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Plains of Eidolon Remaster: Update 24.8.0


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Plains of Eidolon Remaster: Update 24.8.0

Arbitrations ‘Iteration 1’ Changes

Our goal with this update is to maintain the challenge that Arbitrations promised, while also ensuring that if you or a teammate is knocked out, they still have a chance to jump back into the fight! Iteration 1 brings the discussed Revival mechanic and enemy scaling changes to mirror normal Endless mission modes. We will be watching how these changes play out as we plan to iterate further on the mode in the future, with our next review for Arbitrations focusing on reward pacing.

The rules of Arbitration death have shifted: players are still downed with no bleedout timer, but a Revive tower is now placed at the player’s spot of death. If any squadmate is awaiting Revival, the Arbitration Drones will begin dropping unique pickups known as a “Resurgence Burden”. These pickups function similar to Index points (otherwise known as “Financial Stress”), debuffing the players who carry them. 

In order to revive a player, 5 of these Resurgence Burdens must be taken to their tower simultaneously. These 5 pickups can be delivered by one or multiple squadmates, but cannot be “dropped off” at the tower - it’s all or nothing!

You can now spend Vitus Essence in the Arbitrations Market to purchase Archgun Rivens (if you are below your Riven cap), as well as new cosmetics! The new cosmetic offerings include:


ILLUMINA JUDICIUM (name showing incorrectly in game. Will be hotfixed)
Let Arbitration begin.

A similar Emote style to the TennoCon 2019 Emote, the Illumina Judicium displays your true dedication to Arbitrations with a looping Vitus Illumina Glyph whilst doing an angsty Meditation pose.

Eyewear created by the Arbiters for those they deem worthy. 

Also, a new Arbitrations reward has been added: the elusive Aura Forma Blueprint! Craft an Aura Forma to modify an Aura slot on a Warframe to be compatible with any Mod Polarity.

General Arbitrations Changes:

  • Removed custom enemy level scaling from Defense, Survival, Interception, Excavation, Defection, and Infested Salvage modes in Arbitrations. Enemy scaling now mirrors normal Endless missions that increase as the missions progresses. 
  • Reduced Vitus Essence crafting cost for the Amber Star Blueprint from 2 to 1.


  • Potential fix for inability to use Warframe Abilities and prior active Invisibility being broken after using Transference. 
  • Fixed cases of Plains Rescue Bounties prematurely ending. 
  • Fixed (for real this time) the Synth Mod Set Bonus resulting in your weapon reload stopping and Synth icon stuck for a Client players after Operator mode.
  • Fixed a script error if Stalker's target disconnects after his initial Transmission fires up.
  • Fixed Alad V’s skirt clipping into his legs in his Wolf of Saturn Six Episode dioramas.
  • Fixed potential (harmless) script crash that can occur when Wolf dies in the middle of spinning.
  • Fixed equipping Castanas (in default Skin) placing a larger version of one of the projectiles between the Warframes legs.
  • Fixed windows in Grineer Settlement tileset being impassible when they look open. 
  • Fixed some waypoints flip flopping around you in Lua tileset (more fixes required). 
  • Fixed Void Dash colliding with Snowglobe. 
  • Fixed a crash caused by Khora’s Strangledome. 
  • Fixed wonky lantern textures in Teshin’s Relay room as reported here: https://old.reddit.com/r/Warframe/comments/bene8w/as_one_of_the_4_conclave_players_i_require_these/
  • Fixed an issue where selecting default keybindings would remove the ability to scroll or click, as well as causing other issues. 
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I want to address what a majority of arbitration players are thinking and their opinions before this update on the current state of Arbitrations.

Basically, to give you the rundown, Arbitrations suck for various reasons:



  • Because arb rotations are 2 normal rotations, mission types like defense are completely not worth doing (10+ minutes) compared to literally everything else (10 minutes survival, 10 minutes interception, 8 minutes defection, 6-10 minutes infested salvage, 4-8 minutes excavation).  Every main Arbitration spammer can agree excavation was the best one to run (bonus points for infested), and defense/survival took too long (or were too ‘boring’).
  • Rotation rewards all suck, pure endo that can be earned three times faster doing a couple runs of vodyanoi.  Cool mods and ephemera I guess.
  • Vitus Essence rewards turn out to be only buying the Ayatan Amber Star Blueprint, Power Donation, and the Veiled Archgun Riven Mod. (Excluding cosmetics of course, because ThE ReAl eNdGaMe iS FasHioNFrAmE).
  • Arbitration drone AI sucks because they cause enemies to get stuck across the map (unless someone uses a form of enemy radar).



