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Aura forma cost too much


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To me it is perfectly fine. The aura slot is one of the biggest issues or debates people have with themselves. Which polarity would be best for the aura. Madurai for Growing power? Naramon for corrosive projection? Too many to choose, too many repolarizing or more warframe sets just so they could have a different Aura mod without it greatly affecting their builds. 

Weapons are much easier to farm for, and not that hard to figure out a build. Cernos does more impact while the Dread does more slash and the Paris or zhuge does more puncture. So not that hard to figure out which bow to use against which faction. 

And DE is not going to make something so easy, so quick, so boring because a few players don’t play that often. Make the game too easy or boring for everybody else just so a few can even do what they want in a short amount of time so they can go play other game or do other stuff. While leaving the majority of players bored of the game, waiting for the next big update that comes once or twice a year. There is a guy who has way more time spent in the game. And our warframe’s are almost equally polarized. Tell me why I have 10x more forma than him built? Because it only take 1 minute, 2 at most, to login everyday and build a forma. 1 good day to farm for forma. Not to mention the warframe app that allows you to build many items anywhere you go as long as you know what time you started building the previous one. 

Not that hard. Didn’t need handouts or favors when I started playing. And trust me I got bored quickly. But I kept pushing it. For a while I only spend like 1-2 minutes to get my logins and move on to something else. Instead of complaining that I made a choice to not login at all and demand DE give me all the new login rewards and event rewards. DE might as well give us a cheat code that allows us to have every warframe, weapon, pet, mods, and like 9,999,999,999 of every single resource and credit, if that is the kind of mind set people have. Make the game worth nothing. 

Edited by (PS4)chris1pat8twins
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On 2019-04-25 at 2:58 PM, DeathGold said:

only used on an aura slot , tell me how often do you switch your aura to a totally different polarity ?? not very often i assume 

If you think it's so useless, then why are you frustrated about not having one? If it's not worth the grind, then don't get it.

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Growing Power, Corrosive Projection, Rejuvenation, Power Donation.

All four of these auras that have a reasonable use at times--depending upon your team makeup or even solo capabilities, growing power and power donation may well equal corrosive projection without eating up everyones aura slots with it.  Rejuvenation is a solid soloing aura, and in a lighter healing team can deliver solid maintenance to keep people moving until they can bring their bigger heals to play.   It's remarkable how often a little team play or added utility is worth drastically more than armor reduction, and there are plenty of missions that armor reduction has no real use whatsoever.  It's always cute when some novice asserts that there is only one aura, or that you're never going to find a situation that switching is beneficial.

The situation we've had in the past is that we don't switch because it screws up polarities.  Very few switches are worth breaking the rest of the build to acquire, even if the aura mod itself is, on balance, more beneficial than the one you're set up for.  With the aura forma you don't have to consider that anymore.

A fair number of others have some measure of niche use, and even whole frame builds that benefit from them.  Being able to use whichever you want on the same frame lets you have a "main" frame without having duplicates laying around, and lets you adapt to situations that might present themselves.

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For some reason people seem to think that the only good aura is corrosive projection, 30% reduction is basically nothing on high level missions and in low level missions no one cares about armor since they one shot everything anyway, of course you can get 4 corrosives and get rid of 100% of the armor but with a good armor stripping weapon you don't need that, i'd much rather have something like rejuvenation or energy siphon or even an aura to boost my damage, so, aura forma is a really useful item, now, the cost, it's totally fine, it's the only way to have a build and change auras easily without worrying about loosing like 3 mods on the build, sometimes you need a lot of energy, sometimes more damage, in my opinion aura forma is a really good addition and has a really fair cost.

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On 2019-04-29 at 11:35 PM, Gentleman_Bird said:

If you think it's so useless, then why are you frustrated about not having one? If it's not worth the grind, then don't get it.

can you stop assuming stuff ? i never was frustrated about not having one , with my S#&$ty luck i'm pretty sure if i even try to farm arbitration i'm probs gonna get like 4 or 5 of these instead of something useful (like i dunnow ... endo ?) + it's totaly not worth the grind and there is no way in hell i'm gonna even go out of my way to farm for it unless it becomes worthwhile (which it isn't at this point in time)
also edit

On 2019-04-30 at 8:24 PM, adry306 said:

For some reason people seem to think that the only good aura is corrosive projection, 30% reduction is basically nothing on high level missions and in low level missions no one cares about armor since they one shot everything anyway, of course you can get 4 corrosives and get rid of 100% of the armor but with a good armor stripping weapon you don't need that, i'd much rather have something like rejuvenation or energy siphon or even an aura to boost my damage, so, aura forma is a really useful item, now, the cost, it's totally fine, it's the only way to have a build and change auras easily without worrying about loosing like 3 mods on the build, sometimes you need a lot of energy, sometimes more damage, in my opinion aura forma is a really good addition and has a really fair cost.

