious, Better textures can let you lower the polygon count which will help you with optimization

Edited by Akiba_Broax
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First and foremost, kudos to you DE for bringing about the sensational UI overhaul and various tweaks to enhance the game. Now there are issues at hand which I feel needs immediate attention.

As of now:

Ancient Retribution Bug. I know DE is aware of this and is working on it. Thanks in advance.

Costs of new Infested Clantech Weapons: Prices and cost to craft is unfortunately too steep for us, considering that the Embolist is generally lacking in a ton of aspects. 2 Formas to craft such weapons that are inferior to existing clantech is a little too steep.

We need more incentive to enter the Orokin Derelict Tileset. Making Mutagen Samples drop only in the Orokin Derelict Tileset is a bad move, in my opinion.

-Revert the Mutagen Sample drop locations

-More incentive to play Orokin Derelict missions other than for Nekros.

The decrease of credits awarded from Tier 3 Void

-Unfortunately, I also feel that in a way, this is also a bad move, as many credit sinks are implemented over the last few updates: Mod Transmutation, Cost of Nekros BP, Costs of new weapon BP, Cost of Embolist BP(150k zomg)

Not that players should only play T3 as a source of income, but by removing our sole income source without providing alternative sources of income makes some of us struggle to get enough credits together to enjoy the new content. Thus, I feel that the credit rewards for T3 should be reverted and act as a placeholder as more sources of credit income rolls out in the near future.

Edited by X3Evanescence
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First and foremost, kudos to you DE for bringing about the sensational UI overhaul and various tweaks to enhance the game. Now there are issues at hand which I feel needs immediate attention.

As of now:

Ancient Retribution Bug. I know DE is aware of this and is working on it. Thanks in advance.

Costs of new Infested Clantech Weapons: Prices and cost to craft is unfortunately too steep for us, considering that the Embolist is generally lacking in a ton of aspects. 2 Formas to craft such weapons that are inferior to existing clantech is a little too steep.

We need more incentive to enter the Orokin Derelict Tileset. Making Mutagen Samples drop only in the Orokin Derelict Tileset is a bad move, in my opinion.

-Revert the Mutagen Sample drop locations

-More incentive to play Orokin Derelict missions other than for Nekros.

added to OP and expanded on

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The star field needs work. Right now it's too obvious that it's a texture, you can see the edges of the Skybox!

Other than the hideous crafting requirments for new Clantech, I don't have any other big complaints. I wouldn't say no to Infestivoid rewards though :P

took half of whatcha said since the first dude pretty much covered the new clantech weapon issues

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Floating Walls:  some times, not allways.  When running a map. there will be a large chunk of black object,  it acts as a wall, but going around this oddly placed mass shows that its a streached out object that is acting as a wall,


empty room from doorway:  only seen this twice,  hit a doorway the room turns Black.  walk in room blinks back to normal.


the sound shell game:  since U10 this has become an issue for me.  Offten, no footsteps. or slide Sfx. but everything elce sounds fine.

OR No guns or footsteps Sfx But enemys guns still make sound. and everything else is fine.  OR no ambient atmospheres  Just footstep echos but other Sfx.  Its like Sound roulette more than half the time.


SpiderMan Items:  It seems that now when oppaning a storage container or killing an enemy the Drops Stick to walls if they hit them.  Be it Health/Energy Orbs, Ammo, Mods or Mats  to the Walls, archways or Ceilings they will stick.


Dunderhead Emenys:  I know that the Enemy runs in curicles thing was fixed,  but yeah it still happens.  Also The infested Endless Defence on some maps, they spawn in a room,  And don't want to leave it.  its like they know what happens.....


thats all i got for now.

Edited by OniDarkClown
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Floating Walls:  some times, not allways.  When running a map. there will be a large chunk of black object,  it acts as a wall, but going around this oddly placed mass shows that its a streached out object that is acting as a wall,


empty room from doorway:  only seen this twice,  hit a doorway the room turns Black.  walk in room blinks back to normal.


the sound shell game:  since U10 this has become an issue for me.  Offten, no footsteps. or slide Sfx. but everything elce sounds fine.