And with this update, solutions I have to solve most of the reasons why Arbitrations suck can be summed up to:




  • Change arb rotational rewards to be 1 normal interval with the reward pool being AABBCCCCCC… to match the ABCCCCCC….  This would make playing arbs more worth your while and earn more rewards for your time (especially since without the reduced level scaling I wouldn’t want to sit around for an hour with a bunch of level 200 enemies)
  • Add ALL types of rivens, Primary, Shotgun, Secondary, Kitgun, Melee, Zaw, redeemable for Vitus Essence in Arbitration Honors.  Actual tangible rewards are pretty lackluster and there would be no reason to do them unless you wanted a bunch of the cosmetics.
  • Add Kuva to be redeemable for Vitus Essence in Arbitration Honors.  Add Kuva to the rotational reward pool.
  • Have arbitration shield drones permanently under the effects of an enemy radar so they function properly and run to you (solving the “enemies stuck across the map” bug)
  • Bind Vitus Essence to account like how cracking relics do so crashing or aborting the mission early doesn’t throw out all your hard earned work.



If you feel arbitrations can truly improve, I highly advise checking out my future post below to check out and upvote (if you like my ideas) or give an argument about.  But until then, we can ALL agree arbitrations right now are pretty cut and dry.

My thoughts on actually reading this update:



6 hours ago, [DE]Drew said:

Reduced Vitus Essence crafting cost for the Amber Star Blueprint from 2 to 1.

Any chance people who made a bunch of stars previously can get refunded some Vitus Essence?

6 hours ago, [DE]Drew said:

Fixed Void Dash colliding with Snowglobe. 

we've done it


Here's my current thoughts running around the new update:

I do not support Vacuum based mods automatically giving you Resurgence Burdens.  Make it a walk-on feature.  PLEASE.

HOLD ON, ARCHGUN RIVENS ARE 25 VITUS ESSENCE EACH? That's 4+ hours worth of grinding for a veiled archgun riven.  You know, the weapon that's only useful in Profit Taker?

And for some here are the images to the new items



Oh and here is your new aura forma (kudos to the guy a few pages in the forum thread)




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Thanks for the update.

  • Removed custom enemy level scaling from Defense, Survival, Interception, Excavation, Defection, and Infested Salvage modes in Arbitrations. Enemy scaling now mirrors normal Endless missions that increase as the missions progresses.

Great, this change alone goes a long way in making arbitrations more engaging.

It's also good to see arbitrations receiving more work and very importantly more rewards.

Also can we get a fix for the next arbitration disappearing if you just did one? 


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Thank you for the update.

I love these Arbitration changes, but will the fact Excavation is the only interesting mode for Arbitrations be addressed? Don't get me wrong, it is really fun doing Arbitrations in general, but doing Survival feels sluggish in comparison. We don't need to nerf Excavation, but we should learn from it. As a game mode, it let's you increase risk for more efficient reward rotations. Defection let's you do this slightly, but the variety of Arbitrations is mostly Survival/Defense/Interception due to solar map node distribution.

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ty 😉

also interesting? seems pretty useless 99% of the time

41 minutes ago, [DE]Drew said:

Also, enemies now have a chance to drop the elusive Aura Forma Blueprint! Craft Aura Forma to further customize your Warframe and fine-tune your Mod builds.


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While you are revisiting old game modes, can you maybe take a look at the Elite Sanctuary Onslaugth Reward table?
We are playing 22min for an useless neo relic (2 lith/meso relics and 1 photora scenes) and a few credits. It´s not worth the time we spend in that gamemode...