"a lot of energy " 0.6/sec is a lot ? it's pointless (zenurik exist + pizzas exists) "more damage" corrosive projection have more damage buffs than most weapon damage auras (even with only 1 equiped and going solo) also worrying about using 3 mods ? use 3 of those 4 formas instead and you can even do the same build while leaving the aura blank (aka having so much points to spare that a wrong polarity on the aura isn't that big of a deal) i think people over-estimate the amount of forma needed on frames , i mean they are not weapons like ignis or amprex where you have to 5 forma minimum to barely fit a build , most frames can have a full build with 0 forma and can be extremly flexible with 2 added polarities  

Edited by DeathGold
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1 hour ago, DeathGold said:

"a lot of energy " 0.6/sec is a lot ? it's pointless (zenurik exist + pizzas exists) "more damage" corrosive projection have more damage buffs than most weapon damage auras (even with only 1 equiped and going solo) also worrying about using 3 mods ? use 3 of those 4 formas instead and you can even do the same build while leaving the aura blank (aka having so much points to spare that a wrong polarity on the aura isn't that big of a deal) i think people over-estimate the amount of forma needed on frames , i mean they are not weapons like ignis or amprex where you have to 5 forma minimum to barely fit a build , most frames can have a full build with 0 forma and can be extremly flexible with 2 added polarities  

I guess you could say that about the energy, but those pizzas cost resources, maybe you are going against infestation and don't really need corrosive so you put an energy siphon there to try and compensate those stupid parasitic, and there are another useful operator schools, and as i said about corrosive, if you have an armor stripping weapon armor is not a problem and if stripping armor to every enemy is too much there are frames that can do that easily (Saryn, Mag etc) and leveling up frames is the worst so I just preffer to rank up once instead of 3 times for those 3 formas (maybe that's just me tho)

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  • 3 weeks later...

Only thing that warrants an aura forma are frames like nova that have a very different second build that use a different aura or can just utilize power donation other than that growing power, Rejuvenation, Corrosive projection the only main 3 mods you’ll ever need for most frames 

3 forma instead of 4 would look nice I guess 3 is reasonable since exilus is 2 forma 

Edited by (PS4)CodyXSavageX
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Cost is just fine for what it does and it's not remotely required for play or even min-max; it's purely for build diversity.  People saying there's only 1-2 aura's worth using aren't trying or haven't even looked at the list.  CP is nearly worthless against anything not called Grineer.  Looking at the list there are easily 5-6 other useful aura's that are NOT called Corrosive Projection and are not AMP/Damage scalers, across different polarities.  

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On 2019-04-26 at 5:30 AM, (PS4)AbBaNdOn_IGN said:

Universal forma slots??  Wow I said we needed this on weapons (at 1 forma per slot) so it would encourage us to forma every slot in our gear.....

Even if its just for Aura I think its TOTALLY worth it!!!   All you gotta do is look at the list of aura's and see how many useful ones their are.   Some frames need every ounce of mod capacity you can squeeze out of them so taking other aura's even if you want to isnt really an option.  

I think if they were just going to do this crap to Aura this is a pretty scummy way of doing it.....It would have been waaaaay nicer to make ever aura be the same mod compacity,  and make every aura NO polarity or the same polarity...    Instead they turn it into a plat sink....

That kind of thing is usually a sign the game is starting to die.   Less people playing so they start trying to squeeze platinum from free players more and more...  ( This is not suprising to me.   If they continue making all the new content Lv45+ and hard like profit-taker,exploiter,fractures,  tridolons,  arbitrations,  ESO,   Casual gamers are going to quit.   Hardcore gamers will have less people to play with so some of them will also quit... and it will death spiral from there until its a 5 man dev crew making garbage content..... example =   Daybreak - DCUO)

You say this like the option to pay for forma and stuff is a new addition... Thinks you're reading the signs wrong, you used to have to pay for revives.

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  • 1 month later...
On 2019-04-25 at 2:58 PM, DeathGold said:

only used on an aura slot , tell me how often do you switch your aura to a totally different polarity ?? not very often i assume 

Depends on the 'frame, but the 'frame that has this forma in frequently shifts between Growing Power and CP/ES, depending on mission needs. 

So, yeah, it has use. 

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