OR No guns or footsteps Sfx But enemys guns still make sound. and everything else is fine.  OR no ambient atmospheres  Just footstep echos but other Sfx.  Its like Sound roulette more than half the time.


SpiderMan Items:  It seems that now when oppaning a storage container or killing an enemy the Drops Stick to walls if they hit them.  Be it Health/Energy Orbs, Ammo, Mods or Mats  to the Walls, archways or Ceilings they will stick.


Dunderhead Emenys:  I know that the Enemy runs in curicles thing was fixed,  but yeah it still happens.  Also The infested Endless Defence on some maps, they spawn in a room,  And don't want to leave it.  its like they know what happens.....


thats all i got for now.

added to OP

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ui improvements:


when in mods selection add use of mouse wheel to scroll mods side to side instead of set pages - atm on lower resolutions (I sometimes play on large tv screen but the resolution is lower than on my monitor ) you cant even click on buttons nr 1-7 - they are just off the screen adding slider to it and use of mouse wheel would improve the experience


mod stacking - very important - I just leave my new weapons unmoded since finding mods is sometimes impossible with the 70 pages of mods 


when in arsenal - clicking on the name of the equipped frame/weapon should take you to "equip" - I know you can choose it from the side but it makes the interaction better and more intuitive - same mechanic like mods , gear and inventory have


gameplay improvements:


orokin void , orokin derelict , golem fight - they need token system added and ability to buy forma /catalyst/reactor bps for tokens in market


improve transmute - my suggestion https://forums.warframe.com/index.php?/topic/108065-transmutation-new-mechanic-idea-orokin-mods/#entry1249975

Edited by syle
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ui improvements:


when in mods selection add use of mouse wheel to scroll mods side to side instead of set pages - atm on lower resolutions (I sometimes play on large tv screen but the resolution is lower than on my monitor ) you cant even click on buttons nr 1-7 - they are just off the screen adding slider to it and use of mouse wheel would improve the experience


mod stacking - very important - I just leave my new weapons unmoded since finding mods is sometimes impossible with the 70 pages of mods 


when in arsenal - clicking on the name of the equipped frame/weapon should take you to "equip" - I know you can choose it from the side but it makes the interaction better and more intuitive - same mechanic like mods , gear and inventory have


gameplay improvements:


orokin void , orokin derelict , golem fight - they need token system added and ability to buy forma /catalyst/reactor bps for tokens


improve transmute - my suggestion https://forums.warframe.com/index.php?/topic/108065-transmutation-new-mechanic-idea-orokin-mods/#entry1249975

i added some of your idea's to the OP, i dont think the token system for potatoes is a good idea, they're cheap enough so that its hardly out of a price range, especially if a player uses steam, and with the discounts on the login raffle.

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i added some of your idea's to the OP, i dont think the token system for potatoes is a good idea, they're cheap enough so that its hardly out of a price range, especially if a player uses steam, and with the discounts on the login raffle.


its not the price issue but the ability to get them - even if single mission rewards 1 token point and a catalyst will cost 100000 of them I will be fine with it - it just makes the game true free to play experience and gives a player something to look forward to

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Some Lobby Issues: (Though they could be connection based, I'm not sure.)


-Freeze Ups: The lobby will glitch up and take up to a minute to realize you've clicked something. It has happened for me as well as a few people on my friends list, but not sure about general population.


-Double Invites: After being invited to a game, It will tell me "Unable to Join Session", but after a second invite, I join without issue. This also happens to several people on my friends list but not sure about general population.

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its not the price issue but the ability to get them - even if single mission rewards 1 token point and a catalyst will cost 100000 of them I will be fine with it - it just makes the game true free to play experience and gives a player something to look forward to

you can play just fine without a tater, you just have to deal with lower mod points

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you can play just fine without a tater, you just have to deal with lower mod points

in lol you can play with no runes or masteries as well

but riot was actually smart enough not to make it a payable feature

and look how it turned out for them

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I don't agree with this one. Derelict missions are amazing for farming neurodes and orokin cells. I'll often get two or three of each on a normal derelict run.

aye but thats  not enough for everyone, however having a chance of getting dual ichor? hell yeah i'd be running orokin derelict like mad

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