I´m currently trying to get the blazing step ephemera and have done 91 runs in the last 2-3 weeks witch are more than 33hours (22*91/60= 3.36)
33hours, the same 8 tilesets, the same enemies, the same useless rewards over and over and over and over again.
My Rot C rewards are currently:
51 Neo Relics!!! 51!! for 22min in a mission...
20 Endo(750)
7  Axi Relics
6  Peculiar mods (5 bloom, one growth)
3  Braton Stocks
2  Lato Barrels
1  Braton BP

71/91= 78% of the time a reward (neo relic/ endo) which noone needs in a rot c reward pool, which is always 20min and can´t be speed up

Maybe reduce the time if the efficiency is always above a certain value (like the hacking in the JV raid), make the rotations aabccccc or even abccccc, so we player have a reason to stay longer in there (and maybe this will increase score board competition) and remove unnecessary drops like the neo relics and give an increased chance for the braton/lato/peculiar/ephimera.

I´ll do the last 9runs so i get the 100, but this gamemode is so anti-fun that i currently don´t have any motivation to do anything more in Warframe.
I feel burned out and that by the boring and by far most repetitive gamemode...
(Yes I know it´s just a cosmetic I maybe won´t even wear, but that is no valid reason to hide it behind such a low dropchance in an unfun gamemode)
This is pure RNG and has nothing to do with skill/fun if you hear that others get it in their 3-5 for fun run, while your are spending hours to get it....


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1 hour ago, [DE]Drew said:

If any squadmate is awaiting Revival, the Arbitration Drones will begin dropping unique pickups known as a “Resurgence Burden”. These pickups function similar to Index points (otherwise known as “Financial Stress”), debuffing the players who carry them. 

Still think this is a terrible idea.

It changes nothing about incentives for tanky frames only, and unavoidable debuffs (if you can't drop the charges) just makes things snowball.


1 hour ago, [DE]Drew said:

Also, enemies now have a chance to drop the elusive Aura Forma Blueprint! Craft Aura Forma to further customize your Warframe and fine-tune your Mod builds.


While I'd've loved this 4 years ago when I started seriously formaing all my frames grumblegrumble This makes my obsessive 'build flexibility' imp very happy.
Congratulations, you've just succeeded (potentially) incentivizing me to start playing (certain) Abritrations again (assuming the droprate isn't unreasonable, imo).


OP changed:

1 hour ago, [DE]Drew said:

Also, a new Arbitrations reward has been added: the elusive Aura Forma Blueprint! Craft an Aura Forma to modify an Aura slot on a Warframe to be compatible with any Mod Polarity.


*Checks drop tables*

> 1.5%, 2%, 2.5%...

While I don't have duplicates, I don't sell Warframes either.

Considering how many of these I'd need...
Yeah, I'll pass.

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Love the arbitration changes, the aura polarity, and the fixes.


Other things that could use attention:



UX feedback:
* A hotkey should exist for searching inventory/trade/etc - CTRL-F or / would be reasonable
* Syndicate mods that you haven't qualified for have their names obscured, e.g. by "Requires Revered"
* Leave Squad should be available before mousing over your glyph in the top-left

Sound feedback:
* Too many menu sounds, please provide a way to disable these or change their volume
* Ambient ship + dojo sounds need a separate volume setting (currently controlled by sound effects)
* Message beep volume should have a separate setting (currently controlled by sound effects)
Other issues that have carried over from the older versions:

* Unbounded overlay map is very intrusive and needs a review (or a 3rd option) 

* Kuva placement and visibility problems on infested tiles

* Ability use should not be blocked while fishing spear is equipped

* Abilities should be able to target Firbolgs and Bolkors

* Gara's Splinter Storm should not break corpus windows when you run past
* Switching to/from operator with a high ping takes several seconds, e.g. 500ms ping takes 5s to switch sometimes
* Operator void dash frequently results in out of bounds and position reset, especially if you dash over water or over gaps in the map
* Energizing Dash does not work if you land running - I frequently need to walk backwards to trigger it

QoL improvements:
* Range for melee weapons should be listed in game. I'd be content with listing the base range so we can compare similar items, e.g. Orthos Prime vs other polearms. 
* Relic enrichment interface is awkward when enriching 10+ - click relic, click radiant, click ok, refresh screen, repeat. This should allow multiple, or at least not reset selection
* A "Hide Mastered" filter in arsenal+market would make it easier for new players to see what they need to work on still
* Nightwave cred offerings should hide blueprints for cosmetics you have when you select Hide Owned

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