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The worst warframe survey!


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2 hours ago, D20 said:

If by worst you mean "those I dislike", my enjoyment of the game tends to seriously drop when nukers starts to show up. Mostly Mesa and Saryn. To two warframes just tend to instantly delete the whole map with insane ease, leaving little to no work to do for the rest of the team unless you go really far away, which breaks the exp sharing.

 I once had a defense mission on a very small map where a Saryn would constantly nuke the whole map every two seconds. I couldn't hit any mob, but if I wanted my Catalyst I had to remain in the mission for 10 good minutes. Let me tell you it was the longest ten minutes of my life.

The existence of those abusively effective nukers led me to mostly play solo or between likeminded friends.


If by worst you just mean "most useless", then it has to be Vauban. One trick pony, can't do anything but CC, can't survive well... Vauban is in a dire need of a rework.

I fall into a similar mindset.  I will also add in a one that I experienced yesterday.  Mirage+simulor and bright energy colors.  I literally could not see anything near where they shot.  I had to move to the outside of the area just so my eye didn't hurt from the light.  Add in that Wolf appeared.  While I was playing Garuda and using the Hema which aer very good against him, I just couldn't see to aim for him.  

1 hour ago, (PS4)Zero_029 said:

We all know the worst Warframe title falls to the King himself...


Now if you'll excuse me...

*a detachment of guards swarm Zero & escorts him to an awaiting shipn alarms blare to announce the presence of @DeMonkey, the ship then swiftly takes off, then docks midflight with another ship, that ship splits into 99 mini-ships, each one Void jumps to a random location before Void jumping to another random location*

No need to run Zero.  DeMonkey knows this as well.  😄  

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3 minutes ago, Gabbynaru said:

Oberon, mainly. And while I don't hate them, I'm not exactly fond of frames that are useless in solo play (aka support frames), or frames that are overly complex and overly synergizing (aka anything that came out after Nidus).

While I definitely don't mind supports and Oberon is my favorite support to play, I agree with your other point.

Frames are getting weirdly complicated and that makes them hard to balance on the development end and easier to exploit on the player end. Warframe is an extremely simple game to play. Cramming a complicated power set into 4 skills just doesn't jive.

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Nehza can shield friends with an augment, so I disagree. He's also as unkillable as rhino.

Most underpowered/frames that need help with their niche frames currently I'd say:




Mag (not as much as before)


Edited by Ishinae
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Hildryn - she sets a bad example with Synthol and loses in the Fashionframe department.

Powers wise probs Ember - she fails at what she is supposed to do.

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1 minute ago, DatDarkOne said:

What's wrong with Mag's current iteration?  I haven't come across any since her last tweaking. 

This. I'm regularly getting top damage and kills, and with her Counter Pulse augment I CC practically everyone but infested. MAG was my starter, and if you take her and MAG Prime I have probably 60% of my playtime on them. 

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15 minutes ago, DatDarkOne said:

What's wrong with Mag's current iteration?  I haven't come across any since her last tweaking. 

Polarize and Crush are fairly underwhelming by themselves and overlap on each other a bit. They get much better with an augment however, but here lies the problem : you need the augments to get the most out of those two abilities.

It's worth noting that if you have the Crush augment, you can fully strip any armor from a target with two casts of crush and one cast of polarize. It just works.

Mag with those two augments has 4 useful abilities. Mag without those augment still can do a very good job, but you will be left with two underwhelming abilities that overlap too much each other.

Magnetize is underrated as hell. One of the best designed nukes in the game by the way. Does a very good job at dishing out insane damage without being intrusive towards other players.

Pull is, well, Pull. Or should I say "Fling everything around hillariously". One of my favourite powers in WF by far by the way.

I don't really share the opinion of Mag being underwhelming. It's just that her kit has some design flaws IMO.

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Playing myself:

I HATE playing Trinity in public groups. Yes she is useful, yes she is essential in lots of content, yes she is very good, but I find her just unfun and then there's the constant spamming of "Trin EV / bless plz" from 3 players 600m outside of affinity range in different directions.


Seeing on the team:

Rhino, when played by certain players.

Not the frame itself, and actually not because of the stigma with noobs playing Rhino, since I just assume I need to babysit everyone regardless of frame in public groups.l (not because I myself am some exceptional player, but I'd rather be pleasantly surprised than disappointed, and usually it's pleasantly surprised.)

No no no I'm talking about those people on high horses where their common battle cry is "Why are you playing X when it's basically a worse Rhino?" Where X = Chroma, Nezha, Valkyr, Inaros, Nova, Oberon, Mag, Excal, etc etc etc etc.

Edited by RushBCyka
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3 hours ago, (XB1)Cubic Clem said:

Limbo. Because when played wrong he can be malicious to the rest of the team and affect the session negatively.

-when played wrong (x)

-when played without very strict code and setting that doesn't expected on the other warframes (o)

Many will agreed on its a design fault, though.



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3 hours ago, D20 said:

The existence of those abusively effective nukers led me to mostly play solo or between likeminded friends.


If by worst you just mean "most useless", then it has to be Vauban. One trick pony, can't do anything but CC, can't survive well... Vauban is in a dire need of a rework.

I think these two statements contradict each other. You hate nukers but you want vauban to become a nuker? Cause the only other option would be a utility frame

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For me, Volt. Is a warframe that i tryied to build for several situations, and ony works in low level places, like Mag. I don't dislike Volt, it only don't have utility for me. I don't like nyx too, i think she is a useless and broken warframe, but i don't completely hate them, they only don't pleases my taste😄

Edited by Goldeneye394
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Ill have to say Limbo myself. Its generally the one that gets on my nerves due to his extremely annoying bubbles making it a pain to shoot anything, especially when said bubbles are enormous.

Behind that are the ultimate nukers that leave the entire team just twiddling their thumbs. Sure it can be nice for exp if it happens at Hydron when I'm leveling weapons, but a lot of the time it gets very boring in such a team.

Finally ill have to say Nezha due to many of those using their nr2 ability makes it get stuck and broken in a wall and make an insanely annoying sound, constantly. Worst I've seen of this had those bugged out discs all over Hydron and overlapping near the defense target. Lets just say my ears were thankful to get out of there.

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Switch user here so it doesn't apply to the rest of you but the recently fixed Mirage/Synoid Simulor bug killed her for me. It became such a plague in the NSW Warframe community that I was actively leaving any party where I saw a Mirage in it.

It totally broke/trivialized the game taking all the fun out and you couldn't even enjoy parkouring around the stage because of the massive lag spikes.

The bug is fixed now so logically I know it's fine, but playing with a Mirage still fills me with an intense loathing every single time I see her and I have to fight the instinct to just leave and find another game.

P.S. For those who don't know there was a bug with Mirage on Nintendo switch that would cause her to instantly kill/despawn all enemies on the map under certain circumstances completely ignoring their health and distance. It's fixed now and she's still a powerhouse like on the other platforms but she doesn't literally break the game anymore.

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19 hours ago, D20 said:

If by worst you just mean "most useless", then it has to be Vauban. One trick pony, can't do anything but CC, can't survive well... Vauban is in a dire need of a rework.

Question then, wouldn't Zephyr top Vauban at that point since she's still super squishy and doesn't even really have the CC capabilities of Vauban? Is it just that she never ends up in your party so you don't have her to dislike, or am I missing something when I try her out?

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16 hours ago, o0Despair0o said:

From my experience, he just slides around all day getting downed every 20 seconds.

Nezha shouldn't be dropping on the flood that easly with Warding Halo. Not sure what Nezhas you met, but those people were doing something wrong.


2 hours ago, (NSW)Sniperfox47 said:

Question then, wouldn't Zephyr top Vauban at that point since she's still super squishy and doesn't even really have the CC capabilities of Vauban? Is it just that she never ends up in your party so you don't have her to dislike, or am I missing something when I try her out?

I do agree Zephyr still needs a bit of improvement. However, she has tons of small things going her way :

  • Turbulence is almost a god mode provided that you know how it works. Seriously, I have yet to find something that killed me while Turbulence is active, provided that I don't put myself abusively close to enemies and pay attention to a few AoE attacks.
  • She's still the most efficient Warframe for travelling in open areas such as the plains or the orb valis... Provided that you don't use Itzal already though. You can still use it to zoom through coridoors in normal missions. Hurray for speedrunning ?
  • This is something I learned two weeks ago : did you know tornadoes increased your critical damage by 200% like Volt shield does ? This allows Zephyr to boost team damage really effectively provided that you use the right kind of weaponry.
    • Still about Tornadoes, they have a lot of small hidden mechanics that you will be able to discover on the Wiki. I'm still learning things every day.
  • Unlike Vauban, Zephyr packs much more utility. Zephyr has mobility, CC, survivability and can even improve your damage (see above). Vauban has just Bastille for himself, because Bastille is so strong is outshines every single other abilities.

Zephyr is not as bad as people think. She has a bloody useless power though : her 2 just feels anemic.

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22 minutes ago, D20 said:

You can still use it to zoom through coridoors in normal missions. Hurray for speedrunning ?

Well.. I just get stucked in the door all the time because it takes a lot of time to open. Is it just me?

Or sometimes I get teleported back because there's an invisible 'roof' that make you teleport back. Sometimes it is so low and you get 'repositioned back' even only using a bullet jump or Valkyr's 1.

21 hours ago, Elessara1 said:

I'm kind of amused at the people who don't like it when nuke frames show up.  I tend to play Trinity so hey if other people want to kill everything it's fine for me!  I'll just get out my pompoms and cheer them on.

I just started playing Harrow and I have a really hard time to give good buffs and energy when the map is totally empty. Any tips?

Or maybe it can be fixed with an Augment that gives a 10% energy if enemies get killed by others and not last hitted by you? I have no idea.

Should I just give up and use Trinity again instead? (But Harrow seems more fun to play  :c)


PS: Nezha is unkillable, is like a super fast rhino with flames that can make others unkillable too with his halo, how can you guys say that he's useless?

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On 2019-04-19 at 9:20 PM, Goldeneye394 said:

For me, Volt. Is a warframe that i tryied to build for several situations, and ony works in low level places, like Mag. I don't dislike Volt, it only don't have utility for me. I don't like nyx too, i think she is a useless and broken warframe, but i don't completely hate them, they only don't pleases my taste😄

If you think MAG and Volt are only useful at low levels then you are doing something wrong. Nyx is just overshadowed by other better CC frames. She does have an augment that can make her practically immortal though. 

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